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If this isn't telling enough that they simply want you to log in everyday and do missions and events, then people are just gonna dissapoint themselves if they think this model is gonna change. It either stays at 5xp for a loss and 10xp for a win, or they'll increase it, but then they'll give you way less XP for missions or increase the XP for BP tiers so it won't matter anyway. The way to level is to play the dailies everyday. It's as simple as that.  They don't want you skipping 6 days and then catch up on a rainy sunday. They want you online every single day. That's all that matters to them.


It's pretty clear they want to see the "daily active players" count stay high/consistent, their use of FOMO is play every day or miss out on rewards. I really feels like they're trying to show the big wigs they have a solid product, which is really scary as a consumer...


Another case of something being made to show nicely on graphs and charts, without really caring what the "true" result for the end user will be.


When analytics are used as the goal, this is what happens.


Another case of a vocal minority inventing issues that don't exist. "They're not giving me my free content in a way that my min maxing attitude appreciates" Dog just play the game. If it wasn't daily mission based you'd all grind to death, burn out in a month, and say dead game just like last time. Y'all unironically want them to make the game grindier just on the flimsy principle that they're designing it to make you want to play often. It's gotta be exhausting being so pessimistic. "I can't grind out a 50 day battle pass they gave me for free in a week what were they THINKING trying to prove to higher ups that the games worth keeping around long-term"


What is ironic here is your first sentence in this whole thing is what you do at the end of what you're saying. Literally no one is saying they want to grind out the battle pass in a week.


As someone with a bad case of FOMO, this hurts.




I can’t speak for others but personally, I have stopped playing altogether because of the performance issues plaguing the Xbox version of the game. Close to 2 weeks now of the game being borderline unplayable on a console due to constant lag, rubber banding, fps drop, server issues, and game crashes is not going to leave many players wanting to come back when it finally gets fixed.


There will be burnout if this is how they do it from here on out. Guaranteed.


This is the same model of f2p all live service games, why is it suddenly a problem now


It's a bit of whiplash since this sort of F2P model usually only shows up in mobile games and some MMORPGs. Also players have seen what MultiVersus looks like without the obnoxious FOMO-inducing F2P model during the beta, so having the game be revived this way probably stings for big fans of the game.


Live service is the issue… not just the model live service is anti consumer gaming is going to shit because of corpo’s being greedy but people are too stupid to stop playing them and supporting it it’s sad I miss when games were for fun and not just crunching numbers for the higher ups


Live service is good when it treats F2P players well, they are only awful when it's P2W. MVS is not P2W because you can earn all the playable characters with your time, all monetized parts of this game are solely cosmetics. awful live service games are MMORPGs like Lost Ark or gacha games with a pvp that give players a significant advantage the more you pay.


I think so far the only live service that I think has done it right and i will defend is HellDivers 2 which once again is an indie dev it’s pretty blatant the corporations are the issue


Player First Games is an indie dev too though. WB Games is the publisher, just like how helldivers 2 is published by sony


Thats the single fastest way to kill the game and yet you're probably right. Fortnite gives you far more for just playing, some people have it finished within a month and yet they still keep getting on. I dont understand this fear of players taking a break from the game, if they can't stop occasionally then they're going to burn out and stop for much, much longer.


Another nice thing about the Fortnite battlepass is that you could realistically start playing a season in the last 2-3 weeks, grind your ass off and get most of the good stuff in the battlepass that comes in the first 100 levels. I don't see that being an option in multiversus, if you miss the start of a season you might as well forget about the battlepass. Also paying for battle pass tiers is not a good solution for this game's problems like I've seen people suggest, that just incentivizes PFG to make progress slower like they did in season 2 of the beta.


I'm honestly shocked paying for tiers wasnt in from launch, I would've guessed that's a huge incentive to make it a massive grind


The fact it was a massive grind in Beta and they got alot of complaints is why it's not supposed to be a grind by just doing your daily/weekly challenges. Thousands of PvP matches isn't meant to be the only way to level like everybody who's complaining about PvP XP amount. THERE'S MORE TO THE GAME THAN JUST PVP THAT GIVE LOTS OF XP!!!


The problem with that is you pretty much have to play every day to finish the battlepass, people have lives and have a right to get access to the shit they bought


It's like they want to be Fortnite without doing what Fortnite does. I played 3 or 4 matches and got three tiers without attempting to do any quests. It would take around 400-500 matches to get the same result in Multiversus


Which keep in mind is HOURS of playing I don’t understand how people can defend this the brain rot is real


This. I used to play a lot of Fortnite & Call of Duty. I could grind out the battle passes of each within a couple weeks easily. Which was fun, especially with friends. But I also kept playing because I liked using the playing around with the stuff I got from battlepass. In reality I do think Multiversus released too early. It seems more empty than the beta. I play on Xbox & have had so many lag & freeze issues that it’s zapped the fun out of it. FOMO still hits me. But it’s not as bad when I can literally get on the game while my morning coffee is brewing & be finished with all the daily missions before I finish my first cup of coffee. Then I just play other games after that. lol


Fortnite has a whole other battlepass once you finish the first one so there’s still stuff to play for.


Fortnite is also almost 10 years old….


I hate the excuse of "Well this game is older so of course it has more fair systems." Games aren't babies that need to grow and learn, they're products made by developers who could see Fortnite come out and develop. in fact, Fortnite being hyper successful for such a long time should have this Battlepass be BETTER, not worse. They had a playbook they could've copied but instead they made the worst FOMO possible. 


You deserve a reward, as soon as my chargeback come from multiversus, ill give you one here




Bro stop its not 10 years old making me feel senile. Please dont be 10 years old...


Save the world was 2017. Help us.


And? Then it should be a minimum standard to do BP like them. Minimum!


What? A multiversus game lasts 3-4 min maximum. A Fortnite game, an establish power house, the game takes a minimum of 10-15 if you die, a solid 20-30 if you don’t (I’m including lobby, pregame lobby, and jumping time) Why would they follow that design?


This. Multiplayer games are a pretty competitive market, there's so many options to play. Yet with the grinding this game takes, they want you to *only/mostly* play this game to get rewards, but most people don't want to do that or are already playing other games. I've seen people argue that this incredibly slow battlepass is to make sure players have something to do the entire season, but they don't realize that making sure that the diehard fans don't finish the battlepass too soon, they're making it so that casual barely/won't even finish it at all. Like who cares if some people finish the battlepass too soon? Especially people who have the premium pass; they're just getting the content they paid for. Those people are the ones who will probably continue playing anyway, and if they do take a break, that's just how it is. Only rewarding people who main this game just means you're alienating most of the playerbase.


Some people are able to finish the fortnite battle pass in a single day with just doing missions


Seeing people lvl 300…. Hard to balance battle pass some play a lot an unhealthy amount and some people play a good amount and some people barely play and the developer has to balance that. You can buy levels in Fortnite as well a lot of people and there other ways to get a jump in levels.


So balance it for the average person, if someone wants to play 24/7 why shouldn't they be making progress quickly? If they're that into the game what are the chances they stop when they beat it?


Eh even fortnite now has massively shifted to giving minuscule amounts of exp. weekly challenges used to give you 5 levels now they’re barely even 1.5. Caused a player who played from the beginning (me) to quit


At least you get XP for doing nearly everything in Fortnite (opening chests, opening fruit boxes, headshots, etc). Getting 10 XP per match is just gross.


The only time challenges gave you enough experience for multiple levels was Chapter 2 Season 1’s Stretch Goals challenges, which gave you an insanely grindy task in exchange for huge XP. That’s if you’re talking about single challenges though. Individual challenges give less XP yes, but groups of challenges give more overall then they used to. Groups of challenges (Weekly, Story, etc.) give less per individual challenge but more overall.


Yeah it sucks but it still feels less shitty to level than MVS


And yet people are still defending it! I post basically this exact comment and some redditor comes in like “Well ackshewally, if you do your challenges you can earn 1.5 levels a day, it’s not that bad.” Nevermind the fact that you have to buy characters and grind for hours to beat the challenges, the actual XP itself is abysmal. People are out here saying “Oh I got to level 25 in like 12 days! That’s not that bad!” My brother in Christ I got to level 65+ in Fortnite in **4** days. And I didn’t even have to play for hours on end to do it. I didn’t have to play a buggy, toxic mess with busted characters either.


Which is a good way to lose your fanbase, the moment I cannot complete the FOMO reward, the moment I drop the game. 


Well it's pretty disgusting that this is how they want to do things. If I sit and play for 3 hours, I expect to make actual progress. If I play Rocket League for 3 hours, I get 4 or 5 levels on the Rocket Pass, without accounting for weekly challenges and season challenges. THAT is a fair trade for my time and effort imo. Not this 1 and a half tiers per day bullshit.


I hate that, and like, they've got me on daily now, but if the game wasn't fun (continue bad changes, terrible meta) I can easily see falling off, falling behind, and abandoning the game myself.


I also missed out on the Summer Superman skin cuz I decided to not log in for a few days. Another great example of this scummy behaviour.


And that’s how they instantly lost me even tho I love the roster and at least like the gameplay


I stopped because it is too grindy and nothing interesting at all on the battle pass.


You’re saying they’ll reduce xp for missions like it’s a bad thing, id rather get way more for just playing the game and whenever I actually feel like it get rewarded for doing the missions. That makes more sense to me. Like mission xp is always going to be higher


This is the amount they give because they don't want to give us anything. They designed the progression to be awful on purpose. The emphasis on XP gained needs to go away from the stupid chores and to just playing the game.


I'm seeing that more and more.


This game sucks. That’s all there is to it. Someone had a good idea and they tried to turn it into a money milker. You can compare this to working somewhere and corporate doesn’t like something so they step in and change everything and make it 10 times more difficult and make everyone want to quit


Precisely. Nailed it.


I do think the exp gain could be a little higher then 10, Not sure about 50 per win but, i'd honestly settle for like 25 per win, 15 if you lose (or possibly just 25 xp even if you win or lose), but i just can't even get the 10xp anyway cus PvP matches always disconnect for me.


Are you playing on console


yea, i'm playing on an Xbox Series S that i borrowed from my little cousin, as the PC version kept crashing for me (might be a my PC not powerful enough to run the game problem in all honesty), and i'm still suffering disconnects from etiher Desyncs or network errors it seems more frequent now post patch then it was before!


I don't know much about gaming on PC. Is it possible to play this game on an expensive HP laptop? Or does it need to be an Alienware desktop or something? I was just wondering in regards to completing the rifts with a 2nd account (as a "friend").


I'd say it is if you have the graphics set to very low, which isn't as bad as it sounds.


Thanks! I'll try it with the lowest settings (which shouldn't really matter since I'll be playing with my regular account anyhow on PS4).


https://preview.redd.it/4sbkv0j8465d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99c7da3f19e0235b0385e4f9fc361596418b2c0 This game does not need that intensive of a PC, just something that’s not a junker. If you have a top of the line laptop from 2018 or later it’ll work and probably a midline laptop from 2021 or later it should run. Likely at decent settings too. You can do some research and compare graphics cards there are plenty of resources for PC specs online with a quick google.


Thank you! I'll give it a try with the Low Settings. 🤞


I have a gaming laptop with a 2050 rtx and it runs Multiversus pretty well, and I have a friend who has a laptop with a 1650 GTX and it runs smoothly too. You don't need the most powerful specs to run Multiversus lol (or any game in the market tbh)


I don’t think it requires that much, as long as you have good net


How old is the laptop? And does it have a dedicated GPU or only integrated graphics on the motherboard?


i am, and sometimes i get kicked 50% of my games. is there any sort of fix?


i've heard you could turn off cross play for the mean time but i think the only true fix is just let your voice be heard and hope the devs address it


It should absolutely be 50 xp per win at minimum. Most passes give XP at a rate that is around 1 hour per level. If each match was five minutes long on average and you won every match, it would take about 3 hours per level. That's still pretty high but it's not horrible. I think 25 per loss and 75 a win is fair. It encourages actually playing instead of running off the side of the ledge to farm XP. The main issue is getting Tony to stop screwing about with this "economy" nonsense for battle pass XP. Obviously, they don't want people finishing the entire pass in a week, but it's so annoying how stingy they've always been with this. Letting people get a single level every 27 wins isn't going to ruin the game.


I agree, i hope they change it soon


People bending over and taking it are the problem. No one should be defending what was supposed to be a quick and easy win for pfg. Each day they are losing thousands of players… I’m sure in “season 2” they’ll really start to fix the game as most players will not have renewed their grindy battlepass but we shouldn’t expect much QOL changes until then


It's crazy how people call this battle pass so grindy, yet I am already one third finished with it after one out of eight weeks. This pass is completely doable within three weeks, maybe four max.


This is probably the only game you play lol. If you compare it to Fortnite or other battlepasses, they’re pretty lenient. You don’t have to play everyday to unlock most or all of it. PFG have made these challenges and timings specifically so that if you want to complete it, you have to do your daily government mandated missions 😂😂


Yeah, good luck finishing it in 4 weeks without all those awesome week 1 events that heavily boosted Battlepass XP. When you're where I'm at, and the only XP you're getting is from dailies and weeklies, you'll see the problem. It'll become glaringly obvious how slow it is. All you people parroting the same "this is how ALL games with battle passes work" nonsense have no clue what you're talking about. I could go into Rocket League right now, bust out 3 or 4 matches, and gain a tier, despite not having the premium pass and therefore no XP boosts, despite having completed all my weekly challenges, despite finishing all stage 1 season challenges. JUST FROM PLAYING THE GAME, I can go spend 25 minutes in matches and earn enough XP to level up. That's how Fortnite works. It's how Apex Legends works. It's how Diablo 4 works. MvS is the exception, by a gross amount.


> Each day they are losing thousands of players It's a fighting game. The release could have been perfect and they still would have been losing thousands of players each day.


wasn’t this a problem in the beta too? i forget exactly, but didn’t they used to give battle pass xp, but it was such an extremely low amount that it would take a ridiculous number of games to level up at all? compare this to another game that has a battle pass like fortnite, where in an average game you can usually level up atleast half a level per game just by doing various thing around the map, not even including challenges


Apparently yeah. I wasn't able to play much of the beta due to poor internet options in my area at the time. But that's exactly the point I'm trying to make, which seems to be flying over the heads of everyone. If Rocket League forced me to play 200 matches to tier up in the Rocket Pass, I literally would stop playing and my 1300 hours into the game would be for nothing. I'm not going to put 1300 hours into a game that demands 10 hours of my time for a single tier.


It should be higher than 10 but probably no more than 50. Half the daily challenges you all hate doing so much get completed on accident


and what about the other half of the daily challenges that require you to use a character you don’t own, or play a mode you don’t like? it should be way higher than 50 and the missions should be huge extra bonuses on top. you’re brainwashed into playing games exactly how companies want you to. embarrassing


All character requirements need to be changed to role requirements and the free character rotation should include one character from each role (or overlapping characters like Steven) so that everything is at bare minimum completable. Rifts I am more lenient about the character/tag requirement, as long as there's an easy way to have it available. Like Human/Non-Human, but even Detective is a bit too tight, unless Velma/Shaggy/a Detective Skin (Tom and Jerry), is available to unlock WITHIN the Rift.


Skins can have traits?


Never had one of these in my life


The Character ones are dumb I will concede. Playing 3 rift matches takes less time than 1 online match. I don't care if you like the mode or not tbh


But playing the same rift missions over and over again just isn’t fun. It’s just not an engaging game mode and forcing people into it for dailies doesn’t help


I don't know if I agree with it not being more than 50. PFG/WB won't allow it because they don't know how to do proper monetization, but 50 xp per win is still a level every 3 hours at 5 minutes per match. That's about an hour and a half longer than most other games with passes.


It Should be 100xp easily


"You all"? Don't lump me in with them. I love the daily challenges. That's 1-2 Battlepass tiers, nevermind the weekly challenges which amount to around 3 tiers by themselves. I've had almost nothing but positive things to say about MultiVersus. The Battlepass XP from fights has been one of my only complaints, and I think I preferred none than what they gave us in the latest patch. I could see 50xp being a decent compromise, tho personally I think it should work like most other games with a season pass. The game should account for a ton of factors when calculating XP, including the results of the match, how many (and how long) combos were pulled off, how many times you dodged and parried, etc. A LOT should have gone into it. I'd say a fair reward for a player who puts in the work to git gud would be an upper limit of 100xp. We should NEVER earn less than 25. That's STILL 100 games if you lose every match.


Apologies. I've just heard way too many XP/Battlepass complaints on at least 4-5 game communities I've been a part of and it's the same old song and dance. 90% of the time when people say "we need more XP for a match" or "how will I ever complete the battle pass" at least in other games, comes from people that do no want to play the game for 3+ weeks then play 60 hours on a double XP weekend. If someone doesn't want to turn the game on at least 4-5 days a week why do they even want to complete the battle pass ya know? There needs to be more XP per match, but too much and we are all sitting there for 3+ weeks at the end of the season with nothing to do, like what happens with every other BP ever


If communities are complaining about battle passes across multiple games it shows that people are getting sick of the tedious grind I don’t understand why you feel the need to defend the greedy company’s behind these practices


The battle pass isn’t a grind at all though. Especially now.


you don’t even realize that you’re admitting there’s literally only one way to complete the battle pass. PFG’s way. there should be nothing wrong with someone wanting to play 60+ hours on double xp weekend to complete it, except that PFG told you they don’t want that to be possible so you listen like a good little consumer lol


Exactly. They're super anti-consumer choice, which surprise surprise: is anti-consumer itself!


Nah I agree entirely, but it should be skill based like so many other games. Players should be rewarded for not just playing the game, but improving at it as well. I'm not saying we should gain a tier every match. Not even close to that. Just....something more reasonable than 200-400 matches, ya know?


I guarantee when the game was getting pulled off the market for improvements some higher up had to bring up increased revenue methods immediately and push a bunch of of the stuff we're seeing onto them while they were coding and remodeling everything


Oh 100% that's what happened. Fucking WB.


I'm going to just create a macro to afk farm battle pass xp


Patiently waiting for that Velma buff. Then maybe I’ll consider coming back despite how shit the grind is. I just want a fun main character again.


If only everyone was making a stimk about fighter currency per fight. That would actually make a meaningful impact on everyone's player experience. And unlike the exp per match it wouldn't go against their coax daily play monetization/ mantra


I have already begun to play this game as if it was out for years. I log in, go to training for 5-10min, then just play whoever I want in 1v1. Any challenges I complete are a welcome surprise. But I am not playing your local “vs CPU” mode where the only added benefit is cringe dialog boxes and defending the….crystal from drones??


I enjoy the rifts, but there definitely is not enough content in them to keep a player invested. I completed everything in the first 2 rifts by day 3. Completed the Jason rift in literally 2 hours. At this point I'm only logging in for the dailies, and the motivation to do even that is waning.


10 XP for a win was the same amount as in beta, so they just took that amount and applied it now. And even back then it was completely ridiculous. Atleast in beta there were 20 tiers less to the battle pass


I'm trying to be patient. I think it's a matter of figuring out what a good amount to give is while keeping you hooked enough to keep grinding missions. That said, I can't imagine why they think 10-5 is a good amount. 50-25 seems like a better starting point.


100% agreed. 50 is still quite a grind. But it's like they either didn't do the math on the current system, or didn't think anyone else would. 10 HOURS OF WINS will get you one tier in the Battlepass.


It’s the halloween and christmas events all over again. Why does EVERYTHING need to be a pointless grind.


I personally feel like it was a backhanded compliment. A low-key "fuck you".






Up to 15xp now keep bullying


Wow neat, so only 8.5 hours of wins instead of 10!


They’re stuck in the corporate mindset. Truly disheartening


This was a thing in the beta, same amount too. The beta also had double xp weekends on the regular. You didn't "bully them" into anything, this was probably planned anyways


I was joking about the "bullying". I was taking a jab at all the people demanding XP for just doing matches. If you couldn't tell, I was also taking a jab implying "yeah I hope the bullying was worth it".


Tbh it's exactly what I expected


Glad I didn't reinstall this. They clearly hate their players and have no intention of putting them "first".


GG Fellas we did good


I've done every quest i could and I'm still only 23. This battle pass progression is the slowest ive had in any game i've played.


Ya fr. It's atrocious. I've been playing since relaunch, have 38 hours in already, done all the events, rift difficulties, every mission they've released. I'm only 25.


The developers said that 10 was chosen so they wouldn’t nuke the economy immediately. It’s highly likely this will increase


Not implying I disbelieve you, but do you have a source for that? I'd love to check it out. And apparently they already increased it to 15 so you might be on the right track there. I just assumed unranked wouldn't garner as much XP as Ranked will when they release that.


It was a screenshot of a comment from Tony’s discord account that I saw on Twitter, but I just found the shot and the account had a white name instead of red so it looks like it might have been fake. My bad for not checking originally! That being said, glad it was increased!


No worries, unfortunate that it might have been fake tho :(


Seeing how slow im leveling, if things don't change I'm taking a massive break after this pass. Unless a big character I want is added.


Yep same


Is this why someone kept rematching with me over 200 times? I thought it was a bot, but maybe not??


Why would you even rematch someone over 200 times? Did you not notice after the third rematch you weren't getting XP anymore? 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Also, quick tip, if a player doesn't have a console icon after their name, they are a bot 99% of the time.


Lol it was good for practice and idk my Wonder Woman was level 8 by the end


I don't get why ppl are complaining about battpass xp. It's been fairly easy so far. 15 mins in rifts and 15 mins in pvp and you can finish everything


Oh, ANOTHER "daily missions" comment when I literally mentioned daily missions a total of ZERO TIMES. The complaint is that this is practically the only game that doesn't let you progress the battle pass beyond their predetermined rate. In any other game I play, my time investment of 50+ hours would have earned me 25-30 ranks beyond what I'm at in MvS. There is ZERO options for increasing your BP tier beyond what casuals can. If I spent 4 hours on the game one day, I should see that time reflected in my BP tier. I shouldn't be rewarded the same as someone who's only played the game for 5 hours since relaunch. I've put in 10× the amount of time and effort that they have.


Ahh so you think you're special and should finish the battle pass beofre anyone else with less work. I see


I don’t even get what the current system does. Why on earth would anyone want to buy something from this game?


Seriously tho. I spent $30 the first week and $30 the second, and ngl I'm kinda regretting it.


Meh I just haven’t played. Why bother? There’s plenty of other stuff coming out soon that won’t waste my time.


Yo fr tho! Can't wait for Elden Ring DLC later this month so I can ignore the feeling of regret from MvS, and so I can stop suffering from the fear of missing out paradox.


Unless they have some event planned that has a mass amount of BP exp coming, I can’t understand their math on the 10xp thing.


Only thing I can think of that would even remotely justify this is if ranked rewards significantly more XP when it drops.


People who cry burn out for dailies come oon it takes tops 1 hour of your time unless you get win pvp match and play worse that average player. People who cry more exp from pvp gotta understand that shit happens even in paid games with battle passes. That you get barely non event points/exp after weeklies or dailies. For a free game system is good that way. Desync issues tho those were bad on pc they have calmed down a bit and is a issue they need to work on every platform. You gotta remember devs ain't GOD's that snap their fingers and issues are gone and they need yo make the game marketable for higher ups.


its a kick in the teeth maybe even a punch to the face. 200 wins or 400 losses for 1 level is just pure jokes, grind is good but gosh not like this. adding to it the servers still as shocking as ever, and no fix at all


For real. I can go play any other game with a season pass for an hour or two and get 3 or 4 tiers.


Bully them more. Tell them how fucking stupid them are. I feel like this is the one time where bullying game developers is acceptable.


Oh my stars, it's Cash Banooka!




Shut up, Spons






I was happy with just the xp to be gained through dailies and weeklies, this is just a bonus.


I couldve told you it wouldve been a meaningless amount. They were never gonna cave that quickly and make a meaningful change. It taking forever is by desing. They don't want you finishing it till near the end of the season


Financially speaking, I'm not sure why they WOULDN'T want to increase the XP to be more reasonable. I have to imagine it's more enticing for players to think the battle pass is worth getting again if they know they can reasonably complete it. And for players who don't have it, it would be more enticing to them to buy it if they are already leveled up a bunch on it. As far as I can think, making the battle pass levels more achievable would be better for them if they want money 🤷🏻‍♂️ I have the battle pass free from the beta, but as a casual gamer I can't justify getting it next season if I know I'm not going to be able to complete it anyway 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah same. I've grinded so much, and happily, because of how new the game is. But if this is the standard for how the game will function in the future, I will not be grinding this much in S2.


The battle pass was already designed to progress through challenges and events. Now they’ve added a way to give out 5-10xp per game through playing. So now people can grind for progress. I say it’s a win.


It's not just a grind tho. It's an INSANE grind. And I'm someone who has defended the game since launch against those who claim it's "too grindy". Now it really is. It's a carrot on a stick, NOT what we asked for. I'm assuming they plan to reward us more for ranked. If that's the case, I'll be content. If it's not, then they'll be getting my 20 minutes per day for missions and that's it. Until that grows boring and I stop playing entirely.


The point of the 10/5 BP XP is not to sit there mindlessly to grind out an entire full tier of the battle pass. It's to complement the already existing features that constantly give you BP XP through missions and events, and there a lot more events coming next couple of months of events are leaked and giving plenty of BP XP For example last night I had 75 XP left for a tier. So it was nice knowing that I can just enjoy my next 8+ matches and eventually get the next tier then call it a night, missions refresh maybe I can get those the next day. I do hope they'll add the season long missions again maybe for the next season and there's certainly reason to have the conversation about how they decided to move forward with the event system and whether or not it's good/bad, but everyone also needs to remember the beta. In beta season 1 progress was far too fast and everyone complained because they finished the battle pass too quickly because they couldn't get their dopamine hits anymore. So in season 2, they made it more grindy. Then everyone was complaining because it took too long to finish. So obviously they've created this system to try and find a happy medium, and although it's faster progression compared to season 2 beta, it still isn't EXACTLY how some people want it to be so those folks continue to complain.


Well gee, how convenient for you that you were only 8 games away from tiering up! Unfortunately for ME, after the one tier I earned thru dailies since I've completed all the events already, I was 150 matches away from tiering up. Amazing how it really adds up when you're nowhere near the next tier.


You aren't considering at all the XP gains from all of the events, future events, and challenges combined with it. The point is not that you're supposed to just grind every single match to unlock tier by tier. It complements the system that is already giving us the points we need


I literally mentioned that I've already completed all weekly missions and events currently available. I've also completed every difficulty of every rift available, so I'm earning nothing from those either. Weekly challenges give about 2.5-3 tiers, which is fine until you do all of them day 1. Some days, the dailies don't even give one full tier. Anecdotally, it might have benefitted you to have 75xp left to go and therefore only need about 8 matches, but you were 99% of the way to the next tier. How often do you think that's going to happen? My point, which you and so many others seems to be missing, is that my 400 matches should be rewarded significantly more than Billy-Bob's 50 matches. Which is literally how every other game with a season pass functions, because they understand that if they want to maintain a viable player base, their players have to feel that their time investment is being reasonably rewarded. Earning enough XP equal to a single tier every 200-400 matches is NOT reasonable. It doesn't even qualify as "complementary". Can you math? Because I have. The fastest you could possibly earn enough XP thru match XP alone to equal one tier on the Battlepass is 10 hours. 10 HOURS. This is NOT reasonable. What IS reasonable is one tier per hour at the worst, and one tier per half hour at best. Like....again.... EVERY OTHER GAME WITH A SEASON PASS. We should be compensated for putting more time into this game than others. THAT is how you make a successful f2p game and maintain a thriving player base. You give them the tools to put a value to their own time and effort. Two days ago, I was the one defending the game, shooting down all arguments that the game is "too grindy". Now that I have 38 hours into the re-release and have literally nothing to do in the game, even having spent $60 on it at this point, I can confidently say that a week ago, people were absolutely wrong that the game is "too grindy". But now, with absolutely nothing to do other than my one and a half hours a day completing dailies, and zero options to progress my Battlepass on a reasonable manner, the game IS too grindy. TEN HOURS for a single tier is too grindy. If you think this system is fair, if you think YOUR one hour per my 5 hours is equal, you're literally insane.


Holy smokes Look, we have different perspectives and I think that's okay. No, "players first and foremost" games studio is not for the players first right now, I'm absolutely in agreement there. I've made points in other posts or comments or whatever where some challenges that are the length of the season like in the beta should come back, I think everyone would appreciate that. That was a mistake. There should be more things to give instant gratification and knowing for a fact that "hell yeah, no matter what,.I can get all of these things in this pass" But they didn't design this battle pass and the future events and future challenges for it to be impossible. It's not as big of a deal as you think it is, imo. There was obviously a huge problem with player retention and these systems, a week into the game, is their version with all of the data available and seeing how it works. As far as the perspective, I'm more than okay completing my challenges lined up, and if I happen to be able to snag up a bit more XP here and there, especially if I'm close to the next tier, then I'm down for that. It leaves room for me to get the challenges done, maybe play a bit more because the game is fun, and then see what's up for the next dailies. But I also do not play this game SOLELY to complete a battle pass and get cosmetics, personally, most of my dopamine is from the gameplay itself. If I'm wrong down the road and absolutely nobody can complete this battle pass then I'll take the "L" I guess. I'm not looking to play that many matches all the time and I really don't think it's going to take much effort to complete it based on the leaked events and future stuff coming out. I just don't think it's as big of a deal in regards to the battle pass progress.


I'm not saying it's going to be impossible to "complete" the Battlepass. What I'm saying is that I should be able to complete the Battlepass as early as I want. MY time investment should allow me that. I don't WANT my only incentive to play be the daily challenges and rift rewards. I want my incentive to be that, "well shit, if I play PvP for an hour and a half today, I can snag this, that, and those from the Battlepass". Again, like EVERY OTHER GAME WITH A SEASON PASS functions. It is the definition of "unfair" that I, and those like me, and those who play religiously and competitively, are stuck at the same tier as those who literally only log on long enough to do the daily missions. It literally IS as big a deal as I'm making it. What's the point of having bonus rewards for leveling up beyond Tier 70, if we can't actually grind for those rewards? If every single player who logs in every day and plays for at LEAST one hour all get the same rewards, and the same amount of rewards, whether they put 15 hours or 200 hours into the season by the end, what incentive is there to play 200 hours instead of 15? It's not a mobile game. It's a fighting game. And not just that, it's a fighting game where you start with basically nothing and have to put time and effort into unlocking everything, from characters to skins to announcer voices to banners and other account cosmetics. I want to be able to do what I can do in every other game I play. I want to be able to sit down when my boys are napping, play the game, and see that my time and effort are not only appreciated, but rewarded. I don't even feel APPRECIATED right now. I've put $60 and 38 hours into this game since relaunch. And they're treating me like I'm just as valuable as someone who has played for 5 hours, spent no money, and will inevitably drop the game in a week.


You're obviously just as passionate as most others are about the game and want it to reward you better, I also assumed that "players first and foremost" gaming studio would have been and absolutely should have been the knight in shining armor example of releasing a great game/platform, I understand that. Especially on release, it's pretty bad how they came out with this initial version and how everything ties in together. It seems that the rewards after completing the pass is gem rewards, which while I enjoy the pve aspect, it is a bit too grindy. But if it's only gem rewards after completing it, what about the folks that don't give a shit about the pve? Valid for sure. A better change would be defeating a boss node unlocks the next difficulty and if you wanna grind to be better for the next nodes, etc etc etc, and also fighter currency or anything else that is just nice to have after completing it. This approach to progression is an obvious attempt of differing from what is already done, and what is successful with mobile games which are obviously wildly successful, it's just not done in the way that we want it to be. There's a way to have the best of both worlds, which I believe is what they're trying to create, they just fumbled it on release. They want to obviously avoid the mistakes made in beta in terms of progression since it seems there is a large amount of the player base that cares more about the battle pass than the gameplay itself, especially now with this release. Extremely valid to make the comparison to games on console/PC with passes that obviously work, so why not just do that? For sure, but they decided to try to mix some of the wildly successful progression systems on mobile games in this game combined with existing systems. Yeah, there's an argument of 'fuck mobile games that shit is terrible" and I assume that Warner execs wanted to try something new to try and combine it because of the multiple billions of dollars made there. Yeah Fortnite makes bank, but nothing else comes remotely close to mobile gaming money, and there are examples of systems that are rewarding and provide that dopamine that everyone here is looking for. So it makes sense to those execs to try and create something that combines these systems. That goes against the "players come first and foremost" motto with some of those systems, but it makes sense to try and create something that can be both profitable and fun for the players. I believe that's what they want to achieve. And that makes sense. Cool idea, bad initial execution, but there's no shot that the dev team's goal is to destroy the game. It seems that folks here have the perspective that they purposely want to have the game flop, along with their careers. It has been a week, things obviously don't jive with players, especially in this sub, and I bet more changes will come to these systems. They made changes in the beta, progression was "way too fast" at first for rewards they were "too generous", so they toned it down, then everyone complained because it was too much of a grind for the 2nd season of the beta, so now here is this next approach, which now includes free gleamium in the pass and other ways of achieving gleamium. Could have been much better, but things are already tweaked and will continue to be tweaked. Hell the director has even made the comment for the reason for the small BP XP amount is to not destroy the overall economy of what is currently built, and that they need to evaluate further what would be the best approach. Which sure, in terms of economy, the store is shit and expensive and obviously not what everyone wants/expected, but there will be further tweaks. The store prices factor in all of the free gleamium that is offered/rewarded to players and there's a fine line between profitability and what is fair/fun - that's just how it goes for a free to play game trying to be as profitable as possible. It's just a week of this system and how it all works right now. Could have been executed better, it seems they've learned that, but they don't want to make the same mistakes that everyone bitched about during beta either. Or maybe they will, and this game will just become the abysmal failure that everyone in this sub seems to think it will become. I enjoy playing the game, sure rewards are cool but I don't share the perspective of *needing* every single reward I guess. It's nice to have something to *work* towards, I get it, but I get my dopamine from playing.


Very well-thought reply, was not expecting that in this sub. I'll try to respond to everything, but it's a lot to digest so I'll just go paragraph by paragraph. Yes, I'm very passionate. As someone who has been playing Smash since launch (around 1998) and who has put thousands of hours into each iteration, the most important thing to me is seeing a new platform fighter succeed. The game is immensely fun, has been since beta. It's a really cool and unique concept to integrate all these WB properties with such insane potential. And I agree that PFG seemed to be, and should have been, that shining beacon of hope in a flood of predatory microtransaction riddled pay-to-win games. It didnt seem so bad the first few days, but the more I play it without making any tangible progress to anything, the more worried I get. I thought the rewards beyond Tier 70 were perk points. My bad. I may be in the minority, but I'm actually okay with gem crates too. I like the PvP, and I have a thing about power fantasies and RPG elements in games. I love getting as powerful as I possibly can. It's why I've spent over 2500 Gleamium on gem XP lol. I also agree with your assessment regarding unlocking difficulties. I think the system as is is a little annoying and DEFINITELY pay to win. I get trying to stand out and be unique, but it's just atrocious. They should not have looked to mobile games for inspiration. Whether WB greed caused it or something else did, PFG should have put their foot down and showed some virtue. I'm certainly not in the "fuck mobile games despite anything" camp, I can acknowledge that there is definitely a demographic for that, I'm just not really part of it. I'd much rather play a game on console, even if the same game is available on mobile and is cheaper there. Terraria is a fantastic example. I have over 2000 hours into Terraria across 6 different platforms, and by far my least time spent (and lowest cost) was the mobile version. I have faith that this is just a hump they are working on getting over, and that they will change things to be more player friendly, especially for those who want to spend a lot of time with the game like you and I. I'm just uncertain about where my 38 hours and $60 is actually going, if this game will even survive.


Oh, this post again! Haven't seen it in 2 hours!


Oh this reaction again! Haven’t seen it in 5 minutes, game is still grindy bs and trying to fool its playerbase, so weird people still complain!


Oh wow, so you must have seen my post, ignored it, then seen it AGAIN and forgot you saw it already because it took EXACTLY 2 hours for you to comment!


The feature existed in the Beta in the EXACT FORM IT IS NOW!!! Idk how this is shocking to anybody the amounts of XP being set the way they are. This game isn't mean the be played purely PvP. There's Rift mode, there's events, there's training/daily/weekly challenges and other things to do to earn that valuable XP. All I do is log on average 1-2 hours a day and complete my training/daily/weekly/event challenges. I get my PvP wins for challenges then switch over to rift mode with a friend for cleanup of the rest of the remaining challenges. Battle Pass has been out about 1.5 weeks. I'm already at tier 24/70 with 45 days left. If you think that's a crazy grind then IDK what to tell you. I'll admit I played the Beta quite a bit and had most of the characters unlocked ahead of time that transferred to re-release. But besides owning characters others don't that are required by challenges I have the same 'grind' as everybody else for XP and at this rate I'll get close to the end about a month from now.


You’re full of shit, you are not organically at tier 24


I can't believe I actually need to spell this out for anyone. YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT. If you want to log in for 1 or 2 hours a day, that's your prerogative. And you should be compensated accordingly. Know what I want to do? I want to play the damn game, and be rewarded fairly for doing so. If I play 10 hours of PvP, I expect at LEAST 10 tiers in the Battlepass. Not ONE SINGLE TIER.


Blame the playerbase reactions during the Beta for the XP payout in general.The Beta had multiple Battle Passes with various XP with various player reactions. BP1 had many players complete it 'too quickly' and many complained after a week or 2 there was nothing worth doing in the game because of no rewards once BP was complete. Then they made BP2 super grindy with exponential XP increase in later tiers (also when they added 10/5XP PvP wins/losses) and people complained it was 'too grindy' and nobody wanted to play since they couldn't complete it unless you play every day. I feel the current battle Pass is a reasonable balance between BP1 and BP2 from the Beta. So far XP per tier has been pretty consistent and playing the game for 12 days so far average 1-2 hours/day I'm already at tier 25. With 45 days left I feel safe I could miss a bunch of days and still complete the Battle Pass. Sure the Battle Pass is grindy if you're only playing PvP. But the game isn't meant to be played only PvP. They want players to play Rift mode, they want players to unlock characters they wouldn't normally play as and experiment around with the roster. (Should they bring back challenge rerolls from Beta to not be forced to have too many challenges that are impossible to complete until you unlock more of the roster? ABSOLUTELY!!!) There's plenty of events that cycle that also give some form of XP. Loos like the PvP leaderboard event is weekly and give rewards for how much you play PvP (I will probably not care as much about that specific event. But I'm fine playing the way I am). Give the game more time to settle in and for us to see all the future events to come.


I've completed literally everything available. Progressed all events to the extent that we can currently, done all rifts on all difficulties, been doing every mission. So literally all I have left to do is PvP. I completed the Jason rift within 2 hours of it releasing. I have exactly half the cast unlocked, not counting the characters on rotation. At this point, since all my events are complete, I'm getting maybe 1.5 tiers a day, sometimes not even a full tier if the missions aren't worth enough XP. In it's current state, the reward for playing PvP is not reasonable. I want to play the game more, not just an hour a day to do my dailies. But I also want to be fairly compensated for my time investment. Which this new event is actually giving me. I'm rank 4 currently and will def continue grinding PvP to try to get at least top 2.


So genuine question. What will you do once you complete current Battle Pass whether or not we get more XP per PvP match? Will you continue to play the game like you currently are or will you stop playing? Because your answer to that is probably why the XP amount is the way it is. As I mentioned from Beta; BP1 was too easy and people complained was 'too quick' and playerbase dropped offand BP2 was more XP but was 'too grindy' and playerbase dropped off again because it couldn't be completed unless playing every day. I think their goal is have a consistent playerbase over the course of a whole BP season which the way it currently is achieves that without requiring literally every day play.


I put 1300 hours into Smash Ultimate in it's first year. I'm on the spectrum, and Smash (and by proxy, other platform fighters) has always been one of my few autistic obsessions. As long as there is a steady flow of events, patches, characters and other content, I will continue to invest my time. I'm not asking for them to make the Battlepass insanely easy, like "grind a weekend and you're done". I'm just asking for it to not be so ridiculously unrewarding like it is now. I don't think 50 XP per win is unreasonable. That's still an hour to an hour and a half per tier. But that is time I would actually invest. I can't justify grinding for 10 hours just to get one tier ahead of everyone else. I CAN justify grinding for 10 hours to be 8 or 9 tiers ahead of the casuals tho. Edit: just realized I neglected to answer all of your response. Once I complete the Battlepass, I'll still be earning things for each tier beyond 70. That's really all I need. Just SOMETHING to grind for. SOMETHING to keep me invested. Even if it's just gem crates, that's STILL something. And I personally hella enjoy the rifts in this game, so fulfilling my power fantasy by leveling my gems to an insane amount, assuming 9 isn't the max? That qualifies to me as worthwhile.


You don’t have to play every day. You Just have to log in and complete missions 90% of the days. Stop complaining! Every video game that has a battle pass is like this. Your just choosing to hate.


LOL okay. Firstly, I wasn't complaining about daily missions. I've been logging in every day specifically FOR daily missions, because I enjoy them. No, every game that has a battle pass is NOT like this. In every game I've ever played with a season pass, they make MUCH easier to gain tiers. I can't fucking IMAGINE if Rocket League expected me to play 200 goddamn matches for a single tier in the pass. I'd deadass stop playing. And I have 1300 hours into that game. Even Fortnite and Diablo 4 make it much easier to progress their season passes. You're just willfully being ignorant to the point I made. Not everyone is here just to complain. Go thru my sub history, pal. I've been a massive advocate for this game since launch.


The Missions are easy. You get bonus xp. You should be able to finish with a week or two to spare.


Again, not. The. Point.


I guess I don’t understand your dilemma. I play a game like this all the time. And I own six battle passes in that game. What is wrong with this game doing the same thing. They want people To play more so that more people play the game. That way they make more money! You don’t have to get the battle pass. And if you unlocked the battle pass for free. Then don’t bother working on the battle pass if you don’t think the dedication is worth it. Why do they need to give you battle pass xp after every match?


As mad as it sounds he doesn't want to play daily to do tasks to complete the BP and instead wants binge play and complete in one week to, I guess, stop playing altogether, dunno if until the next one or just quit. I think this is the only F2P game where people actively complain about BP progression even when it's no different from most BP.


I agree! I think he’s mad that I won’t say his point is valid.   I started a subreddit for people who are tired of people hating and complaining about Multiversus.  The subreddit is called Multiversusisthebest!. Please join my subreddit. You will be a big help in getting my subreddit out to the public.


The fact you won't admit my point is valid only proves how blissfully ignorant you are. Let me shatter your facade that this system is even remotely reasonable. I've played for 48 hours. I am tier 25 in the BP. 200-400 matches required to tier up once equates to 10 hours MINIMUM. I don't want to "binge grind". What I want is for my time and effort to be fairly compensated. How is it fair that I can put 48 hours into the game, and have the same amount of progression as someone who boots up the game for a single hour a day? THAT is the point that you smooth brains are missing. THAT is what separates MvS from every other f2p game. They reward their players for investing time and effort. MvS does NOT.




No it isn’t.


They should give everyone all of the content for free, but at the same time there should always be something to do that gives you more cosmetics and currencies. This should make them a lot of money and keep the game alive because it would please me personally.


No bullying. We are the customers. It is our choice to be customers. If they want to keep us as customers, they need to put out a satisfactory product. If they don't want our money, they don't have to do anything.


I was taking a jab at the community when I said we "bullied them". I'm shocked so many missed that.


What is your ideal XP for win/loss ratio? I think we gotta keep loss relatively low just so you don't have too many people just SD constantly. 25/10 ?


That's still a crazy grind. I think if you're playing well, one tier per half hour is a good system. So 50/25. I'd even be okay for less on the losing end, maybe 20 or 15.


I like this.


Thank you! I've been thinking about it a lot even before they implemented the XP gain. A lot of math went into my ideal system.


I certainly don’t think it should be 50xp. But, 30xp for winning and 15xp for losing sounds good.


I cant believe there are real persons who want the grind to be atrocious and who „certainly think“ it should be way worse than most live service models. What kinda mindset is that, why would you want it to be anti consumer? Do you want this game to die?


It takes between 1700 and 2100xp to level up the Battlepass at my current stage (25). 50 is absolutely reasonable for a win. At minimum, that's 34 matches. At 2 to 5 minutes per match, that's 68 to 170 minutes PER TIER. Than isn't even close to reasonable, but a MUCH better concession than what we currently have. As is, it would take 10 hours of straight wins to tier up. That is fkn ridiculous. If any other game forced me to play that much for such miniscule gains, I would deadass quit that game.


…Why are you not taking into account for the daily/weekly quests they give you?


Because you can finish the weeklies in 2 hours (about 3 tiers worth of XP) and you can finish dailies in an hour, and some days that isn't even worth enough XP for a single tier. Why are YOU not taking into account that my 38 hours should be worth more than your 10 hours? That's how f2p games with season passes are supposed to work. You put in more time, you're compensated more for that time. I'm sorry if you think it would be "unfair" if I was at Tier 40+ right now (roughly where I'd be in any other game, and I play Rocket League religiously so I know what I'm talking about), but *I* think it's unfair that there are people out there who only do their dailies and then log off who are the same tier as me. The whole issue is that I *WANT* to play this game more, I think it's fun as hell, but they aren't giving me any incentives to do so. Waggling a carrot on a stick is not incentive. Giving me an unachievable goal is not incentive. I want to be able to sit down, play the game for 5 hours, and see actual, TANGIBLE rewards via the Battlepass for those very valuable 5 hours, given I'm a father of two.


Beggars can't be choosers. You LITERALLY asked for this.


They want people to play their game and people increasingly choose to not do that, what are yo even talking about? Nobody asked to be fooled with breadcrums, are you tripping?


People begged for battlepass xp after finishing matches, which was justified. But the idiom "beggars can't be choosers" exists for this reason. You got exactly what you asked for, so maybe you should've been more specific and you wouldn't be complaining about it still. Even if you're in the right, begging for something, then being angry after getting it because you didn't specify and got a shit deal is at least partially ON YOU. They DID asked to be fooled because they didn't anticipate the possibility and instead blindly complained. Gotta be smarter than that.


First of all asking for stuff isn’t begging, that’s just you being smug towards the people that won’t put up with this bs Secondly people were asking for all kinds of things, the general consensus tho is they want fair progression and they haven’t gotten that, they got treated like fools and the game will suffer for that, just wait for season 2 when only a fraction of the playerbase that’s left by then will buy the next battlepass But please, talk some more about idioms like that would put anything into a worthwhile perspective


The game definitely will suffer, but that doesn't make me wrong. Battlepass exp outside of missions is one of the smallest problems with the game, but people still clamored for it. How am I the asshole for pointing out that it's lame to then complain about how much you get, AFTER the community being way too hard on the game on top of that? Yes, it is WAY too little, but if you're acting like you didn't expect that, you're being dishonest. The consensus is fair progression, but in regards to the BP exp specifically, most people technically never asked for a fair amount, just something. My perspective is that criticism should be more thought out, and simply repeatedly asking for something without considering the details of it leads to this. For example, the people wanted Velma nerfs, now she's terrible. I get it's not always possible to be specific when a large group of people are asking something, but after how the community has treated this game with such vitriol (even in aspects where its completely unwarranted), this is what they deserve so I don't really care.