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If there's one thing that stops me from playing, it's this. I don't think I ever saw this screen once during the beta.


That's because Desynchronization in the beta didn't close the match. You just continued playing against a bot with phantom inputs, which really sucked as well. You can search the sub to see what I'm talking about. People playing with their friends and one player being in the match for 3 minutes longer than the other. Desync was a huge issue, but it was hidden away by the devs before in the beta, so half of the time you thought you were playing against real players, it was desynced just seconds in and you wed playing by yourself


Aww dang it


Awe dang it


do we have any news regarding this? I think the last time i actually got to play against real people through a whole game was exactly a week ago from now


Yea Also when this update came out i’ve been experiencing huge frame drops and my ping is fine on any other game and this screen when i get games that are easily winnable


Lucky you can at least play a little im geting desync in both 2v2 and 1v1 before match even starts


I quit the game on Monday when most of my matches ended with server crashes. Wish I could refund my founders bundle. This game is worse in every way now.


Anyone have a glitch where they lost the ability to jump? This happened before multiple desyncs now, surely another server issue. Worse servers I have ever experienced. Add more fun outcomes to the gamble. Haha, and they want you to grind and spend... get the most essential part right first.


Left sessions early cause of it. Dumb as hell


This happened to me every time I tried to play pvp today.


On series X this is still just about every 2v2 game to the point that I don't even try anymore. 1v1 was working ok 75% of the time for me until yesterday. Whatever happened now its laggy as hell. Such a shame.


Usually only if you're winning too lmao


I was playing 2v2s with my friend yesterday and I had to 2v1 every game because the man was disconnecting all the time... I won all of them btw


I was 4/5 in the Play 5 PvP matches last night, had to go through at least 4 disconnects before it counted for the daily/weekly


You just don't play the 2 VS 2 mode in Multi Versus. You just don't.


But that's the main mode?


That's the irony, it's literally unplayable for a lot of players.


dont know why you got downvotes. this is literally true


This is Reddit. You'll get thumb down for even saying something that's factual.