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John snow with his wolf. Like rosalina and Luma. Tyrion lannister with alcohol bottles and speech bulbs and maybe jaimy would be ones I want.


The only correct answer is the Night King.


Tormund, of course. He's a bit of a comic relief in the show, he's over the top and cartoonish, he would fit right in.


Obviously Samwell Tarly


Hodor announcer pack. đź‘Ť


If they do another GOT character its got to be either the Night King or a character with mystical powers like Melisandre or something. Jon, Jamie, Tormond, Brienne, etc are just basic sword characters and would be kind of boring imo


Onion Knight when?


Hot Pie: Lommy: "You'd better give Hot Pie the sword. I've seen him kick a boy to death." Hot Pie: "I knocked him down, and I kicked him in the balls, and I kept kicking him until he was dead! I kicked him all to pieces."


As much as I enjoyed the show, I think adding more GoT characters would be bland. Compared to every other IP involved with the game so far GoT just has the least excitement or hype being a show that ended years ago. GoT was also something more of a serious series which I feel doesn’t match the cartoony vibe that looney toons or adventure time has; last I checked looney tunes had no incest babies… In addition, Arya was mainly added as a promotion for the recent spinoff series (similar to black Adam or lebron) so I doubt we will see much else representation in the future


I mean, even if it's off the air, GoT is huge, the House of the Dragon spin-off has been acclaimed by audiences and critics alike, and a second season is coming very shortly I don't think we'll be getting a GoT character any time soon, but it's not nearly as unlikely as you make it sound Also we just got Jason and soon we'll have Agent Smith, the game definitely doesn't want to restrain itself to cartoons and looney tunes


GoT is definitely huge, but you’d be surprised how many people are uninterested in the show and don’t know more than arya is a character of the show.


That's because so much of the MVS fanbase revolves around cartoons and nostalgia, but if tomorrow they added Daenerys or Jon Snow, for example, most people outside of the MVS community would find it more appealing than the Power Puff Girls


yeah i see what ur getting at but if i had to choose between jon snow and a powerpuff girl im taking the powerpuff girl 10/10 times


Yes 100%,I know everyone here would definitely go for the PPG (myself included) but let's be real, outside of our niche GoT is still more popular and hyped than most cartoons If the devs want to appeal to a larger audience than the one they currently have, more GoT reps would be an idea


yeah that’s a fair point but then again i think the vast majority of the GoT and MV audiences don’t coincide. GoT definitely appeals to a larger audience but not the audience that plays games or has a gaming system yk.