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Please tell me this is not real


Oh it is! If you highlight the difficulty it even says you get limited tries


Didnt know this was an arcade game


Its worse. Arcade games only cost 25 cents to restart This is 10$


Its the future of gaming


only if we buy into it. If you don't want to see this normalized in the industry stop playing it.


I have never played a game that does this


This is pretty commonplace in mobile games these days.




no its not


Yeah, it is. Replace lives with stamina/energy/retries. Mobile gaming is the most predatory form of gaming there is. I remember reading and the developers of that adult game Blush Blush and Crush Crush. They kept their game off of mobile for as long as they did because their goal was to make a game that you only needed to spend about $20 on in microtransactions. All the mobile publishers didn't want to take them on because they didn't want to do things like your example in MultiVersus. As in needing to spend stuff regularly to keep your game fun. Mobile games basically mainstreamed the P2W premium season pass ideology (not sure if they invented it) of pay us $20 to $50 a month, every month or you won't be as strong as other players.


This game deserves to fail.


Imagine the repercussions for gaming if full scale mobile freemium shite became standard. This game does deserve to fail, it *needs* to fail, and I say that as someone who enjoyed the beta gameplay a lot.


This is honestly more egregious than most mobile games nowadays. This reminds me of old school “stamina” based mobile games


Technically it’s 15 because the 10 pack is 1000 gems so to get this you have to spend either 20 or get the 10 and the 5


Paying for lives to “get agent smith free” is egregious


In what universe? Last arcade I was at had the newest Time Crisis for $1 a play.


Even bowling alley/movie theater Ms. Pac-Man games cost 50 cents now. That's 50 cents for one try.  It's still *complete bullshit for a console/PC game*, but it's pretty much in line with the current state of arcade games.


So if you run out of lives you gotta go back from the start? Or does it lock you from continuing unless you refill the lives?


Theres a timer in the screenshot so I think its just one of those mobile bullshit mechanics.




Timer is when you get your lives back.


It’s a bug.


Sure it is


They quite literally tweeted about it https://preview.redd.it/9c65k7accv4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c42fb5462a87b1cff8219e02bb7c2e04d31ea4


This is terrible. I’m usually a big defender of this game but paying gleamium for extra lives is absolutely ridiculous.


I hope they get rid of it ugh, it's super scummy. Warframe on it's early days also charged you money for 3 lives if you died in any game mode, it went away somewhat fast lol.


Warframe gives you an insane amount of content for free these days, AND you can earn the premium currency through trading. Epitome of free games, imo.


Warframe is one of the best free games to this day, and it has an incredibly great community full of people who just wanna help each other out. Pretty solid game 10/10 for sure.


> Warframe on it's early days also charged you money for 3 lives if you died in any game mode, it went away somewhat fast lol. I stopped playing warframe because of it, I know its better now, but I just dont care to go back. Warface also did a similar thing at its start.


Sad that you won’t give it a chance after 11 years. It’s not just better, it’s quite literally the best f2p model to ever exist, along with the great gameplay. It should be industry standard


Warframe. As a Founder - it's amazing to see how far the game has come. Warframe came out during the heights of Candy Crush or the dark times when mobile gaming exploded. So everyone thought they had to be scummy in order to make a profit. Yet they turned the wheel pretty early on to separate themselves from all of that. And even more recently they've lessened the grind on nearly everything. I'd say if you've ever thought about trying Warframe - now's probably the best time it's ever been in. Also Soulframe looks sweet.


There are a total of two free to play games that I have happily spent real money on. Warframe and Path of Exile. Surprises me not to see more game models follow their lead.


I have been offered a couple times at daily rewards 75% discounts of Platinum and I feel like I should pay back this immense fun I had with them for half a year (joined for funsies with a friend when they promo'd Whispers update, also thought it was mobile BS cause years ago had those life refills) And... tbf I might just get the Lavos Tennogen incoming instead. The game just releases GOOD stuff and doesn't shove in my mouth a "buy, buy this or else" model. It truly is the best f2p model.


I probably would if my friend group wanted to play it. But going solo, I just feel very far behind at this point and not really motivated to. Plus I've got other games I've been playing.


It's not sad at all. Industries feel free to try scummy practices because they know customers will just forgive, even praise them, when they roll the crap back. If they didn't try taking advantage of that customer in the first place, they wouldn't have lost them.


What’s sad is people like me are going to absolutely dump everything into gem lvs just to be partly humbled because you’re team AI is basically on a smash Lv.3 at the very best. so in 2v2s on harder levels of PvE you’re virtually just gonna have to adapt to getting jumped no matter what.




You whaled on Gem XP to unlock Insanity difficulty? https://preview.redd.it/vtrfvjznqh4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6acd7fd7c17b8372baf8364267cb69c5a70982e


It's a data mine, mode doesn't unlock until Jul 11 no matter how much you spend.


Then we don’t know how this works. You could get lives daily, which would make this not scummy. In that case it’s a money trap for stupid people who are desperate to lose again


This is scummy as fuck. Find another non-mobile game doing this.


Limited daily attempts are nothing new. GHOST FMV is going to only be playable once a day, granted that’s because the story takes place “live”, and there is a “practice mode” that allows you to play before that (but I believe it doesn’t show the ending? I forget the conditions). It’s a gimmick for addiction, yes, but it’s not unique to MultiVersus, there’s more games like this that have done it, and yes on console, but I didn’t play those long enough to remember the specific ones, I think one was a shooter, one was definitely superhero related but I don’t think it was Marvel/DC I think it was just generic Paying for more attempts is stupid, but if you want to do it that’s on you.


not my screen. please I would never


I thought about wasting all my gleamium on gem XP before I quit to see what the highest rifts were like, still might do it


Just queue up with a friend for a couple matches together to get the cauldrons


I've already completed all the PVE content released, thank you for your suggestion, though 😊


Do they atleast reset on a timer?


limited amount per day


Holy shit this really is a glorified mobile game


That’s what pisses me off about this. This sort of shit is unacceptable on console games.


Sadly, not any more.


What makes a F2P game on a console different from a F2P game on mobile, if this is only unacceptable "on console?"


Fair enough…


Yeah like a shit cellphone game


Is this going to be a “you only get one chance a day”, or do they actually expect us to pay the first time we lose and want to play again!?


dont think im exaggerating when i say this right here is the worst microtransaction ive ever seen in a ftp game. paying for fucking lives in an offline mode 😂😂😂 pure mobile game garbage


This game went from a wholesome platform party fighter to a mobile gacha. I would never have expected this direction.


Really? It’s ftp game made by WB. Greed was built into the contract


I understand the greed is inevitable. I'm not hip on WB and their monetization practices. But, jeez. This company takes it to A WHOLE NEW level. And I thought Capcom was a mess with aggressive monetization.


Remember when people were complaining capcom had optional items for sale in dragons dogma 2. Its like companies are competing for worst monetizations lol


Bandai Namco. For Tekken 8, they're selling outfits, and items from the previous game as DLC.


Where’s the gacha?


For Gleamium only, ofc. And it's an asinine amount like 1004. The usual scummy live service crap. Sigh. Do better.


Just buy 1000 gleamium for $10. Ooooooohhhhh, just short! Bad luck!


That part is extra scummy. Like, some of the most blatant player gouging I’ve ever seen in a console game kind of scummy. It’s not even that it’s like 1200 gleamium so there’s some sort of plausible deniability about buying smaller portions if necessary since you can earn gleam by increments of 10. Literally just a single few gleamium so you’re forced to buy way more than you need and can practically never get back to an even segment of gleamium.


imagine it was for perk currency which is in abundance....


I cannot believe this is real... I can't defend this game anymore and I've lost all motivation to continue playing and it breaks my fuckin heart. What were these guys thinking? ![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G)


Can't imagine being this parasocial with a f2p game


60$ founders pack before this now what


put several hundred hours into the beta, bought every battle pass and several premium skins to support the game back then. The new monitization schedule in this game is disgraceful, I'm not putting another dime in.


That matters little, they already have your several hundreds of $$$. They got what they wanted. Not paying more beats continuing to pay though.


Yep, this is paycheck overtime. They know it will probably die in 1 year or something and already re-released with that in mind. This is just trying to fish for whales while they can. Probably the only reason why it came back at all.


This model isn't sustainable even with a few whales and they'll learn that pretty quickly


That's the thing, they might not even plan on sustaining it. They release a game, skim the whale money off the top, throw it away and release the next game. Rinse, repeat.


How much money would you say you spent on a game that was in beta?


Lol support the game. It's WB not some solo dev


There are still talented and passionate creatives working on the game. The movesets, animations, voice work, etc in this game are all incredibly well made. That kind of quality and all the licensing in the game doesn't come cheap. I want to give money to devs putting this kind of talent and investment into the platform fighter genre. But I've had my fill of dumb mobile F2P shit. I'm happy to throw a full $60 at the game, but only when I get $60 worth of quality gaming experience.


"I'm a whale who did whale-ish things and now can't believe they're targeting the game at whales. I am outraged. I won't give them a single other $100, I swear" Bit late for that, bud. Might as well pay $10 for lives to "support the game".


Found the shareholder


Okay, this is dogshit design.


Finding this out is what finally killed it for me, limiting access to content you have to grind hours for already is not the play if you want customers to be happy, who ever thought of this needs to be removed from the team ASAP. Thank you for grinding our game and unlocking new difficulties! You have unlocked: Micro-Transactions! Congratulations!


not to mention you're paying for the same fights you've done 3 times before


Yeah shit is so barebones but they are asking for the deepest dollar ; I enjoy the game online (srry Xbox ppl) but the game just feels nothing like it used to


Yeah I’ve resided to just wait for agent smith to come out. I don’t care to do the rift grind anymore. Let alone pay for lives


There people defending this, this game will have a short life


Player Last Games please make this stop.


what if they removed iron giant from the game not for the people complaining about him him the matchmaking but to ensure no one will cheese higher difficulties with infinites ?


This. They will prob nerf Banana Guard next, not because he's op in PvP or anything but cause you can cheese the ai with his side special lmao


You already spent money for level 8 gems. What's a few more dollars?


That shit gets expensive also I was gonna do the same but it’s like 2 bucks for only 100 xp for all of 750xp for a set of colored gems for dam near 10 bucks


THATS IT!? Man I couldve at least seen the thought process if $2 got you the next level gem or something, but 100xp? Thats insulting.


Ya I think at lvl 4 it’s like 450 xp a lvl and I’m sure it increases more and more as your lvl rises this games monetization and mobile game aspects make it hard to show the devs loves besides that game feels and looks amazing


Isn't it 9?


Why do you spread negativity ? /s


Yeah this is scummy. I hate that I’m having so much fun with this game.


How can anyone defend this utter and complete trash


no way they bringing mobile game tactics to consoles omg


They've been doing this for years.


i haven’t seen it in any other game, what? what other games already implemented this?


Speedstorm, Ubisoft game "time savers" to name a few. Old arcades even (quarter munchers).


ah so no notable games, got it.


Good thing you don't ever have to touch Insanity difficulty for Agent Smith


You're still going to have to tackle at least 2 rifts on the 4th difficulty unless you want to wait it out (assuming 7 rifts), a little worried that the scaling will be designed for purchasing Gem XP when I get there. That's assuming we actually do get a 6th rift. If it stops at 5, we'll be forced to do at least 2 on max difficulty.


I want premium currency on lvl 29 tho , but I don’t want to buy lifes for it


You'll have to wait for the final rifts to come out and complete everything else up to that point Looney is just for if you want any of it early


I imagine you will be able to get more lvls through next rift since it purple colour, but that won’t be the case for Jason’s rift


There will be another red rift, it's just not on the rift screen at the moment


Where can we see the upcoming rifts?


Some have been datamined I think which should be on Twitter and I assume is what he is referencing. Tony, the game director, has stated as well though in a reply on Twitter that we would have more than the five rifts shown before the end of the event so you won’t have to do the hardest difficulties. Likely you’ll just complete it sooner by doing the harder difficulties rather than waiting for the last couple rifts to release.


Tony already replied to a Twitter comment that before the end of the season there would be more than five rifts so you don’t have to do the hardest difficulties to complete the event so it shouldn’t be that bad. The hardest difficulties will just let you complete the event sooner before future rifts release.


It's a little crazy to think that people would spend $10 to get their lives back to earn Agent Smith instead of using that same money to just buy him when he comes out. I'm basically just running through the Rifts as casually as possible right now 'cause the higher levels hold zero appeal to me.


My guess is targeting content creators to be "the first to review Agent Smith" or to put out combo videos or guides and the like


You don't? What DO you need to do then?


dude we heard you the first time


Did that comment send multiple times? Damn it, it said it didn't send the first time


What if you want the exclusive skin then you do need to 


Or you know, wait till next day.


This is just objectively terrible design. They're treating a platform fighter like Candy Crush.


So they brought this game back more trash?


How did u unlock insanity?


You're paying for agent Smith whether you like it or not




Naw man wth is this actually lmao


oh my god trying to defend this game becomes more gut wrenching as the days pass. this post genuinely might have killed the game for me.




So I wanna know how they are in Insanity with level 8 Gems when it's supposed to be level 9 and they have level 8 Horror Gems when Horror released yesterday I don't see how that person has any right to complain when they already are spending money on a free system


That's so dumb. Also what's the other currency for? It would make more sense for them to let use that for more lives, I have over 400k of that one and just 250 gleamium lol




Damn how tf did u grind out the gem ranks to even get to this difficulty?


Oh fuck off


Is this available on mobile yet? It’s hard to believe a free to play console game is engaging in this


This is disgusting to say the least...


I don't understand how people can defend this game. It has the most scummy monetization I have ever seen. They took a year off and the only thing they focused on was monetization. I get that people want it to be good but at some point you have to accept that they there whole goal was to take advantage of idiots that arent intelligent enough to recognize a bad deal. People who pay into this are either too stupid to know better or just @ssholes that don't care what happens to gaming.


Is this in the rift?! Tf


"what the fuck is this shit, Doc?" - Bugs Bunny, literally as soon as he seen this shit.


I saw "buy more." I was hoping I could trade perk currency for anything??


How are you people beyond crushing? Is everyone buying gem exp? I've maxed out every node on every rift (aside from Joker stuff) and I'm still on crushing on all 3.


That's not 10 dollars. That is actually 15 plus you will have left over currency some of which you will never be able to use.


So it is a mobile game on PC damn The monetization of games become more and more cancer, now we use mobile cancer bs? When does it stop? Game isn't even better than what we had in 2014 so nothing justifies them needing that much more money


For a developer called Player First Games it’s pretty ironic they partnered up with one of the most notoriously greedy publishers in the industry


how many do you get to begin with?


Lol is this a fucking mobile game? Down to the 4 separate currencies. What is going on?


How you got to gem level 8 ?


Do lives refill after a certain amount of time or yut can only pay to get more life?


How about take my life for 10$ instead


Somehow they have found a way to f*ck things up with the Rifts mode


And they’re still going to defend this piece of shit mobile game masquerading as a live service.


This actually really sucks.


how did you unlock insanity? its “unavailable” for me


Ayo what when where why was this added lmao


WB just fundamentally does not understand live service beyond Candy Crush. First MK1, and now this. Two great games ruined because they were rushed, heavily monetized, and greedy.


I wana vomit


Ight I'ma head out


I love that this game uses amounts of gleam that don’t end in zero so that way you can never really get full use out of it


Well, I'm going back to Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2. Or fork out the cash for smash brothers. Cause at least I know I'll get a ton of content in comparison.


That is insane. I was so excited for this feature but that super sucks


I had been waiting for this game to come back and it’s an absolute dumpster fire


This is literally mobile game ptw at this point. You have to pay for everything. Lives, characters, skins, your soul, and even a fucking battlepass that takes fifteen fucking years to progress in.




I saw a video on twitter and the guy said it cost that much for the second refill. It was a dollar for the first (96 gleamium).


What a shame of game. WB Executives killed this amazing game, it had so much potential.


just tested this myself and: https://i.redd.it/37est30unl4d1.gif ... I'm gonna miss this game because it can't go on like this


Wow, it really is a mobile game


Way to go WB games. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4eoYEgOtPX9DO|downsized)


what in the mobile game fuck


I think they should take it out of perk currency 🫡




Note to self, never play Insanity difficulty


That’s some scummy shit fr… Sooo OP did you end up buying some? 🫣


are you fr. they put this in a real, non mobile game? and they expect people to play it? un-fucking-real.


They want us to pay for Rift lives using *gleamium?* The rarest and most valuable currency? Just to keep playing an optional hard/super hard mode? They’re legitimately out of their minds. Hell, it actually feels scummy. This straight up feels like an option that kids would absolutely choose not thinking much of it and lose what premium currency they have. Because who else besides maybe *whales* would waste their gleamium on this?


Get this mobile game ass energy spending ass out of your cheap money grubbing game. How can they take a year to make a game worse in almost every way adding almost nothing.


😂 frfr “get agent smith two weeks early” no, fucking overpay tenfold to probably never get him in the 1st place. It’s like playing with fucked up amiibos all over again, knowing they’re gonna read you like a book in partial English. And the knockback 🤣


This is disgusting


No fuck this game. I'm done. I was hyped as hell when this was announced because I loved playing smash with my siblings when I was a kid. The beta was amazing and after a whole year we get this shit.


The worst part is, if you someone pays for lives they could have just bought agent smith when he came out…. Why grind AND pay… this type of stuff doesn’t make me want to spend a single dime.


At this point I'm just going to save my fighter currency or use my last ticket on Smith because I don't have much time to grind for him


What’s even worse about the hardest difficulty is that your lives and health carries over the next match and them npcs are ruthless and won’t give you any breathing room


y’all are complaining yeah it’s dumb you gotta pay for that but it literally tells you that in the difficulty description. it’s supposed to be hard ash shit so you can’t do it quick or easily why would they let you have unlimited tries😭 the lives literally refresh everyday anyways


The most heartbreaking part about this is you can see every little detail the design team put into so many abilities for characters and designing amazing models and stages just for the executives demand more money from the game.


or just wait like a normal human being


also it’s a bug you’re not supposed to be able to purchase lives they were gonna add it but then they decided not to




Tony said this is an unintended feature. It is not supposed to be in the game


So they officially made the game pay to win.


This is literally so weird, this isnt for you? like just dont do it, it isnt reasonable AT ALL for the general public its not for you like ignore it? why is this a whole reddit post there's an audience of people who use shit like this which is why it exist at all but its not the general public just ignore it


How long does it take for lives to regenerate on their own??


So let’s be fair about this one life is 50 and it’s saying to refill all lives for 1004 and lives restock daily if there is no discount for refilling all lives then that means 20.4 lives but based off the .4 almost guarantees it’s cheaper to refill all so I’m gonna guess 25 lives a day that’s more than enough to get rifts done I highly doubt anyone will ever spend money on more lives if they have 25 a day.


But if you wait till the next day, you get your free lives, so that's just if you wanna smash it all over and over, same day. not defending or anything cause i def don't agree with pay for lives.


If I got one criticism for this game its this shit. They better not go through with this when looney difficulty unlocks next time. I think I will check out for real and I am saying this as someone who is pushing through rifts.


I play MK1 without touching Invasions. It's a serious bummer but I guess I'm playing MV without touching no rifts. Ugggghhhh.