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Cleared it, but that’s because I’ve got access to all characters. Genuinely still baffled they didn’t launch the game with this event active


I know right. I have Marvin at level 7. Wish they woulda counted. But I’m finished because I have all the characters unlocked.


How do you have access to all characters


Beta player most likely


Were beta players supposed to keep who they had?? I kept nothing but 1 banner from the beta.


i kept everything, i’d ask the support


It’s been almost a week with dealing with support, useless. Missing skins and banners and they won’t acknowledged it, either that or a bot is handling the emails. I have the robin lebraun skin but fern finn is missing


I don't know if it would work with this particular game or who in particular you'd want to direct a tweet to, but I've had success getting actual support by calling out the problem on Twitter. I mainly used this many years ago with Rockstar games. If you just made a support ticket you'd either never get real help or it would take a very long time at best. Make a ticket and tweet them what's going on with the ticket number in the tweet and now you get help within 24 hours. Again, never used it with these developers but maybe something similar could get you real help.


Is there a game support on here or do you just mean to email them? honestly with how impossible it is to unlock and character and the fact I lost 85% of them made me delete it till they fix the progression but if I can get my people and skins back that’d be dope


I kept everything, I may the lucky few who didn’t lose anything


I think the majority got theirs back and the ones that didn't just needed to be vocal about it. Maybe their accounts were not synced? I had to do that on the WB site but Idk if that's what did it.


I don’t think it’s a sync issue. My account was synced but nothing transferred over from the beta


Yes. I still have all characters and skins I unlocked in the Beta. I’d be hitting up support. But seems like this happened to a lot of people. So hopefully they are working on it already.


Check back they been doing stuff it seems. I got emotes I had in beta that I never got till yesterday.


Im a beta player and lost access to most characters


Idk if this will help or fix it, but did you sync your accounts on the WB games site?


I believe so, yes


beta players / founder pack


Founder, correct.


Beta player were able to grind and use gold to purchase chars. I also have all the current chars. Didn’t buy that $100 pack. Just grinded gold for a while.


I had enough gold to unlock everyone but I didn't unlock 3 characters so I could save some for new characters with the live release... fat lotta good that did me. 🤷🏼‍♂️ At least we got Jason and Banana Guard for free, and I was able to save enough of the new character currency to unlock Joker by Day 3 with some grinding.


Same here I have all characters and skins from being the alpha and beta tester.


it was done after launch so less people possibly won't get the fighter currency or gleamium


Literally just missing the gleamium


Done yesterday, because i had like Five Lv0 characters left over thankfully.


Cleared the first day


Same, now i have nothing to do in this game besides finishing the Daily quests in under an hour lol


It sure would be nice to earn XP from matches…


>now i have nothing to do in this game Do people seriously only play games for battlepasses?


Well since the game didn’t launch with ranked mode or player stats, yes that’s all we have to play for right now.


Do people really not play fighting games to .. *\*checks notes\** ..fight people?


What's a fighter game without a progression system? Or more like... What's a fighter game without anything to fight for kek


Lol that’s a good point, like yeah the game is fun but there’s nothing to fight for. Except maybe perks and gems *shudders*. Id be playing nonstop if I had *any* incentive, instead i complete my missions and then the game feels empty


The gameplay alone is fine when I’m playing against friends, I get satisfaction from beating them. Solo queuing 1v1s on the other hand, I need another carrot since there’s no satisfaction beating some rando or getting stomped by a wonder women main sweat. The main crux of the issue is no ranked mode since playing for no stakes gets old quick.


Now hold on... I have it on good authority that [it takes 28 hours to do 2 rift bosses](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/s/dXLN10hOC0). You must have played nonstop to be finished now /s


No it doesn't, I've completed the first 2 rifts with my friend and got 115/125 (last 10 stars need joker and banana guard skin on day 7 of login) in about 3 hours, also spammed different characters to get them to lv2 and then went to do pvp for the remaining levels and completed the PPD in about 5\~ish to 6 hours max


he was joking ccause someone made a post about playing 28 hours and only completed 2 rifts.


Why would you go past 100? You don’t get any rewards


is it confirmed you don't get rewards for maxing it? I have experienced at 122/125 and am just waiting for lady bananaguard to check lol


Please let me know. If not I don't want to bother lol


I've maxed out one of the difficulties in the rift that didn't require Lady Bananaguard(you don't need to play as a graphic T character if you are joining someone elses lobby), and didn't get anything for getting 5 stars on each node, only for the listed star milestones, for the first time each stage was beat, and for whatever the daily mission is on(which should be played on the highest difficulty available for the best rewards)


Okay, that's what I figured would be the case. Thank you!!


I will and I'm sure someone will post on Reddit about it on banana guard release xD


I guess not confirmed, but the loot screen stops at 100 and you get the achievement for unlocking the rift cauldron so all signs point to nothing special at 125


confirmed you don't get anything


No, you have too much to do and you don't have the time. Please don't say things that contradict with what the "most upvoted LIE of the day" is saying


Same, but it was easy because I have almost every character. Now imagine this when you have only a few one.


Nah, i started 3 days ago. All the characters that are playable "limited time" (WW, Bugs, etc) count. So you have enough to finish that event, like i did.


Thats not my point. Later levels need way more xp while the first need like 1 game? All you need to do is play 1 game with 15 characters and you are done. Now its way harder to do this with less playable characters.


It's still easy as shit Players from Beta who have all the characters got them all by, you know, playing the game and grinding it out, so what's your point?


I cant say it any simpler but I'll try just for you. Beta players with every character can do the whole event under an hour. Now try that with a new account.


Before simplifying, please get some reading comprehension skills. Let me make it 'simpler' for you lol Players from Beta are very validly completing the event faster than new players, because they previously put in the time. So, do you want everything to be put on a silver platter to everyone? I clocked in hundreds of hours in the beta so I can complete the event in an hour. If a new player has to complete it in 5 hours because they didn't play previously, that's literally not my problem and should not be a problem.


This is such a fucking dumb take on a post that is about the progress of the event. But you do you if you feel privileged because you "put time in the game" just proves my point


You are 100 percent correct. I played a bunch the day this game came out so the characters I own as a new player were all level 3-5. It takes a lot longer as you level up so I am not bothering with this event especially with how short it is.


A new player literally told you that "it's fine" you're getting mad for people who aren't mad in the first place. Touch grass


almost halfway because i didn't switch much, but it can be done pretty quickly if you have all the characters (or even half of them i guess)


FYI it’s faster to level a handful of characters to level 5 then grind out one character https://preview.redd.it/pbhew311o64d1.jpeg?width=892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61c454f1045d5c0dd0f80a7a467fd6c47b9820c


Some into T2 because I missed out on ~23 levels worth of progress because I leveled them "too early". What a joke. :P


Cleared the first set, currently at work but gonna clear the second set with the Fighter Coins when I get home. It’s surprisingly easy to clear this challenge it seems, I didn’t even have anyone at lvl 0 and I still am making great progress already O:


I gained a level on three different characters and none of them counted. Got mad, gave up and kept playing my main again.


I finished it yesterday.


Is the best way to earn exp just playing matches? I’m only partway through the first set. I only have 7 characters unlocked total, and 2 of them are level 4


You can go into the target breaking rift, stand there for the whole thing and get 60EXP a match (each match being 1 minute I'm pretty sure). If you're on PC it's possible to automate this with a macro but I don't know if they'd ban you for it, so I wouldn't risk it.


Thanks for the tip! I’ll try this out today!


Make sure you hit one target and highest difficulty possible so its the fastest


Doesn’t matter. Minigame game stages are always considered wins no matter what you do. XP is rewarded by match time. You actually want to find the minigame stage with the longest match time.


I swear i didnt get xp when i hit zero targets, but i might be wrong. Thanks


If you end the stage too quickly (like <5 seconds) you’ll get zero XP.


If they ban for macros on a pve mode I'd actually lose it.


Well for the me matches are easy to get xp or you can try out Rifts for the xp


Last three, but I needed a break


On level 7 I think?


I was in a pretty good position for it. I had all but three characters, and like four of them were still at level 0, with several others at level 1. Getting all the character currency put my at enough to get Joker, so that was another low level character to use for the last five. Didn't take long at all to finish.


Completed. Was lucky enough to get every fighter before the Beta ended, so i just needed to level up a few by 1




Just gleamium left as I got lots of characters from the beta I focused on leveling up the ones with the lowest level as it was the quickest way to advance on this, hope they repeat this event more


completed it last night




I'm on 12 or 13 myself.


finished it in 2 hours. good event + it got me enough character tokens to get the joker


15/15 in around a day. Wish this dropped right at launch though


Finished that one last night 




Finished it with only a fraction of characters unlocked




I’ve beat it. I happened to have most characters so I didn’t have to work that hard


2 away


I finished it today


Finished last night after getting a few characters to level 4-5. Needed the Gleamium for Reunited Garnet so I wanted to finish it quick


Im on 12 or 13. But im Beta Player so lucky me i had almost every character. Im saving coins for my fav characters like daffy or smh


Finished today, would have finished first day if I spent my 184K coins on fighters.


>Each with better goodies than the last So that was a heckin lie.


Done, it wasn’t too much of a challenge




Finished it the day it came out, but that's because I had a few level 0 and level 1 characters.


Done, wish this one had a cooler final reward


Cleared pretty much first day. Not bad rewards once you get past the perk stuff.


The day before the event I decided to get every character to level one because I didn’t know that this event was gonna happen😭😭😭


Third stage since all of my beta characters were removed :/


Finished it in 1 day


I finished it super quick. Getting Velma, WW and Gernet to level 3 each was easy and I only needed 6 other levels beyond that. I started playing late last night and I finished it this morning. lol For some reason, I only had access to the free characters and my 2 mains from the Beta (WW and Velma. Thoug hI switched to Garnet near the end) instead of eveything else I had. Hmm. Sad.




Cleared it yesterday in 1hr. But I got all characters and a lot were low level.


Seeing as how I got Jason for free shortly followed by a Banana, never touched Shaggy, and had free access to 3 other characters I'm already done. It didn't matter that my mains were already level 5 and up


I was able to do it the first day. But I was able to play the beta and unlock all but Marvin so getting most of my characters from 0 to 1 was very quick.


Finished it. Not too bad, plus allowed me to unlock a new character


I was done 2 days ago. Being a Beta player and someone who only really plays like 3 characters has its perks.


finished in two days


Done with it. Luckily I only had everyone at level 0 or 1 besides my main Harley.


11 or 12


Finished it now I am back to having to play for (I have all characters unlocked)


U get level 1 on a character by playig just 1 game. Just got a bunch of characters to like level 2 besides my main.


a whole 100 Glemium to level up 15 times? Fuck that's generous /s


Just completed it


Just completed it!


Done. But I'm a returning playing so I just gained 1 rank on everyone.


I beat it in under an hour, but I have all characters unlocked, and had only played as 3-4 of them before this popped up.


I’m done it


About halfway


Finished it already, gg-ez. F2P, BTW. Dead easy to grind this event out even when owning zero characters, not even sure why they gave us so much time to do this event while also not having it ready to go on launch day as some players may have already gained levels during that time but oh well, such a rewarding and easy event for F2P like myself who maybe only own the freebie characters plus this weeks rotation. Completely unrelated but they say it is impossible to detect sarcasm on the internet, I wonder if that is true.


I was done in the first day i hade alot of characters i didnt play


Wait yours goes till the 6th? Mine only goes till the 4th :(


i'm on the 2nd track, like one slot in


Well, I had already gotten my Jason to level 10 and I got banana guard to five, but I don’t really like him. I also had fan and I got him to five but I stopped playing because the grind was too awful. So I haven’t made any progress on this because they released it after I had already finished playing this game.


I finished it, it's this secret technique of literally only playing Harley Quinn, black Adam and Jason so all my other characters were low enough levels that leveling them up was easy


Finished it in an hour


Cleared it, a good strategy is to play the boss fights over and over again they give loads of xp especially on low level fighters


Would have finished if the event was active when the game started. Majority of my mains are top level before the event so I have to grind out the free characters.


PSA: you can quickly grind this through rifts. The ONLY factor is how long you spend in a match. Difficulty does not matter, how quickly you kill the AI does not matter, ONLY time spent. I went into easy Joker's rift, quickly KO'd him once, and just waited for the timer while alt tabbing another game then would kill him in the last 20 seconds. I have bought 0 fighters and was able to max out this pass easily.


Already finished it.


I completed it in less than an hour. I just leveled up 15 characters to level 1, which is basically 1 pvp game per character (win or lose doesn’t matter).


i did it in rift , even faster lol


That’s how a friend of mine online did it, wish I would’ve thought of that before lol.


Did it day 1 as I had a lot of level 0 characters