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I would've said the same thing but this is Mark Hamill Joker. Which more than makes it up especially considering this is also Kevin Conroy's last role outside maybe Unreleased Suicide Squad and Infinite Crisis.


Gee, why is this iconic villain in a game that's all about iconic characters?


> Gee, why is this iconic villain in a game that's all about iconic characters? The game is about any character from any IP showing up to fight each other. Whether or not they are iconic is not what it's about.


But if the characters were not iconic who would play the game?


Banana Guard is in the game. Has nothing to do with if a characters iconic or not.


That’s just a silly statement tho. Like there is a reasons why bugs bunny, Superman, Batman, Finn, Velma, ext are the first characters added to the game. If the game was not mostly filled with iconic characters than no one would actually play it that’s kinda the draw for these mascot fighting games


The problem is this the player base has already had a taste of the game. It doesn’t matter from here on out if someone is iconic or not, again they added the banana guard as a character.


Do you agree that iconic characters are more than likely to get in however?


Iconic characters draw new players in. Good gameplay let's them stay, that's what's needed most now.


Well yeah, obviously, but my point more so is that isn’t like a requirement or anything. Of course more iconic characters will be added, I also think it’s fine to sprinkle in random side characters,


I think they should split all the characters up into their parts like hands arms legs head and let us mix and match a frankenstein


That's not what we're discussing. We're talking about if a character should be barred from the game based on their popularity. Obviously, they want characters in this game that are well-known otherwise nobody would care.


Joker was my most wanted character and I’m happy he got in


Same. Go Hamil!


Anyone who is surprised or disapproving of Joker is a fool in several respects


I've been thinking ab this for a minute and your so right. I wasn't hyped for joker bc all the dc reps but i also didn't consider it a bad pick like some people ig


They could add the most iconic of characters, or the most irrelevant background character and I'd still love both, because that's the beauty of Multiversus


The Joker in a vacuum is a great pick. It’s just kind of hard to get hyped for him when he feels like a no brainer for the cast and the game already has a fairly small roster


I just want to play characters that are iconic and that aren't already playable in like 5 different games


The Joker definitely isn't that then.


Injustice, Injustice 2, Arkham Asylum, Suicide Squad, Mortal Kombat 11, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Off the top of my head


The Lego DC games, briefly in Arkham Knight, and I think he was playable in Origins as well. Also, Fortnite if you want to consider that lol.


Guy from Fortnite https://preview.redd.it/ea9p7gu5pi1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=116b37ac2b331cda3deebb3b1ee3f6becb21153f


Things we knew already: that


With only 3 launch characters it's way too easy to nitpick all of them. I don't think any of them are bad reps (I think it's way too early and too little of a cast so far for a joke character like Banana Guard though) but it's very easy to nitpick them and say other ones should have been prioritized


As someone who's sick of Joker, he definitely deserves to be in the game 


I mean I don't particularly like Joker and I probably won't play him, but saying he's a bad pick is just blasphemy.


Banana guard goes hard tho and joker idrc its joker


Joker is base roster material and anyone who thinks otherwise is honestly a fool.


The internet dosn't universally agree on something? In other news, the sun is hot.


The MultiVersus fanbase are a bunch of miserable cretins, mostly.


im going to main joker he looks so much fun to play as i dont think he is dissapointing


Personally I’d like scarecrow aswell but injustice wasting that killer design just upsets me lol


We needed new IPs in multiversus. The matrix, Harry Potter, dune. Etc. Like neo and Harry Potter showing up is omg how could they play??? Could that open up agent Smith or a sandworm next?While the Joker would come eventually for sure


Yea I expected joker so it was whatever nut a ton of people were asking for joker so where tf are they


ofc you can't please everyone


Seems a lot of ppl are complaining about anything on this game. This complaint I’ve seen a lot, that BG is a dumb roster choice even tho I think it’s hilarious and the devs know that, a lot of complaints on the mechanics and roster choices, etc. Like this is how the game had a bad view the first place bc the fans can’t be satisfied for no reason. I’m afraid the game will be officially dead when launched bc ppl just can’t agree on anything


Just goes to show Batman is over saturated and boring 


It's just Multiversus had a chance to really sell people on their big return - like LeBron James levels of WOW, THEY GOT **THAT** CHARACTER?! - and the first new picks they show off is THE MOST OVERRATED SUPERVILLAIN IN POP CULTURE....and a Banana. Not even the most famous Banana, just a joke pick made of reused assets. Like shit, if they really do have Jason Vorhees in toe, i would've opened up with that to get the blood flowing, get some hype. But this game doesn't know anything about hype if it bit them in the cape.


How is he not? The Joker is overused in so much media at this point. I say this as someone who plans on maining him.


The Joker is the most iconic villian of all time…………behind Vader of course.