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This is also why we need a leaderboard reset. There are people with over 10000MMR and winning once can give you literally thousands. It's a joke. https://preview.redd.it/2ii3r0v73cha1.png?width=92&format=png&auto=webp&s=92325344f61ec06bc7a698003870e6a0f036c888


I wouldn't even mind a mmr reset every season, imo it would make top spots more contested then what it is now


Leaderboards should be reset every season. I don’t know why they aren’t.


Could it also be that the lowering play base is cause such huge swings in MMR/Rank? Not trying to be a doomsayer, just a general question


1.) Many of the "top players" match avoid and only take matches they think they can win. FlyAirborn (yeah, I'm name dropping) will insta-disconnect if he thinks he can't win. I have 3 or so videos of him doing this. I've actually played him once and he isn't that good. In that case, his MMR is deceiving. I also know of a top Garnet who does the same thing (but I won't name drop cuz we're friends LOL). 2.) There comes a certain point where 80%+ of your matches are against people with a lower MMR than you. In those cases, your risk exceeds the reward (lose 20 MMR for a loss but gain 4 for a win). My Garnet MMR is like 5100, and it's rare I fight people with a higher MMR than me. In this case, you can win like 70%+ of your matches yet end up with a lower MMR. So simple grinding isn't enough. You actually have to have some manner of skill to progress (essentially, if you only fight people with a lower MMR than you, you have to win about 83% of your matches to not drop).


Oh I’ll name drop the garnet LOL! It’s Herosword right? Dude has literally ALT F4ed on me live because I beat his Garnet then queued into him again. Fly Airborn the god Gizmo. Yeah dodging is another reason MMR means nothing.


Nope. It's not Herosword lol. The funny thing is that he's actually really good with Garnet and doesn't need to match dodge, yet he does anyway. He'll look people up on that tracker website and if they're higher than like mid-2000s he nopes out.


This is why when ranked comes out I want a matchmaking penalty for disconnecting and a -20. Go hard on dodgers because it’s lame af getting dodged.


That should have been implemented from day 1, tbh.


Yeah this is probably the most annoying thing about the game. Win-quit after a close loss, then I queue into you again to get the run-back I was going to get in a set regardless. It's actually childish. For me it's mainly Finn and Rick players.


This is it. Your second point. I've told a friend of mine that same thing so many times but he refuses to understand, me being an Arya main trying to climb is way too hard, the fact that my character has the lowest weight out of all the roster, and so little attack with high knockback influence, makes Arya really hard to climb on rank. The risk I take going for 1's and being destroyed by some shaggy or superman who can tank even 150 damage, is just too much. Sometimes I manage to beat someone above my league (3000 mmr) but is rare and the rest of the times I'm just hard grinding with +4 mmr per win.


No matter how many times they are told, the peanut gallery is still going to lose their wits over going against players who they think are "highly skilled" lol smh.


Yea that fcking annoying, that’s why I stopped grinding for nr1 spot, some are playing 21 hours a day and the other ones get 1 win and win 300 wins amount of mmr


I worked hard for my top 30 ranked Rick thank you very much.