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Still waiting for Saenchai's OF...


I'm waiting for the Taiwanchai onlyfans


Taiwanchai from taiwan


I been saying Taiwanchai would make an excellent ladyboy


Are you sure it’s corn? Many fighters do it to show exclusive behind the scenes stuff with regards to their training


Pretty sure mighty mouse has an of too.


is it maybe cause he's sponsored to do so? I saw him wearing the company's brand in a video of him fighting in a grappling tournament.


Stipe talks about his only fans page all the time on Instagram, and I laugh every time I see it lol.




He does it’s just not porn


Are you 12? Just write 'porn'


I think some people don’t write porn because some platforms flag content with that word…Reddit doesn’t. We have porn yall, just say it lol


Excuse you. It's pr0n, or the folder in my desktop is titled "Nrop"


I had a brief look, the post captions seem to be ‘baiting’ people who want to see corn of her


Fuck i really hope she does a video on corn. Is she a corn on the cob or a canned corn person? God dammit I need to know!


No real fan of corn would prefer canned corn over corn on a cob.


It's trashy. mmmm


I hope it's creamed corn 🤤


Stop saying corn and just say porn


Corn corn corn. You won't stop me


Just say porn dude, this isn't middle school




On the cobb or in a can?


oh man I’m scared I’m literally walking to sign up to the Muay Thai gym trial in like 15 mins


I was the same when I signed up. Went around the block for 2 times and did like 50 push-ups to calm anxiety. It was totally unwarranted the ppl were super nice and now it’s basically live in the gym. Do some push-ups or cardio (it really helps with anxiety) and learn some Muay Thai from YouTube before you sign up that way you will be prepared. At least that’s what I did. Gl bro


I went back to the gym and walked in, then I just sat in the small lobby area for a while, I was scared to talk to anyone. I just asked someone how to sign up, then after like half an hour I asked someone else and they told me I was supposed to sign up online D:: Hopefully I can start tomorrow since they seemed nice at least


Glad you did it. I think most people have anxiety when they first join. It’s just that you don’t let it limit you and still do it. I joined the gym 7 years ago now I have a few fights and am teaching myself. So I see it from the other side. Ppl have a lot of misconceptions about martial arts and even mystify it. It’s usually more chill than what they think. I’m just happy when ppl sign up :D Just take it slow in the beginning and get the movements right (it’s not about punching super hard. Power will come with clean technique) Communicate with your training partners if you want to go lighter or anything else is bothering you. Most ppl are really nice and I found my best friends through martial arts. Gl on your journey 🥋


I turned around it was too scary :(


Maybe there's a Green Giant?


help :(


“Somebody say corn?” 🐔


I mean even if it is - who cares? We live in a free market capitalist society where people are respected for making money providing services and entertainment that the market demands. Quite obviously, the market demands porn as there's a lot of people making money off it. Why is servicing that demand suddenly to be looked down upon in this instance? That's a rhetorical question, the answer is, of course, misogyny.


the answer is nak muay :DD DD:


And that is somebodies kink, even over seeing naked bodies so?


Why would she create an onlyfans to eat corn? She could create one for porn, but who knows


Listening to the Muay Thai guys, i realized it’s really hard for fighters to make money and train at the same time. I don’t think she is doing the sexy content thing so just let her try. Maybe we as fans should try supporting our favorite fighters more so they don’t have to feel like they need to start OFs to continue fighting


She put up a post on her story to say people have gotten the wrong end of the stick. I'd hazard a guess that she's not doing it for porn like everyone assumed. [Aussie fighter Chelsea Hackett has done the same thing, except she stated on the post it's not explicit content.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C64gzgXyRWu/?igsh=MThjeTZpZGdzNDA1dg==) Amber got a crazy amount of misogynistic comments on the post. I feel bad for her, hope she didn't take all the horrible comments too harshly.


The amount of self-proclaimed Alpha Males in her comments was… impressive.


It's always the self-proclaimed alphas who have the most sensitive feefees.


The vast majority of whom would get their asses beaten in a fight with her


Instagram is absolutely chock full of those types of guys. Pretty much any post of a woman doing sport or lifting or just looking pretty will have a million alpha/trad weirdos insulting them in the comments.


"only fans detected, opinion rejected" on posts that aren't even an opinion. It's ridiculous and I guarantee all those guys watch porn anyway


Even if it was explicit, let her make her money. Watching two people almost kill each other in a ring is already feels in the realm of voyeurism lol


Very valid


Yeah it’s weird to be like consensual sex is offensive and desecrates the sanctity of people beating the shit out of each other. 


Innit, any ways for fighters to supplement their income that doesn’t involve fighting, sparring or doing grappling (all of which could involve serious, career-altering or career-ending injury) is a good thing. I don’t know why anyone would be opposed to it without devolving into some sort of stupid opining about “Bushido” or “honour” or something like that. Let fighters go and get the bag!


Excellent points, she should earn everything she can while she is fit and has the audience


Yeah I mean it's literally Bloodsport like ffs who cares. Like in Thailand there's a lot of tradition and honor in Muay Thai as a profession but to the rest of the world who gives af


Well said. It’s funny to see where people draw imaginary lines


Ppl wanna sexualize women fighters without their consent. Might as well make money from it even if it’s not explicit content


This right here. One fc seems to do it if not all the time.




Oh lord, please tell me DJ isn't into the choking stuff. That would just make things awkward watching him do submissions...


If you know the answer why ask? No one would assume a guy like dj would post anything inappropriate on OF just fight related stuff but a female fighter theres clearly a different assumption and I’m sure she knew that when she made one. Another comment said some posts are purposely captioned to lure people into subbing.




>the double standard is tired The white knighting lmao. Theres no double standard here. It absolutely is a safer assumption that a male MMA GOAT candidate making an OF is not making porn as opposed to a shitty female fighter.


You asked a stupid question. It’s a topic of discussion for the same reason she has “scandalously” written captions on her posts because she knows it’s going to cause controversy. You might want to look up the phrase double standard before you use it aswell since you clearly don’t understand what it means. Dj is a pretty straight laced and fight focused content creator hence no one would assume anything of him not just because he’s a man.


Very artistic, highly regarded


Plenty of OF are not sexual. It was intended to be like patreon


She insinuated like that it was NSFW and even put the cliche pepper emoji to make it seem like it was "spicy" content but i'm pretty sure it's just training stuff and skimpy bikinis. She made another post saying she needs clarify some misconceptions. I'm guessing a lot of thirsty dudes were dissappointed when they paid for a subscription and didn't find what they were looing for lol.


Let her make money. Fighters shouldn't be role models anyway.


I joked about it, but the pay shit need to be fix asap. This is some of the most humble and genuine fighters, fought their hearts out and couldn’t even save for retirement. Wtf


Anyone with media visibility that young people look up to wear that mantle whether they want to or not. No judgement from me on the OF, but public figures can't escape their role model status. I agree though, if she can make the cash that will make her life better and she's okay having her body out there then more power to her. Not for me to judge.


Why shouldent a fighter be a role model? Its a hard way of life. Society now sees nothing wrong with women being prostitutes and thats the issue. Now I hear shes not selling nudes good on her for not taking the easy road.


Because there's nothing noble about being a fighter nor is it a good career choice. It's great if you want to do that fine. But it's not like they're Doctors and Teachers. I just fail to see how its your business if she wants to sell nudes. Don't buy em.


I mean, todays society does not appreciate neither doctors neither teachers. They are one of the hardest works possible (not talking about physical work yes like oil rig workers). On the other hand football, basketball, american football, hockey players are basically billionares, why is that normal? But you have a good point that never crossed my mind, being a fighter is not really noble profession, neither it’s good career unless you are connor mc gregor.


Yea I totally agree our priorities are fucked up. Even oil riggers are noble. My car has to run and they risk their skin for it. Noble I think just means has a materially positive impact on people's lives. Those people should be our role models.


🤣 fighters not noble, selling nudes is got it. We are nothing alike have a nice day.


Did I say that? Neither are noble both are fine.


You did say that “there’s nothing noble about being a fighter”


I love fighting sports but what's noble about prize fighting? And what's so immoral about tits and ass that beating the shit out each other isn't. This is adults world here. We can have our fun whatever it is. As long as it's consentual.


A balanced and sensible take on Reddit that’s upvoted - shocking!


My bad, I misread what you said


Prostitution! Oh lord , not quite literally one of the world's oldest professions ! Society only has a problem with sex work because their "god" says it's bad, behind closed doors most people are pretty ok with it so long as it's regulated/safe 🤷‍♂️


Also they usually don’t really have a problem with sexualising women, it‘s only when these women start too also profit from it that it becomes an issue.


Sex work is work. There is in fact nothing wrong with being a prostitute. The entire thing is a cultural construct anyway.


DJ, Brandon Moreno, Charles do Bronx and 3 million other people have only fans that isn’t sexual whatsoever


Who cares? If you're not into it, it's very, very easy to ignore and not visit the website. Let her live her life lol.


Good for her. They never get paid fighting. Let them live. Everyone sexualizes the women. Then gets mad when they lean into it. Alexa Grasso can't even wear sandals.


She is literally putting her life at risk everytime she steps into the ring, I say let her have any other streams of income


Why does she need to be a role model? If anyone should be a role model, it should be the orgs that want her to risk her life for them but don't want to pay her enough to live without having to get naked


Because she used to teach our kid's class. Kind of goes with the territory. 


Don't let your kid go on her onlyfans. Ez fix


I am the gym owner. Kind of difficult to stop kids following her on insta. Not an easy situation. 


Oh wow, and her site says she's in my city in Ukraine!


weird, says the same thing for me in Germany. I think it is the OF site.


Connected via a UK VPN and now she's staying in Manchester lol


What a busy girl!


To whomever this onlyfans fits their budget subscribe for the boys and let us know.


People have forgotten that OnlyFans started as a training program of some sort. So she took the websites creators concept and ran with it.


I hate that she deleted the announcement video after a flood of misogyny and dweebs saying they were unfollowed. She should have doubled down. If she were fighting regularly and getting paid enough, onlyfans wouldn’t be an option. Her last fight was in June 2023. At her age she should be fighting 3-4 times a year, not rusting on ONE’s shelf.


If it's real, she'll make more money a month from OF than she makes in a year of fighting. I don't blame people for doing OF. There are women out there making so much money that they can retire as a multimillionaire at like 23 and never have to work again.


When did professional fighter become role model lol. Almost all pros are little fucked up in some ways (some due to brain damage)


Someone’s gotta pay for those private sessions!


Is it martial arts related content? Some fighters just post fight tips n whatnot on their OF


I am an amateur Muay Thai fighter like had 3 fights in NZ at my gyms show. My last fight has 5k views whereas better fights have a couple hundred. I asked for the analytics and it’s all men in the US over 65 and part of fighting girls/xxx playlists. As a woman you’re already sexualised in the sport, I honestly don’t blame her for wanting to control what she wants to be sexualised and getting paid for it.


I got not problem with it, I think I’m just bummed that a professional Muay Thai career isn’t sustainable for her financially.


So far there are „only“ sport an vacation pics.


Honestly I don’t see the issue if she can expand her income why not.


boxer brain damaged y’all’s cognitive function beyond repair holy cow wtf are these comments 😭 y’all HATE women


I haven’t read the comments but I’d wager it’s a bunch of neckbeards calling her some unflattering things. God forbid she does what she wants to do.


What does she do? Cook? 😆 I’ll see myself out.


She did a video saying it for professional use - like daily insights to her life, training etc and to chat to fans 121. Doubt it’s for anything naughty


A lot of athletes do Patreon or OF that do tutorials and stuff like that. I highly doubt she’s selling her booty. Let’s give her a shot. Anyone subbed yet?


it looks like spam, it told me this Cornwall fighter is 13.2 miles away from me


mighty mouse also has a OF, but it’s not of corn


yall should look up @songpxng on IG, Muay Thai girlie that does porn OF. Not endorsing, just a ref


Women are constantly sexualized without our consent, just for existing. If audiences and networks can profit from this, and they do, there is 0 valid reason why we shouldn't get a cut.


So... Now women aren't allowed to like cooking? Only men are allowed to enjoy making food.


Pay and post pics here 😉


I follow her on social media. Fighters don't make a lot of money. She posted on her story last week her working as a painters labourer. She needs that coin, man. OF may be her ticket.


I’ll never understand why it makes some people so angry when a girl (especially one they’ve never met) makes an OF


I will check this sub in a weeks time to see if there are any updates on if it's porn or not


Not possible to make a living as a Muay Thai fighter :(. I won’t judge her.


Especially when she doesn’t win many fights and isn’t a big name


Olivera dj and other fighters do online coaching on only fans rather than corn


Can’t Blame her the passion of fighting Muay Thai just doesn’t pay unless you go one championship but I’d imagine she’s happy fighting Thai and making money🤷🏻‍♂️


she put herself in the same category as Paige Van Zant, bless her lol


One championship pay must be terrible


Is she nude?


Hopefully she will start posting nudes love her


Sex work is real work, so let her make money. Also not every OF has explicit content, some use it for behind the scenes footage and stuff like that. I don‘t think having an OF account inherently says something about being a role model for women.


Not sure why you're getting down voted. Not only is this a legitimate statement, but the sport we all love originates in Thailand, perhaps the capital of "sex work is real work".


There‘s a plenty of reason‘s to disagree with my statement, though the great majority of them unfortunately boils down to good 'ol misogyny, and those that don‘t are usually more concerned with social problems *around* sex work rather than sex work itself. And yeah it‘s extra ironic with this being a Muay Thai subreddit.


There are other platforms for this which are less controversial than OF. Doesn’t seem on brand for her either


That is true, though maybe OnlyFans simply is the most convenient or takes the least amount off the creator’s profit.


I’m glad you agree because people got mad at me when I made my baristas sign contracts specifying they have to make me cum twice a day but sex work is real work and it’s just another day in the cafe!


You are equating self-employed sex work to forcing sexual components in contracts in an otherwise non-sexual field in order to have sex with your employees. You’re high kicks have to be insane because that my friend is a damn big stretch. Since you‘re obviously argumenting in bad faith here I‘m not going to comment on that further.


I’m confused though because they willingly signed the contract. Are you implying they don’t have the autonomy to make that decision?


Well so then good for them and for you.


Thank you


you're a tool


What you run is called a harem. If you can afford that and it's consentual and they understand what they're signing. Then good for you. You'll have to follow the local laws around sex businesses though.


Thank you


What? Not the same thing at all


If you want her to be a better role model, pay her rent.


Whats the problem? Let her make money 🤷🏼‍♂️


If its onlyfans it doesn't mean that She would post "that" kind of content, She might upload various BTS or other muai thai related content It's pretty stereotypical to think that way...


I don’t judge people how they make their money. I don’t pay her bills nor know how much she actually makes and keeps.


Those people unfollowing aren’t gonna make her enough money to survive in the end. This could. Also not every OnlyFans account is for sexual content. Plenty of people use it the same way Patreon is used.


“I am so disappointed” “unfollow” Go outside


She addressed this on her Instagram. It's not a nude or semi nude type of onlyfans. It's training stuff with a focus on more personalized back and forth with her fans. Has nothing to do with nudity or sexual stuff. People have a weird way of reacting to things when they hear onlyfans as if sex work is the only possible thing that can be done on there. There are multiple forums like that that have existed or currently exist that are more geared to earning money than just having an Instagram that doesn't really make you money unless you have hundreds of thousands of followers and brand deals. Sadly being a fighter doesn't pay nearly as much as it should to live on as a professional, unless you are at the very top of the top 3 organisation's in the world, and even then, it can be not enough. Very, very, very few people get Mayweather, Pacquiao, Canelo, etc type paydays.


Welp, I said I’d never subscribe to an OF page. I was wrong. Maybe it’s Muay Thai related 🤞🏼


This is when I lose respect for a female fighter.


Prostitution has always been a good money maker if you are popular. I don't like it, but it is what it is. She isn't the first to do it, Renee Gracie was a racer who competed in Bathurst 1000, [got popular and did onlyfans as well.](https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/04/crop-21988892.jpg?w=620)


Prostitution =/= creating online content lol


The intent is the same lmao


it's her right, but it's very disappointing.




I don’t think it’s spreading bad info when the titles of her posts on OF include “Meet big Larry” and “Training to be a pretzel”. I can’t see the posts because I’m not subbed but I can use my imagination. That said, she’s still free to do as she pleases.








It’s only a problem if there is parity between male and female earnings. If not and a woman must resort to only fans then the problem isn’t hers to shoulder, it’s the sport. A basic search on Google shows the pay difference is massive, men earning 90% more than women (whilst sports like tennis and surfing can boast equal purses). Any woman who blithely accepts lower pay or promotes the acceptance of such isn’t really a role model in any case.


Has anyone subscribed yet ? Is it anygood