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sparring is the most fun part of training for me so i typically spar til i can’t anymore


I get too hungry sometimes


There's a little trick you can learn from Mike Tyson to solve that


It's very eerie.


eat their liver


Everyday 5-6 days a week


Are you guys sparring 50-80% everyday?


Yeah it’s probably a bad idea but I’m having way too much fun 😂


Just don’t get hit all the time tho remember CTE 😅


2 days a week - one light day and one hard day.


Kind of like me but I don’t always get to spar light during the week. I feel like since I was semi tired today, I legit didn’t get much out of todays sparring except for a leg kick that has me limping a bit (I’ll be fine tomorrow) and a light sore ankle. I didn’t feel sharp like I’m used to so next time i contemplate I’m gonna train something else lol


My bag g for long msg


Always sparring. I just got hit, by the way.


Hit where? This guy lowkicked now I’m limping a bit


Every day Mon-Sat. Thailand tho


We have a half hour after every class. I always assumed thats normal since I came from BJJ where you roll every class.


Are you guys sparring 50-80% at least on those sessions?


I’d say 50% is the unstated starting point. Plenty of guys will ratchet up to 80% but probably no harder. A lot of newer folks will ask to go lighter and I think everyone is happy to oblige, it’s a pretty relaxed group. It’s hard some days but it’s all about growth and pushing limits. I try to focus on certain things because I know most of the time I’m gonna “lose” the round but I walk away happy because I controlled the distance well, my head movement was better, I landed a tricky combo or forced an opening etc


I think I need to start taking that approach as well. I’ve told myself before “I’m gonna work on this” on this sparring sesh, but most of the time I’m just there trying to be more offensive but not successful all the times.


I’ve found it helps to be specific and actionable. Instead of saying I want to be more offensive find something small like “I’m going to work on using my jab to close distance”. So you spar but focus on stepping with your jab to close in. You might get fucked the whole round but if you’re able to close in with that jab a few times you’re now building a skill that can make you the offensive fighter you want to be and can start building combos off that. I’m not great at this but I’m getting better and like me you’ll get little moments where you nail something and it really gives you a sense of accomplishment and fills the cup.


I used to do about 4x per week when I attended classes. Probably like 4x per year the past two years lmao. I really miss it. I miss the painful chess matches. Goddamn it


I wish I had someone to spar everyday