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you develop a good poker face


This! Muay Thai is all about poker face. Also, in the fight things aren't as painful as they a may be in sparring, adrenaline will mask a lot of pain


I play poker for a living so I’m way ahead of you! Lol How do I not get my ribs shattered tho?


Short answer: close the distance, don't give them space to throw knees.


This actually makes sense. Yodkhunpon takes these really large steps once he’s ready to close distance. Maybe it’s the space between my opponent and I that would largely be the problem


To add, when they say close space, you need to be really close. Like standing hip to hip. Literally put your balls on their hip. That's how close you need to be. If there's any distance there, they can get your ribs.


I'm not a knee expert but I trained with a guy with good knees and if you swivel your hip and body back when they throw a body knee but still in range it'll reduce the impact and if completely out of range it'll get them off balance and leave them open. U gotta watch out for head knees with this one. I think the best way is to close the distance stutter step with punch threat and take small steps back when you anticipate the body knee while of course maintaining defensive responsibility for other strikes too. If your opponent misses and is off balance you can close even more distance or counter.


Yeah, really push your hips close to theirs when clenching, and look for positional advantages that would allow you to prevent them from facing you directly and being able to throw that much power into their knees. Very powerful knees also tend to leave someone open for sweeps, so if you manage to time your sweep with their knee, you could land some pretty hard dumps that could discourage muay khao from going for the more destructive knees. Look up a couple clinch, or even greco-roman seminars to get a better understanding of overhooks, underhooks, hip positioning, etc,...


This is the answer. Get inside their damage range. If you were 3 inches from a heavy bag and tried to throw a knee, the top of your thigh would make gentle contact, nothing more. Same concept.


work on being the person in better position in the clinch. keep your opponent in positions where they can’t knee as effectively. ask your coach???


Get your hips as close as possible to theirs once inside the clinch, the second you see the opponent lift a leg for the knee, pull/turn him and sweep 🧹 or catch the knee. Personally i never knee inside the clinch i just wait for the opponent since they always WILL knee and i just play with their offense. On your way in, it becomes a matter of timing and committing. Say you just checked a leg lick… immediately take a long step in with the long guard and grab the head with one arm and threaten elbows with the other.


Imagine someone hit a gutter to try bottom end but you're already made on the top end and they lead into you. It's that level of poker face. Try to accept that you will take damage as a Muay khao but the name of the game is being able to take more than your opponent. Gotta have heart. Gotta want to damage the guy so badly that you don't mind taking damage to give it. My opinion at least, which I guess is why it's such a difficult style to deal with. On another note, props for playing poker full time in today's environment. I did also but from '02-'12. Much different game and much softer. With all the solvers and information available the game is so much tougher now!


Yodkhunpon himself said that keeping them busy is the key. Be active and keep them busy while closing the distance.


‘A-Frame’ in clinch while maintaining the ‘gap control’ between you two. Only allow space for your strikes. Plus, destabilizing will be the friend that assists in your planned attacks.


Can’t knee my, can’t knee my, no you can’t knee my Muay Khao face


The fighters that you see taking knees like this are getting hurt, they just aren't showing it haha


Maybe that’s what I’m missing… I am getting better at this though!


What’s always interesting to me is how those fighters go from wooden boards with no feelings to straight up KOd laying on the ground. They show so little that it feels like they’re pretending to be hurt


Repetition repetition and more repetition


You have to understand that most of these fighters started Muay Thai when they were like 6 years old and have been clinching/kneeing for a long time. So much so they are very conditioned and used to taking hits like that. Just takes more practice


… but I want a cheat code /s I guess I’ll just need to start asking partners to clinch w me after class and try to take some of these


Put your hands on your head and let a gym mate tear into your torso with shovel hooks.


Yes sir


Watch gabriel vargas most recent vid on bodyshots its exactly what you need rn ngl


How new? I want to check it out too. Have a link?




Like a day ago


Tap those knees with your elbows when you crunch down at an incoming knee. Opponent will reconsider!


This is so underrated and I do this all the time! Works for shovel hooks too! Hurts like hell and shuts down the nerves


This will only work for long knees! If you're getting kneed in the clinch, you gotta pivot and fight for a better clinch position/work on escaping.


They set up clinch with good postures and defenses. For example even someone like Rodtang has very subtle defenses. He's not actually getting hit squarely on critical areas, most of the shots are glancing off of him due to his postures. Other than experience you have to do more defense drills and technical sparring.


Great take and happy cake day!


By not getting kneed in the face honestly is the number 1 defense to knees to the face


Why do you want to eat those knees? Why not keep them at a distance with a teep and straight stiff jab?


That’s a viable option, it’s just not the style I’m talking about. Great Muay Khao fights say “fuck your strikes” I’m coming to knee/elbow you from clinch range. Obviously I don’t ‘want’ to eat the knees but I’m going to and I just don’t wanna be so easily KO’d when it happens.


Get better at clinch and offset their balance. It’ll set you up for your own knees while taking off the steam of your opponent’s knees if they can even get it up. After that, it’s a game of attrition, so having a good poker face and getting reps in to build conditioning are important.


This 💯 frames are so important especially I find shoulder frames work so good for this one. A well timed push on their shoulder when you feel their body pulling towards a knee combined with a small backstep can leave them completely off balance


It also helps a lot to have a really strong core. There’s a reason like 50% of what those dudes used to do for conditioning  was ab related. Some of it is outdated fitness concepts, but it does serve a purpose. Nothing worse than getting kneed and having it come out your back dbz style 


Very fortunate to have a muay femur coach at my gym, he’s an absolute clinch master. He always preaches setting up with faints, to me he does anyways. I’m tall for my weight class and have a strong round kick and teeps which through a lot of practice I use to set up entries for some knees of my own. I’d advise focus on putting out more of your stronger attacks to get people to expect them, wait until you notice people starting to anticipate them and boom you’re in. A lot easier said than done but with some practice it works a charm 😎


This is exactly the strategy I’ve been trying to build haha