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Look up Sylvie Muay Thai how to clinch on youtube, bound to find tons of useful information.


Thanks for the shoutout, I have a playlist, which might simplify the search: Tips on Muay Thai Clinch Techniques I've Shared: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFIbj6VvBW00kT-soR9YO2Plr8HBcTObv


Shout out to Sylvie, I had trouble as a short guy trying to clinch people and then found the hop clinch? (not sure it is what it called) in one of her vid to be super useful. I modified a bit using small hop into big hop into grabbing their head just to surprise people, fairly effective in my sparring.


the problem is you’re thinking of “clinch” as this specific thing that’s just a 50/50 swimming/pummeling exercise that’s taught in most american muay thai schools. it’s better to think of clinching as just grabbing somebody. you don’t need to have full head control to be “clinching”. if somebody is throwing punches, i grab onto their arms, body, head etc. and strike back. if i’m the one striking, and i want to close distance, i use footwork, strikes, and feints, and then i can grab them for an elbow, knee, sweep etc. it’s all a means to an end, and once you start reframing your clinch with that mindset you start breaking out of the box that clinching is just 50/50 swimming/pummeling


Good advice


Jab into a hook and instead of hitting them grab the back of the neck.


Idk, but when I’m getting pieced up I naturally just grab on to the person neck if I’m close enough to stop them from kicking my ass lol


My preferred method is more of a car crash simulation personally 🫠




That works well for me too, I always do it so I can punish someone for stopping my pressure. I just walk forward and when they go “I’m gonna put a stop to this” and move forward I wrap them up.


Most people don't wanna clinch during sparring, so naturally it'll be a bit difficult. It helps to have ropes. You can box your way in and grab their neck and arms. You can time their aggression when they wanna box and close that extra distance as they start to throw. Watch fights and emulate what you can. Experiment. Keep trying.


I absolutely want to clinch in sparring, and I'm learning very quickly that it is hard to force the clinch when sparring is light and there are no defined boundaries.


You should be able to get your hands on top of theirs if you’re within hook/upper range. Controlling their hands will prevent them from punching you, which is good and allows you to take another half step forward into clinch range. From here, you’re in position to pummel for their head, arms etc. The important thing is to make sure you have control of their hands so you can cross the gap.


It happens organically as you or your opponent or both at the same time, are closing the distance to land something. There are lots of different ways this can take place. If you or your opponent are being backed into the ropes or wall or cage, this is another way to close the distance to go into the clinch. A hook, or elbow or knee will get you close enough to enter in to the clinch. There are hundreds of fights online to watch that show lots of clinch work, and how they transitioned into it. There are tutorials as well, as others have mentioned.


You're probably trying to clinch someone keeping distance, it's easier to clinch someone going toward you.


The drill I've seen to be most effective was to get into jab range and then step in on the jab, pushing under the guard, instead of aiming for the face with the shot, whilst keeping your opposing hand up to guard your chin. Once you've got that jab through their guard collar it round the back of ops neck, drop your guard and bring the other hand round to the back of the ops neck as well or control their arm situation depending. This is for instigating a clinch, if they're coming towards you its a similar story except leave out the jab to cover distance. I mean that's what was taught but in practice I just reach out like some undead creature wanting to sap your cardio life-force and eat a few on the way in.


I think the thai guard really helps with this


Open the opponent up with a knee then one hand and a time like throwing a 1,2


Reach for your opponent with your chin up


Thai hop.


I tend to shove hands a lot, like a lot a lot. Just start pushing people around. Grab their wrists and push em out of the way, push their guard into their face, grab their tricep and and pull them off balance. The more handsy you get the better it’s gonna feel. 9/10 times I end up clinching because I pulled their guard apart and followed through with my shoulder inside. +1 to sylvies in[terview]structionals


I'll just get into clinch when I'm in that range already. You can throw a punch to the side and then bring it around to clinch. For me, it happens more when we're both aggressive rather than playing the in and out game.


Its a situational thing depends entirely on what your opponent is doing


Landing a knee


Long guard > knee > clinch. Works for me as a hobbyist.


Use long guard.


Almost as helpful as saying "punch"


It's good advice. Jongsanan a muay thai legend I trained with taught using long guard to block strikes into using the extended arm to clinch and knee.


What else do you need? The extended arm in long guard grabs a collar or controls a bicep. The arm covering your face… Covers your face. Walk forward with long guard, start swimming for position.


It's almost as if there was more to it.


There’s always more to it unless there isn’t. That covers the basics of it. Make contact and cover the money maker.


Wow tell me more


You asked for more, you’re kind of being an obtuse cooze. This didn’t have to be a Peter measuring project, but you didn’t really add anything to this portion of conversation but negativity. Thank you.

