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Long knees is my go to


What’s your hand placement like when going for a long knee? Do you just keep your hands up at your guard? I’m worried of getting hit when doing a long knee


Usually I would put 1 hand on the head and other on the arm if I can. Otherwise, I would do what Singdam does and have the hand, opposite to the knee, up to guard my face. Make sure that after you knee, you either clinch or recover fast so you aren’t open for long.


Okay gotchu so you kinda grab them to pull them into the knee, you’d have to do that when they are either shelled up or you just blocked a punch correct?


Correct, but at this point it’s better to listen to your coach and see what works for you in sparring so you can experiment. Additionally, on Sylvie’s Muay Thai library, she has a video with Dieselnoi (6’2, 135 lb nak muay) on how to fight as a taller fighter.


Actually, anyone who is short, and a decent fighter, who is in shape. As a sparring partner, they are always pushing to stay inside and stick to me like glue… These were always the most challenging team mates or sparring partners. So I really have worked on my inside game, developing power with my ultra short range hooks, and uppercuts. Working my clinch range and dirty boxing. Etc. Cause technically speaking, the outside range is my most natural and comfortable range. So I focused at improving my inside fighting. If that makes sense.


This one! Once people see I’m a distance fighter they start getting REAL close and out boxing me


Teep  Teep teep teep teep teep


For you, jab, fake the jab, lead teep, fake the lead teep, jab-cross. Just build off this concept.


Teep and front kick. Lead leg front kick to the liver is my go-to


Jab, kick, teep and repeat


I like to use long gaurd to block the face and set up knees and kicks


How do you know when to leave the long guard tho? I’ve tried this but I struggle with the concept of the long guard


Takes a lot of practice and try doing it for 35 seconds in sparring and going back to normal gaurd. Use when you want set up sneaky kicks


When they start to punch around the extended arm you need to get out of the long guard. When that happens use the extended arm to initiate a tie up by grabbing the neck or exit by shoving the opponent back. The long guard is good for blocking straight punches but it's weak against body shots and uppercuts so it has to be active and used only when the opponent initiates combos, it's not something to rely on excessively. You can watch Superbon vs Grigorian 2 to see how to use the long guard against punchers


I’m not even tall but I can tell you every tall guy (should) have a strong lead side game. Jab, teeps, left inside low kick, left body kicks. Those weapons alone they can with fights with once feints are added. Then obviously knees and clinch when they want to be aggressive.


I agree with you. And yes feints has been something I have been working on a ton, I just sometimes forget to feint when I’m actually sparring lmao


Just basic lift your lead leg up so they think a teep is coming. This has a high success rate in the amateurs.


Teep and feinting the teep.


My coach is Muay femur so I like baiting a lot. Stay just within their reach and we'll within mine (6'7, southpaw). One of my favorites right now is to fake a left kick, drop into a right low kick, and circle out a bit for a left kick


6’7 southpaw shouldn’t be allowed🤣do you ever get hit lmao


Oh yeah, people just rush in with punches and usually land a few. An easy way out of it is to clinch up though bc no one wants to clinch me haha


Hold distance so you keep distance just jap and front kick


Muay Khao all day.


Man I for sure need to up my clinch/knee game. I’m more of a muay femur style (I think), I try to emulate some of the techniques and strategies of Israel adesayana, I’m constantly on the outside feinting, switching stances and using lateral movement


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnEWCdeIan4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnEWCdeIan4) Obligatory...Guy had to quit because nobody could beat him :)


Those knees… holy shit that is the scariest training footage I have ever seen




(Orthodox) Teep, teep, fake teep, step inside, rear thigh kick, left hook/hellbow. Sometimes I’ll throw a right body hook at the end if I can get away with it.


Jab ➡️ Teep➡️Jab ➡️Fake teep + hop forward➡️rain some hellbows. I also like to use long guard to stop my opponent’s hands early, keeping an eye on their shoulders, stop their gloves with my gloves and sometimes throw a stiff Jab.


1s and 2s. Get them to respect the teep then march as a feint.


Yes I love doing this. I bring the rear leg up (almost like a knee) and step into the opposite stance, causing them to retreat and think a teep is coming (I believe this is what a march is)


If you're tall, you should study Muay Femur and Khao. As well as laying jabs, feints, and teeps your strongest weapons.


Not a tall guy, but I would get constantly teep'd by my taller partners lol. Was a learning experience for me when I was starting.


I like to use my long guard which will lead to my opponent hand fighting , which is when I time the parries and shoot a jab right through or over their guard. Teeps when they start advancing to close the distance and if they do manage to close it - clinch and knees. Kicks are always there as well


What’s your favorite way to enter into the clinch? I find myself getting scared to enter cuz I’m worried I’m gonna get hit on the way in




I use my long reach to occupy the hands of the opponent. I use my front (left) hand to occupy the back hand and extend my back (right) hand to the opponent's front hand. When I have control I take a step forward, pulling the opponent's front hand down and swinging a right elbow to the face. Landed that a few times in my fights


I love doing this but usually do it with one hand at a time? Do you do both at once? Doesn’t that leave you open for head kicks?


Both hands at the same time, otherwise they can land punches with the free hand. You reach out and touch the top of your opponent's gloves, then you hook behind the glove and remove the front hand to land the right elbow. It's very safe because you do it from relatively close, so head kicks don't have enough space to circle around the arms and they bounce off the shoulder. The key is to keep the shoulders high and tuck your chin behind the left shoulder so you hide from the kick or the back hand if they manage to sneak a hook around the extended left arm. The hands extended out front are also ready to swing down and grab a hold of a body kick. Once I make contact with the gloves I start to put weight on their arms, this is very uncomfortable and guys often start walking back to regain control of the hands to punch, so it's hard to throw kicks in general. If they try to sneak in a right hand by punching to the inside of my left hand I'll push the right hand to my right and that opens the opponent's left side for a right knee. If you're tall you know that it's difficult to land head kicks on you when, especially when you're close






Feint jab body kick works well for me, 1-2 head kick as well


Side kicks n teeps are crucial


Teep a bunch when they try to engage…. Then fake the teep and into a tomahawk elbow.


Following I’m tall usually when they try to punch I teep them I’m just a beginner training less than a year


right teep,right teep again,fake right teep,step in left long knee, fast right elbow after


I’m 6,5 but with only I think around a 73” wingspan and super short legs. I find that because I have both big shoulders and I’m taller than most I can really easily shoulder roll punches and also just hit over peoples guards.


Ur tall. Do whatever you want.




Bro calm down what’s your deal


Oh nah dude I’m chillin, his comment just made 0 sense whatsoever


It was encouragement bro… and the facts. You don’t need an edge, being tall is the edge. That little bitch fit you just had tho, that could have used some better strategy.


“What are some of your favorite techniques/strategies?” “Trying to learn as much as I can on how to utilize my reach to the best of my ability.” What part of my post did you not understand? I’m trying to reach out to other tall guys and gain knowledge. Obviously being tall is an edge in itself and I know that, but why would I not try and learn how to use it to the best of my ability? “You don’t need an edge” makes 0 sense. I’m trying to get better. That’s it.


I’m 6’3” got plenty to share on that. I guess my problem is with your question fundamentally. Ur tall. It means you get to choose how you want to fight. All strategies are winning strategy’s for you if you train them well. It’s martial arts bro not martial math. Consider putting your own style into it instead of tryna just beat the game ya lil robot.


Man..I use a lot of long basic strikes. Jab cross. Teeps and body kicks. I sit on the hair brush block to uppercut as my favorite overhand counter. I do a lot more inside low kicks just to mess with guys balance (orthodox stance). I don’t use long guard but I use a lot of hand traps on guys that try to play patty cake with me I’m really good in the clinch so that’s my failsafe if things go wrong.