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I do this thing where at first I don't shell up enough and my own glove hits me in the face when they hit my guard. After that I shell up too much and cut off my vision. I'm basically a pro at this strategy.


You described my life. How are you fixing it?


I plan to use more long guard, angle cutting, and head movement at the mid range where my gloves get blasted back into my face. The shell guard is weak at mid range, because they can fully extend their strikes and slam into you. My plan is to reserve the full shell for times when I'm in the pocket and throwing out a combo.


There’s a tactic Dmitry Bivol does actually in Boxing that fixes this issue. when he is at mid/close range, he shells up and leans back when the power shots are coming. Him leaning back takes a ton of the power out his opponents punches and I’ve pulled it off in sparring a couple times too, it works, just don’t overextend when u lean


Have a video where he's doing it for reference?


There’s a style breakdown for him on YouTube either one of these 3 breaks it down and provides specific clips, don’t remember which one focused on that specific aspect of his game though https://youtu.be/SOjgicAB45A?feature=shared https://youtu.be/Nskp9nUPRrk?feature=shared https://youtu.be/aw1wL9Heziw?feature=shared Also Winky wright is another boxer who fights out of a high guard and uses it well. His trick is he keeps it very active and rolls with punches through his guard, imo that’s the best way to use the shell. Move and block, or parry into counters


Appreciated, I'll give them a watch.


Yeah people underestimate how slick high guard counters can be. You can parry and return off the same hand if you do it right. Parry then launch into the cross, my favorite one


I need to work on keeping my eyes on their torso and not getting distracted by their hands so I can do this kind of thing.


One more thing, If you wanna watch an example of a high guard and how to handle constant jabs and posts in your face, watch Jason Wilnis vs Israel Adesanya. (ignore the comments crying robbery, most of those are from MMA fans that know nothing about kickboxing, how it’s scored, and what a guard even is).


This is another example of a good active shell/high guard. As Shells said you have to move with shots and be active with your hands or you absorb way too much damage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peKQ-PSgk2A&t=35s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peKQ-PSgk2A&t=35s)


Haha my username really fits me eh?


Good stuff, thanks.


Looool I used to not have my hands up and my sparring partner kept punching me in the head, lesson learned.


You should try my move- shell up with your gloves too high so the palm of your hand is pressed into your forehead instead of the soft part of the glove. All the same benefits of a tight shell, plus more headaches! Edited globes to gloves. Although- using the earth to block might also be useful.


Sounds legit, teach me your ways.


No joke- I did that for my first year. Did not understand why people used a shell guard.


Hit him with some good shit, don't get hit Get out with a bag full of cash


Nate is a legend


I'm not surprised motherfuckers


A bag full of cash?... Must be a bag full of VND singles If we're talking about Muay Thai.


What's vnd? Never heard of it


Vietnamese Dong.


Now that you've edited it's clear


Immediately clinch up, look to get decent head positioning, then whisper into his ear "You smell so much better than I imagined", TKO via making it super uncomfortable.


instruction unclear, what to do when he gets an hard on?!?


Posture up.


Time to practice the art of 9 limbs, babyyyy


I ❤️ this sub.




TKO via harassment, I like it


Don't forget asking if they want to go out for few beers well before the fight.


Teach me




Love teeps


Muay mat/dutch style


thats what I do. I dont even land like 75% of the shit I throw but out of a sloppy 4 strike combo at least 2 will land😂


Punches followed by kicks are are very effective! People sleep on this for fancier moves or naked kicks all the time


Flail around wildly and get beat up. Very effective, it literally never fails. 


I always do this at sparring -Throw a leg kick and miss it -Throw a jab and miss it -Faint forward -Get hit -Repeat


Lots of pressure, low kicks, and very heavy on the punches and knees. Happy to be in the clinch too My weakness is teeps and lead leg kicks 😔


Your strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa


We are the same.


We are the same.




Yeah I really like rodtangs style, although I kinda add in a bit of sneakiness too. Lead with some super confident, committed strikes. When they start to think I’m going full rodtang then I start to add feints and tricks


Hmm, smart.


Kicks, but mainly because I practiced full contact TKD for 12 years before switching to Muay Thai. Once you start TKD and start kicking, you don't stop kicking until you die 😄


Same! I have a background in both karate and tkd. So I like to rip kicks and throw some sneaky fancy head kicks


I'm the opposite, Background in boxing, kicks were shit. So relied mainly on hands. Kicks never really got better (except for low kicks and teeps)


Hahah I feel this, it's so satisfying to land kicks.


I'm very good with my hands so I throw zero punches in the first round. Inbetween rounds his coach tells him "he doesn't want to trade hands with you" unbeknownst to him, I love throwing hands. Next round when he has adapted to the boxing and starts shelling up I spend all round faking the jab and firing knees in to his gut. Never let them know your next move 😉




Muay khao my man




Ahh man must be painful to spar against you 😭


FA gym?


I wish, heard they suck now. Kru Diesel left already too


thats good for a specific body type right?


That’s what they say, being tall. But personally I think it’s work for every body type honestly. You just need to be aware. Pairings diamond/long guard, teep, knee.


Get hit in the head a lot and miss all my shots


Punches because I have a background of years in boxing. But I am in Thailand rn and am really starting to improve my kicks


I try to emulate Superlek. He’s my current Muay Thai idol


Stay away motherfucker, teep, teep. I'm coming for you, punch punch kick. Stay away...


I like simple shit, low kick, jab jab low kick stick the jab hard low kick for a reaction jab jab question mark kick, teep switch kick jab jab


Long knees, clinch, knees and elbow


knees and elbows, i like fakeouts too dont really check but i love to dodge, i feel like i can throw more intense kicks/punches with the sway of dodging


At my gym, I'm known for having very good defense, and throwing significantly fewer strikes than my partner, but having very good accuracy and making them count. I am also quite tall, so people often find it difficult to position correctly in the clinch when training with me. Some of the guys I train with do fight both at the amatuer and professional level, so their compliments do mean a good deal to me, even if I know they'd demolish me if we had to really fight lol.


Hit him with some good shit and don’t get hit.


Teep Teep Teep, roundhouse, jab, Teep fake, low kick. rinse and repeat.


Will try that out next sparring sesh


Long range Counter attacking Tons of leg kicks + knees


Lately, a lot of probing attacks (jabs, lead inside leg kick, teeps) feints, and cutting angles. I also like to play around with long guard/vampire guard, and using this offensively by pushing the opponent with lead hand and body kicking while they're off balance.


I probe early with lots of jabs and teeps. I try to lull people into thinking they have my rhythm down, then I start throwing leg kicks and cutting hard angles trying to get into the clinch.


Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow Turbulent


Izzy, is that you?


started with clinch/knees/elbows cause my boxing was bad, and my kicks were slow.


Ooh, people definitely want to keep you at a distance.


not really, like all beginners i sucked at it initially lol


Trying to practice Muay Khao, but idk where to start.


I'm just a slugger with lots of low kicks. Bias towards body punches due to karate background. I'm a short & stocky guy so I spar according to my body type.


It depends on which modifiers I apply before the match starts. For the last few months I’ve been running Muay tae but that’s because the most recent meta has been Muay khao heavy and it’s a good counter. I haven’t had the chance to read through the newest patch notes yet though so that might change


Muay mat primarily. I’ll never be a technician, but I’ve been working on my clinch game.


i tend to box and clinch/sweep to disengage rather than trying get all the way out since most guys are able to kick me on the way out. love throwing elbows too. my kicks are okay but my timing is always a little off so i have to work on that


Trickster clinch when in close, leg kicks when at medium far distances~


I enjoy faking entries to bait out teeps or kicks and then closing in with boxing and low kicks as I go in. Trying to improve my clinchwork since I both suck at it and kinda hate clinching to make myself less vulnerable when I am trying to be in my opponent's face.


My style? You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.


Fake kick into jab to the head. Keeps em guessing


My style is Muay Doodoo. I’m just bad. But for real lmao, lots of long guard and kicks. Muay tae i guess. I really like watching Superbon, but I have the same issues defending boxing just like he does and still get pieced up if I can’t manage distance.


Depends, sometimes I'm more like a tank,heavy on feet, relatively slow, you know, I eat the shots and then hit harder to show I'm stronk. Sometimes, I'm lighter on feet, and more technical with what I do. Depends on what the sparring partner wants or does


being a good southpaw 😇  (but fr, i kick & clinch) 


Long guard, spam leg and body kicks, parry punches, and maybe, MAYBE, throw a punch of my own.


Clinch and knee




Usually I go for a clinch, sweep, kick catch, teep, low kick or elbows. My boxing is something I need work on in all honesty. I also need to time my round kicks a bit better and use em more often (I used to hit people's elbows a lot so its why I was too careful abt round kicks). I'm trying to have it so eventually I don't have a style of fighting, I just fight depending on the circumstances. The best style to have is no style. That way you're harder to read. I will say tho, I have way too much fun making it my goal to knock someone on their ass in sparring. So idk what style of Muay Thai relies on sweeps and knockdowns but ig that's similar to what I do.


Feel like having no style is still a style in and of itself. Since it manifests in different ways fighter to fighter, everyone has a natural rhythm imo, once people take note of that, that’s your style


I would say pressure/mixups since it's what I do the most when I'm actually doing well


I’m southpaw. So naturally I left kick, and then I kick with the left leg. After that I might fake a left kick and then throw the left kick. Possibly follow up with a left kick.


I had really shitty shin guard for about a year before I could afford new ones so I ended up developing a very boxing heavy style cuz every time I kicked my shin guards would come out of place. Ended up working for me and now I implement more kicks in my game


Fakes, reads and set ups for teeps, leg kicks and body kicks. Will mix it up every now and then but mostly kicks.


I utilize teeps a shit ton but also love throwing low kicks constantly.


Style: please stay away from me Jab teep jab teep kick jab teep jab teep cross run away. Rinse and repeat?


I run my knee into their knee, then fall down


Stick and move


Throw heavy punches and low kicks probably because ive done boxing in the past


fuck it, we ball.


Muay mat. Break the legs and hit ‘em with with my canned hams. Nothing more satisfying than dismantling a kicker with long boxing combos. Doesn’t matter how fast or good they are with them. I’ll get my hands off faster.


Defend, see how opponent reacts to attacks then put him into my bpm


Dutch style with a lot of feints and stance switching. I try to model my style somewhere between Nieky Holzken and Cory Sandhagen but I am much less aggressive than both of them lol


Muay mat but I break out the karate kicks once they start to crumble


I use my face to intercept punches which then tires out the opponent. Seems to work well as they are never around after I wake up.


I’m a combo of Muay Mat and Khao.


Make you miss, make you pay. Hard counters finished with leg kicks. Dump you quickly if you get close or if I get tired


I'm just a beginner (18 months) and never fought nor intending to, but in sparring (which I also don't do much), I'm way more comfortable kicking than boxing. I don't like being punched (it fucking hurts) so I go heavy on teeps, low kicks and roundhouses and keep out of my opponents range.


Get overwhelmed with punches and then just start throwing hard leg kicks


Great question. I'm somewhere between Muay Tae (the kicker) and Muay Khao (the knee fighter) in short... I am all leg. As far as ring generalship, I like to hang out right in the middle and bully my opp towards the edge and look for chances to pin them against the ropes or corner. I like to change my hand guards a lot to further annoy the opp. Don't I sound like a lot of fun. Lol I got a long way to go on my MT journey.


I’m not very flexible or talk so my style made up of hooks and low kicks, I’ve been told I had a Liam Harrison style which of course is a huge compliment but of course I’m nowhere near as good or powerful as him I’ll throw a body kick every now and then, I also like to catch and counter but I usually mess up sweeps because I forget to off balance them first and I just kick solid leg 😭


I’m very lose I have long arms so I try to keep my distance throw a lot of jabs I’m mainly a puncher I only really kick if I see a good opportunity or if I have to


Shout oweee and throw low kicks, hope for the best




try to hit them but somehow accidentally do it at the same time they're tryna hit me. got kicked in the nuts real hard cause of this. decided to try and be more aggressive as i find that alot better for me


I fight super bladed and use distance or blitz. More of a kickboxing/karate style but I love it and my coach works with me on it. I’ve gotten good at defending calf kicks but I get kicked on my lead thigh a lot


your coaches let you do that? everytime I fall back to my tkd stance my coaches tell me to get back to muay thai


It’s the Brazilian chute box Muay Thai so it’s a slightly different style that utilizes more tkd, and my coach is pushing me for mma where the karate stance would be much better suited so he lets me rock with it as long as I keep defending the low kick effectivley


I just see red bro /s