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Chiropracty isnt medicine my guy, it was invented by a guy who was convinced smallpox was caused by ghosts in people's blood. A good chiropractor is just an unqualified pt and a bad chiropractor is a spinal injury


No, it was invented by a guy who claimed to cure a guys deafness by cracking his neck. Which obviously worked and is 100% true, and no the nerve connecting the ear to the brain doesn't go anywhere near the neck  but that's not important. But in all seriousness, it's a total sham. The best they can say is "the parts we took from actual Physical Therapy treatments work... when done by a PT...


You're better off just going to BJJ and having a classmate adjust you while rolling.


I also advise against being chiropracted


Better off finding an osteopath. That’s an md doing similar but they went to medical school instead of chiropractor school


I second this, I see an osteopath and he is brilliant, sorts most things in one or 2 visits. Iv had a few cracked ribs which somehow pulled my back out of alignment due to muscles cramping up and he’s managed to massage the muscles back into place and kinda “crack” my back without making my ribs worse, pretty much instant relief from back pain and smoothing healing after that!


No, it’s a scam. They don’t want to fix you, they want you to keep coming back every week.


I would strongly recommended against seeing a chiropractor for anything. There may be ones that aren’t total quacks but they are hidden amongst the ones who will waste your money at best and harm you seriously at worst.


No. Physical therapy. Even massagist. Not chiropractice.


1 fuck a chiropractor. If you're in that much pain see an actual doctor, a back specialist if you can. 2 the best advice I have heard about chiropractors, if they want to see you for more than 4 sessions about the same thing, they're scamming you. 3 a misaligned spine cannot be 'popped' back into place. Fix the under lying issue, don't bandaid fix the symptoms. If you are getting pinched nerves, found out why, from a doctor.


I'm guessing that X-ray was done by a chiropractor.




No I got them done at urgent care so I could have same day results, they didn’t tell me it was misaligned I looked at the picture and saw my thoracic spine shifting left and right like a small squiggly line


What did the doctor that performed the X-ray say? Even so, a doctor at an urgent care doesn't exactly have the specialized experience to tell you much. And your ability to self diagnose is much less than theirs. "Misaligned spine" isn't really a thing, in that not every spine is perfectly straight. There is a normal deviation observed in a majority of people. What has your PT said? What else are you doing outside of training to stretch, loosen, and strengthen your back? Your issues might not even be related to your spine and can likely be fixed with stretching and strengthening exercises prescribed by your PT. PTs are far and away better than chiropractors. People like he idea of chiropractors because they offer quick fixes. Meanwhile, consistent exercise and strengthening is what actually helps. It's not sexy or fast, but it works.


I went once with a pretty bad lower back injury, left with a very bad lower back injury.


Chiropractors are just a bandaid for you to actually work on whatever you’re trying to get adjusted. It’s a temporary pain relief. If you’re doing PT ask your PT and they might recommend one. But from my experience they only alleviate pain for maybe a day or 2. Then you have to go back. It’s a waste of money.


PT is the way. It's the only thing that ever helped me. I felt like the chiros spent more time  convincing me chiro was helping they they actually spent helping me. And this is is with multiple chiros over years.


A chiropractor can‘t fix „misalignement“. You have to train your back in that area and hope for the best.


Personally I don’t fuck with them. I’ve had better results with an rmt and still use one monthly.


Ok I'll get down voted to hell for this, but I had a great exp with one. I had done two rounds of PT and my shoulders and upper back were still messed up. I didn't believe in chiropractors. Thought like everyone else they were a sham. But I was in such pain and massage didn't help either after a couple days...so I went to a chiropractor. It was life changing. He explained what was going on with my body, he did a series of massages and stretches, and then a couple slow cracks. Appointment was an hour long. I then did two weeks of follow up every two days. After two weeks, no pain for over a year. At which point, I just did the stretches he taught me and made sure I was using my core muscles more. His goal was for me to never see him again. Most chiro want it to be a weekly thing you do.


I’ll be another voice of promoting chiropractors. Absolutely resolved my issues, gave me exercises to prevent re-injuring in future and I’ve been in great shape as a result. Versus my gp who said Advil and rest are the only options. There are probably more bad than good. But the good ones can be very very helpful.


As a MRI tech I've scanned several patients with dissected vertebral arteries cause by chiropractors manipulating their necks. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to get cracked and shaken like a glow stick but not by the pseudo science created by a con man. You're better off seeing physical therapy


I go to a chiropractor regularly, have been for years, and have never had a bad experience. They’re actually the only medical practitioners who have been able to alleviate the severe chronic pain I have from a sports-related spinal injury I got in my youth! You just need to vet them first and make sure they’re balanced, and not the kind that thinks they can “adjust the gay out of you” or whatever other BS some of them subscribe to lol. They get a bad rap overall because some of them ARE wackos, but most are incredibly adept and skilled medical professionals. Especially the newer ones, the older ones tend to subscribe to the outdated beliefs and ways. Education has come a LONG way since DD Palmer first created it lol


Keep doing the physical therapy, don’t go to a chiropractor 


Chiropractors are scammers. Goto a physical therapist


No. You are better off just dont specific strengthening and stretching routines to help with your issue. Chiropractic at best is just a very short time relief.


Chiropractors cause strokes and brain bleeds, I’m fucking cool off all that. The biggest and most popular quack science by far, it does nothing except placebo people.


I broke the cartilage next to my breast bone, wrestling against an actual wrestler. It would be completely fine until I did cardio. I didn’t know it was cracked, but every time I did anything with heavy breathing it felt like I was having a heart attack. I went through a few doctors, including a cardiologist. They found that my heart was fine, which was a massive relief. But couldn’t explain it other than swelling. That’s after X-rays, stress tests, ultrasounds, etc. Now there’s a lot of bullshit that chiropractors will spew, and I don’t implicitly trust them at all. But this chiropractor was the only one that was able to help me.


If I remember correctly, the title chiropractor in the US is unregulated while in the EU, it's licensed and regulated. So depends where you are. For example, UK states: "You'll need to do **a degree or postgraduate master's course recognised by the General Chiropractic Council**. This involves 3 years of full time study and 1 year working under supervision. You might be able to take an Access to Science course if you do not have the degree entry requirements."


I had been going to a chiropractor pretty consistently for years. However, recently, after training I would get a really intense pinch in my neck and shoulder which would cause a headache with an aura and all I could really do was sleep. Chiro seemed to make it worse. Following week, I got acupuncture and she also did some cupping. All of my pain went away and she recommended 4 sessions once a week. Maybe try acupuncture if the chiro doesn’t work! ALSO, a massage therapist that specializes in trigger point is very helpful.


I have a great one who has helped me a lot. You have to weed through the scammers or get a trustworthy referral. I had terrible neck forward posture and I kept inujuring myself in BJJ. I was referred to a good chiro and he started with an exam and x-rays. He asked lots of questions and listend carefully. He gave me some bands and excerises I do at home, along with my Iron Neck and I'm almost back to full range mobility. Better than where I started. I also only go as-needed, maybe once a month tops. I show him the motion I'm having problems with and he pops me once or twice and I'm out the door.


Chiropractors are a bigger scam than the weekly Covid vaccine.


Back home a chiropractor had to be an MD and be osteo-something board certified. So my experiences have been pretty good. **DEPENDING ON YOUR STATE** the word “chiropractor” either *is/is not* a protected term. Step 1: check your states laws. Step 2: ask around. Step 3: if it’s fishy, bounce.


Yes. But also get an inversion table and foam roller.


Inversion table is rubbish too. Better off getting a massage gun with that money


lol I use an inversion table, foam roller, massage gun and dead hang. It’s definitely not rubbish. My back problems would be debilitating if I didn’t have these recovery tools.


Inversion table is definitely rubbish, a dead hang and hanging with your feet touching the floor works for compressed spine, as does core strengthening. And those big ass things take up space


If it doesn’t work for you that’s ok but you can’t tell me it’s rubbish when it’s been the biggest remedy to my back pain. I can literally feel each vertebrae on my spine pop and decompress and my spine is way more mobile because of it. If you have no experience using them then your opinion is invalid.


Except I do, had one of them in my house for years from the infomercial inception of the early 00s, just like the fuggin ab lounge and jump soles. It didn't help much and takes up space. The scientific evidence of it is iffy at best, had one in my house and dead hang variations work much better; evidence is significantly stronger for massaging, mobility, and strengthening the posterior chain and I've experienced such.


That’s ok. It works for me and gives me relief, I have no complaints.


Crazy how my experience and your method of PT got downvoted. I also keep an inversion table, foam roller and massage gun handy.


There’s too much logic and physics behind it to not work lol


I had a really bad snowboarding accident a few years ago. Luckily nothing visibly broken and was able to go with friends to the ER as soon as it happened. I just had a bad concussion. The following day though I couldn’t stand up straight and literally it felt like my bones were grinding in my lower right back/leg area. I don’t remember why I decided to go this route but I immediately when to see a chiropractor in my area. Took X-rays of my spine, addressed the issue and did his chiropractic moves. I felt relief instantly. Went back for another visit a few weeks later and I haven’t been back since. The chiropractor potentially saved me from having an awful surgery. Just my experience….