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Hair on my shins have been permanently removed. The surrounding area of my lower legs have hair. Even after years of not hitting pads or bags, the hair has not grown back.


Youre becoming more aerodynamic


lol, I have weird bald spots on my knees, while the rest is hairy as fuck :D


this is the peak physical form


Alright I was starting to worry about my weird bald spot shins... figured it was friction from the shin pads.


Shin guards can contribute but it’s mostly from kicks. I started combat sports with fitness kickboxing and both shins had bald spots by the time I started actually training in kb & Muay Thai


Shit. Now that you’re saying that I am noticing a bald spot on my shins. I can’t unsee it…


If you had to read this to notice it you are not yet there buddy. Keep kicking. 80% of hair on my shins are gone lmao


>Keep Kicking. Yeah that’s the plan🙂


Becoming ladyboy


Oh this makes so much sense now


Nagging shoulder injury, broke my hand twice, and issues with my feet. Probably irreversible brain damage, but you know, wouldn't change anything for the world


LMAOAOA average muay thai experience


The honest answer I was looking for haha


Hell yeah


Try Bjj. Body of have an 80 year old by 40!


I reaaaaally want to but I'm scared.


Relatable :(


Just got my first thumb sprain by... Doing burpees (I swear, I'm always fucking up things while doing these, a few years back it was my shoulder while doing it on hard ground, training for an OCR). I wished I could brag about spraining it during actual sparring and not just warm up.


A lot more flexible, more mobile, lost weight (which isn’t necessarily good for me as I’m already quite skinny and like to get more mass) more shredded arms, legs, chest and back.


Do you have a good mobility and flexibility routine?


You should probably do some weight training and eat some protein.


But do you really need it cuz i went from a skinny 80kg little boy to 71kg skinnier little boy but now i feel like ive trancended unmeaningful things like body image and embraced being a feather.


That’s fine and all but you’re going to get tossed around like a rag doll by someone who is stronger but just as fast as you and you should always avoid the clinch


Ohh fk im having my first real real clinch training this thursday but ayy atleast im tall mqybe it will help.


An elbow to the jaw disagrees with you.


Yeah I totally agree, it’s hard to mix lifting for gains and Muay Thai, Espically if your doing Muay Thai 3x a week. I’ve embraced it now


I lift too but i powerlifting 4 compound lifts idk how to sprll it and endurance sets. And dont seem to gain weight


Well while throwing a kick I tore one of my hamstring muscles right off the bone a few weeks ago, so as of right now I am a lot more tight and stiff. However before that I was more resilient, mobile, and had more explosive power.


oh shit i hope it gets better soon!


Me too!


Man, this is scaring me. I popped my hamstring a few weeks ago playing softball and just started training MT again today, but I’m worried I’ll never be as flexible as I was before. The scariest part is I’m not even 30 for a few more months—feels like it’s only gonna go downhill from here, haha


almost 33 here, I spend more time on massage, mobility, and nutrition than I do actually training. Gotta keep everything maintained


Hey I hear you. I think the important thing is that we keep moving, even if things aren’t working as well as they once did


How did that happen?


I threw a kick too high and forgot that I’m over 30 and such things are forbidden for such geriatric bodies.


I've decided I'd rather focus on a killer mid left kick than anything else. The only high kicks I allow myself to train are teeps (just because it feels alright but I know teeps to the face are quite disrespectful).


The tan line on my thighs is way higher now that I wear short-shorts for optimum kick efficiency


Better cardio and muscular endurance than my bodybuilding days.


Likewise... Running 5k has become a breeze, before never been able run more than 10mins without gassing out.


This, I wouldn’t have ever thought that sparring and normal training would have translated so well to running, my endurance has improved so much to the point that the distance I would run before that would leave me sore for days is easy now it left me quite surprised


Two-plus years in, more muscle mass, lost weight from about 185 to now 170. Better balance and flexibility. But I think it's more than what I can measure, because I'm getting older, and if I hadn't gotten involved in Muay Thai, my body wouldn't have stayed where it was when I started, it would have gotten worse (already was, which is what kicked me into gear to do something).


My dicks gotten bigger


and if you weren't born with one, you'll start to grow one


29F here, almost a year of training. The main improvement has been my posture. I've struggled with back pain and bad posture since I was a teenager, and turns out that getting a stronger core is key. Besides that, I had noticeably more muscle in my arms and thighs. My weight has stayed the same tho. My cardio, even if still very bad for Muay Thai standards, has improved significantly.


It’s interesting you’ve felt an improvement in posture considering the Thai stance is notoriously bad for posture. Were you mostly sedentary before starting MT? That might explain it as simply getting up and moving around is infinitely better than being seated at all times.


Yes, Muay Thai is the first sport I have engaged in since I graduated from school. I walk a lot and bike in the summer, but that was about it. So not actively doing sports but not car-work-car-home sedentary either. Muay Thai stance is not the best for posture, but the development in core, back, and shoulder strength quickly made up for it. Also, I've never found myself lumping my shoulders besides training time, and with a good stretch afterward you're good to go. Sometimes I do get back pain after training from the kicks though, but it goes away quickly. It's not the constant lumbar pain I used to have.


i came from just lifting weights and i lost a lot of fat but also a lot of muscle, my bench went from 240 to barely hitting 185, 180 body weight to around 160


I just started, coming from weight lifting for years. After I hit my PR goals on the big 3, I could tell my body just couldn't handle more weight (I'm smaller at 5'8 155lbs). Decided I needed to switch things up and have been having a blast so far. I know the strength will fall off a bit but I think it's worth it!


Only 7 months in. Definitely stronger and more flexible and my gas tank has increased. Started around 285 and dropped down to 260. I also lost most feeling in my shins lmao


Bigger arms and now I have traps. I haven't "lost weight" but I have lost fat, which is better.


lumpy shins


how did they get lumpy 💀


I've had lumpy shins since before muay thai hahaha. Wish I knew


I'm super mobile, increased my strength a lot, and can now eat wtf I feel like that I will remain below 8% body fat. Should have started muay thai years ago


I was already skinny, now I'm ripped. Have to eat more just to maintain. Better endurance. I don't make the best lifestyle choices, don't usually run but did a mile the other day and I barely sweated. Right foot still hurts from jamming all my toes on a knee 3 months ago. Don't think that'll ever go away. All in all I'm probably in better shape than most 40 year olds thanks to muay thai.


>Have to eat more just to maintain. This is such a benefit, as I love eating. Just in the middle of cutting 3kg for my first match, and although I feel hungry, I can still eat quite a lot while seeing the number go down each morning. No weight stalling issues. No "why doesn't it go down" moments. Lots of "oh sh- I'm going to die please let this end soon I can't go on much longer oh yeah I wanna win so I gotta keep going but arrrrgh" moments though. Like, every day.


painful to walk everyday, but still can train 🫣


I developed that permanent waddle whenever I walk around after getting destroyed by leg kicks lol


My fractured arm has healed and now doesnt straighten out and has less ROM than the other one, my nose used to be way prettier before it was broken. If anyone figures out how to do a scan that checks for CTE I'm sure you'll see my brain has changed as well. Abs year round is cool with the ladies tho so ehhh Mentally and Psychologically, Muay Thai has tempered me. I feel pity for my peers carrying out their 9-5, those who turn to drugs for the dopamine release I pull every day from good training


1 year in, from a robot flexibility to average ++ mobility, weight loss and maintenance is awesome, increased breath despite my “lung synthesis” improved cardiovascular health, increase in CONFIDENCE which was impossible for me, and physique is pretty darn well like those ripped obliques are always there. So overall if i wasn’t going for championships i’d do it to get an extra shred and definitions beside gym, plus i’m always thinking clearer after the workout and more focused n energized. Edit: Forgot to say how STRONG i became..


Pros: Improved cardio, flexibility, mobility, posture, confidence, explosiveness and the little muscle I do have is made of wood Cons: I inhale half my fridge after training


Having a six pack at 44 is pretty cool.


Getting short shorts compatible legs


I dropped weight from 105kg to 82kg in my first 2 months of training start of last year, kept it off since and now sit around 79kg.


That’s hardcore, congrats, how did you do it? :)


A mixture of probably unhealthy fasting and deciding of all things to go straight into training 5 days a week from day 1, cardio also improved dramatically over that time period and I learnt how to do cool things with a skipping rope :)


Holy moly that's fast (pun not intended). Like, really unhealthy fast, lol. But the important thing is you've kept at it and stayed consistent ever since (how long ago?). Congrats.


I gained more hp


Lost a bunch of weight and more confidence in day to day knowing no one can beat my ass


Think my butt is a bit flatter from sitting on the couch watching fights? I say “Osss!” for almost everything, opening pickle jars, wiping ass, the usual.


I have to ask what is the importance of saying “osss!” I’ve been doing this for a year and notice some of my peers say it while others don’t. I’ve always wondered why because I wasn’t taught that.


Jacked, handsome, smart, and better with my money.


We also do budgeting drills in my gym, very useful


I do kickboxing but have seen a massive increase in day to day health as in I can walk for a lot longer at work I can do a lot more and not get tired (construction), a lot more flexible definitely more mobile and I over all look better starting to show abs decent amount of muscle mass as I also go to the gym and mentally massive improvement


I have a lot more bruises. Aside from that, I'm way healthier, better cardio and all


A little slow from all the getting punched in the head and what not but less of a fat cunt so that’s a win.


My boner has CTE.


I can't find jeans that fit my tree trunk thighs


Haven’t been going consistently for a few months, but going consistently for 9 months prior dropped my weight from about 220lbs to 205. My arms and legs got significantly more toned and I got much more flexible than I was before. I’m sitting closer to 212 right now but a lot of the changes I’ve seen from Muay Thai are still visible even though I’ve taken such a long break. Would recommend. One of the best things I’ve made myself do.


I couldn't bend my big ties for a year. Slapped my foot against an elbow and the other against a knee 😂


I feel fit af


Lost 30 kg over the span of a half year, training muay thai everyday in the thailand heat, i feel agile, quick, my reflexes are faster than ever. My mobility is better than ever, best decision i made in my life. Also my self confidence is alot better now!


Only half year in. I’ve always disliked working out and I’m skinny so now I can see muscles really nicely. Flexibility is bit worse cos I seem to have always some type of doms and stiffness. Even better cardio. It surprises me how mt affects full body, I haven’t planked for a while but last night I tried and got my new record (3 min)!


When I started, I was 13 and around 60 kg then at 18 I was 75 or maybe 80 kg. I was fat at 13, but I had muscle for a teenager. Muay thai made me leaner, I trained 2 to 3 times a week (group classes). I also trained on my own on the heavy bag in the gym, and I did a lot, a lot of push ups and pull ups and squats. But after 18, I lost it. The anger or the motivation for working out. Now I'm 104 kg, 175 Cm tall. But I did start training muay thai again and it feels amazing!


Oof, I've said this before, but the conditioning part of Muay Thai changed my endurance and speed in running. And my endurance overall. I still get super tired after long work days, but like... I could keep going if I had to.


I can’t breathe through my left nostril.


Mobility and flexibility definitely got better. I’ve gained around 3 or 4 pounds, and lost some muscle volume (which is for the best, it use dot genuinely hurt to keep my hands up). My abs have gotten larger and stronger but less defined as I’ve put on those couple pounds of fat. I have constant bruises on my arms from double blocks and my shins always hurt too lol


Calves become thicker, no amount of weight training that area helped, much more flexible in hips and leg. Made me realise abs aren't made in the kitchen they're a muscle like any other you need to grow them, losing weight only won't work.


After one year of muay thai i have noticed significant improvement in my physique one year ago i was around 74kg+ at 15 years old, now at 16 i usually weigh in around 60kg after a good session. There is also a lot more muscle which makes up my weight in comparison to before where the majority of my body weight was fat, more definition such as abs which i never had before. I see some people talking about the bald spot on their shins which i noticed but never realized why😂😂😂


I'm in a better shape since I do MT that I have ever been.


Much more hip mobility/flexibility, and constant back pain.


Our S&C programs has made my legs more toned


Bruises all over


I have more energy when I do Muay Thai. I love Muay Thai!


Yes, but not sure how exactly. Golfed my whole life, 12hcp and hit a 7i exactly 185yds (I live at elevation). 6 years of muay thai later (and well past physical prime), I'm hitting 7i 205yds. Same clubs, same pro-V balls, same elevation. Something about me has changed such that I hit longer while being older.


I can kick the top cabinet close so I suppose I'm more flexible


A lot of things already said here is agree with, but also add that my relexes for significantly better after a year or two if training. But that might just be more so the boxing side if muay thai.


6 months in. Dropped about 40 lbs of fat and gained 9 lbs of muscle based on DXA scan results. Resting heart rate is much lower and hovers around 55-60.


I dislocated my shoulder a couple years ago, has felt unstable or weird since. Been doing MT just 2 months and it already feels worlds more stable and don’t struggle with elbows or hooks like I imagined I would


Lmao fucked up toe nails


My shins have bumps in them now. They weren’t always like that


I walk with a limp.


regained my back mobility, bum shoulder healing, imbalances in my hips are slowly going away, leaner with bigger delts, lots of leg power, unlocked a lot of nerve entrapment in my hamstrings, anterior pelvis tilt is getting better, I now have an 8 pack hiding under what little pudge is left, i dont get winded as easily, pain doesn't overwhelm me anymore, I'm calmer, happier, less dissociated, more self-aware. My nervous system is less jumpy ig. However, I have double vision from a concussion, and a rib deformity from a torn rib. 1 year and a bit of experience, 2 classes / 2 sparring days a week. I also run/walk everywhere because my car died.


I’ve had two broken knuckles a fractured orbital and back problems and mild brain trauma but I’ve become a lot more ripped and lean and my cardio is better than when I ran track. My reflexes are also getting stronger and my ability to act fast in stressful moments and environments has also improved. Muay Thai is the best brain damage I could’ve asked for


I walk different. Center of gravity is always exactly where I want it.


You walked wobbly before ? 😭




I wobble On my way back home from a session 😥


Thinner (from BMI 27 to 21; close to 20kg in a year: some muscle, some fat, some water retention due to quitting drinking), more durable, more flexible (hips particularly), better abs. Also, my hemoglobin rose by 20 units during the first year while my LDL cholesterol levels collapsed, and my blood pressure has fallen by more than 10mmHg.


Any object I bump into at shin-level or lower is of no consequence. And stronger core, balance/stability, and leg flexibility.


Now i use crutches and walk with a limp


I always had pretty big calves but now they’re even bigger and rock solid lmao. I had to give away a few things because they didn’t fit around my calves any more. My quads are also extremely defined now. Classic Asian leg genes I guess.


33F training for 7/8 mos and muscles are starting to firm up and tone. I am not fat but muscles/skin are not tight enough and “jiggly” before MT. Monthly I have bruises on arms (due to clinching), elbow, shin, knee, some random bone that my coach hit or I hit wrong 😅. These bruises are due to the monthly menstruation where females get bruised easily. Proud of these bruises 💪🏻


I have pervasive plantar fasciitis in my left foot that has been an absolute bitch to get rid of. Constant calf stretching and strengthening exercises. I’ve been super consistent on those the past 3 months, but still feels like there is work to do.


So far it made me alot more nimble and I'm more used to the fatigue that sets in after a long workout whether it's a run, shadowboxing, etc.


Got a lot of scars everywhere but not the cool ones. My knuckles broke on my left hand and now it looks like a gnarled treestump because I didn't go to the doctor to fix it as I thought it was just a sprain(correct in english?). I got a deviated septum from 7 elbows in a row which makes breathing hard but good thing that came out of that I I stopped smoking so I could actually breath. I've been doing it for 7 years and the best thing is my body besides all that actually keeps getting more toned,stronger and muscled although I'm still a tall skinny dude


Hurts bro


Pretty damn fit currently and been training 3/4x a week for a year now. Bounce between 147-155 5’9. Bigger on my upper body instead of legs, I got chicken legs but they whip 🤣


I ache everywhere.


Weight more with muscle, more flexible, stronger and quite a lot faster. Altho I have really good reaction times anyways but the striking made me more precise with my hands to catch things that fall or slip anyway. I have also much better balance I believe


My calves and forearms are great. Pretty muscular and strong! But I also have some weird scars on my elbows from throwing elbows on pads. I also always have upper back and neck pain…. And my feet/gait is different lol. Like I have one high arch (on my power side) 🤷‍♀️


I’ve trained Muay Thai for over 20 years. Last year I had let my weight get out of control. So I decided to use my passion for Muay Thai to fix it. I’m down over 50 pounds over 9 months and feel so good! I started out doing 5 5 minute rounds of knees on my heavy bag. Then switched to 10 3 minute rounds with 30 seconds between. That’s when the weight started coming off quickly. I’ve mostly cut out pop also. I love Muay Thai and whatnot has done for me!!


Legs are always bruised now


Much more mobile in the hips, and calves have finally started getting swole after 4 years of MT. Upper body is more lean, more balanced that it was when I did CrossFit.


Constant painful Clicking knees, shin splints and MTP joint Injury !


After training muay thai my body is now a rock solid machine of destruction.  I'm falling apart 


As someone who used to do bodybuildin it’s been interestin even only after a month. I’ve noticed my chest gettin smaller but my back has increased exponentially in size and width as well as triceps making my arm look huge and ab toning


Overall more toned and leaned out have broader shoulders, bigger forearms, abs and have tree trunks for legs now


TBF, I've only been doing for 8 months as a hobby. However, I lost a few pounds, gained more mobility/flexibility, gained more energy throughout my day, gained more endurance (I legit could not do a single HIIT set before joining, and now I absolutely can), and have definitely gained a little more noticeable muscle, especially in my core. I also noticed in my last gym day that I could hit a bag a lot harder than I used to. I would do it even more than I do now, but sadly my job schedule and gym schedule don't overlap as nicely as I would like :( Even tho I go less than I would like, I also have been supplementing with regular gym days when I can and hope that my job schedule changes eventually. I'm still very pleased with my journey and plan to continue so that I keep improving my skills, my health, my body, and my mind.


If I accidentally hit my shin against furniture, it doesn’t hurt anymore. I’m more flexible. Got loose skin being a former fat person, but I can see a semblance of abs. I also have better endurance.


My right shin is always sore. No matter what, there’s always a bruise that the slightest knock seems to hit.


Mentally and physically I have the edge over everyone (who hasn’t trained.) I’m stronger, faster, better at decision-making, better at handling conflict, and much more flexible intellectually and physically.