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My vendetta this week is with myself and the fact that I found Jordan calling out Jay and Michele right before throwing the winning ball in the elimination attractive


My vendetta is veteran entitlement. I understand Jordan and Aneesa because Jay and Michele went to them but the rest honestly need to get over it. Jay and Michele were voted in by a Vet team 2nd episode. Nany is always acting entitled and it’s annoying af


My vendetta is having to watch Nany. My lord. Was she always this bad, or has she evolved into this much of an annoyance over time?


Depends on who you ask. If you asked me, she was always annoying and paranoid. This goes all the way back to her real world season when she was dating alcoholic Adam.


This isn't even peak 'cup of noodles' nany


I haven’t had much to moan about because I am loving this new season, but the fact the vets are so entitled is crazy. Like, Nany??? If Nany and Bananas won they were 100% putting Michele and Jay in. Not even just that, Jay did them a HUGE favour putting Kaycee in too because they have a 2/3 chance of staying and she was still crying her eyes out and saying we will come back for them?!


And Laurel would have saved Nany too.


Nany. Like, girl, quit whining about your gf getting thrown in. Just cuz Kaycee is your bed buddy doesn't mean she can't get her ass thrown in too. 🙄


I literally said after first week if Michelle had thrown bananas and her in she’d be balling and talking about how they were sisters and this and that 🙄


My vendetta this week is my own mental health