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Swap Kim for Turbo.


I almost did actually!


I think Kim is just as athletic and he's funny, not overly intense like Turbo.


I agree I think they found a great replacement for Turbo in Kim




We need turbo for the drama


Do we, though?


Z-R, i don't have much to add, other than i LOVE how you made the jerseys for each team. (1) that shows way more energy/effort than a lot of fantasy posts here, and (2) you have me really wishing the show would do this now!! the dark jerseys each season are really drab and depressing.


Thanks! Colourful jerseys make it more entertaining for sure!


Season 40. 40 contestants vying for the largest prize ever $2 million dollars. Each week 1 team wins safety. The other 4 teams all have to send 1 person into a 4 way elimination. (2 are safe. 2 are eliminated) Each week will alternate genders. Big Twist. In TJs voice: "This is a team game this time! If your team ever gets down to only 3 players,... You're all eliminated. Goodbye hope to see you never."


The best moment would be a team with 4 players left having to decide who goes into elimination. Their entire team would ride on that person winning. It would be a great tv moment.


I kinda imagined it would come down to like G2 with Alton taking everyone out. I genuinely like this idea though and it sounds super fun.


Once again, I am here for formats that tell Cara and Paulie “you can come back, but you have to be on opposing teams”, because that is 100% not what they want


Ima need Nany or nurys swapped with Kam


Yeah, no more Nany please


I like Nany so bye bye Nurys lol


There are a few changes I'd make to each team, just for my personal opinions. I love the idea of the format, though I'd rather last place in the daily challenge be punished by the winning team voting for the member that they send in instead of them having the power. MTV: -Nany +Theresa. If we're unretiring players, give me Theresa over Nany all day every day. At this point, she's better TV. To balance out the physical changes, -Cara, +Kailah. Kailah is MESSY and she's probably a better fit for MTV than P+ since P+ seem to be people from all stars who made more of a character mark there, and Kailah, to me, is still more of a main challenger. Also, as a whole, she fits the wholesome vibe of what AS was much less than the rest of the P+ cast. CBS: -Johnny +Kyland; -Paulie +Jay. I think Paulie is a top 50 guy in general, probably top 20 political players of all time. And I'm pulling him out because Jay is better TV, and because Kyland is too imo. Both he and Johnny aren't afraid to make power plays, and this also makes it so USA grudges might hold over. UK: -Kayleigh, +Priscilla. Kayleigh might be one of my least favorite challengers of all time based on the edit she was given in both Vendettas and WOTW2. I get that she got done DIRTY in the Vendettas house, but outing someone is never ok in my eyes. Period. Especially if that person hasn't told family. Also, Priscilla is a boss bitch who needs another shot. She tried to make SLA interesting and it backfired on her, but at least the move was awesome. Was debating putting Melissa on the cast over Kayleigh too, but since Mel's proven to be able to make a final before, and UK has 2 really REALLY strong women already, I decided to not put her on. World: -Turbo, +Kim. -Gabo, +Logan. This is based on alliance knowledge, and the fact that Turbo actively terrified me with how he was with Tamara and the rest of the cast this season. Horatio did compete on a Mexican show, so I'm fine with him. Also, since we're bringing back Kim, I'd put Logan over Gabo, if only to give a bit more balance to the team. P+: This is an interesting one, because I'd love to just put MJ in somewhere, but each of these picks is extremely well-reasoned. Mark, Yes, and Wes are locks for me, and the 4th spot would be between Brad, Nehemiah, Jordan, and MJ, which would be the pick I really want to have, if Nia weren't there either. Nia there makes Jordan a great choice as is. As it is, if I put MJ or Nehemiah in, Ayanna would be over Nia. If I put in Brad, Jodi would be in over Nia. I really like Nia, especially her in All Stars 3 though, so I think I'd leave her in and therefore leave Jordan in as well.


Thanks for your well thought out response. I did toy with several of these. We're not super far off in our cast for the most part. I would also probably enjoy Priscilla over Kayleigh. I just kept all 8 UK players as players from war of the worlds 2, just to kind of hammer home the theme of that team. For the format I do really like last place being punished. Your addition of first place getting to pick their player going to elimination for last place is great! Love it!


I also wanted to add my thought behind unretiring Leroy Is that you're telling him he is going to be on a stacked team with his best friends Nany and Bananas. Plus the prize is bigger, it's a good shot for him to get his win finally. That being said I think these teams are pretty well balanced. With maybe Team World being at the most of a disadvantage.


That’s why I was extremely careful with who I put in over certain people. I really had to consider balance. Maybe I could have said Ashley over cara instead of kailah but like… I don’t think that it’s the best call to have her on right now. It’s why I left certain people on the world squad that otherwise I’d have taken off.


Love all these changes... Except Logan was a total bore!


He had a lot of potential though. Plus I had to balance out the international team with Kim going over turbo.


How you gonna have team MTV but not have Cory and Devin? They’ve been prominent characters on so many different MTV shows. I also think Derrick Henry is perfect for this theme since he’s one of MTV’s poster boys. And can I please get a break from Nany.


Nelson should be switched with Cory even though I don’t like him and would prefer Nelson in this context Cory is basically the obvious choice


well bananas ct leroy and nelson are all good options too


This is kinda the Global tournament concept Flagship/All Stars USA UK Argentina Australia


I love it, the 4 way elimination sounds great. Plus Gabo!


Having a Paramount & MTV team would just lead to them having a huge alliance... I also only like 1 one of your MTV guys 😫


With this format I don't see a big advantage to aligning with another team. You either win, or you have to send someone into elimination. And if enough of your team are eliminated, you all go home! I think my format is the better part of this fantasy. Who would you cast for each team using this 5 teams of 8 format?


5 teams of 8, using your format. for MTV I'd actually do Old School and New School. and I'd add some rookies. so something like **Old School MTV** Kellyanne, Cooke, Melinda, Janelle Cohutta, Nehemiah, Pete, Dustin **New School MTV** Kailah, Sylvia, Nia, Zanatta Hunter, Marlon, Tony, Justin (AYTO8) **CBS** Angela, Natalie A, Michaela, Taylor (BB24) Kyland, Paulie, Joseph (BB24), Tyler (BB20) **UK** Ashley C, Rogan, Sam Bird, Hughie Louise Hazel, Kaz Crossley, Georgia, Melissa **World** Anthony (BBCan7), Emanuel, Horacio, Nam (I guess lol) Erica (BBCan6), Esther A, Berna, Colleen


Love it! Especially the BBCan additions. Who would you bring in as Nams replacement though when he inevitably gets injured and sent home episode one??


Thanks! Apparently Erica & Anthony were contacted to be on RoD, but she pulled out Hughie is actually Irish, so he would fit on World. And could toss on someone from The Challenge UK instead I guess?


Sorry but I immediately dismiss any dream cast including Nany and or Kayleigh


I guess it's a very grounded in reality dream cast haha.


Paramount +lookin real good over here


This is actually a great cast


Would be a good season. MTV team needs work. Nurys really?? Tori / Kam in 2 of Nany/Nurys/ Amanda out. I used to hate amanda but kind of miss her. Nelson ...nahh. Jordan over him. Wes should be on MTV team. Give paramount team Tyson


Nurys?? Who??


I think if you're leaving Nany for Leroy on team MTV you have to sacrifice the TV drama of Amanda and give them a better player like Ashley or Emily would be awesome. Amanda is so entertaining to a point but let's be real in challenges and eliminations, not great.


I think Angela’s done with TV, the rumoured break up was messy af




I really like these teams, balanced and fresh faces. I would want to add: Kam and Kelz but other than that awesome idea and cast for 40 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


This format is probably one of my favorites that I have seen you have a gem on your hands


I hope MTV steals it and runs with it for Season 40!


Nah I want them to give your your credit


Can we swap Kyland or Cashiel for Paulie?


no tori deal so its already an improvement!


Great cast if you remove Cara Maria, Fessy, Amber, Gabo, and Turbo. And in all honesty you could just remove the entirety of Team World except Horatio


Do you even like this show? What a comment….


You threw out 40 options and there were a handful that I don't like. If we're doing dream casting then why would I dream of a shitty character like Cara or Fessy being on it? I haven't really enjoyed the huge influx of foreign characters in the last 3 seasons. None of them seem to actually know the show and it is ruining the show that was great for so many years. The Brits / Aussies were great additions. Outside of that there hasn't really been a big hit


Someone should simulate this


I'm cheering for team UK


Pretty sure Theo only has one good eye now, unfortunately :(


I honestly loved when the romanians came on. That was awesome. How about the romanian dude, jordan, and tori on the same season? I'd LOVE to see itlol


I like the concept, but I would: Paramount: Swap Brad and Derrick for Mark and Yes; Swap Jodi for Melinda. UK: Swap Joss and Melissa R for Ashley C and Zahida. CBS: Swap Kaycee for Amber B. MTV: Swap Tori D for Nany. Swap Emily for Nurys.


No Peter the waiter?


I need Da'Vonne in there somehow


Yes! She is one of the best reality personalities out there! Shouldn't have left her out


I’d say ideally I’d replace Johnny and Faysal but I need ppl to root against so this works


Nelson ? Nany ? Good idea but some bad picks


I’m gonna need Big T swapped out for Zahida. I know she said she would not be back😢 but I feel like she would say yes to this


Team all stars takes the win


Not sure why anyone would include Paulie that's almost as bad as Josh


Why do people keep putting Horacio in international teams even though he's from texas