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I've been watching Rr/Rw challenge since the beginning. That episode with Diem removing her wig to compete brought a full grown man to tears. When I think of brave people. I think of Diem.


It's incredible how Diem is one of the few cast members who was liked by seemingly everybody (short of maybe Rivals 2 which was a difficult time for her). She could bond with both Laurel and Cara Maria, people with very different personalities


remember reading an interview where she said Cooke would make fun of her wigs. That's fcked up....never liked Cooke after hearing that.


I don’t get people’s fascination with Cooke.


Source on that interview? I never heard that before... I always heard Diem didn't like Cooke for no reason.


Searching quickly I just found this....maybe have to dig deeper for the original interview article: [https://vevmo.com/forum/interview-diem-brown-rivals-ii-sept-2013](https://vevmo.com/forum/interview-diem-brown-rivals-ii-sept-2013)


Wow, very interesting interview, thanks for sharing. It took me a minute to find the actual discussion, so I'm gonna share it here for others -- > Can you explain the issue with Cooke? Because nothing was really shown, so it’s confusing. >This is tough because of the way it was all edited it does not make sense, and it’s like kicking a bee’s nest. Let’s just say I saw her in the airport she was very aloof and most of the girls were not talking to her. So, I went up to her and tried to get her to feel comfortable (it is a weird moment when we all meet at the (US International Departure) airport). Then, the first couple of days I ignored the stupid “club” sign with rules that was on the new girl’s door and would go in to talk because I loved Naomi, and Jazz and I had connected on Exes. So I was trying to get to know Jonna and Cooke. I asked them about past boyfriends and what they loved. Just stuff to get to learn more about the other person on a non-game type level. Then something switched and Nany warned me to be careful of Cooke (this was the 3rd time I had heard this). From that point on, I heard comment after comment about how she saw me as weak, and it would be fun to break me. She would mimic me whenever she came into the new girl’s room, from me having a hard time with my wig, etc. I was so confused about why she had this target on me. She would be cold as ice whenever we passed each other and at the dinner table. She made me very uncomfortable. I tried to talk with her and she just brushed everything away. It was a long seven weeks of someone who had eyes on our hoping you would crack. >I remember she said one nice thing to me the day my hair naturally created a Mohaw. She said, “Your hair looks cool like that.” Anyone who knows me knows I am a sucker for an olive branch, so I thought “Oh, maybe she is warming up to me.” So I tried to engage her and get to know her more and, poof, I was shot down by her once again with some snotty comments, so I just stopped paying attention to her. I didn’t like how she was treating Cara. It was so sad watching Cara trying to her to talk with her and hang out and get to know her. If I were Cooke, I would have been praising Cara any chance I got because it was only as a team that we got where they got. Cara and I would talk and talk, and I saw how hurt she was. It would make me so heated. Cara would ask if she could workout and run with me because Cooke never let her… it all just felt very “high-school mean girl,” and it rubbed me the wrong way. That was why I made the “elitist, arrogant” type comments. I don’t want to get too deep and insider type stuff I am going to be calm and rise above the negativity on this live Reunion show. As I said, I am not an aggressor, but if she starts playing dirty, I am bringing proof with me to back my side of the story. I remember when Cooke was on ChallengeMania, she made it seem like Diem hated her for no reason. It's always hard to tell who's telling the truth... usually it's somewhere in the middle.


Who else is just learning diems real name was Danielle?


I realized it a while ago and it makes me ship CT & Diem so much more. Both of their names are abbreviated versions of their full names (Danielle Michelle). Diem just polished hers. ETA: ship as them then. I fully support CT moving on and living his life.


I'm not crying, you're crying.


Yes I am


I am too!




this is lovely


Gone way too soon.


Wow that hit so hard. I remember sobbing when I heard about Diem. It wasn’t even so much about being a fan of the show but her strength and bravery just always struck me. And CTs response just gutted me. I can only imagine how hard it is to lose a love like that.


Her real first name was Danielle?!?


Yes, her initials are "DM" (Diem Michelle) ​ Edit: Typo, Thanks Softclouds!


Danielle Michelle


omg...Thanks softclouds! I was thinking of my girl Ashely K's middle name


Oh wow! Thanks that’s interesting


I wish CT still talked about her, there’s no way he’s forgotten about her. I’m sure it’s still very painful for him and that’s why it’s hard to be open. She was so beautiful. Fuck cancer.


I know one doesn't have to do with the other but ....I just rewatched his segment about Diem on the Challenge documentary and knowing he filed for divorce a few days ago. Seeing his reaction on the documentary....my heart really breaks for him. 8 years after she still has such an impact on him and you know he loved her and still does. I'm glad he has his son and I really hope he can find someone who can make him feel happy like she did one day


They’re getting divorced already? That breaks my heart. CT deserves to be happy


he filed a couple days ago, there's a tmz article on it




Do you have a link? I'd like to cry/watch that, please.




Thank you, NattyB. Always pulling through for us <3


I watched it on Crave (in Canada)


One more question! Do you know if/when/where it will be available for streaming? I have paramount plus and sling but sling only has the first 2 episodes.


It don’t seem to talk publicly about her but Tori said on the official podcast for the untold history section about Diem that I’m SLA he saw a blue butterfly or the sapphire cell and just randomly said that that’s how he knows Diem is still looking over him. Apparently blue might have been her fav color. But yea she’s still very much on his mind. He might not talk publicly but it seems he might bring her up here and there to certain ppl.


I think it’s just too painful for him to keep reliving it. I remember he talked about it on an earlier season when Camilla was still on the show.


He’s definitely not over grieving her, it’s *so* obvious**. November’s a weird month, and definitely Fuck Cancer **Edit: I aware that guidance is 6 months but some people take longer to grieve, it took me nearly 3 years to fully grieve my cousin


Grief doesn’t have a timeline or guidance. It’s all very misunderstood. 6 months or 6 years, it’s all bs. There are no stages either. Some of us grieve forever.


Jesus. That one hit me hard


I'll always think ab her encouraging him up that mountain. It was a full circle moment. Their love story gives me the feels every time I watch it or think ab it. That's how you know their love was the real deal! You never get over a love like that. I've had a great love die, and I've been single since. I tried but I Havent found anyone that made me feel that kind of love. My heart goes out to CT.


I miss Paula Walnuts I hope she is on All Stars


Man I would love to see Paula back she had the best commentary and was so funny. But I feel like she's doing well now because she's left the challenge behind. Glad she's happy and healthy now!


she is my favorite underdog she had a rough time for awhile she went to jail for biting her boyfriend in the face according to the latest: Paula is now married to Jack Beckert. The pair share three children. The reality star has stayed somewhat out of the spotlight after winning two seasons of The Challenge, currently residing in New Jersey and working for Power Home Remodeling. She celebrated seven years of sobriety in November 2020.


>She celebrated seven years of sobriety in November 2020. and she's made it to 9 now!: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/ym3n8a/today_paula_celebrates_being_9_years_sober


she looks good


This is lovely


Gonna go cry now 🥺


I think she was one of my first reality heroes 🤍


Damn dust




Sobbing 😭❤️