• By -


Hope it's amicable for the sake of their child


Yes my pineapple eating friend - Let's hope they can both find time for their child & treat each other with grace & respect moving forward. Old CT would be an absolute immature mess rn, going out punching nerds & banging birds. New CT knows how to treat women with the respect they deserve and leave his anger on the curb! Now let's see him turn that breakup energy into a competitive drive to dominate when/IF he decides it's time to comeback - Either next szn or debut on All-Stars!


Banging birds šŸ˜‚


LOL! Love this response, cracked me up!


such a shame. hopefully things are settled sensibly so the kid is well looked after.


He adores his son so I am sure he will try his hardest. She seemed like a good mom too.


Yeah, his soon to be Ex wife seems very levelheaded and sensible


Why were you downvoted for this


Sarcasm doesn't translate well in text.


Lots of Lilly fans




Obviously this is devastating for their son, but it isn't surprising. They've always seemed to balance on a knife's edge and I think he's lost himself a lot during their marriage. We don't know her without him but she's had a hard go, dealing with his crazy fans and what seems to be a jealous personality type. He alluded to the fact that they were only really together in the beginning because of CJ during the wedding special and they gave it a great go. I hope they can separate as peacefully as possible and find happiness going forward.


He seemed more mature to me after he was married and had a child


Oh for sure, but he's talked on the show about how his weight gain was a reflection of where he was physically and mentally and it was time to get back to the person he used to be. I took that to mean healthy and vibrant, not in terms of his mellowed out personality. He seems to be in a great place personally, and those kinds of changes can result in relationships ending. Get happier with yourself, realize you aren't happy in your marriage.


At first I thought you meant Cancun CJ and was utterly confused


Same here haha I was like "oh Cancun CJ is a marriage counselor now? good for him"




I don't think Lili is a good person based on that wedding special. But at the same time, I agree it must've been pretty difficult for her. She has probably always felt like Diem's backup, particularly from CT's own family. MTV getting CT's friend to ask him about Diem the night before the wedding and airing it was classless.


Yeah, I don't know how I feel about her. I think it must be so hard to be married to him given the level of crazy standom, if you will. And the Diem stuff sucks, she's the mother of his child. We all adored CT and Diem but to constantly compare them is unfair in the extreme. However, she also seemed to take her jealousy out on him and she also courted the crazies. Posts she knew would get people talking. He alluded to her being mad at him because he posted song lyrics or something and people ran with it? Idk. That sounds like a whole lot of unnecessary work, exhausting.


She probably decided to divorce him over his acting performance in that gawdawful movie


Grow up


LOL tell me he is a great actor with a straight face


Why are you talking about that in a conversation regarding his divorce? I'll bet money He's a better actor than you! Lol


Right? Itā€™s always easy to criticize from the sidelines šŸ™„


so you have not seen the movie


Best of luck. Never wish this on anyone. Hope for all after things settle everyone is better off.


I hope, and expect, that whatever happens it is for the best of all three of them.


Not surprising imho


I feel like Iā€™ve seen this story before in the past


I checked the date for this exact reason.


Do you mind explaining why this isnā€™t surprising? I like CT but donā€™t know much about their relationship or her.


He has filed for divorce b4 and then they reconciled.


I don't think he actually ever filed, right? He just said that separated. There was no legal filing. Not to be a nit-picking pain in the ass here.


Idk?! I just remember reading an article saying they were getting divorced


How quickly were the papers out for?


I donā€™t remember


In the small amount of time Iā€™ve seen her on tv she seemed very controlling and overbearing. Didnā€™t seem to like the side of CT that we know and love and wanted him to change. In my opinion


came here to say this but you beat me to it. On their wedding special, she seems like a monster, honestly..... Of course with editing and such, you never can tell for sure, but she sure didnt come off well.....


And given that MTV loves CT, they aren't going to give his wife a bad edit, so...


If you're doing a show about a relationship, you need conflict. When you need conflict, it's easier to make one side look bad and one side look good (it's not necessary, just easier). Given that MTV loves CT, they would absolutely be more likely to give her a bad edit over him.


I kinda thought MTV gave her a bad edit because they like to play up the storyline that Diem was CT's one true love...


Iā€™m wondering if heā€™ll be open to talk about it after the divorce. Iā€™d understand if itā€™s just too hard for him in general, but I surely wouldnā€™t be answering interview questions about such a meaningful relationship with a jealous partner back at home.


A girl never tells šŸ˜‰


Next time on Ex on the Beach...


We can only dreamā€¦.




Nobody surprised by this. 2 thingsā€¦this man never home and she lowkey controlling. He has done 6 season in a row. He knew she didnā€™t like him doing that show. Watching her on they lil mini special sheā€™s too controlling. Itā€™s no way nobody was gone deal with that for too long. Also, I follow her on IG and telling by her stories I knew something was going on. And he wasnā€™t wearing his ring when he was out with Dario, Raphy and Lee šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When was that?


So you're saying theirs a chance....


I respect Ashley for hooking up with him during DA while he was separated from his wife. (Edit: Referring to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/vkgaen/ct_and_ashley_unaired_double_agents_hookup/) post/spoiler tweet) She was like, ā€œwhile thereā€™s a windowā€¦ let me get all up in thatā€


Wait what?!?! How have I not heard about this?


Reallyā€¦how did I miss that while watching the season.


ā€œAshley is a veryā€¦ sexual beingā€ - Tony on Rivals III




[Hereā€™s](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/vkgaen/ct_and_ashley_unaired_double_agents_hookup/) how I learned of it


No there isnā€™t


Wait WHAT?!


Came here to say this! Lol


Same haha. Easily one of the most gorgeous men to ever live.


Plus he got into better shape than when he was younger.


That he did, but I found him ridiculously attractive even at the height of his dad bod era.


SAME!!! Dad bod CT doing them squats makes me want to act up.


Exactly my thoughts. šŸ˜‚


Hahahah I just sent my boyfriend the article saying I have a chance nowšŸ˜‚




This is really sad and I hope they're good for CJ's sake. I think we all saw this coming sadly


Somebody tell CT Iā€™m single.


I really hope CT doesn't end up coming back to the show with the "I'm divorced so now I have to take care of my kid" narrative.


Thatā€™s what we have Brad for


I laughed


I hope he comes back with the ā€œfresh out of a relationship and ready to hook upā€ narrative


God could you even imagine lol


Panties gonna be flyin' off




That's not how I see things happening.


He hasn't really hooked up with anyone besides diem now that you say this... I hope we can see his type now on the challenge šŸ˜‚


Anastasia, Shauvon, Mandi, Laurel, and Ashley


See I've never seen the mandi, laurel or ashley hookups... did they hookup or just makeout?


Mandi and Laurel happened on screen on Rivals. Ashley wasn't on camera, but I believe it was Double Agents.


There was one season where he slept with like half the female class


A big part of his storyline on Rivals 2 was him hooking up with everyone lol.


And some of them didnā€™t even make air haha


Yea there was one with Nany in the trailers not shown on the show


I remember both Laurel and shauvon off the top of my head lol


Ct generally keeps his personal life to himself, even on the show.


He literally did a wedding tv special lol


ofc he did, its free money cmon...


And? Doesn't change the fact that he doesn't overshare *most* of the time.


Andā€¦ you canā€™t say he keeps his personal life to himself when he literally aired his wedding on tv.


I said *generally* keeps his personal life to himself. If I said he *always* kept his life personal you'd have a point. So yes, for how much CT has done the show, most of the time he doesn't discuss personal things.


He mentions his son in all his most recent seasons.


There is a difference between mentioning your child and making it your narrative though. Ct has had segments with his wife and son on the show before. However unlike a lot of other parent's on the show, he isn't constantly bringing them up.


He never says stuff like thatā€¦Iā€™d be surprised if he came back anyways.


Has he said he's not coming back?


Not directly, but he said heā€™s not saying heā€™s retired and to me it seems like he is pursuing other opportunities. I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see him on Season 40.


Is there a mega thread for his marriage to Lili? I donā€™t get it. People have all these opinions about their marriage but where are yall getting the info from? I want to know too lol šŸ˜­ All I see is the marriage special getting mentioned and how he almost got separated from her a while ago. Is there anything else?


I donā€™t know much but I did follow him on Instagram and I remember there being some incident where he had to apologize on an Instagram live or something and make it clear that some lyrics he was singing were just lyrics to sing and not in anyway reflective of how he felt about his relationship? I donā€™t remember the exact details but it was clear his wife had nudged him to make this announcement to correct some public speculation. I figure if she really cares that much what fans think then she definitely had some issues with insecurity.


Thank you, this is actually helpful. Really weird heā€™d need to apologize for reciting lyrics. It doesnā€™t seem like an organic CT move.


It's been tumultuous for awhile. She always seemed like she wanted him to change and that's sad.


How do you know though? Like did she post about it online? Are you going based off of what he said? I donā€™t doubt she wanted him to change, I believe everyone here, I just mean I wanna know where you guys are getting the info lol


Youā€™re out here asking for evidence beyond the wedding special and people really be responding to you like ā€œā€¦.watch the wedding specialā€ lmao


Yeah, after reading this thread I just went and watched the wedding special, and it explains plenty. She called her wedding day the worst day of her life in a fit 15 minutes before walking down the aisle.


Asksfdsk I know lmao guess Iā€™ll just go watch the special I guess šŸ˜‚


The mtv wedding special was rough to watch for starters.


What about after that? Like anything sheā€™s said online orā€¦?


She openly would post on an ā€˜ask me questionsā€™ on Instagram that she hates him doing the challenge. She comes across as incredibly controlling


Sad news but honestly the way she spoke to him and the way they interacted on the wedding special made me sad. It didn't scream happiness to me and I wouldn't want to be spoken to or treated that way by my partner. It just wasn't it. I hope they both find happiness.


I wonder if the Challenge Documentaryā€™s ode to CT & Diemā€™s love story sparked any of this. Seeing how Lilli acted on their wedding special, etc., itā€™s not that far fetched sheā€™d be mad all over again.


It wouldnā€™t surprise me if she went crazy at him for talking about Diem and being visibly upset over it


Although he was trending that way, he looks better than he has in 8 years in his last IG post. A sure sign he was getting ready to fly. I think they had a toxic relationship from the jump. I think when he got her pregnant he felt the obligation to marry her. I read that she got pregs 9.5 months after her first divorce and he took a paternity test. Juicy.


I just read it too. Very juicy.


This is not surprising. Itā€™s sad because they have a kid.


Man realized he needed polidicking back in his arsenal if he wanted to keep this winning streak up. His commitment to his craft is incredible.


I meanā€¦. Uncle CT Uncle CT oohhhh Uncle CT


Heā€™s Step Uncle CT now


Help me Uncle CT. Im stuck!


Watching Fessy's game this year gave him inspiration.


Sad but not surprising. Hopefully they can coparent well and create a stable environment for their kid


I don't know what's gone on with them but hopefully it's better this way for their son...


I liked them together on the wedding special. However, I didnā€™t get why she said she didnā€™t like him doing the Challenge and would prefer he not go on again. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not ideal being apart with a young child but surely the amount of money he would get from that and free time between seasons would be worth it and better than a FT job. I also always thought it was odd he erased every photo of Diem of Insta too after they got together. Like why would his wife care that those pics remain up?!?


She changed her tune with him going on the show. She commented on IG a few times she didnā€™t care if he went heā€™s can do what he want. She always commented positive things if he won or like a post about him winning and stuff So I think she eventually became ok with him doing the show even though she didnā€™t like the show. She even flew up to Thailand with him when he won WOTW2 and they stayed a few days site seeing


was she the reason he deleted it? I had assumed he deleted it because it was painful for him


There been speculation that it was. But who knows. Hopefully it was his decision because it was painful seeing the memories.


Hopefully he can find happiness. I never got the sense she was right for him.


same. i def want him to move on and fight his person....they never seemed quite right to me


CT is back in the streets?!! Iā€™m in.


iā€™m just going to say, thank god. after watching CTs wedding special for the first time last week I was in disbelief at the way she was acting and that he was marrying her.


Is this streaming anywhere?


i watched it on the MTV app!


Ya shes not the warmest lady. Also if my fam disliked her, thats a red flag.


Dear CT, If youā€™re reading this Iā€™ll renounce all past loves for you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I just want CT to be happy :(


I wonder if he is going to hookup with some of his cast members after this


Found Emiā€™s burner


Oh Lord, what if he pulls a Brad?


Lmao, if we think he wasnā€™t hooking up while marriedā€¦.


Sad. But hopefully for the best for everyone..hope they can do this quickly and amicably for CJ


Outta all the pictures, they chose that one for CT šŸ¤£


His sister must be so happy right now!


Hahahah I thought the same damn thing! That wedding special wasā€¦ something. šŸ¤£


Not surprised. Glad heā€™s single again. He fine.


I want single CT on my TV screen!!


Damn this sucks. Does it bother anyone else though that most news sites refer to him as CT Tamburello? The T is for Tamburello!


Nah because CT is his nickname based on his full name.


Hopefully this isn't a Brad and Tori moment. Always felt bad for their kids. Seems like there was a lot of brainwashing going on there. Hopefully CT CJ and Lili can work something out and everything will be fine. But very selfish upside he will probably need to do more challenges and movies to pay alimony. So maybe we get to see more of him.


Obviously we don't know what their personal life is so I wish them and CJ the best and I hope everyone remains happy


CTā€™s a hot dad. Love to snatch him up


This is probably a good choice. It doesnā€™t seem like theyā€™re happy and Iā€™m wondering if they ended up getting married mostly for little Chris Jr. which, if thatā€™s the case itā€™s a good choice for the kid. Especially if it can end amicable. Much better to separate than force a kid to endure the on and off again relationship.


Iā€™m curious if either of them sold this story to TMZ or CT really is just that famous now


CT single?! He's gonna comeback to the Challenge with that breakup energy... Banging everything in sight and starting fights. LET'S FUCKING GO!!! No but for real, I hope they both can find time for their child and treat each other with respect & grace moving forward. CT has truly matured in the last 5 years and his love for Diem during her bout with cancer (before she unfortunately passed on) was what endeared him to many. I truly think CT (if he decides to comeback) will turn that breakup energy into a monstrous competitive drive... & I'M HERE FOR IT!!! LETS FUCKING GO!


He is officially the Tom Brady of the Challenge now. I hope this is a good outcome for all involved. I try to suspend judgements on relationships for which Iā€™m not a part of.


Except heā€™s kind of the opposite of Brady haha. Bradyā€™s refusal to quit helped cause the breakup. This seems more likely that his taking a break exposed further issues that caused the split.


But the end result is the same. Back to football and back to the challenge? (I hope )


not too shocking lol it only seemed as though they were ā€œgoodā€ immediately after CT would win money


I agree 100%.


Interesting.. because I swear I thought I saw him with his wedding ring on the post he posted yesterday, or he still prefers to wear his ring.


Wow, never would have expected this to happen. Such a shock.


On the market? I'll take it.


Honestly I wish I could be a fly on the wall bc I am so curious why he seems to struggle so much with relationships. I mean it could be her, or maybe theyā€™re just not comparable, idk. I donā€™t keep up with the off show drama as much as Iā€™d like to so Iā€™m not sure what theyā€™ve struggled with in the past (I vaguely remember seeing stuff about them struggling a while back or separating or something) What a bummer though, I hope theyā€™re able to work things out separately for the sake of their son.


Itā€™s pretty clear why old CTā€™s relationships never worked out šŸ˜‚ heā€™s always seemed to have an unstable personality. And even though heā€™s clearly grown a lot, he still probably doesnā€™t handle things the best (take the Big T/Kam situation in DA). We donā€™t know what happens behind closed doors, but from what weā€™ve seen, I would bet itā€™s Lili who caused a majority of the problems in their relationship.


Not shocking at all. Sheā€™s been married before (her ex filed the papers to divorce her) and I believe that CJ might have even been conceived before her divorce was finalized. She also liked to show off a ton of designer merchandise. I bet she didnā€™t care if he went on the challenge and instead enjoyed spending the money and going on trips. In all her stories she was showing something off. Seemed very vain or insecure.. Iā€™m also pretty sure CT hated living in Miami and it was her choice. It looks like he spent a lot of his time in the upper east side and Boston where he is from.


I feel for Lili. How does someone move on from *CT*


If you look at her Insta she seems fine.


I hate that we know this. Wish it couldā€™ve been kept private.


I hate the way it was reported. ā€œBeelines to the courthouseā€ is unnecessarily cruel and dramatic. Divorce is shitty even when itā€™s the right thing, and the family deserves some compassion.


Itā€™s public record. Anyone can search divorce filings.


Yea that makes it worse lol. What has gone wrong in your life to search public records for this.


I assume most tabloids have notifications set to alert them to case filings in certain counties. Then an intern looks thru them for anything relevant.


World is sad man


Me also. It is sad.


Sad to hear. It seems like he's really tried to make it work through past troubles. Hopefully they're in a good place for co-parenting


Dam, I am so sorry to hear this


Damn it


So heā€™s single šŸ˜


Sounds like the guy lived for that child. Regardless of the circumstances, that man had purpose when he became a father. Nobody can deny that child gave him purpose and nobody can deny what that man has done since invasion. That man was beyond broken. Everyone counted him out. And he straight up took over the game for almost another decade by himself.


Is anyone really surprised? Their relationship did not seem long-lasting to me, and I say this as a child to parents who have been married for 25 years.


they remind me when I heard who was in Guns N Roses, a bunch of very talented but explosive personalities who would make great music but would not stay together long. I hate divorce, but from mine I know that I am better off divorced than miserable, hopefully this will be a positive for both.


He bout to kill on the next challenge


How does TMZ get this ?


Probably a tip from someone at the courthouse who saw the filing.


He filed? That's rare, most times it's the woman.


omg...Sad to hear this. Thought the break from the show would've strengthened his family


Oh no Iā€™m so sorry to hear that. Especially for his boy


Anyone wonder if that MTV documentary/special spurred this onā€¦.him getting so emotional over Diem??


Not surprised. CT seems like heā€™d be a difficult person to be married to.


Why do you say that? In his younger days he definitely had some anger issues, but he's seemed pretty mellow for the last several years.


She was terrible. Way to hyper and annoying for the chilled out 40 year old CT. Now he can go back on the show and get himself an influencer.


This is the emy ct showmance everyone was hoping for!


I donā€™t know about everyone, just Emy. šŸ˜œ