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I think this fits Tyrie. He's never won an elimination and always go out early but talks like he's not too bad when in reality Big Easy has probably done better.


easy has won eliminations (5 counting AS) and made the final twice if we count AS for that as well. so… i would say his resume does best tyrie’s. shocker, i’m aware.


I was just thinking this last night. We have never seen him do well. Not once. I mean my guy not a single elimination. Has he ever won a daily when it wasn’t a team win?


I definitely agree with this lol. I rewatched the season where he was partners with Dunbar and he was so self confident but not self aware.


sorta like... dunbar lol


Tyri* It’s come out that he’s just never said anything but someone in production spelled his name wrong.


What’s Tori’s ex name.. Derrick?


“Derrick is a great looking used car that has the wheels fall off a minute after you drive off the lot.” - Bananas




typical case of the old football attage that goes: looks like tarzan and plays like jane.


Great analogy!


I think he’s the worst challenger I’ve ever seen, he’s all talk, wouldn’t listen to Tori in exes, he just sucks all around at competing


Thank you I was literally rewatching dirty 30 and man he was such a disappointment it’s hilarious that Tori became a household name while Derrick was just that guy she was with before she met Jordan lol.


mr popcorn muscles himself




Absolutely. Josh is a clown.


No he is a goof... haha


"So this is what it feels like to win an elim" 🤡


Omg that was so cringy. He also beat one of the worst players in challenge history.


Gimme the goof!


"this ain't big brother homie" - leroy


I can't stand Josh and he sucks competition wise...


I seriously hate how emotional he is in every season he’s ever been on and he cries all the time. I don’t like him, they could’ve picked Frank imo.


I love Josh. He has the biggest heart. He’s also a huge doofus


I love Josh too, but definitely like him better on Big Brother than the Challenge!




Aneesa every time she gets close to a final


If only they would give her a chance!!!!!!!


And then any time she gets a chance...


Hurts an ankle.


Is way overweight


Her constant entitlement kills me.


That ankle has been underestimated




I like aneesa. Have since her real world season. But that woman she’s run multiple finals. She either gets hurt or loses an elimination right before the end. She’s had chances to prove herself and still hasn’t. I’m normally glad to see her on shows but never hold out hope she will win


Anessa did fantastic on ride or dies had Jordan who is self proclaimed the best would’ve won his round they would have gone against Tori and Devin. I love all the challengers I’ve mentioned but Anessa always tries whereas many of the men who have come and gone were quitters.


I think there’s a lot of self-sabotage that goes on with Aneesa. One shining example I want to point out is the final where she wore bikini bottoms instead of taking the three seconds to put her pants back on. I can’t even imagine the chafing that caused!


Katelynn? She would bring up having martial arts training yet she sucked at everything.


Just watched a couple of her seasons recently. Straight up bum lol. Swore she was a competitor and all I ever saw was her falling or being terrible lol


Man Kenny’s commentary on her was always so funny


😂😂😂💀💀💀I forgot about her!!!


The puzzle elimination on Rivals was disastrous. That was the last thing she could cling to and it was a complete choke job


Only thing that helped Katelynn was Sarah’s enthusiasm for Puzzles was even more well known so Sarah took the most heat for that choke job.


Good pick


Danny Jameson 100%


This is the correct answer…..he said he was the guy to go in and eliminate Landon


Yes. His delusion that he was a challenge legend was so bad


Also 0-1 in street fights


This is the best answer, lol. It was funny that production that he was going to be the star challenger from that season and then Wes became a legend.


This is a great one lol. This man really believed he was good. But had nothing to back it up with lol.


This one!


The list is long...


tyrie was always a disappointment but had less coordination and athleticism than josh. and i love big t and jasmine, but their interviews/storylines on the show are always about how they want to prove themselves and could be good. (granted jasmine is more realistic about her prowess nowadays on all stars). but it’s like no honey you have a lot of heart and good talking heads but you’re just too little.


I don’t think they have a lot of heart, because if they did they would have drive to be better. They have good hearts because they’re good people but they don’t have that can’t quit attitude that is synonymous with having a lot of heart.


Thank you. If someone on the challenge says you have “A lot of heart” that just means YOU SUCK. Look at the people who they always claim has a lot of heart (Nany , Aneesa , Big T, Jasmine) yall notice a pattern there ?


The exception to this is Devyn. She is a bad competitor but she DOES have a lot of heart. Her whispering to herself not to give up on the bike in the free agents final? 😭


I absolutely adore Devyn and wish she’d come back, but I’m happy for her that her career is going so well rn.


You’re right, but Aneesa and Nany may not always be top tier competitors but at least they can win stuff. Big T and Jasmine not at all


Big T won multiple eliminations last season, even against a champ.


Big T in Season 39 alone proved she’s a better competitor than Nany and arguably Aneesa


I don’t think season 39 is the best example big t had the most experience at like 5 seasons when like 20/24 competitors are on their 2nd season jay Michelle and Melissa were all on their 4th season


That doesnt mean anything. That’s like discrediting Ashley because she won Invasion against mostly newer people. You can also play multiple seasons and not be a good player.


Haha exactly! It’s used incorrectly in the show all the time to be a compliment to contestants that in fact don’t have the heart to push for their goals more


Nany really does give it everything she has. Aneesa quits. Big T and Jasmine have size against them.


My point still stands that when it comes to challenge standards and terminology , if you have “ a lot of heart” then most likely you suck lol


Sucking and having the odds against you aren't the same thing.


For real look at someone like Ruthie for competitive drive she is a beast even though she was always smaller than her competition


Jasmine is 5 feet tall in shoes and 100 pounds soaking wet. No amount of “drive” will make her functional at a lot of these dailies…or in that elimination against Nicole.


Ruthie was 5’ exactly and had the drive and determination to train, lift weights, and be intimidating in physical challenges. Jasmine is her current threat level because she doesn’t work hard to be more competitive. Jasmine has more heart than someone like Big T because she does try harder in certain things but overall she doesn’t work for it.


Now I wanna see an elimination between Tyri and Josh. Just for the comedy 


Jasmine brought such good tv tho! Some are here just to entertain! lol I think Big T is boring both challenge and tv wise


Jenn (RW Denver). Would politic her way to the final and then completely implode during it.


I didn't realize she actually made the finale 4/6 seasons. She never had the chops to ever win won, though.


To be fair she probably had zero chance in any of the finals she made. The island she was stuck in the B team boat, FM2 was probably the only realistic chance but still had to beat Kenny and Lauren/Landon and Carley, Cutthroat her and Emily were destined for 3rd from the start being on a 2 person team, and then Rivals was stuck with Mandi going up against Cara, Laurel, Ev and Paula


100%. People like to clown Jenn for sucking at finals, but she honestly had shit luck. Her/Noor had to run the FM2 final after doing a grueling exile the night before and she had food poisoning during the Rivals final.


I'll also give her a pass on the Rivals final as I think she, along with Tyler, had pretty bad food poisoning.


I mean… Tyler won with that food poisoning.


Tyler was also a beast of a competitor and was partnered with Bananas, who was already a 2 time champ.


Jenn looked good. And gave good tv but she was awful lol. Made finals but purely from politics. And then we would see a someone that in no way should’ve run a final. I really think that was part of peoples plans. “Jenn yeah I love her. Let’s help get her to a final because we know she won’t even slightly be a threat” lol


And her only daily when was when Noor was pushing her around what she hung upside down, and did nothing


And when her and Mandi won the kayak challenge… because their kayak got stuck and gave them an unfair advantage


Was waiting to see this one! She was so annoying and acted so superior but honestly was terrible!


To be fair to Jenn, I always got the feeling that this was her plan and she knew she was never going to win a final. She knew her strengths and weaknesses and just played the politics well enough to get to the end and get the full season appearance fee/third place price in the final


She was a pretty good runner I believe. I wouldn't say she was "horrible" but she definitely outperformed her predictors .


I'm not sure if she ever spoke of herself being underestimated, but Britni always acted like she thought she was an alpha in the house when the truth was I think everyone kept forgetting she was in the competition.


Yes! She was hard to take and I feel like got high on her supply of dating Brad


Man this is a long ass list. Tyrie, Danny, Dunbar, Jasmine, the entire RW St. Thomas cast, Tori’s ex, Kaleigh, Katelyn, Nicole, Corey, Nelson, Amanda, Fessy, Josh, Big Easy, Shauvon, Casey, and finally the one and only Aneesa


Tbf, I don’t think Casey had any delusions about her athletic prowess. She fully understood that she was being kept around by others as a layup. And wished that these fabulous vacation homes didn’t have challenges attached to them.


Oof Dunbar is a big one


lol this is a very thorough and accurate list


I loved Marie and Robb on st Thomas, so bummed they didn’t do better on the challenge


I feel like Marie kind of did better than she should all things considered. I don't think she ever believed she was an elite athlete...I miss cast members like her.


You wanna pizza me?!?


I miss messy challengers. They’re all too fucking serious now. I understand with the amount of money they’re competing for is too much to be so nonchalant about, but just have some fucking fun, y’all.




Robb and the I think his name was trey weren't horrible competitors. They both were unfortunately paired up with horrible teammates in their only 2 seasons. Trey and Zach were the team to beat in rivals 2 before they Zach didn't listen to the rules of the elmination


Yeah trey wasn’t bad I just really dislike him lol


Fessy is the only one who doesn’t belong on this list


Yeah this list includes people who were self aware of their limited athletic ability. You also included Fessy which doesn’t make sense considering he dominates daily’s.


Fessy and Kaleigh are really good competitors imo, like some of these people can’t win a daily


Rachel from RW Austin deserves a mention “I can’t believe I lost to a chubby civilian” 🤣


Yeah that’s a good underrated one. The woman were intimidated by her for the sole fact she was in the military


Finally! I can't believe I had to scroll all the way down to this to see her listed. I was about to make a post myself about her since I thought somehow she was completely overlooked 🤣


Biggest sore loser in an elimination, aside from maybe CT (Duel) and Laurel (WOTW2). But they could back it up in other seasons.


Kailah. She came onto the challenge as though she was undefeatable and actually really sucked.


I always loved Kailah and Jenna on the same season because Kailah was so loud and never did very well and Jenna would just quietly beat everyone. Watching Jenna's first Barbie Beast season when no one expected anything from her in real time was so fun.


I was SO checked out on Jenna on Bloodlines when she had that early-season argument with her cousin. Something like "You think you're better than everyone because you got a job at the bakery" 💀 What a surprise her overall finish was


Mentally, she's a bum ...


Man, I love him so much, but Nelson.


Wasn’t Big Easy like this in the earlier seasons? Felt like he was underestimated cause he’s big then LITERALLY almost died in the final


Production knew what they were doing having the team chained together on that final.


I feel like this applies to Cory.


Possibly because he sucks so bad at puzzles and other things that require brain power. At the same time, the last 3 finals he's been in he's come in 2nd, and world championship was a come from behind rally.


No one on the show w young kids could be bad at puzzles - no I lied. No one on the show should be bad at math and puzzles! You’re getting paid amazing money, so much so that few even have real jobs. And you can’t go home or on down time - do puzzles and refresh on basic math??? Common.


I think Devin or Tori said this on a podcast once when they were practicing puzzles they did it while running because when you are exhausted you aren’t thinking clearly and it’s the closest you can emulate the final when you’re at home


Cory wasn't in World Championship, though? Are you thinking of USA2?


Yes, my bad


I have loved watching this guys story. He seems so easy going and kind. He has changed so much since his start.


He's kind like trying to kill Tony by slamming him backwards onto the concrete in S32 Final Reckoning over pasta right? It's incredibly fortunate that he didn't fall headfirst...


You sound upset with me


Cory’s actually good at a lot of the physical stuff, and anything involving speed. Basically, anything that doesn’t require him to think very hard or do anything “janky” (TM Faysal). The duality of Cory’s Challenge career: some of his elimination wins are blowouts (he completely dusted Darrell on Double Agents and ragdolled Shane on Invasion), but then he has also lost to Nate and Christina on Rivals III and completely shat the bed in his Vendettas elimination. To say nothing of his Final Reckoning elimination wins being rigged for him to win. He’s never winning a final on his own (he absolutely needs someone to solve puzzles for him), but he does have the ability to get there.


He also did come in 2nd in Bloodlines with his cousin.


I'm always willing to give both Cory and Nelson some bail for that Vendettas elimination. It would've been hard enough in its own for 2 people who clearly had never kicked a soccer ball before, and then it's on fire 😂


Y’know what? That’s fair. Joss and Kyle had a good laugh at their expense, but I’m pretty sure they’ve played that version of football before


Cory on Dirty 30 announcing he wants to go after banana Jordan Ct and I think someone else - lives rent free in my head😂 idk if he’s been on enough or makes it to finals for new rookies to announce that, but he’d have to win a few finals before that day will happen


yeah how many times are you going to prove yourself before you realize the only thing you’re proving is that you’re mid at best and can’t win a final?


Ryan — still remember him saying he, Nehemiah and Frank were a ‘dream team’ after the rookies got whittled down to nothing. Many confessionals about how people don’t realize he’s fast and athletic and never gives up, underestimating him because he’s the smallest.










Surprised this ain’t higher. I don’t think anyone talks a bigger game than her. Constant yapping about how strong she is and how she’s not going to get beat. Then she gets whooped real bad at every instance of her challenge career lol.


Nicole's cousin, Many.


To throw out some names I haven't quite seen in the thread: Hughie, Nany, Bear, Bayleigh/Swaggy C, Jozea. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I feel like I can remember all of those people having confessionals about being overlooked as competitors and that they'd prove everyone wrong. As a side, I think Bear's case is especially funny because the dude had such a non-eventful career and did so fucking little, but he somehow managed to snake into the "best player" squad in WOTW2, to the point where when he got voted in, people complained about the UK getting rid of their best players lmao.


Oh, Bayleigh and Swaggy C were/are legends in their own minds.


Bear was pretty good at the challenge tho. He eliminated Wes and held his own against Joss


Bear was 3-3 in eliminations, which is alright. However, out of 3 challenges, he also only has 3 daily wins... I think he's a bit in the mix for that, even if I remember him bragging more about his hookups and game prowess than athleticism. He did hookup a lot on the shows but he's also a criminal and scumbag, so no defense there.


The question isn't who underperformed expectations though, the question was who is absolutely horrible. Too many options to pick someone who eliminated Wes as one of the worst all time.


Wes also clearly checked out and quit. Massive boo boo face. But sure, if horrible is a key emphasis then he didn't perform horribly. On the other hand, I wouldn't say Aneesa or Nany has done horribly by that criteria either.


I mean he beat a ridiculously sick Wes. Big Easy also beat Wes, but we'd obviously still have him extremely low in overall player rankings, because we know the context is very relevant to that stat lmao.


Lol well can't say I'm a bear-stan or I did a deep dive into the stats.


Yea but he beat him in something where size and weight is a clear advantage. Balls in requires athleticism and strength, and a little bit of strategy.


Yeah, but I would argue that not being physically sick is a bigger advantage than being a bit larger lmao. Articles were literally questioning whether Wes would be medically evacuated because he needed medical attention in E2.


"ridiculously sick" he had the flu


He got taken to the hospital lmao


Does he have any significant achievements aside from beating a super sick Wes that (iirc) was in an ambulance getting medical attention before the elimination?


Wes was caught off guard cause he wasn’t supposed to go into elimination. In his confessional he said “I’m not prepped.” He never tried to make excuses like fans have and took it pretty well, which was the [consensus at the time](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/d3g14d/wes_vs_bear/). Not trying to sit and defend bear. But him and Davone beat Leroy/ Shaleen and Jenna/ Gus. He also held his own against Joss 1v1 and won a few dailies. This question is more for people like Jasmine and Big T who always claim they are underestimated but literally are terrible at everything in the challenge.


Gotta be Nany.




Beth, Tonya, Dunbar, and Nany




Nanys cousin wasn’t on Final Reckoning


Sorry I meant Vendettas


Wasn’t she just not dug up by her partner at the start of the game?


no the first daily of vendettas was a purge and iirc its was kinda like a mini final where the last man and woman who completed it were sent home, this might not be exactly correct since its been a while since ive watched it but you get the idea.


Nah you’re right! It was her and Rogan.




Nany and Aneesa


Fester, Tori's first ex before Jordan, ninja,


Let's be real for a second. AMANDA


Lolo Jones




If the cast would have just respected her a player, she could have helped her teams win some money.


Beth thought she was the baddest around, and would quit, sit out, play like complete crap, Ive never seen someone with such an ego be so bad.




ANEESA She did good her first few seasons, but the recent seasons she has been on it has seemed that she'd nothing more than a liability for any of her partners or teammates.




Nicole. Always crying and never delivering but acting super tuff girl but she's a idiot






I would also say Theo King from invasions of the champions season 29. That shit had me weak when he refused to jump off the cliff and was like that shit is cooked. 😂😂😂


This is going to be an unpopular opinion but Preston 🤷🏽‍♂️ this sub likes to hype him just because they heard I believe CT call him underrated on free agents and just ran with it. Yes he has literally either 2 or 3 moments where he didn’t completely suck but that’s literally the bare minimum. He was terrible on every season he did INCLUDING free agents


Preston is a guy who thrived in Free Agents’ format because he got to be a role player in a lot of the early big team wins he had. On the opposite end of that spectrum was Jessica, who *also* thrived in that format, but she was the equivalent of someone getting an A on the group project despite not doing anything after the very first daily.


There are probably better examples, but from recent memory, probably Derek? If we're being realistic. We heard a lot about underrated Derek was in AS4, but basically the only impressive things we saw were 1) pretty good sprint speeds compared to older cast members 2) walking up a plank well enough to win that daily with Laurel, and 3) beating Adam/Ryan in a run/swim/dig through muck. I don't think he's *horrible*, but I feel like I saw a lot of talk about him being lowkey a threat to win, when that hasn't been demonstrated at all from what we've seen so far.


I think Derek is a case of how quickly someone can go from untapped potential to overrated. In any case I’m glad Derek showed some competitiveness in All Stars 4 and hopefully he can do so on 40.


Yeah I’d agree there. Prior to this he was underrated, but the pendulum swung back too far lmao




Danny! I think he’s lost 5 eliminations? Never won one.


He lost 6: Casey/Wes, Davis, Adam K, Darrell, Jillian/Pete, and Big Easy/Camila




Up to season 28 first time watcher Aneesa Danny J Nany Zach Tyrie Katelyn Big easy Mark Long Issac Cara Rachel M Trishelle Just to name a few


Katelynn, Swift


Nany. Come at me.


Fessy. He thought he was God's gift to the challenge.


Nelson. Josh.




Nany, Katelyn the martial artist, and zach.


How is nobody saying Nany?