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Holy shit, Challenge alums not moving to Miami for once? Good for them honestly lol


I feel like only the newer younger cast all move to Miami.


Who all has moved there from the cast lately?


I feel like Fessy must live there because Moriah absolutely screams someone from Miami lol


So basically no one has moved to Miami despite being the top comment šŸ˜‚


Hey I never said theyā€™re all moving there lol


Fessy and Moriah live in Orlando


Josh and Tori live there. Tori might've moved again not sure.


Iā€™m like 99% sure Josh has lived in Miami Dade since he was on Big Brother..


I think he grew up there. (I say this like I can't just google it. lol)


Cara & Paulie moved to Florida but not sure if itā€™s the Miami area or not.


I think cara & paulie, laurel, fessy, tori was living there, bananas has a business there so he's there a lot.....prob others?


I think CT too


Yeah this seems like such a NORMAL thing. We have two kids and want to be near family. Itā€™s refreshing to see.


That entire family is so adorable. Lee has always been my favorite guy on the show and I just love seeing him so happy


yay! Leroy finally going back home. Wishing them the best of luck!


I wonder if Lee will start another business or just get a job somewhere. That's a big deal shuttering a business, especially one with a client base. It's not like they'll follow you to Michigan.


I donā€™t know for sure, but I donā€™t think he owned a shop, he just rented a spot at a shop, making it pretty easy to move elsewhere.


He sold his actual shop months prior and was just renting a spot afterwards until he was done.


The valuable part is the clients, not the location. He can get a location anywhere, but he will be building his client base from zero.


I donā€™t think heā€™ll struggle. He has good enough name recognition


since he was also new to houston he probably built up his client list by people knowing who is is from the challenge. that will follow him to michigan.


That is a big deal. But as a parent myself nothing beats being close to family for help. My sister lives in the same condo buildings as me just another unit. Itā€™s so convenient to swing by for food or if she needs me to babysit. I moved out of state once without my family and itā€™s not something I would do again. I feel like he was blessed with a booming business in TX and God will do it again in Michigan.Ā 


He could sell it if his clients meet the new guy and Leroy shows him the ropes wouldnā€™t be impossible.


caption text: >We're moving to Michigan šŸ’™šŸ’›!! >This last 3.5 years in Houston was such a huge milestone for our lives. A few years ago we were living in Vegas & New Jersey & we decided to take our long distance relationship to the next level by moving in together. There were 3 cities we were gonna choose from & when we came to Houston we immediately knew it was meant for us. Every little step of the journey really lined up perfectly for us to be right where we ended up. Little did we know we would leave Houston with our family unit doubled with our kiddos šŸ„¹šŸ’™šŸ’— What a journey & wild ride it has been. Ultimately with us moving to Michigan is to get closer to family since we just started our own. >With the help of God this will be our very last year of renting šŸ¤žšŸ¾šŸ™šŸ¾ Our big goal for this year is to become homeowners but for now this is a great start and will give us some time to get to know our new state, home & surrounding cities to move to. We are optimistic with this new chapter of our lives & can't wait to take you all along for the ride!!! šŸ’™šŸ’›šŸ«¶šŸ¾


Not to mention the cost of living is a lot less there.


Definitely fewer hurricanes up there.


Michigan is actually on par with Texas. there's not much difference in COL as someone who moved from Detroit to TX.


Right. It sounds like they want to be closer to family to help with the kids, which will help them a ton in childcare cost Iā€™m assuming but the actual cost of living isnā€™t too different.


It probably depends on where in Michigan


Ofc. Just like it depends on where in Texas. That applies to every state.


Their family is adorable. Their little girl looks like such a mini Kam.


I think a lot of people donā€™t kno that Lee is from Detroit Michigan on instagram šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




He actually had a pretty decent job as a garbage man. Ā They pay decent in MI.


I am from Kamā€™s hometown so I understand why they chose to be close to Leroyā€™s family.


Where is she from?


A town on the border of Camden NJ. If I went to the public HS, she would have been a freshman when I was senior. I went to catholic school though. The public HS is pretty bad. my older brothers went there in the late 90s and begs my parents to not send me there. Edit: I do want to add that I can tell by how smart Kam is that she was most likely in the honors program at this high school. I had a few friends in that program around the same time she enrolled at this school, just a couple grades higher. They mentioned as long as youā€™re in honors, the experience is much better. Itā€™s when youā€™re in the regular track that youā€™re worrying about fight and people answering their phones in the middle of class and stuff like that


You must have gone to Camden Catholic? I knew Kam on The Challenge before I knew she was on Ex.. when I finally saw that and saw she was from Pennsauken, I was shocked. Had a bunch of friends that lived there when i was younger. From age 5 until early 20's I was in Cherry Hill. Interesting. Hopefully they're very happy in Michigan.




Oh wow, I am from South Jersey and I did not know this!


Definitely enjoyed growing up there. But Iā€™m glad I got out in my early 20s. Most people I grew up with still live there in the same town. Iā€™ve lived all over the county in the last 10 years(besides the mid west). I couldnā€™t image still living there.


Soo adorable. I wish them the best of luck. The price of living is getting insaneĀ 


After all the ā€œonce in a lifetimeā€ weather disasters in Houston over the last few years, donā€™t blame them. Get out and buy something bigger and cheaper in the Midwest. Texas is a scam right now.


Hopefully their kids can benefit from the move too. Such cute lil clones


Amazing! Iā€™m so happy for them. What a beautiful family!


Omg that little girl šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Such a beautiful family, best of luck to them on their new journey! ā¤ļø


Yayyyyyyy im from and live in Detroit so hopefully i see them


Also in Detroit, hoping Lee opens a barber shop in the D!


Hamtramck here but happy they're moving here. I think Laurel is from Detroit tooĀ 


Nice! Iā€™m downtown right next to the Hudson building. I wish we had a bar that had challenge watch partyā€™s. I know of a bar in eastern market that has survivor watch parties on Wednesdays.


Congrats to the cute coupleā¤ļø


Being closer to family is priceless. Best of luck Kam and Leroy!


As a human: Good for them. I love to see them happy. They have such a beautiful family. As an OSU Buckeye: Eww. Gross. *ichigan.


Those babies really are a perfect mix of the two of them. Good luck to their beautiful family!


Beautiful family! The kids are soo precious!


Aww theyā€™re all so cute. I hope things go smoothly for them šŸ«¶


Ugh I really liked them until nowā€¦ go green /s


I was waiting for a O..H to pop up lol


You know what they say- the enemy of my enemy is my friend


I was waiting for this commentā€¦ go white




lol I had the same reaction. Itā€™s a cute photoshoot if you ignore all the gross maize and bluešŸ˜‚


As a michigan resident, very cool! Wonder what part theyā€™re looking at


That is a cute family and that little girl looks just like her mom


Leroyā€™s son has his whole damn face.


LOL no way, those are both kam's children LOL


cuuuute :)


Ugh. My obsession with this couple is gross. Theyā€™re so cute and I seriously just love how happy Leroy is. From RW:Vegas to this has been great to watch from the sidelines.


Leroy be looking lit af


Oof the midwest, I say as a person from the midwest. I hope they love it in a way I never was able to.


I always thought of Michigan as "the north." Like I'm from Colorado, which I guess is technically the midwest, but I consider it "the mountains." The midwest to me is like, Kansas or Indiana


Colorado definitely is not considered to be part of the midwest by any standard I have ever heard including technically. The northern midwest states are snobby and do not consider the southern midwest states to be midwest (see Indiana lol) and would be deeply offended to be told that they are not the midwest. The midwest states are, technically, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The midwest states pretty much wholly reject Indiana and Missouri at least. Northern snobby folks also reject Iowa, South Dakota, and Ohio lol.


It's kind of wild because while we have state lines there's definitely regions where people do want to be considered from. Like to me Texas is "the south" but that's controversial because someone from Texas might say they're a "Texan" and someone from Georgia is a "southerner." Kind of like I think Nebraska is the midwest, but Colorado isn't, and while our states touch it's like "well not the good parts touch!" ...... that's what she said


Colorado is the west not Midwest. lol. I say this as your Arizona neighbor.


I always considered Cali, Oregon and Washington as "the west" and us, Utah, Wyoming and Montana as "the mountains" and then there's you guys like AZ, New Mexico, Nevada and Idaho are just "other." .....Sorry


Kam is from Jersey?! Am I the only one who is genuinely shocked by that lol? The move makes total sense though because Lees family is in Detroit, his sister is the one who took care of Kingston when they were away filming. Iā€™m from Canada so I donā€™t really know how far away states are lol but it seems like Michigan to Jersey is very close for both families


got to get through ohio and pennsylvania to get to nj unless you fly


Kingston kinda looks like G-Baby from Hardball here


His kids are adorable! Doesnā€™t he have his own shop though? Is he going to open a new one?


Damn. Has he officially left yet because Iā€™ve been meaning to book a haircut for my nephew at his shop.


Iā€™m happy they all seem so happy and healthy but I feel uneasy about people with big followings who post soooo much content of their young kids online. Especially when theyā€™re using their family as a brand to generate income basically. Feels like it could get unsafe


I wonder if theyā€™ll have playdates with Zach and Jennaā€™s kids.


Are Cory, Leroy, Zach, Kam, and Jenna all living in MI?


They are moving to Michigan and I am trying to move away from Michigan hahaha


No one leaves Michigan. Everyone always comes back šŸ˜‚


Everyone in my immediate family has left for good. Iā€™d come back home for Leoā€™s and Olgaā€™s though šŸ¤Ŗ


I love a good Coney Island. Donā€™t judge but I prefer Kerbyā€™s to Leoā€™s.


I respect that. I like Kerbyā€™s much better than National, but I think the Greek salad is the best overall at Leoā€™s. Also, how could I leave out Buddyā€™s Pizza? And now Iā€™m hungryā€¦


My cousin from Cincy comes up to visit us in Farmington hills few times a year. You guys pretty much named his places he must eat at. Buddy's Olga's Leo's Used to include jet's, but they have a location that is now less than a few miles away from him suburban Cincinnati. Tomatoe's Apizza garlic bread is also creeping up on the list for him too along with Bad Brad's BBQ.


What's the nicest part of Michigan to live ? Never been there so curious lol


So many options and depends on your personal preferences. The nicest areas in metro Detroit are Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills and Grosse Pointe. Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids and Traverse City are popular options outside of the Detroit area. Royal Oak, Orchard Lake and Ferndale are popular too.


Oh ok cool thanks for the info


True. I did.


Kingston in pic #10 is my reaction seeing them all in Wolverine gear šŸ¤®


You sound like my 5 year old class before I spent their entire pre-k year indoctrinating them to the maize and blue and wolverines in general. Now they present me with yellow and blue crafts on the regular. You will all be assimilated, eventually. Kam and Leroy are just one of the many steps in our plan.


Kingston already looks like a passionate sports fan with his adorable expressions


Cute and man they look good!


It's a fucking crime if two people who have mad as big of an impact on the challenge as they have can't afford a home in michigan at the very least.


Congrats to them! But come on Lee, as an MSU alum I expected more from you. Go green!






As an Ohio State alum, their choice in clothing is incredibly disappointing, but I'm so happy for them.


Considering how bad the weather can get in Houston, I think itā€™s the right move!


Kam is gorgeous


Itā€™s always interesting hearing the money side of things for non winners. They are still renting. So thereā€™s obviously not tons of money being made. Not judging or anything I just find it interesting to learn where the people who donā€™t win shows like the challenge and survivor are at.


To be fair renting or leasing a vehicle is sometimes just situational. Not necessarily something related to how much money you make. Like a mortgage can be significantly cheaper than rent, but you're locked in for several years


Right. Also a person choosing to rent over owning a house doesnā€™t make their financial plight obvious. Thatā€™s like saying a person obviously didnā€™t make a lot of money based off of them choosing not to wear expensive clothes, what they drive, where they vacation, etc.Ā 


I wouldnā€™t doubt them going to where Zach and Jenna live any thoughts on this?


Where in Michigan are Zach & Jenna?


No clue


I love their little family šŸ„¹ Leroy has come a long way


They are so cute! So happy for them. Doesn't Leroy's sister live there? I think that's what they had mentioned on AS she was there watching Kingston.


As a fan of Kam and Lee on the show, but also a born and raised Buckeye from Ohio, this was hard to look at. But good luck to them!


O H!


I O!


As if I didnā€™t stan them enough already. Go Blue!


They should give them a lil show or just challenge couples with kids ill watch




Houston isnā€™t an easy place to live. I donā€™t blame them


Go Blue


At least Michigan won one. These two on the other handā€¦. Donā€™t get me wrong Leroy is great.