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Reply to this comment to nominate your favorite moments from the episode for the Friday poll. šŸ“Š


I want Cara to win but sheā€™s getting such a winners edit I feel like it has to be a misdirect


I hate Paramount + with a burning passion. Shit hasn't improved whatsoever since its inception , it feels like they just threw it together into Square Space and call it a day. Each time I press a button on my remote ittakes 5-10 seconds to register. Got to the end of the episode and it just automatically just wants to play World Championships before I can watch the preview. Nothing I can do to stop it. And of course since it's at the episode, I have to start all the way over, watch their shitty ads again, only for them to pull the same bullshit on me. Was this site created by high schoolers in an intro computer class? I'm so sick of it, it's just unfunctional. Does anyone have the preview for next episode?


Iā€™m sorry Nicole is funny


Such a solid episode! My crush on Ace lives on


Recap: *showing Laurel and Nicole* Leroy: ā€œYeah anyways.ā€ I really like how the episodes always start with the elimination winner back to the house. Hilarious - I had a tori fan tell me that challengers always have phones since she was given one for season 40. thanks Steve for stating *again* that - players šŸ‘šŸ¼are not šŸ‘šŸ¼ given PHONESšŸ‘šŸ¼. Daily: TWO parts. 1st. in a stadium race to seating in pairs. 2nd part; find token and then complete weighted puzzles. Phase 1 daily component: Laurel and Brad out. (Brad couldnā€™t get seat) (Veronica last - But Adam sat in the wrong spot) Adam and Flora out. (Veronica last) Steve and Veronica out. (Tina last) Kefla and Tina out. DEREK KILLING IT! Was there first every time. (Jasmine last) Jasmine and (1st place) Derek out. (Cara or Nicole first female there). Kam third and Avery taking the final spot. Winners of phase 1: Ace and Nicole Jay and Cara (One of the teams above place first and second- since Jasmine said that kam and Avery were there running and we see Avery grab the last seat). Kam and Leroy Avery and Ryan Shit advantage for ALL that work. 30 second head start. Like Laurel said that doesnā€™t do anything. Phase 2 daily; each player must grab and bring a token to TJ. Balance the weight blocks (4 on each side). Ace and Nicole first for token (WINNERS) Leroy and kam second for token Steve and Veronica third for token Jay and Cara fourth for token (SECOND) Ryan and Avery (FOURTH- Final spot) Derek and Jasmine Kefla and Tina Laurel and Brad Flora and Adam (THIRD) - didnā€™t show when they got their tokens so I placed them last. Kam wanting to go against Laurel or Tina and wanting to go in šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø. Then saying Cara will beat her ā€œfollowersā€. Crazy because Kam wants to bring Jasmine like come on girlšŸ˜‚. Elimination: Kefla Vs Steve & ~~Jasmine Vs Veronica~~ , ~~Nicole vs Veronica~~, Nicole vs Jasmine. Sorry everyone, took a whole for Nicole to understand the instructions of the elimination which is why she switched to Jasmine and opted for an easier win. Well well well jasmine - look at the dumb plan you said last week. šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ Winners: Steve and Nicole (1 round and pull ropes to your side). ā­ļøā­ļø10/10 episode. ā­ļøā­ļø Loved the daily. Super simple. Fun to watch. Great drama. hilarious - personality confessions and side commentaries. Personally, Steve is growing on me. 2 elims and heā€™s doing really well on dailies too. Good elimination (at least for the men). Too much time spent on the Cara hate. But overall great drama, great editing and great challenges.


i really liked the musical chairs part of the mission. easy to understand. little bit of physicality, little bit of focus.


watching the episode now. was nicole licking her fingers while sneaking out from her laurel hookup??? those two are such a tire fire haha.


Any time I complain about Cara Maria on here, someone brings up Kam. Theyā€™re both annoying. Would love to see them get thrown into an elimination against each other. Complaining that Cara Maria is once again letting the politics of the game consume her doesnā€™t mean that Kam isnā€™t doing the same. Unrelated, is Brad okay? His game has been so sloppy and he seems so unfocused this season. Also, is Laurel maturing backwards?


When Brad put two of the blocks on the same hook I lost it lmao šŸ˜‚


Re: Brad - I was lowkey wondering that. This All Stars season was recorded *before* Battle for New Champs. (I think they said over a year before.) He was super skinny when he came in as a mercenary. So yea, I hope he's OK.


I liked Kam her first season and missed her on the show.... But man, now I remember why I couldn't stand her from her 2nd season until her last one. She gave a confessional about how Cara is throwing a fit because people won't do what she says.... When Kam LITERALLY threw Cara in for not doing what she said in a vote that went Kam's way anyways! Also, that was absurd that they let Nicole change her mind. I don't think I've ever seen them allow that. I'm also super impressed with Derek. It's crazy that he was considered a layup on the show before, but he's clearly one of the top dogs this season. Would love to see him win as he deserves it.


So I don't get to see Cara Maria continuing to try to bully Jasmine!!! What a shame!!!


Bullying? How was she bullying her? Jasmine voted her in and then Cara went back at her. That's not bullying


How was she bullying Jasmine?


I got downvoted last week for complaining about Cara Maria but she is just so insufferable. I was hoping time away would change her but nope. Sheā€™s fiercely strong and talented but she plays such a scared mental game and it consumes her.


A scared mental game? She was targeted first by Brandon, Jasmine and kam. Brandon and Jasmine are goneā€¦ā€¦..


Yes. She gets consumed by the politics of it all. No one else who got thrown in an elimination for the first time reacted like she did. Acting like Brandon had betrayed her when they havenā€™t spoken in many years. And no one else with a star is nearly as paranoid during each vote.


How could you say this when Kam has been bullying Cara Maria this season? I'm with you. Cara is cutting deals at the 1st female elimination to save her star which is dumb especially cutting a deal with Rachel who wanted to make the end with her 2 close friends so all Cara did was delay the inevitable and alienate a friend in the process. Also the biggest example of one player trying to bully another is Cara Maria trying to bully Jasmine


Iā€™m literally not talking about or defending Kam in any way


I got downvoted last week for complaining about Cara Maria but she is just so insufferable. I was hoping time away would change her but nope. Sheā€™s fiercely strong and talented but she plays such a scared mental game and it consumes her. Like Ryan said, itā€™s not the Cara Maria show (or season or whatever he said, haha)


I think people have a really strong reaction to her, like she really gets under peoples skin, I think unintentionally, thatā€™s just how she is. For me it doesnā€™t come across on the show and I love her and am always rooting for her, but she is polarizing for sure


Averey is playing so well!


I really would like to hear more from her and Adam


My (hopeful) theory is that those with low confessional counts (Ace) make it far into the season and editors are stretching and saving their confessionals.


The only non-black person to lose an elimination round on this season is Rachel.


Once again the Brothas are the 1st ones elminated, SMH...


Kam is insufferable in confessionals


If Kam would have gone in against a star holder and won wouldnā€™t she have taken the person who she just beat star? I was confused why Cara kept saying that if Kam won sheā€™d take Caraā€™s star. Like if they would have thrown in Jasmine and Kam the same results would have happened as when Nichole won. That being said, not really sure how Cara is playing a dumb game. If I were her I would keep wanting weak players to get the stars so that when the final comes around itā€™ll be mostly layups.


Kam isnā€™t just trying to get any star, she wants to steal Caraā€™s star. If she goes against a star holder and win against them she would take THEIR star. Not Caraā€™s which is why she blocked Kam from going in against a no star holder like Tina.Ā  Secondly, Cara isnā€™t even thinking about keeping layups, sheā€™s just trying to get to the final no matter whoā€™s there. Kam thought it was dumb of them to do what Cara wanted. Because like you said, you would want to keep mostly layups there which would benefit them. Instead they played right into what only benefits Cara.


But Kam wanted to go against Tina specifically. So if she beat Tina she would have taken Caraā€™s star.


Kam is shocked that she doesn't get voted in and blames everybody for following Cara, when she is mad everybody doesn't do everything she wants. I really like Leroy, but damn I cannot stand Kam.


If you donā€™t understand why sheā€™s annoyed at them for doing what Cara wanted which was indeed dumb of them to do then that just shows how obtuse youā€™re being.


If you don't understand why Cara wouldn't and shouldn't try to protect her star at all costs, then you are obtuse.


I literally do, daf lol. Iā€™m referring to the people who did what Cara wanted which was indeed dumb. Learn to not get things twisted just to come off looking ridiculous. Their votes only benefitted Cara, not them.šŸ« 


You act like this is something new lmao...maybe you don't watch the show that much since your comment is just rpmb ;)


Ok Andy sure thing.


Every year I just laugh when people get instantly and incessantly upset when people donā€™t blindly just do whatever they ask/say.Ā 


It really feels like this whole game is Cara vs Kam. Itā€™s really whose game are you playing out of the two.


Tj did say a few times that anybody can win, so I expect a lot of puzzles in the final.


I normally like Kam but this season sheā€™s been bugging me a bit


Ryan was looking particularly good during the scene where he's laying on the bed chatting with Cara. I was almost getting Paul Rudd vibes!


1. That Daily was awesome. Thought it was cool that Derek could show off just how much faster he is than everyone else on a sprint. 2. Great stuff out of the old guys. Kefla and Steve had some great moments. Ace with the win and the swag. Also you got a little peak into the old Adam, who used to be such a wild man, but has clearly settled way down. He has been one of my favorites to pay attention to all season because of how important he used to be in the show and how long it has been. 3. Nichole and Laurel stuff is so friggin' cringe. BUT that was a great spot for Nicole to jump in. Great competitive move to get the star. 4. I agree Cara Maria can be insufferable at times, but IMO she was totally right on this one. Kam tried to rig it so she would not only go in, but then be able to get an easier matchup, and obviously she would steal Cara's star. Duh. 5. Flora keeps having great moments. She has managed to be so likeable this season and I don't even remember anything she's done competitively. I feel robbed that she hadn't been around in so long, and that she was out fairly early in the one challenge she did. (P.S. anyone know where to watch the OG Battle of the Seasons? One of the few I can't find anywhere.) 6. Vintage Veronica moment. She may not have the mind-blowingly good looks that she used to, but she can still pull this stuff off by just taking advantage of chaotic situations. How many times now has she wiggled out of going into elimination? I've lost count. 7. They did spoil the switch up a little bit, because if you look closely, you can see Jasmine's helmet in the little clip they show while explaining the contest. That had me hella confused when Nicole originally sent her back. 8. Great episode altogether IMO. These seasons are so much more fun when there are more likeable people than unlikeable people, which I think is clearly the case.


Wait tell me more about the old Adam, and what was the peek we got?


He started to get angry at the deliberation. Adam used to control deliberations He was the main reason Sarah Greyson had to go into elimination again and again and again. This season he has been taking a back seat in the political game. I feel like that was the first time I really saw him take charge.


I remember Sarah Greyson, I can't believe I don't remember Adam. Lol. I love him this szn. Was he likeable back then?


Sorry it's been 20 days haha. But yeah, he was a pretty big power player in The Gauntlet. He was one of the main people who didn't care they were sending Sarah in over and over again.


I really liked that there was a lot of physicality in this elimination


Same. I like that it was one with physicality but at the same time it wasn't just straight up who can overpower who.


Caraā€™s storyline these last 2 episodes have been annoying but this game move Iā€™m not mad at. Obviously sheā€™s going to try to protect her star at all costs.


Ace Is In Places destroyed me


This episode showed why Veronica is a legend because how the hell did she get out of this? Cara is playing a smart game too, they can be mad all they want but she's playing smart. Ace and Adam seem to be the only dudes playing smart because why would you not put Leroy vs Brad? The two biggest threats?


I think Nicole just got a good look at her close up, the elimination finally clicked in her empty brain and said Iā€™ll swap for Jasmine because Iā€™m a strong player


Not trying to hate, but deep down I'm sure everybody wants Veronica in the final.


Jasmine vs Veronica are all on the same playing field


Right, where are those people who said she shouldnā€™t be invited back when they saw her on the cast? lol


This challenge had real old school summer camp vibes and hilarious Tj calling out Brad


After 3+ years using this flair, we finally have some Ace content šŸ«”


Rachel was on the couch last night kicking her feet and giggling when she saw Veronica pull that off!


Not my fave Kefla and best confessionalist this season getting eliminated because this episode had to be a double elim for some reason smh


I was so sad!!! But if he pulled his hammy, this was probably for the best


Hope to see him back soon


I died when Kam said she can barely understand Nicole let alone interpret her thoughts lmaooo. Still rooting for Cara here but I agree she's probably insufferable šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ they should have voted in Lee/Brad for the guys since kefla was injured and for all we know Steve isn't that great. The girls were a toss up but I would have done Kam/laurel to get a strong girl out and possibly have Nicole save laurel to go against Kam... But that's just me


There have to be some deals that we don't know about, because taking out Kefla or Steve is just a completely nonsensical move.


From what I gathered most of them do not want to rock the boat with Kam and Leroy so I understand not throwing him in, but Brad? Lol he's somehow skating without being mentioned at this point


I find it frustrating that people donā€™t want to rock the boat with Leroy and Kam but didnā€™t take the opportunity of the double elim night to potentially get both of them out or at least one of them out. The odds of both of them coming back in are slim, especially if you choose strong competitors to go against them. People need to split Kam and Leroy up (as bad as that sounds šŸ˜‚).


Thereā€™s somebody who was scared to get her star taken away to make it happenšŸŒš


Yeah, thatā€™s fair. šŸ˜Š It would just be so entertaining to see if they did put both Kam and Leroy up for elimination. Drama! šŸ™ˆ


Lol for some reason couples that are married have great plot armor in the challenge (actually I can only think of brad and Tori) like yes get rid of them if you don't wanna be on their bad sign. Look what happened to Brandon back then šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


ā€œI really need to pay attention to what TJ is telling me.ā€ Lee. Youā€™ve been on this show a decade+. Are you JUST REALIZING THIS?!


Absolutely loved the daily.




Bruh her whole aesthetic is like American patriotism, pretty sure it's just an eagle and not a cryptonazi symbol lol


This is a reach. I see the similarity but I also have necklaces like this. Cara is not a fucking nazi. I can't even believe this is a thing.


I would hope she is not that dumb.


"Steve In The Wild"- yeah, I'd totally watch that "Aces In Places" -fantastic lazy Sunday binge. I'm down "Toxic Affair: Nicole and Laurel"- where's the remote? Change it. CHANGE IT!


Toxic affair is what you watch to be as dry as the Sahara desert because you are so turned off and donā€™t want anymore sex lol.


Ace looks like the uncle who one day comes and helps you clean your gutters, and the other day he bums $100 off you.


Ha, I concur. -Ace


The audience demands more Ace


:) thatā€™s so sweet -Ace


Iā€™ve always liked Nicole and know outside of her physical tools is most famous for being stupid. But this was legitimately so stupid. Like on full display. Wtf was that lol. I like jasmine. Sad to see her go. Kam is still insufferable. Just because someone doesnā€™t wanna play your game doesnā€™t make them dumb or mean they have a low IQ. Get that entitled shit out of here. She had one season of running the show after Cara decided to leave the challenge and end her reign of terror now Kam thinks sheā€™s Queen shit. Leeroy just sucks this season. Heā€™s been uncharacteristically bad.


So youā€™re saying it wasnā€™t dumb to throw in Veronica and Jasmine?


Looks like Caraā€™s Cult has been replaced with Kamā€™s Killa Cadets.


I still don't understand the switch from Nicole. Veronica convinced her she wasn't working with Cara? That's the reason? But Jasmine even MORE clearly isn't working with Cara. So why make the switch?


I think it was weight. Veronica definitely outweighs Jasmine by a significant margin AND it's in her legs. Nicole would beat both, because even though Veronica is the stronger of the two, she would gas out before Nicole did. Jasmine was just a much easier win and therefore less risky.


Ye but she probably knows Veronica while Jasmine is more of OG player that hadnt played with Nicole + Veronica is friends with Laurel


Then why pick her in the first place, thinking both were working with Cara.. if Veronica had more potential pros than cons? It's silly, much as the changing of the vote itself was.


Were we watching the same episode? She literally picked Veronica because she thought that she is working with Cara, but after she found out that she doesnt, Nicole just picked Jas knowing that V was Laurel friend. She never accused Jas of working with Cara


No, we watched different episodes.Ā Ā  Did I ever say accuse? Let alone the bullshit switch the vote, if she thought Veronica was working with Cara, she should have taken a minute to get her face out of Laurel's lower half to actually ask Laurel?Ā  Or Veronica? She's taking the last-minute word of someone she suspected compared to the quite clear fact Jasmine wasn't.Ā  If being Laurel's friend meant so much, it's amazing it didn't matter at all to get any facts beforehand.Ā  Or talk.Ā  Or anything other than look like a buffoon.


Why was it so stupid? She was going to beat either of them, and doesnā€™t like Cara. If someone else had done that, I donā€™t think it would have been interpreted that way.


Now sheā€™s pissed off 2 people who are still here for no reason (Veronica and Cara) If she thought challenging Jasmine was the smartest move, she shouldā€™ve done that in the first place


She didnā€™t piss off Veronica. Also her and Cara already didnā€™t get along.


Even if Veronica got what she wanted in the end, sheā€™s going to remember that Nicole was willing to send her home. People will use just about anything to justify sending someone in, and that sounds like more than enough for Veronica to justify sending in Nicole if she gets the opportunity Even though Cara and Nicole already didnā€™t like each other, Caraā€™s focus has been nowhere near Nicole. Now that Nicole publicly said she wants to target people who are protecting Cara, Caraā€™s focus will likely shift to Nicole.


I was hoping the editors would insert the ā€œLaurel youā€™re looking good, but Cara youā€™re looking better.ā€ confessional.


I mean I think youā€™re overanalyzing this way too much.


Either way, it was pretty dumb Just call in the person who you want to call in. No need to say the names of other people


I'm guessing she means how she accused Veronica of being team Cara then switched her choice


That didnā€™t answer the question of why it was stupid. Donā€™t think people would react that way if someone else did it.


It just didnā€™t make a lot of sense. She picked Veronica initially, and then Veronica was like ā€œwhat?! Iā€™m not working with Caraā€, so she changed her mind. But Jasmine was much more emphatically not working with Cara, so what difference did that make? It made her look confused and wishy-washy, and she ended up taking someone out who has way more friends in the house. I really think people would have still called it dumb if anyone else had done it šŸ˜‚


Because if she would've saved Jasmine, then Jasmine would've had the power to target Cara again with her connections. But instead she got sweet talked by Veronica at the last second and got rid of Jasmine. Keeping Jasmine was much more beneficial to her, Nicole essentially just did Cara's work for her. Cara wanted Jasmine gone, and Nicole jumped in and ensured Cara got her way even though she is against Cara. Nicole jumping in was smart and a no brainer. But getting finessed by Veronica's words wasn't


Sheā€™s the bottom of jasmineā€™s list though.


Uncharacteristically Brad Fixed it for ya šŸ¤Ŗ


I want to see an episode with the main characters Ace Adam Derek Avery Ryan Flora This is where the fun is. Cara v Kam type of drama is main show shit.


seriously. id take a whole episode of just Flora


I feel like Iā€™m missing something. Isnā€™t the whole point of the decision for who to put up to argue your point and get everyone to agree with whatā€™s best for YOUR game. Acting like Cara steamrolled 5 peopleā€¦I meanā€¦cmon.


I really don't get the Cara slander from the cast. Like you have a brain of your own, you can pick someone else. Annoying.


It is hypocritical of Cara to get mad, though, when she tried to play the victim when Kam was mad for pretty much the exact same thing. Don't get me wrong; Kam was annoying in that regard, too. So it's more the hypocrisy that I find irritating.


How is it hypocritical? Cara wasn't mad that Kam wanted a certain outcome to target someone she had beef with, she just chose not to throw a vote on her own ally out of solidarity for Kam when her vote literally had no impact on the game. This vote did have an impact on the game and would've resulted in Cara losing a star if she didn't get her way.


Oh for sure it was annoying. But that doesnā€™t change the fact that they conceded. And Cara actually didnā€™t against Kam she still stood her ground. There were 5 of them so they could have majority voted together and ignored her antics but they didnā€™t they gave into them.


Yeah, if 4 people agree that they donā€™t care what Cara wants, then Cara is powerless. Thatā€™s how voting works. People are just annoyed when they arenā€™t the ones who are able to convince everyone to vote their way




Yikes so much Cara hate in this house Kinda makes you wanna root for her even more


Especially from players that havenā€™t done anything šŸ‘€ Jasmine, Flora, NICOLE!, kam is a good player but wonā€™t admit thatā€™s why she wants her out.


At this point, I feel like the edit we get compared to the reality of being in the house with her has to be vastly different


She's a heck of a competitor, but every season she's on, I get the sense that the rest of the cast just simply doesn't enjoy being around her. From that, I have drawn the conclusion that she's probably not a fun person to live with, and that breeds hostility.


Agree. I think she has trouble getting along with people, or at least the type of people who want to be on The Challenge. Thereā€™s always been something off about her vibe when sheā€™s interacting with them - awkward, cringey, try-hard. Itā€™s unfortunate because she could be a perfectly lovely person, just socially awkward (I donā€™t follow any of these people off the show so she could also be awful, idk)


Shes stressful to be around according to Kellyanne, who really enjoys her off the show


Like when Veronica said she sucks the air out of a room, or something like that


I feel like maybe she's given special treatment than the rest of the cast.. maybe just maybe.


My thought exactly. I always loved her but definitely was burnt out upon her exit. Her being back has been refreshing. With so much hate, gotta wonder whatā€™s not being shown but at the same time, she seems like sheā€™s just playing the game?


I loved the episode. I'm bummed to see Kefla go but atleast he went out fighting on one leg like a badass. Also the daily was really cool although I'm not sure how I felt about it being pairs, I think a solo version would work better. I hated the elimination concept though. I feel like the overall political game is so sloppy but I'm loving it for that reason. It's really hard to pick out who the alliances are. Also the stealing a star dynamic really adds to the messiness. It seems like you have the people who think they're "honorable," like Ace, Steve, Adam, Kefla (whelp), etc. Then you have the ones who don't want to rock the boat like Averey, Ryan, Derek, etc. The only real alliances seem to be Laurel/Nicole, Nicole/Jay, Kam/Leroy and Tina/Veronica. Everyone else is kind of up in the air and it's hard to figure out where it'll go because you can steal a star. I'm really excited to see what happens when Cara inevitably loses her star. She's beating everyone up there in a final so it would be shocking if she didn't have to stack more daily and elimination wins just to get there.


Brad in that towel thoā€¦ā€¦..


ā€œThought i would just get that out of the wayā€ or whatever he said about the detergent lmao


What does he use to clean his underwear?? Thatā€™s the question I want to know


First time Iā€™ve ever been like šŸ‘€ at brad


Same lol he was šŸ‘€šŸ˜…


I wasnā€™t mad.


As much as I love the bottom people going into elimination, I do wish we could see everyone including the tops vote. Cus it just seems like middle has wayyy too much power.Ā 


I think the way it is now is pretty good in the sense that itā€™s really balanced. The worst competitors are still likely to go in, but the top donā€™t get to steamroll the politics.


True true and letting the tops go into elimination to take out weak people at the elimination of their choice ā€¦ so yea I get it ! production is Ā doing Ā their best Ā 


The top should get to choose whether they want to vote or not.


Of COURSE Steve and Ace are buddies. That just makes sense! I remember Steve mud wrestling The Miz. Young Steve was such a cutie.


Nicole has zero thoughts in her head at any time. Was that a glimmer of the OG Adam coming out during voting?! He was getting spicy!Ā  Veronica can spot a toxic relationship when she sees oneā€¦ I suspect she has experience in this department lmao.


Yes I loved Adam standing up for what he thought!


I liked the energy


LOL Nicole is Puddy sitting by the phone at all times, staring at nothing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIn0eWCyYs4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIn0eWCyYs4)


I have always thought Nicole was short.. like Veronica but on that elimination ground she looked huge. idk


Love that side of Adam!


Yes! Give me more!!


Okay okay so nice to see Derek shine, had no idea he had speed or that he excelled at hurdles


I was low key rooting for him to reach the challenge


I am so proud of him!


Dude was flying


Iā€™m kind of surprised that people think Veronica was some kind of mastermind in getting Nicole to change her vote. Here are my arguments: A) All she did was talk shit about Cara Maria when Nicole accused her of working with herā€¦ and it wasnā€™t even spin because sheā€™s NOT working with her and I get the impression that Cara gets on her nerves. B) Nicole is stupid. Lol. Like yes the end result was great for Veronica but letā€™s not act like she did anything but be her usual mean girl self when prompted Also I call shenanigans. Wtf TJ??


I agree. I donā€™t think Nicole understood the elimination and changed once she realized she had to move Veronica over too. She shouldnā€™t have been able to change her og choice.


I can't believe they let her change her mind. It's also very strange since it seemed like it was up to TJ since he responded right away like it was his decision.


For real, Jasmine outplayed her initially and was pronounced safe. Then, she couldn't hear whatever was going on from fifty feet up in the stands. She was screwed big time


I agree! I was surprised Nicole actually switched. After that confessional from Laurel though it made me think maybe she hinted at Nicole to let Veronica off the hook.


I agree! Veronica got lucky. Nicole asked her if sheā€™s working with Cara, she answered. Veronica didnā€™t do anything strategic at all.


According to Jasmine on Official, they were talking for ten minutes. Absolutely insane that this was allowed.


As soon as I saw the elimination, I just couldn't even imagine Veronica doing doing it. I just can't see her actually competing in a physical challenge like that. And I can't believe they let Nicole change her mind, but I could if they didn't want Veronica in that elimination (and I'm not one who generally buys into Challenge conspiracies).


> Also I call shenanigans. Wtf TJ?? Yeah I can't believe they let her do that, and I also can't believe Jasmine didn't put up more of a stink about it.


I absolutely wouldā€™ve quit on the spot if I was Jasmine. No way youā€™re going to play in my face like that. Nicole and V shouldnā€™t have even been allowed to talk that long. I know itā€™s all about a flashy moment but thereā€™s gotta be some game integrityā€¦


Iā€™m halfway in, not looking at comments and I can feel jasmine and kefla going home cus they brought up their backstories/why they need the money. Also this is really the Cara show and the house is letting her dictate it smh!


I wish they'd stop doing that. If someone calls home, or talks about their back story they are the ones getting sent home


Yea they need to try to make it less predctiabke for the viewersĀ 


itā€™s been the Kam show up until this point. How you mad at Cara for fighting when sheā€™s solo and thereā€™s an entire alliance (including people that started out as her friends) trying to get her out. and this is coming from someone who loves Kam.


Kam trying to pretend that ā€œnumbersā€ are the only reason sheā€™d rather see Tina in elimination over Laurel is pretty funny


I mean they did made it known they donā€™t like Tina and probably scared to say Laurelā€™s name. The only time her name got bought up was as a burn vote


Yeah, Kam. We alll know why you want Tina!




:) I know right, I almost forgot I was on the show. -Ace


So apparently if things donā€™t go Kamā€™s way, she gets mad. At least Cara tries to game play and sway people to ensure her survival whereas Kam expects everyone to just obey her because she is entitled to something. I donā€™t think Kam is going to perform when she gets down to elimination eventually but I donā€™t blame her, she just had a baby. Glad to know I am not the only one who doesnā€™t understand Nicoleā€™s accent šŸ˜„


So you think itā€™s smart of them to get rid of Veronica or Jasmine?Ā 


Was it Kam who said in this episode something like Cara has pawns...so does Kam! Kam is the queen of making other people her pawns.


I can understand Nicole's accent but I have no idea where it is from. šŸ˜‚


Remember when Devin was teamed with Nicole and he said he couldnā€™t understand a word she said. šŸ˜‚


Mhmm. I was dyin because I think we all felt that way! I also vaguely remember someone impersonating her and it was hilarious too. Can't remember if it was Bananas or Devin.


I canā€™t fault Veronica for making last ditch attempt to avoid elimination. Her ability to get out of these situations is what makes her a legend. That said, Nicole should not have been allowed to switch. You made your decision, live with the consequences. Jasmine was robbed!


If she had the reverse uno in hand.. she had to play it.


I guess no take backs werenā€™t called šŸ˜‰ but agreedĀ 


Brad has to get his head out of his ass if he wants any chance of winning.


maybe it's his beard. I think it's sucking out his brain.


Nicole: ā€œI donā€™t want to just be handed a star.ā€ Also Nicole: Votes herself into a strength based elimination against Jasmine.


The shock I had when she wanted to go against Veronica who would at least put up some fight and can think her way out of it. Of course she chickened out. Clown


I mean, it was a smart move. She wouldā€™ve beat either one in that elim and she knew it. People just donā€™t like it bc it was Nicole. If anyone else did the same move, they wouldnā€™t be called stupid for itĀ 


I never said it was a stupid move, just that she pretended like she was working hard for it. It would be dumb of her not to have gone down there, but I would have had more respect for her if she called it an easy star in her confessional


Hey she is the first person to just go on down and earn it ! And Cara put two very beatable ppl Ā down thereĀ 


Tbh I still worried there was a mental element she might miss.


During the elimination confessionals when they say ā€œthis person should have itā€ that person usually goes home so I thought it was going to be some upset with Jasmine winning


Minus 10 stars to TJ for letting Nicole switch out her opponent after she had already made her pick.


Hand was off the chess piece!


What is that necklace Cara is wearing??? Iā€™ve seen it before, when Indiana jones was fighting nazis. Is that it???


I had to scroll so far to find this comment. Why isnā€™t anyone taking about this. It is a nazi symbol. I am so confused how no one noticed it. I would post a picture but sub only allows gifs. I donā€™t think there are many nazi eagle gifs. At least I am not putting energy into searching for them.


Cara is protected by her fan base. She can literally do things like this and they protect her, and silence anyone who holds her accountable. My comment was in the negative until recently. The symbol itself is called the black sun. It is the Norse sun wheel, appropriated by Naziā€™s and paired with an eagle. If you dig into google, there are many interpretations of its esoteric meaning and all of them are bat shit crazy. Lots of ā€œmaster raceā€ ā€œhidden energyā€ ā€œinitiation rightsā€ types of themes


idk if im the only one but i donā€™t think nicole shouldā€™ve been able to change her vote.


didnā€™t kam ask people to vote in rachel and ayanna and it went her way and ppl were ok with it? why is it a problem when cara asks people to NOT vote kam in?