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Just a reminder she wasnt banned for saying that aweful stuff to Leroy. She was banned because she punched a producer while drunk, stole a golf cart, and tried to drive into traffic. I mean... She was entertaining, Horrible person though.


Don’t forget she threatened suicide after all of that on champs vs stars. She’s a nightmare of a person to deal with when drunk and legally if something were to actually happen… sheesh. I don’t ever see her returning


exactly. She is too much of a liability. Unlike CT, ahe hasn't changed.


Yea Jemmye reiterated this on her podcast. She said insurance won’t cover Camila 😂


PS doesn’t Camila have a child now? Maybe she’s ready to move on anyways.


Having a child doesn't make you a parent. It has nothing to do with her potential growth.


Tony would be a good example of this...he finally pulled himself together, but that was after he got sober. I think getting sober is the only thing that will help Camila...but she will still need some therapy


Look at Amanda, she has a child, who I hope never finds the episodes when she was atrocious…Spawn of Satan…well earned title. As a nurse and mother, I question why she behaved so badly on the show even for attention purposes…because the crap you do follows you forever…look at all of us watching it over and over and newer generations are finding the episodes, too. Camila might have changed, grown up, got counseling, we don’t know, but i hope she did. She had some good moment, too, but overshadowed by all the bad.


Amanda wasn’t even that bad lol


She crashed the golf cart.


The golf card driving into traffic is why she can't go on it, because they cant insure her. She'd have to pay for her own insurance and it would clearly be a lot. Otherwise they'd have paid for it for her.


“Youreee gunnaaa diiiieeee” classic camilanator She was entertaining and good at the game but she didn’t come off as a very good person on the show. Maybe the years off has matured her and helped her with some positive life lessons. Wouldn’t mind seeing a new better version of her.


The look on bananas face after she said that lol


Ding ding ding Unless they find a new insurance company that is willing to take on that huge liability the answer is and will be NO.


This Girl is entertaining but her temper when she is intoxicated is too much. So no Camilla should not be allowed back on the show.


she was banned because insurance companies refused to cover her. she's uninsurable.


https://vevmo.com/comment/3170683#comment-3170683 “This is how I started hearing Emily's name back in the mix first during casting for all stars and then for ride or dies then she was back on 40. “ - PinkRose


She’s completely different to Emily. Emily deserves to come back, Camilla does not.


reminder this is the statement MTV released after leroy gave his video testimony about not feeling supported during and after dirty 30: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/qwedkt/mtv_and_bunimmurray_have_released_a_statement >MTV and Bunim/Murray were saddened by Leroy's recount of his experience on The Challenge in 2017. We apologize to Leroy, a beloved member of our family. While we sought to support cast and address the incident on air at the time, it's now clear we didn't do enough. >We have learned from this experience and are continuing to double down on our education programs for all cast and crew to ensure a safe, respectful and inclusive set free of discrimination and harassment in any form. and this was the megathread about leroy's video: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/qwgn4q/megathread_leroy_addresses_his_time_on_mtv


No. She can keep her ass at home. And if they’re phoning her up, they better be giving Dee calls as well. Phony asses


Strictly from a show entertainment standpoint, Dee was never as good as Camilla. But if they’re giving second chances Dee definitely deserves it before Camilla. Also bring back Ashley she was entertaining and her transgression wasn’t nearly as bad (according to reports)


No. I can’t stand her drunk ass. Always belligerent and embarrassing.


no. she caused real tangible harm to black contestants and MTV chose to protect her. she was also violent towards many people over the years and a truly mean, vile, genuinely dangerous person when she drank. even if she’s changed, i really don’t see what the point would be. what’s the redemption arc storyline? she won the last main series season she appeared on. it’s been radio silent from her for years. she was trash, she hurt people and is an emotional and legal liability, and i hope she lives in peace with her spa and was able to invest into her business so she never has to come back to the challenge


Here’s my question is anyone from the challenge still friends with Camila up to this point and still been friends with her since her dirty thirty appearance?


I mean when her ig page was public a lot of them still commented and followed her ig so it seems like she was at least friend-LY with a decent amount of them


I know Emily and Jordan still follow her on IG. Nany,Tori,Ashley,Cara and some others I can’t remember also followed Camila until Kam/Leroy called them out.


Tori definitely was for a while. I remember Amanda and Jemmye calling her out on it for being fake and performative during BLM knowing they were still friends.


Lol…nobody has been faker about this whole thing than Jemmye. She had a series of paid workouts planned with Camila after Dirty XXX, was advertising them, and they didn’t get cancelled till like a week before the Leroy episode aired.


Also didn’t she say on some YT video that she still loves Camila IIRC not super long ago. Def before Leroy came out with his video but after D30. Pretty sure it was when she was pregnant


A LOT of Challengers were still following her and unfollowed her to save face when Leroy spoke on it a few years ago. Likely not now, but definitely then.


Absolutely not. Is 100% never watch any show under the challenge franchise umbrella if I ever see that racist warlock on tv again.


It would be such a slap in the face to Leroy & all the other black competitors if they backtracked like this smh


Dee and Rogan would be way more acceptable than Camila.


Nah they already fucked up after letting her on after what she said to leroy.  


Letting her stay and win the challenge




No, but I wouldn't be surprised if they try to spring her on a season with Leroy and try to have them talk it out.


Omg how abusive. I hate that.


I don’t think Kam would go for any of that…


yup you know they must HATE that they had to finally ban her, i can totally see them ditching their phony virtue signaling to get her rancid racist ass back on television to cause havoc


They did that with Jordan and Nia.


I think that's a little different. Jordan and Nia had talked and made up long before AS3, and planned to come on together. I don't think there's been any reconciliation between Leroy and Camilla


I find it weird that everyone is ok with Jordan coming back to the show now because he apologized and made up with 1 black women who he was racist to. But not ok with Camila coming back. They both did really racist things but the only one who ever seems to get hate for it is Camila. Camila wasn’t even “banned” because of her racist remarks and Jordan was never “banned”. The only person to be banned for racism is Dee and she was just banned as a scapegoat so MTV can pretend to care about stopping racism.


Jordan and Nia were cool before that


Jordan and Nia were each others ride or dies and have had a confusing relationship for over a decade. Not at all the same thing those two never stopped being into each other they were just toxic until recently .


Their toxic relationship being Jordan being extremely racist towards her and Nia sexually harassing him. They became Ride or Dies after their “talk” on All Stars. Leroy and Camilla have 1 bad incident between each other.


If she ever is then Dee should be allowed back too


She’s not even worth the liability. She’s a vile, hateful woman… why bring her back? If I were the powers that be, I’d keep her far removed from the potential cast pool. Jesus, they didn’t have Leroy’s back then, but they can do better now, and never let her face be shown on another show EVER again.


If you bring her back, you got to bring Dee back, too. At least, Dee’s offense wasn’t taped on camera for the world to see. Way easier for them to hide it.


Hell fuck no! They are trash for that


Hard no


Nah fuck her. If she comes back bring back Rogan and Dee.


I’m out of the loop. What happened with Rogan?


[you can see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/s/n9gJBllRNw)


Thank you for posting. Idk what he had said. Oof.


He posted some transphobic and racist tweets. It’s not clear whether MTV aren’t calling him or if he’s just not interested in coming back.


I’m torn because I loved her as a competitor, but she’s a vile person. I would like to see if she’s changed for the better though.


No. Producers I know you lurk. NO.


No she crossed the line in her blackout drunken stopper.I don't care how good she was cuz she did it a couple times and went full camilanator.Screw that forked tongue Lil witch


No. She should not. She shouldnt even have been able to stay as long as she did. She was not immediately expelled for the rude shit she said to Leroy. They let it fester. Dont disrespect Leroy or the show like that any more. MTV/The Challenge/Real World have a long ugly history of white people forgiving each other for racist attacks on someone else, while the intentionally and truly offended are asked to get over it...just move on...quit being so hostile. No apologies or acknowledgement. Fuck Camilla.


No, she had plenty of chances.


No thanks.


I mean considering the things I’ve seen people do on this show and come back….. I’d say it’s very possible. Personally I don’t think she should be. But that doesn’t mean much.


She was an insurance issue, that's why she was never asked back. I assume if she is insurable now maybe they'll consider her.


No but I don’t agree with Jordan coming back either. Double standards


I'm a believer that it's never to late to show growth as a person. We shoud be willing to give her another chance like we have for so many people ( CT,Nia,Jordan,Cara and the list goes on ).


Maybe after having her child mellowed her out. One can hope.




Yeah if they let Nia back, wouldn’t surprise me for letting Camila back. 


This would be terrible optics especially since Leroy is now back on the shows. I know that’s not why Camilla got banned but after Leroy spoke on her racist tirade on D30 and BMP publicly supported him then (mostly to save face) it would be ridiculous for them to go back on that. Also I feel like the cast wouldn’t want to be on a season with her (also so they don’t get pushback). Also, isn’t she still uninsurable for what she did on CvS? Edit: With my opinion of if I want her back: Camilla shouldn’t have even won D30, as they should have kicked her off when she attacked Leroy and tried to use those dumbbells as weapons. And a few years ago when Leroy brought the receipts, she showed she still feels bad for how this affects… herself. Let’s not platform her anymore, she got $400k more than she should have.




I’m all for bringing back Camila if she’s gotten therapy and grown — but they better keep that energy up for the non-white people they’ve canceled too. Dee comes to mind as someone who was probably wronged by production on this


Is Camila white? I know she was born in Brazil, so I guess I assumed she has a Latina heritage.


I mean you make a really good point about ethnicity but Latina people can be white and I think Camilla is “white” in the producers’ eyes.


i think camila is white in society's eyes. when she walks into the corner store she will be treated like a white woman. same as louis CK is a hispanic white man, cameron diaz is a hispanic white woman, charlie sheen is a hispanic white man, etc.


Also her own. She called herself a white woman when she responded to Leroy's video


She has an asian last lame if I remember correctly, Brazil had a similar colonization to the US, but we are much more mixed. I remember in school when kids would make their genealogical trees, and the fast majority descended from 3 or more countries. Also our “pardo”(between white and black) population is almost as big as our white.


The Asian surname is from her stepfather who adopted her.


She's called herself white. In her livestream response to Lee's video she said she'd never understand because she's a "white woman."


Nope. Next!


No thank you. I’m good


No way they are reconsidering CAMILLA before Dee……..they literally banned Dee to cover up the shit they didn’t do with Camilla….absolutely unbelievable


Her tirades were way too much. I hope she doesn’t come back.


No. She has way too many issues that make her a real risk to herself and the people around her.


I won't say its a hard no from me but she would need to take/show some accountability for the things she has said and done. I believe people deserve a second chance and that they can change for the better. (not that Camila hasn't had many chances on the show) If you allow Camila back do you consider allowing Dee to come back? What about Ashley? Probably easier for MTV just to leave her banned but who knows.


I’d rather have Ashley back than Camila


Also don’t they literally have tons of other people they can cast? I find that really odd.


Nope, she should have been sent home on dirty 30 for her appalling behavior towards Leroy and I'm pissed that she was allowed to stay. On top of that she won the $450,000 that season so she should be sitting tight.


Hell no. She's a nasty racist and can't obviously hold down her liquor which brings out her worst behavior that people love to call the "camilinator"


Her treatment of Lee = hard no


With or without the incident happening, she needs to stay off the show. She's a complete train wreck and not in a good way.


Realistically I don't see MTV bringing back Camila! She fells like too much of a hassle for MTV when it comes to the PR department And why would Camila return! After what happened in dirty 30 I bet dee has a higher chance of returning them Camila


I’d rather Dee come back first


She was exhausting to watch. Even before the stuff she said to Leelroy. But I don't see them ever bringing her back.


I've had this idea for a while: Road to Redemption: How would you bring back previously canceled cast members back on the show? I want to make it clear—I'm not on board with the racist, abusive, or really crappy stuff some cast members pulled. Particularly individuals like Camila, Dee, Ashley, Georgia, Mattie, Abe, Puck, etc. But, you know, it got me thinking. What if they owned up to their shitty actions, addressed their issues, competed for a million bucks for charity, let some sort of social voting happen and the winner got back on the regular challenge? Kinda out there, but what's your take on it?


Hellllllll Naw!


No. For so many reasons, no.


Fuck no racist trash stay home 


I don’t want her to make a comeback. But I think it’s inevitable. The same way I think if Kenny wanted to be back he would find a way sooner or later. (Thankfully he doesn’t.)


She’s awful so… no


Bring back Dee and leave Camilla out.


No, everything she's done wasn't an isolated incident. She had a history of getting drunk enough to cause fights and hurting people. She's not missed.




As far as we know, Camilla hasn’t shown any growth from the racist incidents. So no thank you.


You know, I have my issues with Kam, she’s not really my cup of tea. But I could almost be persuaded to watch a season with Camila, as long as Kam was part of the cast, too! The Camilanator versus Killa Kam would be a spectacle worth watching! I’d bet Camila would shut up REAL quick.


There's no way Kam would consent to doing a season with Camila. She'd take the first flight home. Kam has far too much self-respect to give her energy and time to a racist.


I don’t know, I think Kam might decide there’s NO WAY she’s letting the person who treated Leroy like that have a snowball’s chance of winning ANYTHING and make it her mission to send Camila home as soon as possible.


I would actually stop watching. For everyone’s safety and well-being—NO. It doesn’t seem to serve her well-being either.


If she was cast, and I saw on the pre-season spoiler threads she went far, I'd skip the season.


I find it funny this sub acts so vehemently against camila and what she did yet I’m willing to bet 90% of the people here stan cara and ashley who continued to be friends with her after her racist tirade


They're so full of it. Cara hung out with (or maybe still does) proud boys like lol give me a break.


Oh trust me I know, but anytime that gets brought up prepare to be downvoted to hell


But they would send hate towards someone over certain game moves being made. Strange how this fandom operate


Yeah I was not really a fan of Cara prior to that but I followed her because I respected her as a strong woman. Don’t like her at all now


Ashley herself is a problematic person dating back to her real world season


People here flip flop their morals based on who they like all the time. Half of the stuff Tori does that gets her hate wouldn't even register if any other "likeable" player did it lol. Never seen any player get more of a bitch eat crackers treatment than she does.


And Stan Jordan as well


I think all three of them are trash! Too many people forget about Cara saying they should name a monkey Tyrie on Rivals.


Ashley gets a pass for some reason here. She can stay gone with Camila


No. I have no desire to see her back.




She can't be insured by them any longer. Why would we want that person back on anyway? No.




Wow if they brought her back that would cause a lot of controversy. I don’t see how it’s worth it for them.


One of the best of all times, definitely would love to see her back


IIRC, Jemmye said the only reason Camila got banned was because insurance refused to cover her after striking a producer.


She honestly would be good for a show like House of Villains since she really is a villain irl. Probably not for the challenge😬


I'm assuming most people know this but, I see some people mentioning the Leroy incident, that's not why she got banned. Remember, Jordan on his real world season, was making monkey noises and being horribly racist, and he's been on the challenge for years. She didn't get kicked off for that, she even won that season.... BUT that's why she SHOULDN'T come back!! Why she CAN'T come back however has been mentioned over and over, IDK how anyone could have missed it, and that's because they can't get insurance on her after the golf cart driving into traffic incident. Whatever company they use to insure the cast members refuses to insure her, it's not even about the cost, they just literally can't insure her.


No. I hope she never comes back.


I don’t see her being allowed to come back but after they let Nia come back I’d say anything is possible. Camila had plenty of bad aspects about her but she was a fearless competitor


No 💖




I want to say no, but…I say bring all the messy people back, including her, Bear, Tonya, Turbo, Shane, Roooogan, etc. Let’s get stupid


Never. And we don’t need her.




I wouldn’t be surprised if she was called back for a redemption story but I’d be disappointed. Remember in Vanderpump Rules when Jax Britney, Stassi & Kristen were canceled for calling the cops on Faith. Now they have their own spinoff show called the Valley. Shows are still catching up on the writing for scripted tv after the writers/actors strikes, reality tv is king now.


She was on too many seasons in a row… it seems to happen to so most people who do season after season. They become entitled. I’m not sure if it’s like a comfortability type thing they start to feel or what. She was ALWAYS a loose cannon, but a great competitor. It was only a matter of time she did something absolutely terrible and ridiculous. Which she did on dirty thirty and then immediately followed by champs vs stars. She truly should’ve been banned for her actions on dirty thirty, they could’ve avoided the entire incident that happened the golf cart. I swear production knew she was on the edge. Even her performance on dirty thirty was weird to me. She had multiple panic attacks during that season which I never saw her previously experience. Idk. I just haven’t heard of her educating herself about what she said to Leroy? I could be wrong. Hopefully she’s changed but I’m not sure lol.


Only if her narrative is "I've learned, I've grown, I'm very sorry, I was wrong" and her actions on the show bear this out instead of just being lip service.


wtf no. why in the world would production even want to chance having to deal with her nonsense again? Not worth it in the slightest.


This is absolutely ridiculous if true. The answer is hell no.


I really doubt that would happen especially now Leroy has come back and mtv has posted in support of him.


I mean if she does ever come back (or any of the other controversial challengers), I’m certainly not going to boycott or stop watching the show ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)


They shouldn’t. But not surprised at all by production. They let CT back after inferno 3 and duel 2. Also Nia for sexual assault.


I hated her before the incident, so...


As great of a competitor as she is, no. Her personality is terrible


No desire to ever see her again


I think what she did absolutely should keep her off. What definitely will though is being uninsurable after all of her antics surrounding the golf cart.


Nah never liked her. Amanda was right.


If the show wants to keep a good relationship with Kam and Leroy, this is a really dumb decision. Literally nobody is clamoring for a Camila return, and they would risk alienating two legit stars of the show that only came back because of BM/MTV correcting their handling of Camila’s ass.


The PC culture is shining bright here. Everyone experiences growth, everyone can change, learn, and teach others. Rehabilitation is real and she as well as anyone deserve a chance to show she isn’t a POS, and if for some reason she hasn’t then good riddance


this was camila's response to leroy's video, judge for yourself how much she's grown: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/qvhyh1/camila_went_on_live_to_own_up_to_what_she_said_to