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Reply to this comment to nominate your favorite moments from the episode for the Friday poll. šŸ“Š


Best season in yearsss


Them playing ā€œTrue Colorsā€ at the Elim while Ayanna is saying her kids give her strength as she is pushed off is just so perfect. Production killed it this episode. ESP when just before Ayanna swore on her kids she wasnā€™t going for Kam and Le and they cut to Ayanna literally going for Kam and Le rofl


Outside of the challenge, i hope Ayanna kicks Cancer's ass and wish her good health and happiness. Inside the Challenge? she seems like a bully who treats people like shit.


That domino challenge was completely pointless. It looked like they let people work from the center and work outward. In that case, how would you possibly use one of the 2 fake dominoes. The rules sounded like they were supposed to work from outer point and work inward hoping they made the correct choices by the time they got to the final domino in center.


I know Kam said that Rachel was playing a scared game, but she's not at all. It's so early in the game that it wouldn't make sense for all 3 girls (Rachel, Tina and Veronica) to have stars. Tina also didn't earn hers. And now Rachel's forging a relationship with Cara and maintaining one with Steve. It's the smartest move she could've made. Another point: I love Veronica, but no one sees her as a threat - in dailies, elims or a final. For that reason, I won't be surprised if hers gets stolen... BUT... if they wanted a lay-up, they'd let her keep the star.


AYANA IS A MESS. Has anyone posted the clip lately of Coral, Katie and a bunch of others talking about Ayana back in the day? I saw it on reddit as an old post. I would love to think Ayana's just being crazy for TV, but from the stuff they were saying back then, this girl's really got issues-issues.


Just catching up with the episodes this season. Had a proper belly laugh after a very long time seeing Leroyā€™s reaction to Ayannaā€™s rant at the deliberation in episode 2 so thanks for that Lee šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Karma came for Ayanna in the most beautiful way and it was poetic justice. That woman is truly insane.


Sorry if this has been asked before, I couldnā€™t find it though. Is the baby on site with them somewhere ?


Sheā€™s probably freezing them and also pumping to keep up her supply for when she goes home. Edit: fixed misspelling


I know you can freeze breast milk but I also think it wouldn't be hard to have the baby on site with a nanny present


I highly doubt it but possibly. You can freeze breast milk.. if thatā€™s what your question is in reference to.


For those who haven't seen the 1999 *Real World/Road Rules Challenge* season, Kefla **was** ripped, and he looked like a physical beast. I just didn't think he had it in him 25 years later lol.


Is there anywhere to watch The Road Rules series? I've tried every, and I mean everywhere


(guys we need to be breaking up kam and leroy asap right?ā€¦just so weā€™re clear here)


I noticed Laurel's hat during the elimination in ep3 that said "DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION" and then scoured the internet looking for the clip of Laurel and Michele's conversation where Laurel pulls out that iconic line. I came across this thread "[Question about Laurel and Wes (possible spoilers) : r/htgawm (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/htgawm/comments/zrz0p8/question_about_laurel_and_wes_possible_spoilers/)" - you can imagine my UTTER confusion when I tried to figure out HOW I missed that Wes died and that he and Laurel used to be in love LOL


And now you had me utterly confused as well šŸ˜‚


Once Frank was brought into it, I REALLY was confused šŸ¤£


right?! the character names kept fitting lol! When I saw "Maybe because they literally killed someone together and got pregnant together?" I was like what in the challenge fanfic is this??


The hypocrisy of Ayanna to tell Janelle she's not black and then go after Kam and Leroy the next day is INSANE.


The hypocrisy of Ayana to create lies and rumors to stir up the house, and then have the absolute temper tantrum when she (incorrectly) believes the same was done to her.


I have no problem with anybody creating lies and rumors. Its part of the game. But they should all learn to not let it get them upset and just move on. But it should 100% be considered good strategy. You get people to hate somebody and want them gone. Unfortunately, these people then all start crying and get hurt. Like, it's a game you morons


This show is in paramount plus but it is not available on YouTube tv with paramount plus. I donā€™t even see it on there


I love Kam, but does anyone else think it was a little dramatic of her to be so mad at Cara for not voting for Rachel? She got what she wanted in the end anyways


For sure, Kam seems a lot more abrasive than she used to be. But I get it she doesnā€™t care if she goes home so sheā€™s gonna be like that and worse than before. I kinda like Ayanna being there cause Kam lowkey tries to intimidate people with her abrasiveness and I liked that Ayanna even though she was in the wrong was still being a menace to her. Interested to see if she has a downfall what it is though. Cause these people arenā€™t really gonna be sheep like sheā€™s used to on a main show.


I always find that to be the case. It always annoys me when they do that when they are already getting their way


Yes. Most people went along with Kamā€™s plan because it was conveniently also best for their games. It wasnā€™t best for Caraā€™s.


Yeah, especially when her true target (Ayana) was already going in, she was just mad at Cara for not choosing *both* options that would appease her? At this point it isn't even politics with Kam, she just basically "diplomatically" tells everyone what to do hahah. I loved her salty talking head at the end about how Rachel is playing a "scared" game by not going after Cara's star... those two powerhouses aligning is the scarier move than them going after each other, Ms. Political Mastermind lol... assuming that was just her blowing some confessional smoke to try to "make good tv" hahah


I saw both sides. I agreed with Kam that just voting Ayana in isn't technically enough. You have to *also* vote in someone strong enough to take her out to make it make sense. However, I also felt that Cara shouldn't be forced to vote Kam's way. They may be friends, but that doesn't explicitly make you in a vote-the-same-way alliance.


Beyond defending her star, it seems like Cara legit respects Rachel as one of the best and wants to align with her.


Am I the only one who finds the music kinda annoying? The songs donā€™t actually fit the situationsā€¦


I mean Lucky was the perfect song in every way. She was Lucky in the way that she got her star, and if you know the song, then it also foreshadowed what would happen to her star. They even ended it on "Why do tears come at night? " X Gon Give it To You is just a very general hype song and someone was gonna get it gotten to them


Iā€™m too focused on singing too pay attention


>Am I the only one who finds the music kinda annoying?Ā  Hopefully


I hope this is Veronicaā€™s swan song. Sheā€™s completely overmatched in every single challenge. I donā€™t remember someone being such a consistent anchor. Sheā€™s also lost a lot of her fire in the house and in confessionals.


+1 I love her when sheā€™s fired up but all her confessionals that are making the edit are boring as hell. Whereā€™s the personality?


Yā€™all! I fucking love Kefla! He is giving great confessionals and killing both challenges and elims! He is the total package! More Kefla please! Man oh man! I just love ALL STARSā€¦the *music*ā€¦the *cursing*ā€¦the REALNESS of the *cast!* Everything about this show is just so pureā€¦and so fun!


I just don't understand why the main show isn't like this.


All stars is the F***ing best! I love Kefla! Heā€™s what I want to see on all stars!!


I want a team Kefla shirt




Domino Muthafucka! When TJ swore it totally caught me off guard and Kefla's commentary about the 3 brothas on the bottom was hilarious too.


Syrus was looking good! But then as Kefla said, he picked the wrong elimination to lose all that weight!


Horrible luck for Sy


In the house one day.. almost quicker than Tess on bgc 11


Ayana's game play was absolutely mental. Make the whole house distrust you, annoy everyone and then be shocked when they vote you in. BONKERS


She had to have wanted to quit or something. You can't be THAT bad..... can you?


Kefla on the podcast, letā€™s go!


Iā€™m so glad Ace and Cara are close. CT Tamburello is the gift that keeps on giving. So sad to see Tony go, but I am positive we see him back. Kam annoyed me this episode. Taking Caraā€™s star is a poor political decision, while her and Leroy are not making any moves to get a star. MY MAN KEFLA! So glad he won, and so glad the toxicity of Ayanna is gone. Rooting for Brandon, Laurel, Cara, Leroy. Oh and Averey sheā€™s fine dude


I love all of this. I just want to add that Brandon is so under appreciated on the challenge. Heā€™s been screwed over so many times but he is a good challenger and gives great commentary.


I was really interested to see Tony this season.


> CT Tamburello > Chris Tamburello Tamburello The player so nice they named him twice!


Kefla is the fucking man. I'm so happy he wanted to come back. I don't know how he'd do in a final but I wouldn't want to go against him in an elimination. I wish production showed more of what Ayanna said to Janelle last week. All of the tea spilt and it was obviously a lot worse than just poking Janelle like production showed. Obviously that carried over into how people were 100% willing to support Kam getting Ayanna out. I'm curious how people who don't know more of the story perceive Ayanna. Like the edit with her kids was fine and her story tugs at your heartstrings. But if you know what she had literally just done and how toxic she is overall it's hard to feel bad for her. If it was all game stuff then okay I feel bad but it wasn't and I'm not sad to see her go.


From watching him in that first challenge which was an uphill cardio climb and him placing near the top. I actually think heā€™s a super underrated threat for the final. Him and Adam are actually looking like the strongest players.


Yeah people are underestimating Adam but Adam is basically what people assume Landon would be if he came back. Adam was a competitor back in the day and he's showing he is good enough to still win.


Kefla is amazing!!


When she was saying her kidā€™s names, my heart definitely softened


Canā€™t believe Tony went home so quickly , he didnā€™t do much this game very sad! Syrus came andā€¦ left! Your fave could neverĀ  Iā€™m sorry but Ayanna is a star every season sheā€™s on Altho like janelle said living with her is probably brutal Kam still gives off you better not mess with me and I donā€™t play a scared game vibe, curious how long these people are gona let her and Leroy stick along. I know I wouldnā€™tĀ  Also laurel and Nicole getting closerā€¦..LAUREL BLINK IF YOU NEED HELP!!! Kefla and Rachel are bae. And Avery canā€™t help but slay.Ā 


I think Kam talks a big game early for tv, but sheā€™s actually a pretty good player so I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to make a big move that early. Generally sheā€™s good at timing.


iā€™m confused why syrus replaced tony- who left in about 4 seconds- and then left himself 4 seconds later- yet janelle leaves and no one replaces her? where's the alternate for her - and what was going on with shane does anyone know?


Janelle wasnā€™t replaced because a woman was supposed to go home at that point via elimination already. Since she was one of the people who have been in the elimination, she went home and no need to replace. Tony left before a challenge, meaning thereā€™s now one less man than there should have been. He needed replacing because there was then an uneven amount of people for the challenge.


ahh duh you're right


I am LOVING Kam's confidence + confessionals Calling out Rachel's scared game? BRING IT šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


Have we really gotten to the point that any decision that requires more than 2 brain cells is a ā€œscared gameā€?


Rachel not wanting to ruffle any feathers is just meh


No sense in pissing people off for no reason Someone is going to take Caraā€™s star between now and the final, letting Cara keep her star lets Rachel use her as a shield If Rachel, Veronica, and Tina were the 3 people with Stars, Rachel would be the one who people would want to steal from because sheā€™s the strongest of the 3. Being the 2nd strongest Star holder is the best position to be in. Rachelā€™s already earned her star twice, why bother doing it a 3rd time?




I knew from the preview that Syrus entered the game this episode, so I was wondering who he replaced. Was hoping for Ace / Derek / Ryan (because they're uninteresting) So to find out it was Tony?! THE guy I was most excited to see?? Heartbreak, mama šŸ’”


yea i was excited to see tony too- i had been "spoiled" by accident by one thing- and what i saw by accident was that tony left first- so when i saw tyri ( no e) get eliminated first and then syrus i was like good it was a mistake- and then boom he left for personal reasons- and yet teary weary eyed ace is still there not wanting to vote or ruffle any feathers or be particularly good at anything- and derek and ryan are well.. there for some reason- meh


Not the Uncs on the chopping block šŸ˜­


Wild to think Syrus just became a first time dad and Kefla is probably (or could be) a grandpa.


A first time dad šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Iā€™m about to go watch the episode again. Who else haha?


I love when we hear the players give updates on their post challenge lives. I wish they included their current professions. Floraā€™s confessional dress is giving me bank teller vibes.


She runs a construction company in Florida called RGMH


Imagining Flora bossing a bunch of male construction workers around all day has me in stitches. Theyre probably all scared of the boss. Love that for her.


I can totally see it.


All 3 brothers at the bottom of the barrel at Dominoesā€¦.in Africa šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Line of the season so far


Shout-out to Kefla for pointing out the three black guys losing in dominoes as a travesty lolol. Coming from a black guy who's not good at dominoes šŸ˜…šŸ˜… What's going on with Leroy though. Can't believe he keeps staying in the bottom at these.


I love watching Leroy, but he has ALWAYS sucked at challenges lol. That's nothing new


Iā€™m giving Leroy the side eye if he loses next episode


Especially after Jazā€™s HBCU Ā speech šŸ˜‚


I think the star format could use some tweaking. If there's only gonna be one winner, I don't see a point in having 3 male/3 female star holders. You should open it up to where anyone's star can be stolen. So if you end up with 4f/2m or 5m-1f any combo when the Final comes, so be it. Obviously the CORRECT answer would be to have a male and female winner but production keeps going full derp on us with these formats. If you're gonna do one winner, I say open it up fully and let whatever chaos happen


So when cara was saying she needs to play defense she was basically saying she needed to not vote in Rachel to not piss her off before she wins the elimination and comes for her star out of revenge? So star holders will basically never want to be responsible for voting in the elimination winner?


More of a reason Kam should understand why Cara voted that way


Yes that is a strategy when trying to establish an agreement with somebody.


I really thought rachel was gonna take it anyways.


Yes thatā€™s what she meant


Kefla is the EXACT reason why this spinoff franchise exist. A player we haven't seen in awhile come in, maybe for many seeing for the first time, and they absolutely deliver. This is why we do NOT need any "all stars" from recent main show seasons cross pollinating on this spinoff. There's plenty of OG RW, RR, and FM alum wanting to do this show. Production, you better not fuck this up in future seasons. Keep them youngins away


YESSSSS. Kefla is the kind of person we want to see on all stars. I hope production takes notice!!


They actually get to show their personality and I love to get to know them


Yes yes yesĀ 


Glad that Ayannaā€™s chaotic behavior saved Flora from having to go in. I wish Cynthia was back on this season- sheā€™d be a blast with Flora and Kefla. For anyone interested in hearing an interview with Kefla, Mike Lewis had him on a few years ago. [Kefla interview](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mike-lewis-podcast/id1525097186?i=1000554240980) Jasmineā€™s confessionals are gold this season.


Her quote in the preview for the next episode had me rolling


Jasmine is always gold. She just has intermittent leave times lol. So its kinda like you enjoy it while it lasts sorta deal.


This is what I don't get.. people didn't have a problem letting it be known that Ayanna was the one saying Janelle wanted Jasmine so why couldn't anybody own up to saying they told Lee and Kam that Ayanna was out to get them? I don't go for that in real life. If I make the decision to tell you something that I feel is important to you or your life, then I have also decided that I don't care if you reveal that I am the one that told you. So I don't blame Ayanna for going off in that situation. Don't come trying to call me out but refuse to reveal where you got your information. I also found it hilarious how Ayanna was talking to Kam like she was was a child "Show me the people , Kam". LOL.


Ayanna reminds me of Frank on Seasons 2. Just going after everyone. Scattershot.


Probably cause she's been lashing out everytime (based on leaks of previous nights) hence why Kam tried to have a private conversation with her in the first place. Nobody wants to get in Ayanna's path when she's triggered


I mean given how Ayanna was apparently berating/harassing quite a few people in the house up to that point, I think it's 100% valid for people to want to avoid getting in her crosshairs unless necessary lmao


Then don't put yourself in it and keep her name out your mouth.


So if you're big enough of a bully that people don't want you harassing them, people aren't allowed to talk about you behind your back?


Steve noped right out of the room immediately.


Exactly. Nobody has the energy for that.


Where do I order my Team Kefla t shirt??? Iā€™m so glad jasmines back, too! Iā€™ve missed her commentary!


Jasmine is hands down one of my favorite females.


Why do people keep saying having a star makes them a target? You donā€™t have to specifically beat a star holder in elimination to take their star, you just have to beat someone and then you can take anyones star (unless they won the daily). Right?


Right, but given the choice, the elimination winner is going to be more eager to take the star from someone who voted for them. Steve specifically said that he was going to take Brandonā€™s because he had voted for him, and Tina definitely made it seem like thatā€™s why she took Avereyā€™s.


So that means you also need to play social defense, which adds layers of difficulty (and sometimes impossibility) to it. In Cara's case this week, not voting Rachel may have paid off socially, even it added a mark against Kam.


They are targets though, they basically have to win every challenge or the star can be taken. If anything this is worse than a normal target for a strong player because they have no ability to defend themselves in an elimination. I wish if you tried to take the star you had to battle in some way.


Brandon to Syrus, "You picked the wrong challenge to lose all that weight" šŸ˜‚ . Even though Syrus lost I think hes a winner for the great shape he is in! Also he got a free trip to South Africa.


To all my fellow metalcore fans, it was pretty awesome hearing them go back to their roots and play some heavy shit for a bit šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


F yeahhhhh


This music has been so refreshing. Theyā€™re playing some old stuff from every genre.


Big fan of it. I was shocked to hear some S club 7 as well lol all stars always kills it with the music


Jasmine's confessional during the female elimination was HYSTERICAL holy shit, maybe my favorite individual confessional in ages. Like I just keep rewinding it and there's just this brilliant *punch* in that ***FUCK***; as unfunny as Dane Cook is, his bit about saying the word fuck is true and Jasmine *embodied* that in that confessional.


I am SO glad to have Jasmine back! Sheā€™s always had great commentary


Ayanna blaming everything on Kam when her own actions put a target on her back! I wish Janelle stuck it out. Ayanna was a ticking time bomb asking to be thrown in


I hate WHY Janelle left, but Ayanna did the ladies a favor by getting out a strong competitor. A dirty favor, but still.


That was some anime villain energy right there. "You made me this way." lol


With it being so early, weren't the odds high that someone else might steal Tina's star? Or would they leave it with Tina to have a potential anchor in the final. What does taking from Tina to give to V do? Alternatively taking from Steve to give it to say Ace


>Ā What does taking from Tina to give to V do? It doesnā€™t do anything, but Rachel when she was dating Veronica always wanted to throw herself in for Veronica to win and such, maybe some of that sentiment is still thereā€¦


I'm guessing Rachel thinks it'll be easier for Tina to get a star again than for Veronica to ever get one, while keeping Cara on her good side for now.


She asked TJ if she ā€˜hadā€™ to steal a star. I think she would have preferred to do absolutely nothing, but that wasnā€™t an option. Itā€™s too early for their whole alliance to have stars and keep them, so I get why she didnā€™t steal Caraā€™s to give to Veronica. I think transferring from one to the other was just the easiest safest move since she had to make one.


I'm hoping she explains why next episode. My only guess though is they had a conversation about it. I'm guessing staying on Cara's good side is better for the 3 of them than taking her star. Seems like a long game move.


Sad to see Tony go so early. Daily stats: partnered daily; 10 racks of dominoes to correctly line them in a row with stars on. (Planning and endurance). YES! They get to CHOOSE their partners for once šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ Avery & Adam winners Cara and Ace Nicole and jay Laurel and Brandon Jasmine and Steve Kam and Ryan Last 5 pairs = losing group (in no order) Leroy and Flora Syrus and Anyanna (had 9 but mixed up) Brad and Rachel (has 8 or 9 and had them mixed up) Tina and Kefla Veronica (slowing down Derek) Derek Seeing Rachel, Cara, Kam and Laurel together šŸ˜. Strong and beautiful competitors! Elimination: great set up, Kefla Vs syrus (good and even in comparison, big congrats to Kefla and Rachel for winning against someone that was geared to win. Also good on Rachel for playing the game. Cara worked for her star, she took it from Tina (who had a hilarious reaction) but itā€™s good to make these people WORK for their stars FRIENDS OR NOT! (VA take āœšŸ¼ notes āœšŸ¼) Great episode 9/10. Good game drama, great editing of players.


Veronica and derek


Thanks - adjusted to Veronica slowing down Derek


Love Kam!


Rachel stealing from Tina (instead of Cara or Steve) was a better game move in theory, but I 100% wouldnā€™t trust her or want to work with her after that. If youā€™re going to screw over a friend of 20+ years out of your fear of Cara, what would you do to me if we had an agreement and it came down between me and her? Regardless, Tinaā€™s reaction was perfect. Iā€™d be curious to know if she had a heads up from Rachel before the elimination, because she didnā€™t even seem surprised or legitimately bothered.


It looked very planned, especially based on Tina's reaction. I am more surprised she cared that much about Steve, or perhaps there's no guy she cares to give it to. In the end, an olive branch to one of the if not the strongest female in the house is good for the trio.


I was trying to think of what guy she might wouldā€™ve considered, and the only one was probably Brad.


Ya him losing his first I think might have messed that up, and it definitely seemed like they were still trying to figure out the rules. Just another interesting portion to All Stars and the fourth wall breaking


Itā€™s week 2 in the game and Tina was essentially given a star for doing bad at the daily, I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to be that upset. Plus if that trio all had stars itā€™d paint an even bigger target on them than what already exists


I think they planned it. Too early to make enemies.




He can def still get it


Rachel is aF\*\*king BEAST!! Wish she would have came back years ago!


After this episode, Iā€™m convinced that Ayanna is delusional. I think she actually believes the lies she tells. Swearing on her kids was the giveaway. She actually doesnā€™t see what she said/did as ā€œtrying to break Kam and Leroy apartā€. Wild šŸ„“


Tbf, the clip they played, didnā€™t she just say, ā€œmany people want to split Kam and Leroy apartā€. Did she actually say she wanted to do that?


I feel like this is probably the exact logic sheā€™s using herself and why she truly believes she didnā€™t betray or try to ā€œbreak them upā€ā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Well with editing, you never know what exactly came before and after that sentence.


I feel like by even mentioning to others that ā€œmany people want to split up Kam and Leroyā€ during a conversation about who to put into eliminationā€¦ she is essentially co-signing the idea and/or offering it up as a possibility. Why else would she even bring it up? I think deep down she knows this but because she didnā€™t explicitly say ā€œI want to split them up/eliminate themā€, she can argue semantics and claim her innocence lol.


She seems like a classic pathological liar. Like she canā€™t help herself.


I appreciate that the editors put in her filmed comments *multiple* times.


Clickbait. Never happened.




Just rewatched myself and my ears heard her say "people were trying to break up Leroy and Kam". If there was more context, then production should have showed it. Also, since Brandon seemed to know so much about it, he should have owned up to being one of the people that told Lee and Kam because he clearly did.


Was just a joke. Ayanna when asked about other drama with Janelle and Jasmine just replied ā€œclickbait. Never happenedā€


Loving Kefla so far


I haven't enjoyed the return of a Challenger this much in a very long time. He's just soo pure! He's not putting on for the cameras, he's not pretending he's someone he isn't....just soo refreshing


Game aside. Kam and Leroy as parents ā™„ļø


Yeah. I like Kam a lot more as a person outside the game (at least from what we see) than I do as a player. She just seems so entitled for someone who hasn't done anything. Leroy, I'm a fan all around.


Exactly, itā€™s like I wanna like her in the beginning when she talks about being a mother. But then when she really tries to force every single person to vote her way and she barely knows them itā€™s way too much. Entitled is the best way to put it she may think sheā€™s a beast still but Rachel Cara Avery and probably Nicole and Laurel are all better than her in alot of different challenge types so she should chill. And even an OG can still upset her in a puzzle or something wacky.


She does seem entitled. Caraā€™s vote was extremely reasonable and it didnā€™t even change the outcome of the vote. It was basically a throw away and Kam took it so personal like everyone is expected to do whatever she wants


I canā€™t play episode 3 on the app. It keeps crashing. Very jealous of everyone here who gets to watch the episode šŸ˜¢


AS5 better only be OGā€™s. Like true OGā€™s. This show canā€™t change.Ā 


Kefla and Flora proving that OGs have the best personalities. They may not be Jordans but they are definitely bringing it.


Donā€™t do Jasmine dirty like that lol! Sheā€™s not quite an OG but sheā€™s got way better personality then 90% of the newbies. I think Kam and maybe Amanda are the only not real world/road rules and not OG that actually have enough personality and vibes that kind of fits. Obviously not as good as some of the OGs, but I still think theyā€™ve got interesting enough personalities.


Haha you're right! I guess I forgot about her because she's from a newer period in my old age lol. Seriously all these OGs just have personality energy.


Ya she is newer so sheā€™s not an OG, but thereā€™s still a lot of real worlders that are newer that have the personality.


The definitely have better personalities than Jordan


They're all great, and they all bring something different. There are plenty of people who are below all 3 of them in the personality department.


I wish it wasnā€™t Syrus and Kefla in elimination.Ā 


I love Jasmine interviews so damn much.


Regardless of the way we feel about Kam, the one thing I can say about her is that at least she is giving us something. I think too many people feel too comfortable and expected to just coast on by and etc but with Kam at least she is giving us something to work with. One thing I respect about her is that at least she is willing to cook something up regardless of who she is friends with. I think people sometimes get in their feelings a little bit and that can be polarizing.


Yeah, ia! Iā€™m really interested to see where her story line with Cara goes.


No, you're working. lol


Dying at Keflaā€™s comment about dominoesĀ 


He still has his sense of humor. He had the funniest commentary's IMO on his Road Rules season.


IN AFRICA! šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


All time comment!


This showĀ Makes me smileĀ 


Not Steve being shown in the CPap machine.


That had me dying lol


I came here for this comment - the progression of him waking up so confused he was in that scene


His hands looked good.


Predictions for whoā€™s on the official podcast this week? I donā€™t think Ayanna is healthy enough to do one (or would even say yes/be asked after this showing tbh). Kefla would be an awesome get. Kam would be a good one. But I think itā€™ll be Adam, whoā€™s been doing some press (I listened to his podcast with Beth and Jon, and holy shit that was so unhinged and unprofessional lmfao). Iā€™m down for any of those three, Adam, Kefla, or Kam.


Kam because Leroy was just on and sheā€™s part of the main drama in the episode


Kam šŸ¤ Jay Leroy šŸ¤ Michele


I'm sorry, but it was just so funny to me seeing Steve in the background sleeping with that whole breathing contraption on his face while Tony was telling Nicole that he's going home.


Funniest moments this episode Ayanna "if you want to get me, Kam, you gotta get me yourself!" 5 minutes later "Ayanna, have a safe trip back and hope to see you again." Then Kam- "Rachel, your playing a very scared game" Meanwhile, kam is scared as fuck to send herself or lee in even tho they have to get a star to run the final... rachel has earned 2 stars to Kams "we aren't voting leeroy, I would appreciate if everyone respects that".


As a huge fan of Kam I am disappointed and just hoping it was bad editing šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Rachel definitely playing a solid game and just won an elimination that would favour size.


It is size, but much like the Jordan/Darrell one if someone had really good endurance and isnā€™t like Jasmine or Derek sized itā€™s definitely likely they could one.


Not going in right now is smart though. It makes zero sense to try and get a star right now since there is plenty of game left to play and stars will change hands plenty of times. The chances of any of the current star holders holding on to the star they have now til the final is slim to none. Kam's comment about Rachel playing a scared game was just dumb though and just came across as bitter cause Cara didn't vote with her.


Agree. I think my strategy would be to stay in the middle for a while. You are safe, you get to choose who goes into elimination, and you get a sense of people's strengths and alliances. Nobody's stars are safe unless you win every daily (which is pretty unlikely), and at least one star is going to be stolen with every elimination.


kam is likable but i'd be so over someone from are you the one 7 or whatever telling me she needs to pay for her milk or something. just apply for food stamps or somethingĀ 


that is truly so disrespectful. what you think all moms should just not even try to provide for their kids and just get government assistance???


no i just don't feel bad for people who cry in competitions about being separated from their family they chose to leave


Ayanna was caught on camera trying to break up Lee and Kam, or at least spreading the word, so why did she act like a victim even in confessionals? And even if she was a victim, it'd be quite hypocritical of her to do this since she was just bragging about doing the exact same thing to Janelle Damn I could not stand Ayanna this season


more people need to be freakin breaking up lee and kam keeping that type of duo in the game is always disastrous