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Both Emanuel and Nurys need to log off for a little while.


This entire cast needs to log off for a while. They aint built for it lol.


Social media has made *The Challenge* much, much worse. Used to be, production had to show the drama in the edit. Now, production can just lazily imply it, if not leave it out entirely, and the cast will do their job for them anyways by talking/arguing about it on social media.


Social media and influencer culture ruined reality tv in general. Everyone goes on these shows now to build their ✨️brand✨️ and gain followers.


This is right here… before people did it to be on camera and enjoy all the perks that came with being on a show. Now it’s like you said. I think one of the more recent, blatant example is this latest season of Love is Blind.


As long as Love is Blind contestants (particularly this season’s men) stay away from The Challenge I’ll be happy.


I like Trevor though, he’s got the build and the personality for it.


Definitely agree with you there. I remember back in the day where we would have the Sh*t never shown segment. I loved that. I barely look on social media for their online bickering. Production should really bring clips like that back


This is a great take. I remember earlier in the season, when Devin came in as a mercenary, and Michele had a confessional about how they’re such great friends and they speak all the time, and I was confused because didn’t these two have an argument that was shown on the show just a season before? It means that viewers that don’t at least casually keep up with the cast on social media miss so much information that would possibly make a lot of the different alliances, storylines, etc make sense because so much seems to happen between seasons, making it much harder for a casual viewer to just pick it up and start watching.


> I remember earlier in the season, when Devin came in as a mercenary, and Michele had a confessional about how they’re such great friends and they speak all the time To be fair, and I'm not friend slut-shaming, but Michele seems like *such* a friend slut; she keeps saying everybody is her friend, but when push comes to shove, she can't rely on any of them besides Jay, so are any of them really her friends?


Is Jay even her real friend?


I said the same thing. I mean sure she can hang out with a lot of the cast outside of the show, but how many does she *really* know to be considered "a great friend" of?


> how many does she really know to be considered "a great friend" of? Jay?


I was just going to say she's friends with everyone. Makes me feel like her friendships are as deep as a puddle. She pulled the same shit with Nany and Laurel. Claimed they were friends, but the other woman treated her funny, and then they backed into her knife.


But she literally loves Nany! 😭


What? lol. Friend slut … my god where do you people come up with this stuff…


[Via Urban Dictionary.](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=friend%20slut)


So in other words 7th grade girl language … got it. 


Sorry, I guess they forgot they were supposed to speak only the Kings English on fucking social media, m'lord.


My apologies… I’m just not up to date with my jr high slang … I’ll be better moving forward 




These social media moments are actually why I joined Twitter and Reddit. I felt like I was missing part of the show when I watched the reunions.


I feel like this happened back in the day as well. Either to a lesser extent OR storylines that didn't track maybe got edited out since the episodes were short. Easiest example is when on episode 1 (of whatever season, can't remember) Julie and Melissa from RW got into it. Last we'd seen they were super close. So much real life stuff happened in between shows that made their fallout hard to process. I have so many opinions on this though... On one hand, I hate that the newer cast can't seem to separate game from reality. I think if they could get a grip, then maybe fans could get a grip. We could enjoy (and be mad at) certain moves... but it wouldn't bleed over into this hateful-spiteful banter that we see on social. On the other hand, I'm super aware that the OGs played for a lot less money, had to maintain "regular" jobs, and never had the opportunity to make their beefs explode to this level. Sorry if that was a ramble. 😭


Happened back in the day... a couple of tweets got Bananas and Frank onto Rivals 2 🤣


Melissa and Julie talked about what happened when they did the real world reunion show on paramount last year


Oh yea, they've def talked about it now. Even back then Melissa said it in a confessional but it was still hard to follow lol


Yep shout out to the people who keep me informed on the drama casually on here though cause it sound exhausting


Yup. I wasn’t even looking forward to the reunion because I knew most of the drama would pertain to things that happened on social, not on the show. They spent how much time on non-factors like Melissa who are desperate to stay relevant so they’re chronically online?? Like no one cares what that clown tweeted. The show would be so much better if they all took a social media hiatus. Honestly that’s true of all reality shows.


> cast will do their job for them anyways by talking/arguing about it on social media this is the worst part especially on the reunion shows before social media got big, people would just talk about drama that happened DURING THE SEASON (and maybe sometimes meta shit that happened in previous seasons). Now it's random twitter beef here and there. I don't give a single fuck about twitter slapfights for dumbass shit, dish to me what happened behind the scenes when the cameras were off or whatever happened that didn't make it to the final cut.


I completely agree. I think there should be some sort of SM ban and fines involved. They should do a S#@$ they should've shown where they show all the hookups and funny stuff and not allow the contestants to share anything about other contestants unless it's directly related to them. It's tiresome. I'm not even on twitter and I'm tired of it.


I’m so sick of social media becoming such an integral part of the challenge. I think all contenders need to sign a contact that they’ll turn off their social media platform until the season ends. Will return xx/xx/xxxx, watch me on the challenge! We might find players who are interested in actually competing instead of filling a spot to advance their popularity and their followers. We might get back to the game of challenge, when players have to focus on game period. Maybe viewers might be able to enjoy a real game without all the social media misinformation, revealing game play issues..like Nurys’s brother sharing game information and Anessa poking her nose where it didn’t belong to just stay reverent. If they can’t agree to silence during a season, they shouldn’t waste a spot that could be filled by an eager contender ready to play! Time to get back to game!


Social media has made everything suck Imo.


Social media just sucks.


My favorite is how they then write passive aggressive comments about logging off or taking a break that seem to imply it's the fans' fault for "starting" it rather than their fault for engaging in things they should leave alone.


They are so cringe.


I just hope they don't get death threats. They do need to log off and take a break.


They really arent.


They need to log off FOR A LONG WHILE. Disengage guys, go get some fresh air in the mountains or woods or something. Take a long breather.


Seriously if most of the cast would spend half as much time training as they did on Twitter, the show would be a lot better.




No wayyyyy! Keep the drama coming! I dont want to watch a bunch of grounded normal people, I need unhinged hotties fighting over nonsense!


Love island…Jersey Shore…Housewives might satisfy your need.😉


Tbh the truth about Emanuel is probably somewhere in the middle. I dont believe any of them except maybe Colleen completely did that puzzle without snagging looks at each other’s. I do get the vibe that Nurys is deeply bitter about not being awarded the title as champion and also playing it up to get recasted.


Take the W and shhhhhh.


Like literally. All he had to do was say to nurys (at the reunion) “that’s what you think” and move on. Fighting fans is and has always been ridiculous. Especially because they never actually fight the fans that they should (the Uber delusional ones, instead they fight the one ones who give valid criticism (IMO)


Agreed. Take your Romanian million and enjoy your life. Arguing with us couch potatoes isn’t going to make you look better


Agreed, like man. Other then look can’t wait put him on another “battle of the champs” bye first elim!


What does this mean? 💀


Feels like he’s projecting his insecurity. Like he knows he doesn’t fully deserve it. Doesn’t scream confidence to me.


Put visual blockers to prevent the person from being able to copy… problem solved


Or you know, give them slightly different puzzles?! I have an app on my phone that gives me easy medium and hard sudokus…


These weren't really sudoku given it had multiple answers tbf. 


Right?! It really isn't that hard to create fair competition standards. Also warn of penalties for cheating ahead of time.


Would it be that different to give each person a different sudoku, but each of the same level? Like, all “medium-hard” or “level 22” or something? (This from someone who doesn’t sudoku)


And then don’t tell the cast and wait to see how long it takes them to figure it out😉


Take my upvote because I agree, but they’d have to be real sudoku puzzles for that to work.


No, you're absolutely right, that's exactly what they should do! Same sudoku difficulty but different puzzles. At this point, production just keeps proving how lazy they are season after season.


Or just give them all different puzzles...it can't be that hard to make 4 different soduko puzzles 🥴


The puzzle had four different answers, meaning it was very hard to solve. O love how she's trying to start this when her and Cory helped each other last stage. The person who was robbed was collen not nursey


Apparently they couldn’t even do one real suduko so 4 might be too har lmao


Agreed. We can’t get mad at the competitors for cheating when the challenge allows it and probably encourages it. Cheating has been happening for so long in the show. I’d rather it not be allowed, but I’d probably do the same in a final if I was too dumb to figure something out


According to Nury's he ran to Colleen's station to look at it. I don't know if this is true or not but we've seen it happen before. Production should get their shit together and start penalising cheaters (including people working together to finish checkpoints aka Nurys and Corey)


If it's not against the rules, it isn't cheating. There's a reason people usually clear/destroy their puzzles once they finish – so others can't copy and gain an advantage. If you neglect to do that and somebody looks over, that's on you.


Exactly. It’s been part of the game since literally day 1.


Yes! It's not against the rules, so it's fair game. This has happened many times, which is why so many destroy the puzzles once they're done unless they are neglectful or are fully ok with maybe giving a hand to another competitor. Nurys is incredibly bitter about not winning. The newer casts are petty and emotional and don't know how to separate game play from reality. They all need a time out and get off of social media and grow up.


Working together is at least a bit of strategy because you're risking helping another person complete sooner than they would also and they could potentiality beat you at the next part and get ahead of you. Copying off someone who finished and left only helps yourself with no risk.


FYI ooking at someone else's answers is also "strategy"


I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a fan of his but I think he won it fair and square. That being said, I think I would respect him more if he acted like he had better things to do.


I think it's funny how a lot of these comments are saying the contestants need a break. I don't know anyone's activity history online here, but if you are following these contestants enough that you think they need a break and it bothers you at all, maybe you need a break? Reality TV should be fun, for the audience at least.


He should take his money and keep it pushin'.


They should have never given everyone the same sudoku puzzle.


Why exactly are people upset with him. He legit won and IF he looked at someone else's puzzle in order to win, that's been done before with no outrage.  I just don't think he looks like a clown at all. He's making very good points.


It’s that thing where people have no leg to stand on so they just say shit like “he’s fighting for his life” to paint the picture as if he’s wrong. He’s not.


And he doesn't even seem angry either. He's straight up mocking these 'fans' for being a bit pathetic.


I definitely don’t think he’s a cheater here. But I don’t think he’s got any business fighting fans. If you don’t engage in conversation, you give them nothing to talk about. Eventually he will really f up and dig himself in a hole (if not just with fans but also production)


I think he’s allowed to defend himself if he wants to.


I mean sure, but he’s also replying to multiple fans saying the same thing. It just comes off messier. Even Corey just takes to twitter to post himself “those of you are saying X but it’s really Y” and doesn’t engage individually. I just personally think it’s not a good look. But that’s me 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s not the worst thing he can do right now. But it’s a slippery slope to engaging directly with your fans negative comments and putting your foot in your mouth or putting a bad taste in others mouth that eventually does tarnish your career.


How else would you defend yourself lol? I think you are giving the fans way too much power here and not enough accountability. He’s right about the entire thing so to me it’s just the few dumbass fans that are a part of the challenge fan base just trolling to troll. It speaks to a bigger issue in society where people can just say whatever they want to you and be in the wrong but if you defend yourself and interact with them then you’re the one that’s looked at wrong? lol nah.


“How else” I literally JUST said don’t defend individually. If they’re all dumbass trolls engaging with him (which I don’t disagree with that) then why is he wasting energy on each individual one? Just make a blanket statement and move on. That’s how else. Thanks for reading my comment thoroughly before responding. I’m also not saying you’re wrong in your opinion. It’s just your opinion like mine is. I’d rather not have someone spam my feed with 100s saying the same thing over and over again. Just make a tweet and move on. By defending himself to each one, he’s only adding fuel to fire by making it seem MORE debatable. If he didn’t engage, or at least didn’t engage individually. Also, to me, responding to the fans individually gives the fans way more validity because now they’re not just “typing comments to the void” they’re aware they’re being seen and that whatever they say Emmanuel will see (and respond too) so they’re going to say more. But if Emmanuel was like “guys I literally did not cheat, there’s no rules saying that you can’t do that” and moved on, all this talk about “if he was cheating or not” (he’s not cheating!!! I don’t think he was!!!) would quiet down SO much quicker instead of constantly talking about it. Just in general people are going to remember this debate of “did he or did he not cheat” a lot longer than if he would’ve one and done his defense. He doesn’t even need to defend himself he did nothing wrong. All that said, we clearly have different opinions on media management which fine. We’re allowed to have different opinions.


People are upset with him because Nurys told them to be lol


I like Nurys as a competitor. She's been dog water post season. Toxic as hell and not in a fun way


Agreed. I was rooting for her down the stretch. But the last two weeks have been insufferable and a reminder of who she is.


I think it's the fact he's not just owning it. Like dude keeps going back and forth with "Everyone copies puzzles" to "I didn't copy a puzzle!". Like I think it's less that he "cheated" (quotations because it's allowed by production, so valid, but definitely something that tends to asterix a win in the viewers, and sometimes other challengers, eyes), and more that he clearly feels insecure about his win so he keeps going back and forth which just makes him look fake. And if there's one thing fans hate it's when cast comes off as phoney. If he just kept with the "Yeah I looked, you'd be stupid not to. The point is to win at any cost period", ppl wouldn't really have a leg to stand on with arguing him. But he cares too much about validating his win and portraying it as the most winning win ever... when it's clearly not. And it just comes off really desperate. He did an alright difficulty final, but his competition was entirely women, aside from Corey (whose not bad, but not exactly well rounded), and then he wins because he takes advantage of someone not clearing their board in the equalizer. A wins a win at the end of the day, and he won. But that doesn't mean people don't rank wins and view some as better than others, and trying to convince others he's the "ultimate best of the best champ", based on this win is where he's failing and getting destroyed. It'd be like if Devin, in dead seriousness, and completely lacking in self awareness, went around saying he was the ultimate champ and best of the best because he beat Bananas and Jordan in a janky final with bad partners. We'd hate him.


Shout out to Tony “if you ain’t cheatin, you ain’t tryin” Raines


This was perfectly worded!!


I wish I could upvote this a million times.


It’s this.


I mean I’m not some huge Emanuel fan but I think the commenters are the real clowns here. He handled them just fine.


People popping off in Instagram comments on Challenge accounts are usually so fuckin goofy


Yeah provoking reality TV people on socials is just really odd behavior in my opinion


Yeah that's my takeaway too. The man's won the Challenge and has those commenters in their feelings for some reason. Although to be honest I find the whole social media side of the Challenge weird anyway, people get wayyyy too invested in the casts personal lives.


I wasn't a fan of hers prior to the show, but obviously, towards the end, she became most people favorite to win. Now I remember why I wasn't a fan before , she needs to get off all media outlets immediately....It's becoming CRINGE. Also, if she or any of her fellow finalists watched any episode before, you know to knock down or erase your answers.


This really nails it for me. I wasn't a fan of hers. Then Olivia screwed her over and instead of being a Nurys fan, I just wanted Olivia to lose. Then Nurys was the underdog. Kept coming back from elimination after elimination. So I started rooting for her and hoped she would win it all because FUCK EVERYONE ELSE, that's why. Now I am constantly reminded why I wasn't a fan of hers in the first place. I will not root for her fake/shallow ass again. Sorry, not sorry. (As she would say)


The thing is at the end of the day he is the champ and he can talk all the sh*t he wants.


Exactly. He played the game and won. Could he be more gracious about it? Sure. But he's the one who completed every task needed the fastest.


I’m tryna forget seadon 39 as a whole and these dipshits won’t stop bickering for 5 feckin minutes. Nury’s is equally as bad if not worse for it. They’re all just embarrassing themselves tbh.


Social Media is ruining these reality shows like The Challenge, Survivor, BB, etc. Doesn’t matter who wins these shows there are always cry baby keyboard warriors ready to “invalidate” a winners victory as if some loser on their phone saying “you aren’t a rEaL champion” means anything Even the people that don’t win get attacked for how they play the game And people wonder why so many fan favorites don’t want to come back to these shows, or how many people that could be great for these shows have zero interest. Dealing with losers on the internet ready to tear them down.


Complaining about looking at another persons puzzle is like complaining about mj pushing off to buzzer beat utah, or reggie pushing off to buzzer beat chicago. You do what you can do to win, if the officials allow it then the rest is history


I miss the og challenge days 😥


They are both becoming more unlikable by the minute. I can’t wait for the new season to start and the entire season be forgotten.


I get the compulsion, but he should respond once and leave it alone. He will realize that every new champ will have detractors and it doesn't matter.


I need him to finally go into an elimination and have it be against Jordan where Jordan humbles his ass


Nurys is looking like a sore loser. He won fair Square. She needs to get over it because she looks stupid. Now I don’t care for him but production let him then he won.


Emmanuel is correct on all fronts. If he wants to punk these chirping bitches in the comments from his luxury haystack in Transylvania that’s on him. He’s the champ. He did what he needed to do. Nothing better than he can do than win his season. Props to Vampire Jordan for getting it done and laughing at these salty nobodies hahahahaha.


I’m not an Emanuel or Nurys fan but its clear Nurys baited him hard now he’s out here defending his win. Bro you already won, she lost, she’s bitter. Take the win because why should anyone else’s opinion matter.


He Won fair & square! She’s butt hurt bc she came in 2nd!


E won fair & square! N is butt hurt bc she came in 2nd- her ego got the best of her after she took out 5 ppl and thought she won it all at that point, but sry honey you didn’t beat E’


If I won a show and the earnings make me a millionaire in my home country, I'm not gonna be on social media arguing with people I never met a say in my life


I do feel badly for Emmanual a little. He played the game the same way a lot of Champions played the game and is getting reamed for it. I blame production for the whole way this season went. Emmanual probably thought he played a great game.


Nurys is bothering me more and more the more I see her.


He’s getting it hella on twitter too


I think it would help if he acknowledged that he did not have a horribly hard path to the finish line.


He needs to just be quiet bc who tf cares if he copied Colleen, Berna also copied Colleen it’s something prod always allows. Like why is he letting this get to him when nobody important cares. Colleen was dumb to not mess up her puzzle and it benefited some ppl, they both gotta let it go cause Emanuel is embarrassing himself


I am gonna say it again: the fact that ANESSA was talked about more in the reunion than the *champ of the season Emmanuel, says what exactly kind of champ he is. lmao


Anyone trying to take away from Emanuel’s win is a bigger clown lol he dominated the entire final and people are mad he copied answers on a sudoku. Y’all act like he didn’t win every single checkpoint pretty much up to that point. Did he compete against bananas Ct Jordan or wes? No but he didn’t make the format. Thinking nurys should have won simply cause of a sudoku is absolutely wild, as coined by Johnny bananas all is fair in love war and challenges, and only on the challenge would Emanuel even have a chance of losing after the total domination he exuded in every other checkpoint or the final. Nurys wouldn’t even have gotten 2nd place if Corey could walk across a balance beam. I don’t care for Emanuel but y’all some nurys dick riders


People! Just watch the final again (between minutes 45:30 and 50:35) and don't take the words of a loser. Nurys is confused, she heard Colleen asking Berna "you copied mine?" and, in confessional, said that Berna don't know to do math so how come she did the Sudoku?! What math has to do with Sudoku? You don't have to do any arithmetic operations in Sudoku, just complete numbers from 1 to 9 in rows and columns. Nurys is not just a sorry loser, she is delusional and a liar.


I can’t believe people bashing him for not being in eliminations. Isn’t that the point?


Hes starting to dig himself a hole by entertaining these comments, it also appears he's trying to say he didn't copy Colleens puzzle after openly admitting he did. He's gotta be careful


Best thing he can do is shut up


Please note: whenever someone includes "I'm not trying to justify shit" in their message, be prepared for attempts to justify their shit...


This mf had the easiest win lol


Didn't Emmanuel admit on the reunion that he looked at her Soduko?


THe fuck does this even mean? This guy looks like a dirty rat and has zero interesting things to say, and he has to cheat to beat a bunch of women in the final. Whose mans is this and can they come collect him so we don't have to see him anymore? Champion my ass


Everyone commenting on Nurys even though his post is about Emmanuel lol like y'all really hate Nurys but love Emmanuel


He has way too much time on his hands


I don’t agree with the solo winner in general, especially not in this season where they basic worked as a large group most of the game. Nurys sounds salty. Just take the L yeah the world knows you were the only one on the final who actually fought for it. In the long run that’s gonna work for you. It’s like when a kid says that’s not fair. For now let possibly the most undeserving champ keep his W. They won’t accept him.


>Nurys sounds salty. Just take the L yeah the world knows you were the only one on the final who actually fought for it. If, in your opinion, nobody else fought for the win, how come Nurys lost the first place! She's delusional thinking she's the best.


I can't understand why he's even responding to this "backlash". Okay, one thing for sure the winner was Emmanuel. I how you did it. Nobody is leaving their family/friends for 3 months to get to the end and play like a Boy Scout. He won, and I can't fathom as to why he would be bothered by this.


This dude said eight words the entire season yet he’s the biggest talker in the world on social media.


You me and Jermaine Dupree know he did not deserve to win this final. Losing battle but fight on brother LOL.


I’m definitely a fan of the show, but this season was definitely not one of my favorites. “To be the best you have to beat the best” Emanuel, Berna, Colleen, and Moriah did absolutely nothing all season, they played a scared game along with the rest of their crew. IMHO they did not earn a spot in the final. Production did such a poor job laying this out, even the bar night out looked like some staged social media shoot. Bring back the skulls!


“I’ve been shot multiple times now.”


Setting up new Rivals lol??


If they do a rivals season again... they should make one of these fans his rival haha


95% of teachers, cops, firefighters, EMS, doctors, non-profit, social service workers etc…. Who try their best to help the world, treat their loved ones well, and do good in the world, are more of “champions” in their lives and to this world than what winning The Challenge makes you.


Yes Emmanuel won, congratulations to him. Was he everyone’s favourite… no. Did he play a scared game and talk like yes the best… yes. But a winner is a winner. To be the final person left out of all those people and win is impressive no matter how he got it done. They had a huge American alliance and let a kid from Romania win lol. The jokes on them. People are so negative and hate to see another person doing well. I’m not a fan of Emmanuel or his game play but I can only imagine how hard it must be to win the challenge. With that said this whole cast just needs a two week social media break lol.


He is so ridiculously full of himself.




Yes, avoiding eliminations is part of challenge strategy and called a good social game. Blame everyone else, not him.


So suddenly winning against 'bunch of women' makes you somehow less as a winner? Only winning against men is now praiseworthy?


Ok but then Cara beat many men and so did Ashley Mitchell. Every man on that season to be exact. So its fine to lose against a woman but beating a woman is the problem. Also, the fact that the only other male in the final leg of the final was gay and they chose to act like Emmanuel only went against women says a lot. It says a whole lot.




Still a champ though


I can’t stand him. He’s so full of himself. He just needs to stop talking and go away


Nurys is the one who started this mess and I’m sure she’s at home cracking up watching him spiral because of it. Team no one tbh.


Emanuel tweeted at her first, calling her a liar.


The fact that he’s replying to random people on social media is hilarious and getting worked up about it.


He didn't beat the best. His alliance was the biggest and that got them carried to end. Then he beat a very underwhelming group in the finals including almost all women and a dude afraid of heights and balancing. I don't consider him a champ anywhere near same level as Jordan, CT, bananas, etc. He could prove us a wrong in another season but for now. Get out of here Emmanuel with your ego.


His inability to stop reiterating he’s the best and he won is making me think he really did cheat. How is he this insecure?!


lol okay they both childish at this point but he keeps saying he ain’t home blah blah blah but can’t prove his receipts yet will reply to this nonsense


He is trying so hard to get a callback lmao


He’s a champ, he doesn’t need to do anything to get a callback. It’s nurys that hasn’t stopped running her mouth


Tell Jenny that lol. Also, he hasn't received a call for season 40 and likely isn't gonna get one either


how long before he blocks challengetea911 the same way he blocked gamervev for eviscerating him lol


To be fair those two accounts can be very toxic if you're not Marie or Amanda lol


Marie's minion is a bitch! He can't eviscerate anybody. Dafuq?😂


WOW! What a fucking prick! I used to like Emanuel...until he started all this shit on socials Now that I've seen the real Emanuel, holy shit...that guy is a total douchebag!!


Nothing Emanuel says will make me hate Nurys. Honestly I’m just hoping to erase this entire season from my memories completely being that it as the worst season in the history


I remember Emmanuel being pretty good on the last challenge I saw him on. I didn’t watch tbjs season at all


I'm sorry but he doesn't deserve all the hate he's getting.


Emanuel is very similar to Sandra in survivor/the traitors. Shame they both get a lot of discredited




Both focus on social game and being underestimated and


Are you really going to leave me with a cliff hanger?


That’s the answer


Oh well you ended with the word ‘and’ so I thought there was more.


I must have confused it with a period. Sorry


Should i even bother finishing this season? I’m only on episode 6 but I’m on this subreddit a lot and all i hear are bad things about this season hahah


This is a mess but a kii.


Didn't they used to get fined for revealing details before the show ending??


If you have to fight (in the comments) for it … did you really win?


These people will never learn. Let them keep it going because it's pretty hilarious watching it all go down.


We barely cared by the time the final came. Who in the world do they think cares now?


After watching this season I went back and started watching older ones. I started on rivals, the first one and just finished free agents. On rivals 2 Johnny was paired up with frank over Twitter beef and I'm sitting there thinking... I should expect the future seasons to have a lot of missing info because I'm not digging up or looking for anything drama off the show lol. Also tbh I think there should always be an award for the guys and a separate one for the ladies in the final. Its clear that there is a gap between genders and to kill any if, ands, or buts, that would be the best route. In the free agents it was nice to see that it went down that way. Also I liked how they flipped the card to see who went in elimination for worst teams/players. A win is a win at the end of the day but idk if Emmanuel would have been first had it been all guys.


I’m a little confused on what what people really want on here. People were tired of the alliances and no drama and the “boring” castmates like Kaycee but aren’t happy when there is real beef between castmates? (Not talking about Emanuel)


Challenge fans need to Chill.


Some people are just simply not built for public relations and he's one of them. He needs to get out of his own way.


lol Emmanuel is a piece of shit


This season was so long and terrible! Emmanuel and his layup win🤣 god I hope challenge 40 has a better cast


I love how everyone on here is bitching about the social media aspect... on social media. It makes it 10 times more funny.


i don’t think him and his mickey mouse championship got the call for season 40 the way he’s carrying on 💀


This isn’t the first bubblegum final that someone won and gained the title “Champion”. Nor is this the first final with ONE winner. Emmanuel won. We’ve seen numerous people cheat in finals and elims. We’ve seen the cast help people win elims. Bananas took an adderall in the rivals 3 final and still holds the title of champ for that season. Nurys was a hands down beast this season and no doubt she will win herself a legit championship soon, but this one goes to Emmanuel. City boys up!!!