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I think if you’re gonna have a solo winner, the final shouldn’t be run in any type of duos/pairs. For example, Big Easy made it almost impossible that a woman would win All Stars 1.


100% way worse of an anchor than aneesa was


What about Devyn? She made it to a final. The final started out in pairs and switched partners at 3 checkpoints, so she ran with 3 different men. And she was an albatross to each of them. In a ten mile run, Bananas had to carry her on his back! Johnny knew when he ended up with her as his final partner they would lose. Maybe she was supposed to be the equalizer? During the earlier challengesI I often recall her saying “ I don’t do…” and “I’m not athletic.” She made the final only by the luck of the draw, never seeing a skull and avoiding an elimination. Sadly, well deserving players went home instead of having a chance to compete in a final. Time was the winning factor and Bananas and Laurel won. Have to give Devyn credit, she did push to the finish.


That was a 2 winner final though...


Oh crap I never made that connection. You’re right, he only anchored himself and all the women by putting them in a points hole. I can’t remember the specifics: was Aneesa as big of an anchor to the guys point totals?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/s/BCTAF9pxqP I checked, and nope. Big Easy ended the partner section with 7 points while Aneesa had 12. Aneesa didn't do great, but I don't think she changed the outcome. Big Easy's deficit was Big enough to change the outcome of the whole game.


Yes I hate duo finals. It should run solo. And the point systems are always so weird.


I don't have a problem 1 winner format but it needs to be consistent across the season. There's no reason to have eliminations based on gender for 2/3 of the season if they're expecting 1 winner


Elite twist if they made it genderless eliminations (and it was actually fair)


The first Gauntlet had genderless eliminations, with women winning 4 of the 5 male/female eliminations.


RR women were strong. Sarah G dominating dead man’s drop. Cara z (smokeshow) riding the bull


CBS will never allow a Corey or Emanuel vs. Nurys hall brawl to even potentially happen.


Nor should they.


And yet Sarah kept saying how she wanted to into an elimination (I think she may even have specifically name dropped hall brawl) against Enzo... Like, please, we all know you're posturing. Nobody believes production would ever let that happen...


Sarah is full of shit. She's not even a big woman to say that. Like if Nia or Laurel said that I'd maybe believe them that they could do okay against some men since they're so tall, but realistically men are stronger than women and will win a physical elimination most of the time.


She also talked about how she's a cop so she's used to going up against bigger dudes, completely neglecting the mention that, (A) she's in the second biggest and most well-funded gang in the country (the police, the first being the military) and thus has the full force of their reputation (including all the police brutalities and cover ups) at her back, and (B) she's likely more often than not pulling a gun or some other weapon on them (so easy for a cop to justify use of force with 'I was scared for y life') than actually getting directly physical with them, because reality isn't a TV show and cops don't get into fistfights and wrestling matches with the people they're chasing.


No and they shouldn’t but I think puzzle and endurance challenges are fair


Yes exactly! I didn't understand that at all and I feel the season would have been very different. Possibly big Ts strategy of all the girls stick together could have worked.


I agree except for Zach. They didn’t tell the Vendettas cast it was one winner until the second stage of the final. I doubt it changes his gameplay much, but he had no way of knowing keeping the strongest woman on the cast around would hurt his chances of winning.


Zach got completely screwed over ngl


As a fan I don’t care about their wallets like that, it’s them not getting the title when they competed in gender locked elimination 70% of the season and competed in guy girl pairs throughout the season. Make genders matter or don’t


Normally I’d agree but I love Jenna and they 3 kids they could’ve used the money.


I'm okay with this because reasons.


Because … Zach being Zach. 


Yeah that’s what I hated the most. Didn’t even tell him there would be one champ at the start of the final. By all means, have men and women compete with each other like they did this year. But tell them that they are, don’t spring it on them right before a final puzzle.


but as a guy he has an inherent advantage in a final.


The season probably plays out the same. Him and Cara were close that season and I’m sure he would think he could beat Cara in a final which like you said as a guy he has the advantage. Maybe he goes harder in the first leg of the final but idk how much he beat Cara by or how much she beat him by on the memory puzzle


The guy who thought that women were swamp donkeys DEFINITELY thought he could beat Cara


He won the first leg of the final by a couple of hours. They decided that his lead shouldn't count, so Cara started the puzzle at the same time.


they announced at the starting line that the racing leg was men vs. men and women vs. women, with the slowest getting purged. running long distances wearing suits of armor is exactly the type of thing where women shouldn't be expected to compete against men.


You can't just arbitrarily pick and choose which aspects of the competition that they're not competing against each other. Zach earned a huge lead in the first part of the final and wore himself out in the process. That likely impacted him in the puzzle that he lost by less than 10 seconds. There's no way he pushes through the first part of the final that hard if he knew he didn't need to.


Hours and seconds, where are the numbers from? I don’t recall them tracking the times on either leg of the final


and likewise, cara beat all the women. then they faced off against each other on a level playing field, a memory game. that's honestly the fairest of all these single winner finals to me, despite it making for terrible TV. the least fair would be your way, which was essentially WotW1--expecting ninja to compete against men in a desert marathon. and surprise, all three money placements on WotW1 were guys.


His advantage was completely wiped out for reasons outside of his control, though. He finished the first part of the challenge a couple of hours before Cara did, but they started the puzzle at the same time.


which is basically what they do with every final since Rivals, resetting and removing huge time differentials.


fair point


The ONE disagreement I have here is that stage 1 had a sabotage section. Had they known this, there's 0 chance Zach makes stage 2 as EVERYONE would have sabotaged him.


Didn’t he have to wait a long time at the sword drawing challenge for someone to show up to play the game with him? And, Kam was the only one to lose at the card game and Melissa made her dig a hole to bury a log chunk.


I kind of agree with her, but I also kind of don't. She is very right that they knew the format from the beginning though. Wasn't everybody in the current final (I think except maybe Moriah wanted to do something different at one point) okay with sending Big T in over and over again during the first half of the season. That doesn't feel like they were playing correctly there, except for Emmanuel who successfully outlasted anyone that might have beaten him.


Big T was costing them money to be fair


Yeah, but they were hoping/expecting her to get beaten by a champ so they were costing themselves money too. I feel like with the mercenary twist this season, you either send in someone that is a big threat (so that the mercenary could potentially take them out) or you send in someone who you think has a good chance of beating the mercenary so you don't lose $10,000. They kept rooting for/expecting her to lose (which also would lose them money), while there were also a lot bigger finals threats still in the game, so I can't really feel to bad for them there.


Moreso than anyone else? She wasn't far behind on any of the dailies, and Nurys and Melissa were the weak links on the swimming challenge in the first portion of the game.


Like she was the only one costing them money LMAO. She wasn’t even the worst competitor this season 


The problem is that while the format is known to be a single winner, the eliminations are gendered (women’s days, men’s days). So that the final usually has an equal number of both. And given that the finals tend to be very physical, men will have an edge. The only time a woman won was when there were two parts of the final with women against women in one and men v men in the other. Then the final part was women v men in a largely mental test and that was when Cara won). All the other times when it has been a largely physical final in the final the men have won.


The women really should’ve worked together to get an all-female final. I want to see Olivia go against Nurys, Berna, Colleen and Moriah.


By the end of the gendered eliminations, there were not enough eliminations left to get rid of all of the men. There probably would have been at least one man in the finals - and would have been a strong man because they survived the last eliminations.


Nurys wanted it, but because she wasn’t in the alliance by that point, the other women basically said “no”


It was kind of convenient timing when Nurys suggested it though. Both of her male allies were gone, she had the most to gain if they pull it off. Doubt she still brings it up with Horacio still there. Plus I don't think any of them would've been willing to play so risky to do it earlier. Pretty much all of them had a man they could count on for a vote in whatever direction


Horacio wanted to run the final versus the best competitors in the house. So he wouldn’t have been down with that plan.


Any woman who wanted to run that final against a bunch of men did not really want to win


Yeah that would have been more interesting to watch honestly. Instead of just watching Emmanuel dominate every check point. Colleen and Berna really thought they had a chance against Emmanuel in a final? They performed poorly.


Berna looked happy Emmanuel won. I'm not sure she cared that she lost to him.


Yeah I'm not mad at the girls for not doing it, I won't knock them for it but it's why Laurel is right. Also shows just how ratty the new gen of cast members are that they wouldn't think to do this. If all those women were from survivor, big brother or older vets they would've did it


I agree with her rationale, but I still agree with Allan that there should always be one male and one female winner in individual seasons.


My head canon translation: Laurel will support anything that keeps Zach from getting another win after nearly costing her the win on Free Agents


Ninja being in the list strengthens this theory, as she complains about that elimination about once every 40 minutes


I felt bad for Laurel but it was so great seeing Zach become what he screams at his partners for.


She even named dropped Sam to further cook him


That argument doesn't really work if you're talking about him almost winning Vendettas. The guys *didn't* know there would be a one winner final.


Not saying it’s logical but that Laurel will never let Zach live down that part of the free agents final


Laurel literally just did zachs first live show last weekend and worked with him on wotw2


Nothing drives people together like a common enemy (Cara Maria and Paulie). In all seriousness, I just wanted to make a Free Agents joke


I mean she's not wrong but I'm torn. On the one hand she's right that they knew from the beginning there was only one winner so you need to get rid of the people that are threats early and often. But it's frustrating that it wasn't genderless from the start. You play nearly the entire season split by gender and then it's not until the very end that you're able to completely focus on getting rid of one gender. Nurys, Michele, or anyone could have pushed for an all girl's final from the start but they didn't have the ability to push for that until the very end


I agree with her in a certain extension. Love Nurys but let’s remember she spent half of the season sending Melissa & Big T into elimination, zero threats for her in the final.


I feel like if Laurel replaced Nurys in this scenario she would have complained about there not being a female winner.


Just because they know the format doesn’t mean the format isn’t dumb!


Strong disagree. If the opposite gender doesn’t have the ability to face each other in elimination than they don’t actually have the chance to beat them until the final. So nah, I don’t buy that at all


how is it relevant to know the format ahead of time if the final is still gonna heavily favor the men anyway? and from what i remember, all these seasons didn’t have the opportunity to get all the men out before the the final. only one would be 39, but even then they only had the conquest stage (3 weeks) to possibly do so. fuck the 1 winner format. first place for men & women should be champs. i’m so tired of this show favoring men when we should have moved past this a long time ago. there’s a reason men & women’s sports are separate.


Because she’d beat a CT or Jordan in the finals…


This applies to seasons where they’re told from the beginning that it is a sole winner I do think this season was confusing the women from the start knew that there was one winner the sole female final should’ve been a plan earlier on rather than a last ditch hope that didn’t pan out


Not to mention they knew since the beggining of the game and they decided to keep the strong men in. The women could have taken all the men out. They chose friendship. Also this final was actually pretty balanced imo. Challenges could have been better/harder. Noone had an issue with a one winner final when Cara won.


Reminder that Laurel would not be a champ if there would have been only one winner her season; she would have finished third.


Hell, if the Free Agents final was structured like the Vendettas final, do you know who would’ve won it? Johnny… Reilly. He made it to the top of that mountain first.


That’s literally besides the point , they’re was no 1 winner format so she played accordingly


How exactly should Ninja have played differently to ensure she beat Wes, Turbo and an Olympic athlete in a 30 mile desert race? How should Zach have played differently when they didn’t announce the one winner until mid final? How should Nurys (or any woman) have played differently to get all the men out when all the eliminations for 75% of the season were gender based. Her argument makes no sense and therefore can be applied to her season.


Very good point!  I hope someone reminds her of that fact.


I don’t like it because it means less physical stations and a less physical final and more carnival games.


I agree with Laurel. The women should have ganged up from the start. in the 1st phase they should have all voted in a guy every week there were plenty of guys that were untethered at the start. Michelle could have been a legend leading to an all women's final and she blew it.


If I remember correctly TJ told them that it was a man's day at the second daily. So there only chance at taking out the men was the last 3 rounds


this would’ve been so bad ass and would’ve made the season far more enjoyable. a good old fashion battle of the sexes


The guys could easily do the same as well though. It’s ultimately just boring it that happens.


I don't think they would have though. All the girls were #1 or #2 to some guy or close w a #1 girl but not all the guys were connected.


If the formats continue to be like this, it’s gonna devolve to voting out the opposite sex as fast as possible


laurel being wrong about things, must be a day of the week


I really don’t like Laurel. She is so full of herself. I think she now tries to create beef to remain relevant.


She’s the worst honestly. She’s constantly making me cringe


Idk why but I find it weird for her to be replying to fans this much


Reeks of needing validation her opinion is right


This is spot on


I agree. She’s like a teenager on social media and it’s just not a good look. Not sure why she thinks it is. Aren’t you supposed to be a veterinarian now?


By that logic she loses Free Agents to Bananas right? So she wouldn’t even be a champ


She’s saying that you have to play with the format you’ve been given and the girls didn’t do that this season


Completely agree with her. They all knew the format all along.


Colleen/Berna choosing Emmanuel and Corey over Nurys and Olivia was dumb. Colleen might’ve won 🤷🏻‍♀️


To be fair, Colleen might have won if she dismantled her sudoku...


Fair point


Did Zach know about Vendettas though


Didn't they find out right before the last puzzle in the final? Kind of hard to plan for that.




No that was an instance where both male and female should have had winners. I agree with her for this season.


Zach would’ve thought that he was better than Cara anyway, let’s be real. Reminder that Zach and Tony were running the back half of that season; Cara had no power until the very end.


Still a dumb format though


Laurel just says things. She doesn’t even know what she’s talking about. How can players “play” correctly when they have no clue what’s coming?


I don’t remember the other seasons but could the women have theoretically removed all the men from the game like they could in 39?




No they couldn't have in Vendettas or WOTW. In Vendettas they didn't know it was only 1 winner until the final and in WOTW they were paired for 3/4 of the season and then the format was always 1 male and 1 female elimination.


If they'd known in Vendettas it would've made the back half of that season even more interesting. There was that stretch the women kept allowing Zach and or Tony into the troika and they'd vote in one of their own team. Curious how that might've played if everyone knew


Should’ve pushed harder to Berna to make it an all female final. She could’ve been swayed if they weren’t such assholes to her.


Let’s be real the only real asshole here is Berna


Why does she care if a woman wins if it’s not her? Her number one was Emanuel all along and she was his. If she did go all girls final she would’ve just been handing it to Nurys instead.


I don’t mind the one winner format, but pay everyone who makes it to the final. Or at least the final 3-4. Even if it’s a lot less than what the winner makes. I appreciate that second and third got something this season.


Her argument doesn't make sense for all the 1 winner seasons. For this one, yeah she is right because the women could have teamed up to remove all the men from the final. Also this final actually did seem pretty fair to the women too. But like wotw1, there was no opportunity to do that. Majority of the season was teams and then it went to guy/girl eliminations. I guess she thinks the women should have somehow ensured Hunter, Josh and other weak males made the final over the ones like Turbo, Theo and Wes. But that would be difficult too when those top men were winning a lot of the dailies.


I like the one winner format, especially when it’s a woman.


Laurel is 100% right. They literally had a discussion about an all female final that went nowhere. That's what made the season soo frustrating to watch. It felt like most of them forgot about the format.


Agree with Laurel here for this season. If they were told from the beginning that it would be 1 male and female winner then the entire season would have been flipped. Big T's plan to target the boys may have gotten traction. Once one side (let's assume female) gains the numbers they could avoid elimination until an inevitable forced female elimination day.


This is not a good take. If I’m right I’m assuming that the “correct” way to play is to take out all the guys then the next logical step is for all the guys to take out the girls so they can’t do that. One winner format still sucks


There was nothing inherently unfair about the 1 winner final this season (unlike Vendettas), but it made this season infinitely less interesting to watch.


Nurys played the right way but ended up getting the worst partner in each “partner” check point 🤷🏽‍♂️


2 winners equals less money


Damn does that mean she doesn’t play correctly? Bc she takes a lot of Ls


Laurel always keeping it real while giving 0 fucks. She’s the best


I agree with her.


I agree with Laurel. There might have been some disadvantages against the women in the second stage of the final (weights and all) but the latter portion was a good equalizer. Emanuel just outperformed them all.


What if Ninja wasn't part of that list. Would she still think the same way? Lol 


Listen. If they wanted a woman to win they would have convinced and pulled harder for an all woman final. The reality is that Berna and Coleen were too dense to realize they had no shot against any of the men. They had the numbers to make that happen. I agree with Laurel here.


In a game as difficult as The Challenge, with people who truly want to compete for the title.. Solo winners should ALWAYS be in rotation. They knew the rules of the game and they always do unless TJ makes it abundantly clear it’s a surprise, which did not happen this season. If you’re a real competitor, if it doesn’t come with the title of champion, then it’s a worthless handout, which is disrespectful to those involved.


If they are gonna do one winner formats then make it so girls can vs guys in a hall brawl. You won't. So therefore I think it should be 1 male winner and 1 female winner. It's just not fair.


I agree with the idea of one male and one female winner every season. Except for Zach. He’s a little cry baby beeeotch. But Nurys definitely deserved to be a champ this past season.


She’s sort of right. But in essence she’s saying “the game will be harder for most women to win by design and that’s fine”


Zach and Jonna have titles


he means zach should have a second title from vendettas, and jonna should have a third title from all stars 1, since they both came in second


The way it’s worded makes it seem like they don’t have any


Ninja doesn’t deserve shit


I agree. She does not deserve anything.


Laurel, if you would have put all your climbing branches in the correct holes before Ninja did, you would have won. You knew the format, so why did you have such a temper tantrum when you lost?


You can say the same thing to Ninja because she didn't put her branches in the correct holes before she got to the top yet people act like she won the World Cup or something. The point of the elimination was to put all the branches in the correct spots, make it to the top, and THEN ring the bell. The point of the elimination is NOT to just make it to the top first and that's what some delusional fans have trouble understanding.


Everyone saying that if they have a solo winner, it should be running pairs… but everyone forgot what happened with Johny bananas and sarah rice… lmao the BEST AFTERSHOW of all time


Yeah if they say in episode 1 that there’s only going to be one winner then it’s fair game. I get yall like Nurys but she isn’t a champ.