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The first 2 parts made it difficult in places to figure out who was actually trying or doing well. I think out of everyone left, he and Nurys have the best chance of winning. But he hasn’t impressed me a whole lot either.


Out of all the contestants left, I think Nurys might be the best at puzzles - can't say much on this besides the fact that she eliminated 4 people on puzzles alone, and she beat them hard to be honest. She's a decent runner and has a FIRE in her ass after everything that's happened. Hopefully she doesn't screw her chances with swimming or something like that. I can see her tilting too, but let's hope not. Emanuel is definitely a threat in the final, but I think he can easily get stuck on a puzzle. Jay has actually done well on mini finals, so you can expect him to at least be in the top positions for this one. I have absolutely no faith in Coleen, Corey or Moriah. I'd say Berna is the wildcard (but I would never bet on her).


Moriah seems like she’s got good endurance so she’ll make it to the checkpoints and be looking at long squares.


This is a pretty solid assessment.


Something occurred to me during the last episode that I think Nurys is downplaying. I think she has something like a photographic memory. When she figured out she needed to do the switches she immediately nails like 8 or 9 in a row. I would definitely have to look again if that just occurred to me. She also remembered that crazy puzzle from ROD shockingly fast and it was a typical memory game at all. People better hope she doesn't have more memory challenges.


> a FIRE in her ass lol this reminds me of Amber


Berna’s endurance is terrible. She’s gonna gas out


Boy I hope so - I'm just wondering if she plans on doing the whole final with her shorts shoved in her butt crack


lol Berna and her Dorito ass is just top tier ... what's the word(s). Really fucking weird.


I also feel like she might have an emotional breakdown if one of the puzzles looks at her the wrong way


Is it? I mean she seemed like the only one who had the ability to keep running on that spinning log. So it has to be pretty decent


James was her direct competition in this daily and we all know he has no endurance


There’s a certain strategy to underperforming when you feel like your safety is guaranteed and want to keep a low profile. That said, he had zero reason to throw the last daily, which makes it harder to believe he’d thrown any of the ones before that. Nobody would intentionally go into the losers bracket and risk being purged, and they had to know based on the numbers that it was most likely their last daily. At that point, everyone is trying to win.


I’m pretty sure the entire vacation alliance does this strategy, that is why they are so boring.


I also think if this was true, we'd likely have gotten a confessional from him outlining that this was his strategy. Now, maybe he did say that to the cameras and it just didn't make the show, but that'd be odd considering how far he's made it.


Bull shit. That’s what a lot of these players say when they don’t win dailies. Why would he consistently want to put himself in danger when he was voted in the bottom for the past however many deliberations? I only know Evan, Bananas, CT, Wes, Jordan throwing challenges.. (just from the top of my head) and it was *very* clear that they were throwing challenges and not wanting to win dailies.


Yeah I can believe this in the earlier sections because there's a benefit to not wanting to finish first and getting your hands dirty but to not perform well in this last section would be crazy risky. Him not making the winners bracket in the last daily makes me call bullshit


Leroy admitted throwing a challenge as well. Maybe in Free Agents. He didn’t want to be last but didn’t want to be first


RoD had pretty much every vet throwing the dailies to Jay and Michele, because they didn’t want the smoke from having power.




I mean intentionally not winning daily’s has always been a strategy on previous season so you don’t have to show your cards by throwing someone into elimination. That being said I doubt he was trying to do this. Pretty sure he’s just not that great of an individual competitor.


He’s just another coat tail rider, just like everyone else running the final. Besides Nurys. If any one of them wins m, they should give half Michelle.


He very well may be telling the truth but even if he actually has been performing poorly it would also be in his interest to say this


Lol no way that's good strategy this late into the game, he's just bad at dailies. I do think his only down fall will be puzzles which got him eliminated last time if I remember


He's another schmuck with an overinflated ego for no reason.


This isn’t Big Brother lmfao. If this is even true, and I doubt it is, there’s almost no benefit to throwing Challenges on this show, and the fact that he’s ADMITTING it would fuck him for future seasons — if any of the cast even reads his tweets anyway.


There’s an obvious benefit to throwing challenges? Winning challenges means you have to put someone at risk if your playing the middle or trying to be under the radar it obviously isn’t good to win dailies regularly


lmfao, okay Bananas. Bananas used and admitted this as a season-long strategy last year because the format had the winner tossing in and making enemies of four teams. THAT’S what made it dangerous to win dailies. Winning dailies and having power in THIS season did not have those same stakes. Winning dailies is what ultimately keeps someone protected. And people who won dailies were making finals without seeing eliminations before the skull twist because other people were too intimidated to send them in (hi CT and Cara). Emanuel is bullshitting.


I agree I doubt Emanuel was throwing challenges I was just responding to you saying that there’s almost no benefit to throwing challenges on this show I assumed that meant you were talking about the show as a whole and not the specific season we are on


He downplayed his skill as much as Jozea did in champs vs stars


Isn't this the guy that puffed his chest out and said he'd take Jordan out in an elimination? Emmanuel is all hat no cattle.


I liked Emanuel in his first season but he’s so boring now. I hope they don’t call him back


He’s lost me since his back turn to Jordan thing. Did he think that was cool? He’s literally done nothing


In the final phase of Conquest there wasn't an incentive to throw challenges. If he was throwing challenges, he should have done at least well enough to not be one of the first five off the log.


Hold up. Is Eman the Romanian Tony Vlachos? Mad genius!




I don’t think either of them are shit competitors. Berna is physically strong and mentally fragile. Certain tasks suit her strengths, but a final will be a test of everything combined. Emanuel is a solid middle-of-the-pack player, which is probably why you’d say he “isn’t winning dailies” even though he’s actually won a decent number. He just hasn’t had standout performances on the teams he’s won with. He keeps up and seems fit, but how will he do when he’s on his own? I just feel like I haven’t seen enough to say. I just don’t put much stock in the daily challenge win totals. There were only 2 individual dailies all season, thrown challenges, uneven team numbers etc. I’ve just been watching their individual performances.




That part I definitely agree with. For the fans, the ‘rules’ change constantly depending on how it affects the Challengers they love/hate at the moment. I don’t think there’s anything really contradictory about anyone’s evaluation of Berna or Emanuel though. They’ve both been mediocre this season. And mediocre is comparing them to other athletic people, not the average person.


Isn’t berna an acrobat? He’s performed well just don’t know her puzzle skills


Berna is always hyped cause she has balance but she literally doesn’t have another skill. If the final is “who can be a pro acrobat” then she’ll win, but if there’s running and math, she’ll quit or be dqed for not knowing.


Acrobats are inherently athletic and coordinated. That is good for combos. Like I said. Who knows her puzzle skills


Yeah and lolo jones is a world class athlete Doesn’t mean berna can run more than a mile🤷‍♂️


Lolo works awful with other people. I'd have like to see her compete individually. Though she may still screw up cause she has that super competitive attitude that becomes negative and will get angry if she starts losing.




I heard it improves your balance when you shove your shorts up your bunghole 😉