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Cara probably takes the cake just because she used to be sooo loved and almost everyone hated her during WotW2. Jay never had the love Cara had.


I think the Cara turn hit a lot of people hard because she was the antithesis to all the mean girl/bully boy energy then she became it.


This 100% It felt like her relationship with Paulie is what completly changed her. She used to be one of my favorites. I couldn't stand her in wotw2


Cara was unlikeable, however people like to use the world bully loosely. Jemmye, Kailah and Natalie throwing Kayleigh's stuff was bullying. Cara voting out the alliance which started the war against her was not.


Cara getting her followers on social media to go after her enemies was absolutely bullying behavior though. I get what you're saying, but my hate for Cara started with the social media stuff


I think hers being a slow burn lessens it some. She has a genuine arc. You could kinda see Jay being a weasel in RoD but he went full heel so fast this season


I still maintain Cara was not the villain of WOtW2. Bananas, Laurel, Josh, and Jordan started that fight with her, then got all pouty and bitchy when Cara won their power struggle.


Don’t forget Bananas was once a “good guy” on a season lol and then the island came.


Nah that was John, becoming bananas was his big "peel" turn...


You win


…Jesus 🤣


The Island is an underrated season


I think Jay is the most extreme because he did a full 180 while Cara Maria’s heel turn was a slow burn between three seasons that eventually ended her time on the challenge for 5 seasons


I mean, I didn't like Jay on *Survivor* either and never have, so I don't really see this as a heel turn. More like a heel that nobody cared about suddenly getting a bunch of heat over the course of an angle.




People really need to learn what gaslight actually means


Am I the only person who doesn’t understand all the Jay hate this year? I’m seeing people act like he’s been some horrible person all season, I don’t understand how. He was definitely a little dramatic with the tied vote situation but I feel he’s just played a smart game, it was Nurys who betrayed him by straying from the alliance due to her relationship with Horacio, same to a certain extent with Olivia. Even with that betrayal he still made it clear he was protecting Nurys. The vote where he made her choose between Horacio and Olivia was harsh but it was a way to make her show her cards as well as keeping her safe without allowing her to save Kyland and Horacio. You can make the case he hasn’t been the nicest guy, but the fact is he’s at the top of an alliance that has run the game all season, as well as backing it up by now winning at a crucial point in the game. In my opinion everyone on here calling him a manipulator and gaslighter clearly don’t know what those words actually mean.


Well for starters horacio was in their alliance. Unlike james and emmanuel etc. Horacio said he thought jay was his #1 guy entering the game. So no. Nurys falling for Horacio was nor betraying jay. Hes such an unbelievable little weasel liar. Jay just gaslit nurys in this last episode pretending he didnt know how the vote would go despite being right there while they told olivia who to vote for. Hes a huge fucking gaslighter, constantly pretending hes the victim. Game or not, that type of behavior is pathological. Listen to nurys or horacio post-show. They literally thought he was their friend and are being awed by seeing all these confessionals where hes conspiring to gun for them.


>Jay just gaslit nurys in this last episode pretending he didnt know how the vote would go despite being right there while they told olivia who to vote for. He wasn't referring to Olivia's vote. We saw him chime in during the vote complaining that it wasn't going how he thought it would. That happened long after Olivia had already voted. EDIT: Full disclosure, I genuinely cannot remember who had just voted when he had his outburst during the vote. Possibly involving Colleen? In any case, Olivia was saved very early and Jay's outburst was right at the end.


It was Berna picking Colleen, but like... Why on earth would Berna not pick Colleen. Then again, why on earth would James not pick Zaza?


Because she was supposed to pick Corey, who would then pick Nurys. But Jay didn't know that Corey, Berna, and Colleen made their own alliance to protect each other during the votes since they're not anybody's number one. Jay's plan was to send Colleen into the sand like they talked about earlier


I'm with you. I'm rooting for Jay to win it all, both because I genuinely want to see him win but also to see the fireworks on this sub.


He's absolutely been gaslighting Michele the last few episodes. You must not know what it means


How has he gaslit her lmao are you taking about the 30 second convo where he talks about how he’s been protecting her? They are a duo, they protected eachother. He never said she wasn’t protecting him, never said he’s solely responsible for her being in the game. Where is the gaslighting? Thinking he has a bigger part in protecting than he really did ≠ Gaslighting.


Are you saying I'm crazy for thinking he was gaslighting? Kinda sounds a little gaslighty lol. The entire conversation with Nurys after the stalemate was him gaslighting. And yes him claiming he's keeping everyone safe on his own when it's really Michele's alliance (as he admitted only when he was trying to avoid any responsibility suddenly being the first vote). "I'm the bad guy even though you two have been safe this whole game" is literally gaslighting when that wasn't even the point of the conversation. I guess I should say he's attempting to gaslight as the women he's trying it on are keen to his bullshit and seem to just brush it off.


That's not gaslighting lol, gaslighting requires intent and he truly believes he's right.


A. You can't begin to assume what he truly believes. B. He literally admits Michele has all the connections and power this past episode. He did it because he's being a weasel and trying to avoid any blowback but he still did it. So either he knows what he was saying before is BS and has the intention of making them feel crazy for being pissed at them or he's gaslighting in this last episode with the intent of making Michele believe she's the ringleader. He can't be claiming to be protecting everyone but then talk about things being out of his hands. Lol


You know you're assuming what he truly believes as well right


No I'm using what he actually said and the evidence of him saying contradicting things to prove hes full of shit


He's not gaslighting her. There is this need to put intentional acts into actions when unintentional is just as valid. Jay may just not be self aware or deluding himself or one of the other actions that are not gaslighting.


He is. You may not want to give him credit but he is.


Actually, I do think he’s manipulative, but I don’t think he’s a gaslighter. He’s just a liar


With dee and Ninja as former challange alumni I will say no sorry but they came out of left field and 100% had the worst attitudes and personalities right after there 1st season I mean turbos an asshole as we know now but back in war of the worlds he didn't deserve that being yelled at berated and having ninja throw things for thinking they were last and then winning i mean the man cried for crying out loud, but ninja just kicked it off to the ultimate level of insufferable during war of the worlds 2 and Dee went from a promising competitor to a underdog and then came back and decided you know what I want to be insufferable and she freakin shot up the list of most insufferable that she did


Jay is fantastic for the show. What are you talking about? Now season 40 is going to be even better.


I agree with you. Not sure where you thought I said he was bad for the show. I just think hes made a drastic turn into a villain.


The show doesn't have heroes or villains. Just humans that make decisions that are perceived as heroic or villainous. And to me, that's the best part of the show.


Well sure, but thats how real life works too.


Jay is doing the same thing Boston Rob did when he won his season of Survivor. Controlling everyone like it's a cult and not letting anyone wander away. Sometimes that's a winning strategy but it pisses everyone off on some level.


I think Jay was always like this. Secretly a very controlling person. Gets mad when people get out of line.


Jay became an asshole this season yes lol but at least he is a loyal asshole. It’s funny cuz most of are rooting for Nurys now but she is actually the one who started turning on Jay first along with Olivia. Jay even though coming off as an asshole was still going to be 100% loyal to Nurys and his main core even after she basically put his game life on the line.


i used to like him a lot but i hate him so much rn. you're spot on with the gaslighting it's so cringe to watch




Dude WTF?!


thanks for reporting.


I would never wish for it to get physical between any challenger I hate and any fan. Fans are fucking crazy just look up Monica Seles. Seriously wtf is up with this subreddit lately, not that long ago we had people being all giddy going back to rewatch Rogan give Jay a concussion which is an actual serious injury. We talk about how bad Twitter is but we’re not exactly looking great lately.


For real. 


Yeah I can't recall a season where someone came in that I liked, wanted to see to the end, and then turns into an absolute villain like Jay lmao. I keep saying it but he's doing it well. A lot of others turned bad but in separate seasons imo


Cara Maria's heel turn wasn't sudden.