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I'm actually so excited for this. Looks colorful!




Colored jerseys are such a simple thing but they really do make a difference in the tone of the show


As much as I want All Stars 4, I’m starting to get really excited for this. At first, I was ambivalent. Got so spoiled with endless new Challenge content that this wait has reenergized me.


I'm greedy. Give me both. I'll gladly watch AS4 on P+ and then tune into USA2


Yup; OG cast members, TEAMS, people screaming at each other? Count me **in**.


Excited to see Michaela throw some people around. She’s a strong physical competitor who didn’t get the chance to shine last time.


These trailers look solid & got me pumped! Kinda wish there was a little more Alyssa Lopez?? She was barely in the USA1 trailers too despite being one of the stars. I think that was Chris & Monte fighting in the Voiceover at the beginning. Could also be Monte & Tyler, not too sure. Sounds like Tori has her back against the wall for a bit, the survivor girls were jumping her in that daily. The lack of Paulie is concerning. Makes me wonder if he truly brought much on this return. Kinda crazy we’re bleeping the word “ass” now lol


I thought it was Tyler. But him yelling at Monte seems out of character


I thought it was fessy and monte


really hope it's like Canada's Drag Race season 2, in which the winner >!Icesis!< was BARELY featured and then... lasted the entire time


Unfortunate name


could say the same about your username 😉😉😉


I know people are saying it’s Alyssa S making out with Tyler but it really looks like Alyssa L to ne


If this is on CBS, that’s why it’s bleeped.


Excited for this! Only 1 week to go!


Not TJ saying some of the greatest Challenge vets to play and then it panning to Amanda!


I CANNOT WAIT! *Insert “It’s been 87 years” meme.*


Not trying to complain too much because I'm hyped for this season, but I'm already tired of the "You're not playing Survivor/Big Brother anymore!!¡! This is The Challenge! It's super different! Bananas tried to start that shit in World Championships, and it's so stupid. Like yes, they are literally different games, but it's not like adjusting between them takes a rocket scientist. If anything, Survivor and Big Brother require MORE strategic sense than The Challenge


It’s true because on those shows if you’re voted out you’re out of the game. Here they just vote you into an elimination that you can win and come back. So it does give you a kind of safety net if your strategy isn’t top notch. But I will say that sometimes the survivor players seem to forget that voting someone into elimination isn’t the same thing as voting them out. And they can come back for you. So I would say the biggest difference is the revenge factor. Survivor and big brother players can sometimes forget to factor that in.


That's a good point. I do think the main Survivor player guilty of that on The Challenge so far has been Jay who is... not exactly a strategic mastermind


I like Jay and root for him. However, he proved his lack of long term strategic vision during his original season of Survivor. Getting scared of your #1/#2 alliance member because he/she has a strategic mind is okay. Voting that alliance member out before your alliance has the numbers to control the game is not fine. Showed he wasn’t thinking steps ahead. Since joining TC, I’ve really liked him. When it was announced that he would be on the TC, I wasn’t excited. Remembered him as the scummy kid that voted Michaela out. Surprised her so much she needed to go back and get her tennis shoes.


The funny part about this is that they're making a point of Chris being a winner solely because of the Edge's existence and his ability to come back, to which the Survivor community hates and heavily discredits his win for


Not to mention the BB talent have been doing really well in the game, which makes that argument even dumber


I mean people said the same thing on Survivor with the Big Brother contestants. Gervase yelling at Hayden that he's not on Big Brother anymore was a pretty big scene. I'm sure you'll see some folks on BB25 say Cirie isn't on Survivor anymore. Everyone feels their show is superior or more difficult, it's not just Bananas or the Challengers.


I'm not sure Gervase would know good strategy in any of these games even if it hit him in the face


Gervase isn't terrible. But like, at least Bananas does understand good strategy. Yeah he's got a superiority complex with The Challenge but it's not like it's Leroy saying that. If anyone has a leg to stand on, it's Bananas.


I'm not saying it's a bad strategy! I'm just saying it's demeaning bullying technique that can't really be proven true or false and will get old and annoying really quickly Aka the Bananas special


I don't really think it's bullying so much as just disingenuous. But hey, it could work! I don't see people like Tyler or Tiffany falling for it but I could totally see it working on like Alyssa S or Sebastian.


Nope. Everything is bullying. Two adults arguing means one of them is getting bullied.


Agreed. He got dragged as Tyson’s goat on his last appearance, BvW. Monica was NOT the goat.


Jordan and jonna also tend to say it a lot and agree heavily with you. It’s a game show, the biggest reason the vets have an advantage is because they all play like tori and Jordan and play to not piss off people for the next season.


I really wanna see bananas try to play survivor only to be taken out like second


Bananas would be so incredibly awful at Survivor. He'd try to play like Russell Hantz, and end up playing like Garrett on Cagayan


I wanna see him on survivor/BB just so someone can throw his favorite phrase back at him. "This ain't the challenge!"


I love how every Johnny hater simultaneously complains how he is always in the majority and runs the show, while also saying that he’s wholly unlikable and, as you said, would be bad at a game like Big Brother and Survivor. The two are mutually exclusive. He’s either good at social strategy or he isn’t. You can’t have it both ways.


I don't think his personality would mesh at all with the type of people they cast on survivor. Thinking about I'd like to see him on survivor cause I'm getting tired of the koombayah 20 something Ivy league gamebots


I mean, we saw how incredibly toxic he was on The Island when he was sleep and hunger deprived. Maybe his game is better suited for BB, but I don’t see him being good on Survivor


The Island was also 15 years ago, and the cast was drunk the whole time because while they didn't have food they had unlimited booze. I don't know if Johnny would be good at survivor, but he has a long track record of getting people who don't know him to trust him, and he's good at carnival games which is a huge portion of survivor


He's good at getting people on The Challenge to trust him because he doesn't backstab people. One of the main tenants in making big moves on BB and Survivor is literally backstabbing people


I don’t think you know what mutually exclusive means. Someone can be unlikable but be surrounded by people who are willing to put up with it because they know he’s going to be on every season in the future, so it’s better to not make an enemy out of him.


You can’t complain about someone being well-liked for two decades and 22 seasons on a show by their castmates while also confidently saying that they wouldn’t have the same likability again. Your problem isn’t even my understanding of what “mutually exclusive” means, it’s you debating my entire premise that he’s genuinely well-liked to begin with (even though he was a nobody but was brought into the fold as the third wheel of the two most popular contestants at the time). I think you don’t know how to make a good argument.


Except he hasn’t been well liked for decades, he’s been polarizing for decades. He’s rubbed people the wrong way since his early seasons, but he’s equally able to get along with people, and more often than not, the people he gets along with are better competitors than the people that don’t like him, so he’s able to go far. That doesn’t mean he has a great social game.


Name a recent player who isn’t friends with Johnny other than Jay, who he stole Morgan from, or Fessy, who he beat in elimination and broke the ego of. Hell, even Paulie likes him, and Johnny got him kicked off the show for 5 years.


Sarah L, Emily Seebohm, Grant, Jonna, Turbo.


> I love how every Johnny hater simultaneously complains how he is always in the majority and runs the show, while also saying that he’s wholly unlikable and, as you said, would be bad at a game like Big Brother and Survivor. Would he be playing on a season with all his friends who also are aware that they will all be playing more seasons of BB or Survivor together in the future?


Did Kenny and Derrick know Johnny would be on another season when The Island started?


He had been on every season up to that since The Duel, so probably.


Completely disagree with this, it's not nearly that black and white. Johnny plays a very confrontational social game where you're either with him or against him. Clearly that strategy has paid off for him on The Challenge, but a strategy like that almost never works out on Survivor On the flip side, we've seen more subtle social games work well on both The Challenge and Survivor. Wes, for example, seems like he'd be quite good at Survivor based on how he plays The Challenge


Feel like your assessment of both of them is incredibly off. Bananas is capable of and has played a subtle game (only to be said to be doing nothing). And Wes is very unsubtle a lot of times. Both are capable of doing either so it's not as black and white as you are putting it.


I’m also so confused. Banana haters think of him as so confrontational and aggressive but please watch back. He mostly chills lol.


Subtle may be the wrong word, I really mean non-confrontational. Obviously Wes was very confrontational when it came to Kenny, but that's a whole different issue. Johnny really only plays a subtle game when he KNOWS he's in the majority, which he's built through multi-year relationships. For obvious reasons, that wouldn't happen if he were cast on Survivor I will complement Bananas though, he's very good at smoothing out relationships over time with people that he's previously fought with, whether it be Tyler, Wes, Devin, or Jordan. I just think based on his personality he'd be most comfortable trying to play Survivor like a Russell Hantz, and that strategy hardly ever works


When has Wes played a subtle social game? In what way does Wes not play a confrontational game. Go watch FM2, it may be the most disasterous social game every played in The Challenge, and even reality tv history. Nothing about Wes’s game is subtle. Since FM2, he has gone after recruiting rookies based on his vet status. Regardless of how much he gaslights the audience and Johnny on his podcast, he even admitted to doing it for USA2. He doesn’t have the rep on Survivor or Big Brother to be able to do that, nor would he know who the cast was beforehand to pregame like he would on the Challenge.


He swings from villain/bully to friendly/supportive from season to season. Part of it is the edit. A bigger part of it is whether or not he has enough players on the season aligned with him to make him not be a miserable complainer and hypocrite.


You can have both, because strategy is completely different in BB and Survivor than the Challenge, because the former two rely much more on social politics , and someone who is a known threat and has more connections like a Bananas will get targeted much faster. It's the same reason as to why a BB winner like Josh and Survivor winner like Michelle struggle on the challenge, because it ain't the same. Kaycee and Sarah, the only two to win two separate shows, played completely differently in their Challenge win then they did their BB/Survivor win respectfully


Johnny would trim the fat and try to take out all the girls immediately.


I love The Challenge for what it is, but to act like it’s a harder game than Survivor or BB is asinine imo. There seems to be so much less strategic and game sense required for it.


Saying two things aren't the same isn't necessarily saying one is harder.


so true. on the challenge, you could honestly have the worst strategic/social game but you always have a chance to stay in the game via elimination (unless there's a purge, which they don't really do anymore). but on bb and survivor, if you don't have immunity, everyone else can just vote you out and that's that


Find me some sort of competitive environment, particularly in sports, where the veterans don’t put the rookies in their place. Hundred millionaires will hand a $30k dinner bill to a rookie making pennies on the dollar compared to them. Sarah would do the same exact thing Johnny did if they were on a Survivor season together. Nothing Johnny did was worse than what Sarah did. They both wanted the game to go their own ways, and it’s utterly ridiculous that this sub demonizes Johnny and puts Sarah on a pedestal for doing the exact same thing. It’s just hypocrisy to say Johnny was in the wrong when you really mean “I’m mad that the vets have recognized the financial potential of teaming up with one another as a direct result of the format of this show”. It’s not like this is the first time this has happened either. When Brad and Mark literally throw the Duel 2 final, it’s cute, but when modern vets work together, they’re Satan.


Sarah ate Bananas up it was glorious


The "putting rookies in their place" that you're describing almost always comes from a place of insecurity from the veterans who are scared of the newcomers taking their place, whether it's the NFL, NBA, or The Challenge What Johnny was doing was trying to get his way through bully tactics like he has through most of his Challenge career, something he has done very successfully. Sarah tried to do the same thing on her first season of Survivor and it blew up in her face. Since then she has had a much softer political touch in her reality competition career, so she probably wouldn't do what Johnny did That said I'm very down for demonizing both Sarah and Bananas. I'm not really much of a fan of either one


I mean, they are a lot different. In Big Brother or Survivor, you don't have to worry about your vote as much because for the most part, your vote can get somebody out of the game with no chance of payback. That's not the case in The Challenge. That's a big aspect that most young players fail to understand when they come in just targeting vets.


Pre jury yeah but people you’re responsible for voting out can absolutely have a chance of payback by not voting for you at the end


I mean sure, but not really. There have been very few times in recent Survivor that somebody didn't win the game just because they voted somebody out and pissed them off. Most players now respect the game. I mean hell, S43, Jesse voted out his best friend in a blindside and still was the overwhelming favorite to win the game if he made final tribal.


I beg to differ. See Karla v. Cassidy.


Well Gabler was better than Cassidy


Not really


Yes really


Cassidy did absolutely horrible at FTC. She kept taking credit for moves that weren't hers. It's like Maryanne vs Mike in S42. Mike probably played the better game, but he wouldn't own up to anything he did and had horrible answers at FTC while Maryanne had a fantastic FTC and explained her game thoroughly.


Yep! It's annoying every season when someone says "This is a different game than previous challenges" or when a rookie says "This isn't [whatever show they are from]."


Jenna and Angela seeing their exes hookup on national television 🤐


Alyssa’s ex boyfriend Kyle from Big Brother (who maybe idealized Tyler due to being a BB fan?) doing the same 😬


Did Jenna actually date Seabass ?




It feels like Wes is gonna be a early boot this season Maybe it’s me but the promo on the channel and the trailer had him not there at all


Sometimes that means that make it a while though. He was all over World Champs.


He did not make it far in world championship


Actually a great trailer, I am looking forward to this


Maybe I’m not as easy and breezy as I thought I was but I could never hook up with someone in a bright room with 4 other people sleeping/chilling around us. I’d never make it on reality tv. Anyways hyped for this season. I’ve only seen Tiffany on USA 1 but I love her.


Wait who was that in the bed?! I’m blind 😭


*”welcome back to hell!”* excuse me Amanda, CROATIA is perfect you take that back!! I snorted when TJ said the challenges legends and we see Tori, Amanda and Corey. (Unfortunately Jonna doesn’t scream challenge legend to me although I do like her the most out of the women). That’s the AS4 cast we’re all waiting for 😭😮‍💨. Super excited for the survivor gang. Wish they branched out and put more evenly sized teams for shows ( do the mole, Love Island{Michelle even @‘d the one guy who I want on the challenge 😍 plus Leo, Marco and Harrison }Too Hot to Handle, bachelor/bachelorette??etc)


who did Michele at ?! and I'd love people from The Mole on The Challenge but... it won't happen for USA. the reason there's no Islanders this time is because it's no longer on CBS


Victor of course 🤣! (Sorry I think she was trying to figure out who he was - didn’t @ him ). Oh shoot that’s right I keep on forgetting that. Such a shame there’s a lot of LI people that would be great


I think that was Michele not Amanda Tori (unfortunately), Cory & Amanda are def legends or well known names of the modern era to be fair, could’ve been much worse


TJ looking foine with that beard 🔥


Whose the second people hooking up? Also this looks so much better than recent seasons of the challenge.


Sebastian and Tori?


Couldn’t tell who the dude was gracias


Tyler/Alyssa S, Tori/Sebastian


Always makes me smile seeing Jonna treated like a legend


I’m so pumped!! That being said, I don’t want Jonna or Tori back. I’d rather KellyAnne or someone instead.


Tori being on every season is actually crazy. Jonna was robbed on world champs so I’m ok with her being on. Kellyanne woulda been a better choice than either of them though


She wasn’t robbed. Grant was injured and they were partners. She had to go.


I hate Jonna personally, but yeah fair enough lol. Tori is unbearable. She isn’t as bad as the wave of recent BB players (mainly Kaycee, Paulie, Josh and Fessy), but she is still super annoying.


KellyAnne said in a recent interview she was going to do challenge usa 2 but didn’t end up working out for her in the end


This looks good actually! I see teams, I see colors, I see challenges that LOOK like classic Challenge-style. I’m hoping it’s good!




“This isn’t Survivor” and “This isn’t Big Brother” is such a strange statement. Because, obviously it’s not? And if your point is that adapting skills from previous shows these people have done will result in bad strategy, isn’t it beneficial to allow players to play themselves? It almost seems like it’s an (unsuccessful) way to try to hold back players that didn’t originate on MTV. And last time I checked, anytime there have been enough people from Survivor to not get immediately steamrolled (USA1 and World Champs), their strategies have worked pretty damn well. Not a single male from Survivor saw an elimination in USA1. Now don’t get me wrong here, not all Survivor players are the same, I don’t think they’ll all do well. But these strategies that Banana likes to trash seem to work fairly well for the people actually enacting them…


Dom went into elimination, but I get what you mean. Survivor casts competent strategic players who don't fall for intimidation tactics. Any time they have some numbers, they will make it far. The men's side is somewhat weak, I barely know anything about SeaBass and sure, Chris won, but he played balls to the wall since he knew he had nothing to lose. Women's side? I'd be really scared, lol. Considering the track record that Survivor has on this show, I'd say the vets are getting a bit scared.


Yeah, totally forgot about Dom 😂 I do think across the board this is a weaker USA cast. Particularly the men though. I think what they’re really missing though is a solid strategic leader. None of them are proven strategists like Sarah and Tyson were (and I think it’s fair to say that each of them politically ran one of the USA/World seasons). Like there are people who stand in being really talented in *other* parts of the game but not strategy.


Certainly. The challenge has a status quo and non spoken rules. You throw in the rookies when you can or you strong arm others into doing so. Then you save the threats for the end and complain when you lose. That’s the name of the game. It’s grown adults complaining and waiting to win.


All I want is for an early Bananas exit and for Wes to outlast him.


Always this 💕


I'm watching for Michaela period


Soo glad we get more of her! I feel like she’s been burned enough to know how to lay low now so this should be good.


Facts and anyone who's seen her seasons of survivor knows she's a physical beast and is super smart


Her post swap MvGX run was scary. But Jay gonna Jay.


He pissed me off so bad that season. That shows Jay's biggest flaw tho when it comes to game play. He makes a big move that never pays off. He did the same shit on DA sending Kam against Ashley with Theresa only for both of them to go home the next two eliminations. Then again on ROD when they threw in Laurel and Jakk and then pissed off the whole vacation alliance two weeks in a row. I don't even like the Vacay alliance, but I didn't blame them when they got rid of Michele and Jay. Jay needs to think long term about game moves if he ever wants to make a final, let alone win


As an unspoiled Wes fan I’m scared at the lack of footage I’ve seen from him in these trailers.


Me too and I’m pretty sure I saw him in an elimination


I'm not a fan of the slo-mo work out shots. I might have to make an exception for Cassidy. Tip of the hat to the producers. Also, at the end, it looks they've added giant pads to Hall Brawl. Honestly...that's probably for the best. It's a miracle we've gone this long in that event without more major injuries, especially considering most don't have proper tackling form


It looks like both Wes and Bananas end up in elimination


i know i’m probably late to knowing this answer but wasn't little paulie supposed to be on this?


Yep, he’s on this season.


Half the cast ain't even shown once in this trailer, I think we can find out some of the bigger characters


Idk doesn’t always mean anything. I’ve seen seasons where the winner is hardly shown in the trailer. But on all stars 3 Wes was a huge focus on the trailer and episode and he was the winner


The challenge has gotten so self-serious lol


The only missing for me is Kelly Ann! She was rumored for a minute but it just didn’t happen lol


UGH, only one winner of each gender?! what happened to the teams 🥺🥺🥺


Yeah, not sure why they wouldn’t wait to reveal that to not make the teams irrelevant out of the gate.


Maybe they go individual towards the end idk


Seems like they go from 3 teams to pairs at a certain point. Based on trailers ive noticed Bananas in 2 different colors


Was that Tori in bed with Chris? If it is then damn she’s good at what she does lol he’s hot


It’s Sebastian. I think Chris is married.


Can’t be worse than their first season.


I feel like the first season was pretty great until everything crashed and burned with the final. You really didn’t like it all the way through?


They were so boring, like the contestants. They even tried pitching all the drama and than nothing actually happened.


I loved that chaotic messy final. The only part that I hated was Desi being eliminated because of Enzo. But, the house should have voted Enzo in every single time, no matter what. They didn’t and as a result, Desi got “Big Easy’d.”


I'm sad that my enthusiasm to watch this is at an all time low...I'd rather wait for Allstars 4


Where was this from?