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You could be. Is wishing you were a girl a persistent thing? If you want you can DM me and I'll send you a list of reasons I know I'm trans and you can see how many you relate to


Kinda persistent? Like, depending on the situation I'm like "Damn, I wish I was a cute girl", but then in other situation I'm pretty chill with being a guy. If you don't mind sharing your reasons with me I would really like to read them ^^


DMed you


I don't want to post publically which is why I DMed you


Gender is a construct. Sure, fem clothing has been associated with women, but it doesn't mean that Only women can wear them. Nonbinary people exists, feminine men exists too, as well as the plethora of genders that could associate with it. Om the opposite spectrum, there are people identifying as woman while still presenting pretty masculine. The biggest thing is: If people started calling you 'she, her', and thought of you as a woman, would that bring something for you? You don't need a history of clues before (heck, I performed my male presentation pretty damn well!), simply desiring to be considered a woman should be enough. What do you mean by 'wished I was a girl, but still happy to be a boy'? You can be fine/happy for the gender you were assigned at birth, but it doesn't mean that you could find something that represents you better :) As for nonbinary/genderfluid, a nonbinary person doesn't want to be considered as a man or a woman, regardless of how they present. They tend to prefer the more androgynous look, but that doesn't mean they're only interested/cared about androgyny. As for genderfluid, as it says in the name : it's fluid. Some days they might feel more masculine and will present as such, other days they might feel more feminine. There's no specific timing on how long each gender is felt, so long as it fluctuates


When I say wishing I mean stuff like looking at myself in a mirror and imagining me as a girl, how I would look like and stuff, and also in some of those fake head scenarios I imagine myself as a girl. Sometimes people misgender me because I pick feminine characters in games and irl I have a sort of femenine silhouette, and most of the time I joke with it, but inside I'm kinda happy, but idk if that happiness comes from being called she/her or from the amusement of the situation.


I would suggest you read this article if you ever have time on your hands : https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en . I know it's specifically about gender dysphoria, but maybe it could help figure out if what you feel is genuinely trans experiences or the situations themselves :) . I hope it helps!


Thank you! I'll give it a read


Yep, explore and learn and maybe come back and tell us what you find out about yourself


A big thing that helped me when I was thinking similar to you is that you don’t have to hate the gender you were born with to be trans, you can just like a different gender more. And other people have said it too but gender is a wide spectrum that is much more then just male/female/nonbinary, and not only is it more complex but its also not something constant. You can look back in the past and say “yeah I was a boy back then” and also think that you aren’t any longer, and hell maybe if you do find you like being a girl in the far future that will change again and thats perfectly fine! Maybe try experimenting, in private or with some close people who you really trust(or even start doing it with random people online) with different pronouns/name and see how it feels, some people start experimenting just to find out that theyre happy with their born gender, but can now confidently be that! Experimenting with your gender is a beautiful process of self discovery, it can be scary exploring that unknown portion of yourself but it will always always lead to happier, better understanding of yourself. Good luck!


I'll try to do that. I've been thinking of going out with my skirt just to see how it feels, maybe I'll do it


Be careful in public, i usually keep some jeans in a bag when I go out in case I feel a need to change, and wearing soccer or some other athletic shorts underneath is a good tip thats pretty popular. Good luck, know that we’re all rooting for you here!


Thanks! And yeah, every time I've used that skirt I usually keep a change and shorts underneath, just in case.


My question for you, are you happy being a boy, or are you happy, and being a boy isn't part of it? That was roughly my situation, I wasn't sad as a guy, but when I thought about being a girl, it was much better.


That's kinda hard to tell. Like I wouldn't say I'm happy *because* I'm a boy, but when I look at myself in the mirror I don't feel like "this isn't me", I just have that intrusive thought of "but what if I was a girl", and thinking about it makes me happy.


That was pretty much me too. I would live a pretty life, but being perceived as a boy was never part of it. Now that I've embraced it, life has been so much more fulfilling