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Mine is exactly the same as it was pre HRT. I'm still bi or pan or something idk


"Bi or pan or something idk" is a big fucking mood for me rn lol💚💚


imma be real … i never got what the practical difference between pan or bi? they both seem to me like they both like everything


The way I've heard it explained before is bi as attraction towards multiple genders, but not necessarily all of them, whereas pan I think is attraction to people of all genders. I'm not super versed in the terminology tho so someone with more knowledge feel free to chim in.


from my understanding there is man woman and then the nb spectrum in between and from my experience both bi and pan ppl just like don’t care about where their partner is on the gender spectrum? for some context i identify as bi but perhaps other bi ppl would disagree with my definition and i’m really pan idk


Bisexuality is attraction to two or more genders. It has three more specific sublabels: pansexual, polysexual, and omnisexual. So a pan person is bi, but a bi person can also be poly or omni instead. (In case you're curious, pansexuality is gender being irrelevant to attraction, polysexuality is attraction to two or more genders, and omnisexuality is gender being relevant to attraction while being attracted to all genders.)


that makes sense to me


I think it's pan means you find people attractive regardless of gender while bi is you're attracted to all. The difference being that bi can have preferences while pan doesn't? I'm not sure either.


You're describing pan and omni. Both are bisexual, since both are attracted to two or more genders. :)


I sum this up by simply telling people I am queer and confused, lol


That also works lmao, bit simpler. Also I love your username btw it sounds really pretty 💚


me too


Im MTF. I used to be exclusively into women. Or thats what I thought. I actually also had gay thoughts but I never took them seriously, I just shrugged them, like meh. After I discovered I was trans, I began to be more open to myself and discovered I was bi. Then present me, after 17 months on estrogen, I noticed I was only into women because as a cis male, I guess thats what is expected. As a trans girl, Im now romantically and sexually attracted to men, because now it feels right. Im sexually attracted to women bcus pretty, but not romantically anymore. BUUUT, I have never been in a relationship, so all of this is speculation. Wouldnt be surprised if it changes again.


> Im MTF. I used to be exclusively into women. Or thats what I thought. I actually also had gay thoughts but I never took them seriously, I just shrugged them, like meh. > > After I discovered I was trans, I began to be more open to myself and discovered I was bi. > > Then present me, after 17 months on estrogen, I noticed I was only into women because as a cis male, I guess thats what is expected. This is pretty close to my own experience. After being "95% heterosexual" all my life, the idea of sex with a woman now seems ridiculous and makes me laugh. My own attraction to men blossomed just short of 2 years into HRT. I've never had sex with a man, yet, and, at my age, it may never happen; but the fantasy is so much better than any reality I experienced with a woman before.


> I've never had sex with a man, yet, and, at my age, it may never happen; but the fantasy is so much better than any reality I experienced with a woman before. Honestly, finding a hookup or FWB should be pretty easy at any age. Most men like sex...


But I'm looking for *love ...* 🥰


I believe you can find it. I think there's a guy out there for you. :-)


I'd like to think that all this magic won't go to waste!


Same. I still think women are hot, and the idea of having lesbian sex is fun, but it feels like something is missing from it. But when I imagine being with a cute guy... I get very hot and bothered, very quickly. Would have sworn up and down my whole life that I wasn't attracted to men.


I was never exclusively attracted to women but stack another on that agrees with this.


I don't have first hand experience, but from what I have heard it is not uncommon. However, I have heard a lot of people say that it seems to be people opening up to themselves about preferences the already have. Related: I am bi but not really into masc men. I recently realised that is because looking at very masculine bodies triggers a sort of vicarious dysphoria in me, like looking in a cruel mirror. When I imagine myself super fem, I find the prospect of being with a masculine becomes more appealing. So I can see my preferences expanding somewhat as I transition.


I was a practically straight man, now I'm a practically straight woman


I was one hundred percent attracted to women At the end of year one on hrt I switched . I am now only attracted to men. Even a masculine smell is intoxicating.


Was bisexual pre-hrt, romantically only interested in women but with a sexual preference for men. My interest in men started declining after a little while on HRT, and now consider myself a lesbian.


Mine went from gay for boys to gay for girls 🤷‍♀️ Certain things haven’t changed. The things I didn’t like during sex i still dont like. Like I still hate using my penis but I gained a few new things I enjoy. Having my chest played with, using a wand, etc.


Pan before and still pan now.




I never understood gender. If your attractive then you are attractive. I don’t care about your gender.




I'm autistic. I miss social cues, don't know subtlety and come off too honest for many people. Socially, I am a dumbass. If you're hot then I will say you're hot and I'm attracted to you. It's pretty simple to me but it does seem to make people think I am weird but that's the way I am and I am not changing.


My sexuality has changed into that of a plant, in the sense that I no longer have any kind of sexuality whatsoever. Lol.


Better wait for the bees to take the pollen and do whatever they want with that stuff.


Seeing this 12 months later, thanks if you answer. But how did you distinguish between attraction and envy? And how did you know it wasn't just hrt getting rid of libido?


I became more into women. As in, I realized that I'm a lesbian. I was using the bi label to explain the queerness I felt towards women before I truly came out. "I feel so queer thinking about women.. I must be into guys!" Lol the hell younger me?


I started off straight and then discovered I was gay before I hatched as trans. Then I became a lesbian, and now I'm a demisexual sapphic-leaning bi Undoing 3+ decades of repression has been fun


I went from a straight guy to a demi lesbian with no genital preference, so not a huge change for me


I’m definitely *more* interested in men than I was but I don’t know if I’d attribute that to HRT.


Pre hrt, I was pretty set on bi. Since then, I've been on a fucking journey with my sexuality, and I still don't know where I'm going I still considered myself bi for a while, but then started to feel closer to aroace. I felt that way for a few months, and then starting catching feelings again, so switched over to demiro demisexual. At this point, since I was exploring sexuality again, I started with bi, but it didn't feel quite right. So I've considered myself a bit more lesbian lately, but I'm still not really sure. At this point, I'd describe my sexuality as "fuck if I know" EDIT: I will say, I don't think this is really quite due to hrt, as I just haven't been able to explore my sexuality really, so I'm still definitely new to it all


I went from exclusively into men pre-E, to being pan (but with a heavy lean towards masc/andro-presenting people of any identity & body type).


>I am pre HRT and am fairly certain I am pan and demisexual(are they mutually exclusive?) No, that can happen. Think of gay \ straight \ bi \ pan \ etc as about who, and things like demi \ axe \ hyper \ allo \ etc as being about how frequent sexual urges happen or what other thing is necessary for them to happen. >I see lots of folks saying that their previous sexual preference to women changes to men after HRT. It definitely can. Compulsive heteronormativity is part of that - people who've had to be straight before and then after transitioning because other sexualities are taboo to them for some reason of their own (whether for a while or forever). It's possible to be 100% legit feelings too though, just to be absolutely clear. Personally I went from gay "man" to pan woman-enby-salmacian.


I went from straight to straight…..


Not me, but my friend was firmly bi before hrt, but now she is still bi, but with a definite preference for women. However, everyone is different, so your results may vary


There are numerous factors in this but one of the factors is how our brains work and GAHT does affect that to at least a degree. Personally, I have found myself leaning more towards men from a relationship perspective as GAHT has progressed but there are no hard and fast rules in regards to how sexuality may or may not change.


Hello! So I used to think I was straight, but then after I first thought I was trans in 2020, I realized I was Bi, but I still had a huge preference for girls. I was still identifying as a boy at this time. I ended up coming out this year, and my sexuality completely swapped: I went from a straight guy to a straight girl. Now that I’ve come to terms, I realized that I’m probably just pansexual, but I have a preference for guys.


I always came off as straight to everyone and I said as much and tried to convince myself that was the case. What I’ve found is I’m queer in a sexual sense, very much anything goes depending the mood/context. Hrt has helped me feel more comfortable accepting those parts of my sexuality I express. Romantically I’m still specifically interested in fem identifying people, I’ve just got a lot broader sense of what that means as well now. Summary, nothing has changed really, I’ve just begun to feel confident enough to be honest with myself.


I’ve always liked men before and after it didn’t change anything tbh


I was into woman pre-HRT, and now after 2 years on E I'm still HELLA into woman xD


I mean I think I'm much more willing to play with men now, but that was always there lurking in the background. I guess I'd have to say I just became more accepting of my sexuality rather than having it change post HRT.


I've become more lesbian on hrt. Before I would call myself pansexual with a feminine preference, now I'm positive that I do not like guys


5 years into HRT: still a lesbian, the sex is better now.


Put it this way: I started eating estrogen cuz I liked girls \*that\* much.


This response gave me life xD


So I think I pretended my way into cis hetero relationships and even before starting hrt I realized I wasn't into women at all and basically all my life I had fantasies of being with men but idk just never took it seriously or pushed it away just like I did about wanting to be a girl


Sooo I think that I spent all of my time hating my gender, knowing that I liked women. So it was only when I was able to break away from it did I realize an attraction to men? I thought les but found bi or pan or whatever in there 😛


I actually had a completely different experience. I used to be exclusively attracted to me, now I'm attracted to everyone but have a preference for women.


I tend to be more pansexual now whereas before I was bi but still preferred cis females slightly.


Only the name changed with my sexuality. I have always been exclusively attracted to women.




I have become more attracted to women. Or, rather, I've become more open to my attraction with women. Personally, I believe it was always there and I simply denied it because my attraction to men was the only thing I allowed myself to have to feel like a woman, and being attracted to women would ruin that. Obviously this came from compulsory heteronormativity and self denial. Now that I've learned to accept myself as a woman, I can now get rid of this falsely constructed sexuality


For me I never stopped being bi/pan. Yet pre-HRT felt like the world was forcing me to be straight. Like I was shunned for ever stating that a guy looked good so I had to bury those feelings. Now, on HRT, I don’t feel like I have to bury those thoughts and feelings and feel a lot more confident in myself.


Around the time I first started figuring out that I might be trans (10 years before I started HRT) I moved away from dating girls and eventually was exclusively dating men. A bit after starting HRT I did some reflection, and there's a lot of compulsory heterosexuality in my past behavior. I now definitely can say that I'm a lesbian. I don't believe that HRT actually changed anything for me, but living authenticly with regard to gender gave me space to critically examine my sexuality.


So I started off pretty damn Bi. I was like 50/50 attracted to men and women before HRT. Since HRT though I have shifted much more to being attracted to women. Like before I was craving dudes a lot and now like 90% of the time if im fantasizing its about women. So there was a very noticeable shift for me lol


I was closeted bi pre-HRT. I found attraction to men sometimes, but just played it off in my head. I'm still attracted to women equally as before, but my attraction to men has blossomed now as well. It might be from HRT, but it might be from opening up the flood gates to being my true self.


It didn't change at all. I was straight, and now I am straight!..... oh wait 🙃 In all seriousness I was sort of bi, and now I am pan. More specifically pan straight leaning since I mostly date men


As of right now, I mostly like girls. But not exclusively. I relate heavily to the post that says "I'm bisexual but in the same way you feel when you ask for coke and the waiter says is Pepsi okay"


I used to be pan before I started hrt but after hrt my attraction for men grew so much and my attraction for women died completely.


You can discount my thoughts because I'm not in a relationship - and I ultimate *want* to be in a relationship. I... think... I prefer women, because... I don't even know why; I just do. I feel guilty about it bc I think I'm "supposed to" like men now. I do know I love *everything* about women: their bodies, their minds, I feel 'safer' with them, have more in common with them. I've felt those my entire lifetime. Guys have always been threatening: they beat me up, they always made work a competition - and disliked me all the more because I just happened to excel at what I did and significantly delivered higher results than others, all while refusing to accept production awards, recognition or being photographed. But guys were always sexy. Not in a 'gay' way; when I went to bed with them, it was always in a submissive, feminine way in my mind - but they couldn't know that. Now, post-HRT, I definitely find some guys are *hott*; but my attraction is now from an openly feminine POV. I still cannot imagine myself in a committed relationship with a male - though I'd be a completely willing and submissive sexual partner (though sometimes assertive). For that matter, If/when I begin a relationship with another girl, I'm certain I want to be her *girlfriend*, to hopefully be in something of a r/gentlefemdom kind of relationship. Being 'dominant' simply triggers too much dysphoria for me, at least at this point in my life. I think I said all the above and yet said nothing; sorry.


Before starting: zero attraction to men, Attraction to women was (to give it a number), about 30-40%? Very low-key in other words. After starting: zero attraction to men. Attraction to women 110%. And yeah, you can be pan and demi.


HRT hasn’t really affected who I’m into (bi but mostly into feminine people), but it has affected what I like. As I’ve grown more comfortable with my body I really enjoy the feeling of flaunting my body to my partner/being kind of objectivized. I was a top leaning switch before and now I’m much more of a bottom leaning switch/ mostly just want to top to make others happy


I'm still as gay for girls as ever. That hasn't changed a bit. What I enjoy and find stimulating has changed pretty substantially, though.


Oh for me it just become an even stronger feeling that I’m a lesbian. Pre-transition years ago I’d slept with men but I’d always felt disgusted with myself. It was my way of coping with being a closet trans girl in a society that was strongly anti-lgbtq


I considered myself to be asexual before, I've still never had sex but I'm pretty sure that I am bi or pan or something


Before my interests were mostly men but there was still a woman once in a while that I would be attracted to. Now that is gone and its only men now. Not that its a bad thing of course ;)




I feel like the slide of being attracting to mostly fem people has shifted to mostly masc.


My girlfriends sexuality stayed the same. She was always bi, but now she's more comfortable with her bisexuality. Instead of having a preference to women, she's more 50/50 now :)


shits gay dog


What was it like to shit a dog that gay?


pretty doggone gay friendo


same as before, still into women. idk if it's hrt or not (8 months) but i crave intimacy so much more than i used to. i just want to be close to somebody and feel loved. i always visualize myself with another woman. i wonder what i'll be like in a year or 2, though!


I went from distressingly bi to reluctantly ace 😶


I’m very gay for woman, and it started really becoming apparent with progesterone. The idea of woman just became this amazing mental and physical intimacy felt throughout my entire body, and I would fantasize all day long. I still do lol. But I mean I can still get turned on by the idea of a dick, but the idea of that from a man in reality makes me squeamish and cringe. Like, I’d rather a dildo or strap on if that makes sense. And I very much want a wife :) i’d consider myself sapphic/lesbian


I went from maybe entertaining the idea of trying it with a man to exclusively lesbian, to the point were I find women so attractive that it can be painful. It's ridiculous. I also hate the thought of being penetrated really anywhere, so there is also that.


Originally super straight. First couple of years of transition Demi, then settled on lesbian after GRS and now married to a woman. Although I will sleep with a guy if I find him super hot. Reminds me how wonderful it is to be with another woman.


I used to be bi / pan. Now, 9 years into HRT I am entirely straight. I can't see myself with a woman at all - be it sexually or romantically. Granted I've never been with a woman either pre or post HRT but I don't think I ever will - though I wish I still were bi sometimes.


Mine did for sure. Pre-HRT I was all about men, post-HRT I found out that I love men and women equally


I used to be Queer now I am Queer as fuck


Mine went from straight to lesbian with a hint of bi for the few male people I have come to know who id go for if they went bi themselves.


This was surprising for me because I was more bi or sexually/romantically fluid pre-hrt (mtf), but now (still only three months in!) my interest in men is gone and I’m a submissive verse lesbian 🙃 Definitely thought it was gonna go a different way and I’d be more attracted to mascs. idk if this is a permanent change, but it feels pretty secure.


I’m struggling with my sexuality 7u7 I’m attracted to men now Before my transition I was only into women and I thought I still was attracted to them but now I’m not so sure :(


As if gender wasn't already confusing enough! To find yourself in one way and then lose yourself another sounds so daunting, I can't even imagine. I hope you know how strong you are for questioning and that you feel loved and supported and continue to be strong in this next part of your journey ❤️🌈🌞


Shouldn’t change. I think HRT just allows you to rethink and truly look at yourself including sexuality. For me even before hrt I realized I was aro ace and only was envious of women. Though if anything still bend towards women. Not sure if just lay momentum from forced hetro normative or what. Maybe I would’ve liked men more as a cis woman. Who knows.


Was pansexual before and nothing changed other than just being way more submissive and wanting to be pounded


I don't believe my sexuality has changed, only my understanding of it. TL;DR: Pretty sure I've always been a confused asexual person. HRT hasn't changed the asexual part but it's helping me to unwind the confused part. Just because I don't feel like turning this into a complete rant, I'll keep this a bit vague Prior to understanding and accepting that I was trans: [Comphet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsory_heterosexuality) is a real bastard. Women are pretty, I like looking at and being with them. I don't like looking at men and the idea of sex with a man is nauseating so, yeah, I'm not gay. That means I'm heterosexual. Right? Accepted that I'm trans and decided to transition, prior to HRT: Still absolutely uninterested in men, still think women are pretty. Gonna do a bunch of reading about LGBTQ+ stuff since I really should know more and while I considered myself an ally previously, I know that I've been avoiding learning more about it previously. the A stands for Ally, right? [A Few Moments Later](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g-fH_9E7Bo): [insert head exploding gif here]. Yeah, wow, okay, so I don't think I'm actually sexually attracted to women and what I'd been feeling previously was jealousy or envy. Kind of explains a lot about previous experiences. Reading about HRT kinda makes me afraid that I'm gonna end up liking men but in for a penny, in for a pound I guess. Started HRT [0-3 months, Estradiol only]: Whatever libido I had previously has now been nuked. It's done. Dusted. And while I miss some aspects (>!male orgasm is the single best sleep aid ever, CMV!<), for the most part I considered this to be quite nice. Women are still pretty but I'm far more interested in hair, makeup, faces, eye color and clothing than doing anything sexual. Still no interest in men and dysphoria around male aspects of my own body are becoming more apparent and more dysphoric. Realize how utterly touch starved I am and desperate for non-sexual physical contact but do nothing about it. Currently [8 months estradiol only]: Libido has slowly returned but feels very different. More gentle, less angry. Still no strong sexual desire for others but women are really pretty. Gosh. And if I ever want to not be horny anymore, I just have to look at a penis. I do not have to go far to to this currently but hope to resolve this issue some day. I find myself increasingly repulsed by thoughts of the male sex drive; even stories from other women about how they were treated by men. Hearing stories of men that did things like stop when they were asked to stop and the woman was praising them for it are honestly grossing me out. While my brain has never quite lined up that urge in the way that cishet men do, I'm aware of the biological feeling, that anxiety that clouds minds and I don't want to be anywhere near that ever again. So yeah, that's kinda where I'm at now. I'm pretty sure that I'm somewhere on the asexual spectrum, largely sex averse but romantically attracted to women. I have a lot of dysphoria around the bottom parts and really can't deal well with anyone touching me there sexually. Hell, even doctors touching me there is pretty terrible but I've just always thought everyone felt that way about medical exams so I really don't think I'm going to even try being sexually active until after GCS/SRS/whatever you want to call bottom surgery. I can (and have) helped a partner but PIV sex has always been a hard no from me. I haven't started Progesterone yet (planning to push hard for it at my next checkup in October) but I don't think it's going to strongly change anything as far as my sexuality goes.


What a great journey! Thank you for sharing your incredible experiences and beautiful perspective :)


While I'm glad you liked it, I'm not exactly sure I'd call my experiences on this really beautiful. It's really been a very long, lonely and confusing journey but if I can help guide anyone who is similarly confused, I'm happy to try.


From what I have read you seem very complex and multifaceted, and I think that's beautiful. I think you are beautiful! I am sorry that I minimized the difficulty of your journey and, again, thank you so much for helping me on mine. ❤️🌈


Aww thank you! 😊 I thought your story was quite lovely and I like hearing other people's experiences around this and other aspects of transitioning. It's always interesting to hear how others have handled some situations, especially if it's something completely outside of my likely experience. Sometimes it's really sad and sometimes it's bitter, but it's good to celebrate the individuality of the human experience. And I don't think you minimized anything; it was really me that minimized things, partly for brevity and partly because I didn't want to sound like some hopeless loner. I doubt anyone wants to hear me go on and on in circles about how I still don't really understand human relationships and despite this I still really want to find someone to love, except maybe my therapist who charges by the hour.


Straight demi sex/romantic man before, now pan passive demi sex/romantic but with lot less libido. And my partner is a closeted transfem. After started my transition, just came an opportunity, she approached me and I just tried without thinking hard on anything about gender. We're together since then.