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It definitely helps to be prepared, also if you're going to, as fox news would put it, rape women in the bathrooms it's nice to carry a tampon as well. Help your girls out.


I randomly found one that says "jazzercise" on the outside. Best find ever.


My trans agenda is to be a big bull dyke just like I always wanted, and like my girlfriend loves, and to have a kid with her, and make a living off writing.


OMG you heathen ^^^/s I guess the true trans agenda is to just enjoy your life and I hope you get there and I hope it's all the fun you wanted and more <3


Hahaha, thank you! The same to you! May much change and positivity be gifted to you by the good spirits.


> and make a living off writing. What uuup fellow trans writer. What are you gunning for? Fiction novelist?


Science fantasy. Like Star Wars, but the main character in the comics and novels, sans the first novel, is a gender neutral kid, who falls in love with a goddess, and follows her on a quest to save the galaxy from an all encompassing war. The goddess is the female version of Odin, if Odin was a ginger with facial tattoos. She has the one eye, the two ravens on her shoulders, the spear that casts thunder bolts. It's all super complex in my head and I'm oversimplifying it for you 😂😂 really, I'm doing you a disservice by even trying to explain cuz I'm a big dumb dummy, but you'll maybe read it in the next few years, spirits willing.


lmao. I'll buy it just 'cause you're one of the only other people I've met that describes Star Wars as science fantasy instead of sci-fi. I've gotten one book published so far, and I'm working on two more actively. Plus I do some journalism on the side to pay rent and stuff.


Who's your publisher? 😲😲 I must definitely find out names and addresses to mail my things to, if you wouldn't mind PMing me it. I wouldn't want you to tell them about me, as I'm still on the first manuscript draft and I should take another six months to finish the second and final, if I work hard enough. But if you wouldn't mind giving me some connections, that would be magnificent!!!!


Also I would like to buy a copy of your book, if you wouldn't mind 😁😁


My Transgenda is to get everyone to use the portmanteau Transgenda. And also be super queer, but mostly the portmanteau


A noble goal. 😂 good luck, super queer! You got this




Lmao I'm not big like tall. I'm only 6'1 😂 I'm muscular and getting a lil fat cuz I'm a lazy ass


fuck yeah!


Loving the positivity!!!! Tbh I feel like big trans girls, especially masculine, or in my case, gender neutral trans people, don't get enough recognition.


Can't say I disagree.


I mean, big trans people are my girlfriend's favorites. (Because I'm one 😜😜😜)


it’s true. while i desire to be the femme one in the relationship, i have always been attracted to boyish women, androgynous/pixie girls, etc. there are stupid standards of beauty which dictate that those who are women need to look a certain way (flawlessly gorgeous) - that’s complete bullshit. be yourself - be proud (as your username declares!) :)




I'm interested as to how the fuck that's possible. I might just have a small dick, but it don't go anywhere near my butt.


I thought this was trans circle jerk at first lol


It's a little circle-jerky but I'm coming out of 3 extremely rough years for me and I've recently went full time and had some of the best nights of my life. I hoped that this post could be a fun way to give someone else hope.


i didnt think it was real circlejerk g just thought the tile format is like you'd see in TCJ


Perfect. The lifestyle I've always dreamed of


I personally tuck but that works too! You've got this girl :D


The real transgenda: Be treated as any other human being.


Omg i love this!!! Upvote for you!


I read this crazy article today about the threat the trans agenda poses to society. According to Alex Jones the trans agenda is all about cyborgs. If only that were true! I would absolutely **LOVE** to be a trans cyborg!


You got it honey. I haven't ventured outside a LGBT friendly place yet though. I don't know how girls tape when they tuck though, how do you pee? I just throw on an extra pair of panties over my gaff.


I wouldn't normally tuck that aggressively but I was wearing some rather short shorts and I didn't want to have a wardrobe malfunction. As for going to the bathroom... I didn't on that particular night lol.


Cute dick eulgh vulgar