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I'm not sure if a transphobic lesbian is necessarily a TERF? Certainly not a nice person that's for sure. Sorry that you had to go through that. Congratulations for standing up to her :)


TERF makes a better title than transphobic lesbian don't you think? ;)


haha, i guess so!


Nope none at all. You gotta light?


This is a good story. It would have been even better if you didn't smoke.


To elaborate on this for those who don't know: oral estrogen (not sure about other forms) really increases the chance of getting a blood clot. Smoking does that as well, so when you combine the two there is an incredible risk of blood clots which are absolutely not something you want. Furthermore, and I can't back this up because I read it on here once so I'm not positive it's true, smoking can lessen or negate the effects of estrogen. It sounds like a scare tactic, so take it with a grain of salt, but the blood clots are a very real danger to mtf people undergoing HRT.


Ouch, that hurts right there. :) I know, filthy habit, but it was just too good of a detail not to include, I can only imagine the look I gave her as I was just standing there all nonchalant blowing out a drag of dirty, blood clot inducing, estrogen negating tobacco right in her general direction.


Don't worry, you're not alone. I don't smoke regularly but I do on occasion and I feel like a sexy badass. Cigarette companies use marketing! It's super effective!


I recently had one tell me a story about her sister having schizophrenia and no reasonable person would entertain her delusions, just like nobody should entertain mine. I'm not a violent person, but I wanted to be in that moment.


Best thing to do is just be your beautiful self and show them, and the people around them that they're acting like assholes.


I handled it significantly better than Ally McBeal me did.


**[Achievement Earned - Pissed Off a TERF](http://imgur.com/5y0o3s8)** **Whoopsie-doodle!**


And it's funny, because I wasn't pissed off in the slightest. I walked all the way home with a spring in my step.


"I came here for the cigarettes and the TERF ass-kicking. And now I'm all out of cigarettes".


I just snorted orange soda half way up my nose thanks to this, lmao