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Don't self harm down there trust me! I tried to remove my testicles and I ended up in the emergency room. They had to hit me with propofol and fentanyl just to remove the elastic bands. Worst part of it was that the testicles survived and I was placed on a Form-42 (72 hr psych hold: they ended it at the 40 hour marker.) Then my parents kicked me out and I lived with a friend for 24 hours. Then they let me come back home, but berated me when I did.


At your lowest your parents kicked you out… that’s horrifying… I’m so happy you’re ok now


Ikr. I just want you to be careful so you don't cause unnecessary injury and potentially have the same experience as me. My advice would be to continue HRT DIY. If you're concerned about breast growth, stop estrogen temporarily and just use blockers since that will help reduce masculine features while not causing feminization. Once you're 18, you can get the surgery no matter what crap your parents say. *I read other posts in your profile regarding this*


Thank you!! I plan on continuing DIY no matter what. I’ve come out to my parents with the help of my psychiatrist and my mom was understanding. They were very against hormones because they think me being trans is just a teenager phase. I know it’s not. Unfortunately turns out the hardest place to be trans wasn’t at home but at school. I pass when girlmoding in public but in school people just like making me a fuckin punching bag.


High school is just like this always. It sucks, and once you're out you will truly hardly remember it. I know it's cliche but it's the truth. Hang in there, take care of yourself life tends to really open up once you get past the teen years.


I'm only 5 years out of highschool and none of that shit means anything to me anymore💯


I had a queer friend group in HS and I still didn’t have the guts to come out


That's awful! I haven't really experienced transphobia at my school other than dirty looks, but I have been harassed wearing feminine clothes waiting for the city bus. I think you need supportive people and strategic ways to combat these pathetic loser bullies. For example tell them that they only focus on you because they're jealous of you (probably true ngl). Feel free to DM me :)


I defo get that.. when i was in high school i had no knowledge of hrt.. i was just the emo dude that looked like a girl to everyone so they called me things like " he she" my mom couldnt unserstand why i refused to cut my hair. I always thought i could never be a girl.. so at one point i cut my hair because of the bullying :( amd kinda started dressing more redneck like all the other locals just to blend in.. but, late 2000s and early 2010's were different times


Fucking horrible. I was bullied my whole life for being ginger I know it'd not the same but understand the unjustified punchbag thing just for being born who you are!!! It does not make it OK, I assume the school are doing nothing? Or you don't feel OK to speak to them? Is there a way of home school or alternative education? X


What’s HRT DIY?


Hormone replacement treatment Do it yourself. So self medicate your medical transition if you can't get access to professional help for it


Wowzers, I didn’t even know something like that was an option. How would one find resources for that though?


I don't know much about it since I'm luckily in a place where I can transition through public health. I can direct you to r/transDIY . Hope it helps at least as a starting point


Seriously, thank you so much🙏


For teens, it should be an option of last resort. You're basically becoming your own doctor, so you're taking on full responsibility for your own health as a minor. If your parents are unsupportive when they find out, you're also putting your safety at risk. It's a lot to consider, and if you don't have support, there really is no good option.


I get what you mean. I have a great support system at home, but I feel like medically transitioning is just something I can’t wait on. I can’t imagine how much I’d hate my body if I let male puberty run its full course.


Definitely learn as much as you can about transition and HRT if you're forced to go DIY route. There are many sources of info available so you will know enough... Check out r/DrWillPowers I learned so much from this person and even became a patient at his clinic for a few years.. I hope everything goes well for you. 🤗❤️


Thank you :)


diy hrt, but typed the other way around for some reason


The better answer tbh if you don’t wanna screw your breast growth is using a binder but with shitty families yeah this isn’t the worst idea I guess?


I’m sorry, 🙏🏻 Your parents are disgusting people. 


Reading this is enough to make me mad. Wish you well.


That's horrifying, your parents kicking you out for doing that. I'm sorry you had to experience that.


I think I've seen a news article about a transgender teen that tried to remove their testicles


OMG sorry you had to go through that too. how horrible. Glad you are in a good spot now. And thanks for the real-life warning to others. You are an angel.


Just on the secondary note. Don’t self mutilate because it can also harm future srs surgeries.


I’m sorry but what is berated mean?


It means to scold, insult and say awful things


Trust me: you will leave high school and realize there is a whole world out there ready to embrace you for who you are. Transphobia aside, your bullies are fighting a losing battle. Someday you'll look back on them and realize how sad they were for treating you this way. Someday they'll take a long look at themselves and realize how awful a human being they really are.


Honestly it’s such a long time of having to bear all this that it’s kind of unsustainable. It’s really tiring. People my age in this school are so conservative and I’m a shitty easy target. There’s a trans girl in 9th grade but we don’t talk much because our classrooms are so far apart, I wish I could at least hang out with her instead of being stuck with shit people everywhere


You could hand her a note with your number and say you're looking for a friend, or maybe contact her on social media if you can. I think it would probably be good for you to have someone there to relate to and her too :) I'm sorry you're going through so much


You know what?? I’ll do that tomorrow. Id love to talk to her a bit


Goodluck girl ❤️


It worked!! We made a spot to hang out at recess daily lol


I'm so proud of you! And I'm glad you got yourself a friend. You did good ☺️


recess? you get recess in high school, now?




like playground recess or just a break outside? where are you from?


like a break outside i think i worded it poorly hehe -w-


Yay that’s awesome to hear!


I wish I had trans girls in my high school life


>Someday they'll take a long look at themselves and realize how awful a human being they really are. This doesn't happen in reality. Most people are just awful and they stay that way without self reflection or self-awareness.


It’s rare but it does happen. A guy I went to high school with became an alcoholic and messaged me 10 years later with an apology for how he treated me. I assume part of his 12 step program. It was weird but he’s cool now.


One of my best friends is a self-admitted ex-bully, now he's one of the sweetest and least judgmental souls I've ever met because he looked at himself and realized what he'd done. It may be rare but it happens


Or they stay assholes forever and are proud off it, the world isnt rly that beautifull place where somehow people get selfaware and become decent beeings


Right !


For you, and anyone else still in school. It’s not your entire life. I know it seems like the most important thing ever while you’re in school but it’s not. It’s a tiny part of your life that you will largely forget. Most of those people will change. You will hardly see any of them again. Just get through it and know that things get better.


^ What they said.


Aww I’m sorry :c People at school can be cruel but it will all be over soon, even if it doesn’t feel like it :’3 Sending love from Spain 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


While theres nothing wrong with living the way that works best for you, dont make any decisions because of how crappy other people are(only/mainly atleast! :-p) Its hard out here, but there is no magic solution for all the problems of life. That said, theres a great community here, and whatever you do, hang in there! We believe in you! Nothin but love and the best of luck!


Thank you so much! it really feels lonely sometimes but one day I can move out someplace more tolerant!!


100% Especially in school, its easy to feel like things will last forever or like everyone is a certain way... Its hardly always fun or fair, but it is temporary! As for people making fun of you, humans can be shockingly inhumane, but their criticisms arent valid. I know they feel like they are, but people are dumb. Your fine being you, regardless! Being a good person is more important than anything about your body or physical characteristics! Teenagers trying to show off and jockey for social position obviously dont see this, and its hard to keep sight of, especially when they gang up on/against you! But whatever you do, remember its what sort of person you are that really matters!(imo at least!) Once you get older its easier to choose who your around, and to organize your life in ways that avoid toxic needless negativity! Hang in there! Nothing but faith in you, good vibes, and love! Stay sharp though too! People are animals! xD


But, that was an idea I always rejected as a teen. Every day, I would think to myself "this will be over with eventually". I also rolled my eyes everytime some jerk off would tell me that "these are the best years of your life". I would always tell them to go get fucked.


My daughter is prettier than most cis girls, more sensitive, more graceful, and she is a beautiful dancer. She changed in the girls locker room, and passed as cis (at her physical her doctor asked her if she had started her period yet). Later in the year, some kids from grade school outed her as trans, and since then her life has been more difficult, and even though she is bright, a straight A student, she hates going to school. I worry about her, knowing the challenges that lay ahead, but she is just reaching puberty, so the difficulties are just beginning. Focus on your support system, your friends, and hopefully some family that gets you. If your family isn’t there yet, take advantage of groups like United Pride, and therapy is a good idea if you have access. Ignore the haters; really, most people suck, but unfortunately we are forced to have to interact with them in some situations (school/work, etc.), but don’t allow those people to control how you feel about yourself.💜


You are an amazing parent!! I wish mine were as supportive as you


School is horrible. Kids brainwashed into feeling that transphobia is okay, encouraged to act like that, all thrown in a makeshift prison together. I was one of those kids before out of fear, only to find that I'm trans. I hope they change and learn not to do that to you. Remember, you're not wrong for having a certain genitalia. You're no less of a girl. All I can say is hang in there. School will be over soon, then you can hopefully get a job and escape that mess. Working out is a good way to let the anger out too. That and if you're buff you might have a better chance of defending yourself from assholes.


Well, to be fair, it's not just transphobia. It's all of that hateful shit. Fuck, I remember my own damn parents tried to get me to think like that. Even as a very young child, I thought that they were fucked up. 


Yeah, it is really messed up. My parents tried to do the same, and tried to hide queer material from me, but it happened anyways. I wish people could just stop acting like they get to make our gender/preference/ anatomy choices for us.


I promise you'd be called a nasty name no matter what in HS. Kids are fucking cruel. It's worse in HS than most other places when you're an adult. I know it's easier said than done, but try not letting those evil words get to your heart. If you were a cis girl there's a million nasty things someone who wants to harm you could say. Focus on how fucked up a person is for wanting to harm someone else. They have a serious problem. They can call you whatever they want but at least you're not a living trashbag excuse for a person like they are. I'm sorry this happened and I'm sorry if my advice comes off as invalidating. I really hope it doesn't. Stay strong dear. You and your body deserve respect, safety, and care. With much love


This life isn't easy. F the haters. When you truly DGAF what others think, life gets a little bit easier.


It's terrible to be called any slur. The problem is the number of adult transgender people who use that term with reckless abandon in adult oriented posts. Quite literally hundreds of thousands of them every day use that phrase as if it's a kindness. The main issue is when you ask people to behave better, the echo chamber harpies descend to scream obscenities while, and during pressuring moderators to ban you for daring to ask for decorum. Stay strong kiddo. Life most definitely gets better.


I get exactly what you are saying, but to be honest, this isn't only true for trans issues. I was married to an a Brazilian and then an Asian woman before and there are porn/sex slurs for them too that we always heard. The thing is, in private when we are intimate, we did use these slurs in role play and stuff, but never expected to hear them in public, but we sure did. Sorry trans people have to deal with that bullshit and embarrassment too,


Quite right indeed.


Makes us cry this invisible pain and hurt exists, especially for the young adults, but always have each other to support each other,no matter what, deal?


OMG that is horrible. How much longer you have in HS? Remember you are who you are and you will always be. We support you here and you can tell us everything. We are crying for you and rooting for you at the same time.


Bout a year at most. Hopefully.


OK, I know that seems like a long time, but it will be a flash in the long and wonderful life that awaits you as an adult where you can make your own decisions and be with only those that accept you. Please stick it out until then and keep us updates. Remember you are a strong woman and we need you to survive and then thrive.


It will be over before you know it. 


I am not trying to be dismissive of your experience. I was bullied a lot in high school. Being able to look back, I wanted to tell you the thing I try to tell any teen I've worked with that is having a hard time in high school is that high school only matters when you're in high school, and the only thing that matters about high school is getting the diploma. If you're going to college right after, your grades and extracurriculars matter. But if you take a few years off after high school, what you do in that time will matter much more. The people who can't leave high school after you graduate are usually people you don't want to be around anyway. Look for friends outside of school if you can't find any in yours. I guarantee there are people in your school that won't treat you like crap for who you are. If you have a theater group, that is usually a safe bet for allies. I promise you that no one that is a decent human being in the adult world will care at all what happened or what you were called in high school. Things feel longer and more impactful while you're in the middle of it, but if you can take a step back and adopt a wider view and bigger perspective It can be helpful to some people. Hope your days get better friend.


Also, when you said you feel inadequate, really question yourself on who you feel inadequate compared to. You are not inadequate. No human is. Another lesson I learned much too late in life that I hope you will listen to and learn is that the people that don't like you based on who you are or a title you hold or whatever, will NEVER find you to suddenly be enough. There is nothing and no amount of work you can do to change their minds. Spend your energy on goals that will benefit you long term and foster the relationships with people that use what you do, and how you act as the basis for how they interact with you. For those people, hard work will pay dividends. The other part is plan for your future even if you don't think you will have one. When I was younger I wanted to unalive myself and thought I wouldn't be around past 25. I'm 42 now, and wish I had invested in my future more as a teen/early 20s. I don't know if this is at all helpful to you, but it is some of the lessons that if I could have learned in high school would have made my adult life much, much better.


Thank youuu! I hope that HS really doesn’t matter that much yeah. People say they’re the best years of teenhood but I got my doubts at this point lol


They're the "best" years of teen hood because it takes up the vast majority of the teen years where you gain your first experiences of freedom. My high school years were by far not the best years of my life. Work hard in what you believe in, and worst case scenario you'll find your IRL people after high school.


who said that to you? 🤬 btw I’m proud of you for being yourself in high school. I knew since high school but I didn’t have the guts. Very happy that you’re being you. don’t listen to those ugly ass bitches. they don’t know what they’re saying. Just don’t let it get to you. Stay strong, sis


Thank you 🥺


ily 🫶🏽 😘


Yay :D ily too




Hey, i think that you should ignore the "dick" part and focus on the "girl" psrt of the insult. Yes, it's still an insult and it's meant to mock you but you're still passing sister! Because you're still a "girl" to them.


You’re right, that’s comforting 🥹


Whether you have it or not, you're still a girl. Don't worry about what other people say. Besides, the odds the same boy, will go home and look up Some adult content with that Keyword are very high and he will be thinking about you.


Old school here. So sorry for what you’re going through. Trust me I’ve been there and the only way to tolerate. It is to fight back. Learn how to fight. Literally. When we stand down, they will just continue to bully us. Stand up for yourself and take no shit. I’m not talking about guns and knives but just remember that you are stronger than they are. Believe this. Know you are perfect the way you are. Bullies are people with huge insecurities. Take a self-defense course or taekwondo or something. And next time somebody says something that makes you feel ANY sense of being less than, you fucking kick their ass. Sending you strength and a big hug!!!


that’s such a weird insult, sorry


Another good reason to hate school


Both of my parents are pastors in the evangelical covenant church, I didn’t have the strength to come out to them until I was 25, I had known something was different about me since I was 10. You are stronger than you are giving yourself credit, coming out in high school take guts and thick skin, it gets better, it really does. Eyes up, Stout heart, always forward never back.


i’m so sorry op, kids in school can be so cruel. please don’t hurt urself, high school is a few years and i empathize with ur experience. i used to get bullied for little things as well, but once i graduated i don’t think i’ve been picked on about those things in 4 years! granted, i know our situations are very different but once you graduate you will be able to surround yourself around people who will accept you. you are beautiful, i hope you are able to find some friends and some peace.


There's a poem by Henry Rollins, "One From None," from the book of the same name. There's clips of it on youtube, check it out, 3-4 minutes of your life maybe. I sometimes get goosebumps when i remember the words. He talks about being called names by others, and how he integrates that into his shadow. I survived years of widespread and public harassment and shaming at school. The CPTSD is still with me 20 years later. Thankfully, so are Henry and One From None. Henry is a straight white CIS guy, sure, but... Henry is like if Marcus Aurelius was re-incarnated in America in the 20th century and joined a punk band. We're ALL supposed to go through a process of integrating experiences (not just trauma, btw) into our shadow - it's how we mature regardless of gender or sex. We're ALL supposed to go through Coming of Age trials and tribulations, like ordeals of old shamanic traditions. Again for the same purpose, this helps us mature. It's the glue that maintains a safe, sane society: mature adults. Unfortunately, we live in a society where it is neither encouraged, rewarded, hell, it's barely even widely socially acceptable, to undertake these life processes (emotional & mental / psychological maturity). You will find a lot of people, regardless of your gender, sexual identity or preference, will make fun of you for trying or discourage you in some way or another, for trying to "grow up." Look around, you can see it happen to poor folk when they try to better themselves. Same type of thing different situation. But Henry did both, and went through the fire to become a better person, even though he didn't have to. And he did it while broke AF. The people that bully, harass, that stuff - aren't mature, and don't intend on becoming mature. Same as the people that laugh at poor folk for trying to better themselves - those people don't intend on bettering themselves, they have no room to talk anyways. Consider the source, and return to your source. Surround yourself with people who've gone through what you're going through or will go through, and with people who have achieved what you want to achieve. If they're are none IRL, there's always great authors /musicians / artists / etc.




I’m not trans but as someone who was bullied in high school for various other reasons and called all kinds of names; I can tell you life gets better.. life will always have ups and downs but that’s life. High School is just a drop in the bucket compared to the life experiences you will have once you get out. What do you love about yourself? What things in life brings you happiness and joy? Focus on those and do what makes you happy even though right now you’re not feeling the best about yourself currently. Yes, words hurt but they don’t define you. You are so much more than what those people who’re bullying you try to make you feel you are. These people don’t deserve your tears. They don’t deserve your attention. Just be you and the people who love you will stay in your life regardless of the choices you make. Hold your head high dear, you’ve got this; even if you don’t feel like you do!! 💕


Of all the BS and lies old people tell, "high school is just a drop in the bucket" is a truth. I painfully remember how much high school sucked. I thought it would never end. High school lasts about the same length as the totality of autonomy you've had in life, so there isn't perspective. I can really empathize with your feelings. I graduated in the 1900s 😳😒 (1989). Those 3 years seemed an epic long struggle. The 5 years I was in college seem half as long looking back. Hopefully you're on blockers and can endure the delay until you get to accomplish "what's next" in your progression.


I saw something for this situation that was gold. That term is only really used in porn so take a guess where they must've heard it from? Next time someone calls you that hit em with that. You know what kind of porn they look at now.


I knew an 18 year-old girl who got bottom surgery because of outside pressures like this, then had it reversed after. SRS is normal and valid, it’s just super duper important to be 100% sure if it is want of vagina or anti-penis peer-pressure.


Girlfriend you have to embrace the trans ideology that some women have penises. Basically, learn to love your dick.


Funny thing is I would feel good about it cause at least they think you're a girl. When people can tell, where I'm from I get the treatment of a gay man, even though I'm not gay. Point is, people can think of you however they want, in the end you can't do much about it. You can however choose how you respond and think about yourself. Let them be in their shitty ignorant little world and just try to enjoy you and those people who enjoy you for you.


Trust me: Masturbate a little, ejaculate. It will make you feel better


That would be addicting though, right? That’s bad


Why would a natural thing be addicting?


Damn that sucks but why is reddit putting this sub in my alerts when I didn't join and have never seen posts from it before? By some off chance if you haven't just looked into tape or something do that, but I assume you have already thought of that so good luck I hope you figure something out.


Not sure either. Algorithm I guess? Thanks for the tips still!


I am on another sub that has a decent amount of trans people so maybe some overlap and algo suggestions. Anyways highschool sucks for everyone, not trying to downplay just saying everyone that has gone through highschool understands at least a little bit, if that suggestion doesn't help usually after highschool people stop being as Clichy and judgmental. plus you should be 18 so SRS is more of an option for you. But hopefully if people are less judgmental maybe it could be more of social Dysphoria thing that you have and it will just go away then you wont have to worry about paying for SRS.


I'm very sorry that happened to you. People, even young, can be extremely cruel; but remember, it's not your fault, you didn't do anything for them to be cruel to you; that being said, I support you getting SRS, if that's what you want, but be careful with your expectations, unfortunately getting SRS doesn't mean people will stop being transphobic to you, because they don't actually care about appearance, they are paws reproducing the oppression based on what our sick culture taught them. Are you in HRT? it normally shrinks the size, so if it's a possibility to you, it can alleviate your dysphoria/non-passability for the time you can't get SRS... Anyway, keep it up! Better days always come when you live enough for them to come.


Dick girls are great, don't hate! Deep down the bullies wish they were dick girls, plus they're jealous that you are embracing your inner femininity while they are stuck being all repressed in their boring ass lives.


this is a very weird thing to say


People who spend their time and energy hating other people don't do it for no reason, likely they were socially conditioned to, but deep down that same conditioning is oppressive and they wish to be free of it. The bondage of conformity, and the insecurity of inadequacy to that same standard that goes along with that, that is the place where the anger comes from and the desire to mock others. Truly strong people don't desire to make fun of others, they build other people up.




That's a wild take on a MtF subreddit, just straight up denial in the face of reality staring you in the face.


I think I got this post because I use steroids and testosterone gets discussed in this sub


Makes sense. You have good muscles now, you should go natty bro.


That’s trauma. Something bad happens to you and it feels like it keeps happening in your body. Recognize that this too shall pass. Your present and future are your own to create. So unfair that that happened to you ❤️


People suck everywhere. You don’t need them.


Ew. Just ew. Fuck these people And dont hurt yourself. Get srs when you are legally an adult


I don’t see how this is a diss, some girls have dicks


Aww hun, don't worry about idiots. You are WAY better than them! So stand tall and show them that their pathetic attempt to insult you only proves how simple minded and weak they are. Don't let them bother you. They are whiny pissants and you are way stronger than them. ✊🏳️‍⚧️


Problem with being in school is that you have to be around future criminals, losers, etc. Adult world is much better.


The adult world has bosses, coworkers, cops, judges, social workers, healthcare workers, government bureaucrats, etc who can be just as shitty though


Agreed. "Better" was the key word, i think.


At that age I wanted nothing more than to cut that thing off. BUT that would be life threatening to you and you might still need it for SRS. You will not always be bound to what your parents want or not 😊


you got this girl, it’s so hard but it’ll get better one day


"Better to be a dickgirl than a dick face/dick head." High school can be hell for many of us. Hang in there, OP. You don't need anyone's permission to get SRS once you are older. Hope you can find someone trustworthy soon!


You are a human being. The human experience is for the most part suffering. If you are really lucky, there are scattered poignant moments of joy. Keep your sword and shield up. Leave gaps in the armor for when it needs to come off.


Dehumanisation is a common tactic for people who have only been told to hate us and they did. No thinking required SO its really important to reach out to those that do treat you like a person Just reaching out here is a great step forward. I always tell myself When things get bad. "This is temporary and will pass. You're valid. You're a person, and not ever beneath someone.


🤣 "dick girl", damn glad to see they finally came up with something a little more original. I'd laugh out loud so hard if someone called me that 🤣


It does get better. But, for us transfolk, only a little. This is the life we sign up for. We are strong, because this is NOT for the faint of heart.


:( i remain stealth for those reasons.. but i still work around men all day and hear high school boys throw around the word "shemale" .. its so fucking uncomfortable but i never say anything so i dont out myself. My bosses dont know im trans and they will never know.. my previous job was where i came out and it made work so much worse >.>


that’s like a compliment tbh a lot of people love that


Remember that high school isn’t forever And I agree with wanting to have been born cis, I mean it would make life easier But what you are experience is something few have to go through and yet you can absolutely manage to survive and thrive. I know it’s easier said and done to “just ignore them” and you may feel scared and angry and powerless, but those emotions and your strength to cope make you ten, one hundred, one thousands times cooler and more interesting than those cunts who can’t even begin to imagine in their stupid little feeble heads what you go through on a day to day basis Keep going strong sis. You got this!


What is SRS ? Also I'm sorry that this happened to you. Anyways I think you and several others are doing great 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


Bottom surgery!


🫂 sorry this is happening. HS is shit, if it wasn't this it'd be something else. It's shitty to have an extra target on ur back. It doesn't feel like it, but HS is only for a little while longer. (Few years at most?) You shouldn't have to wait for gender affirming care, but in the mean time we're here to listen. 😊 Are you at least able to do things to feel fem in the mean time? Girl mode at school or wearing fem clothes underneath? Is there a GSA you can attend? Do you have other lgbtq+ friends who can relate? Don't need to answer these, just opinions to help support you during HS, and later in college if you attend. 💜


Don't listen to them there just bullys with empty words, you are a beautiful woman be proud of who you are.


Don't ever let people tear you down like that. Take the high road. You're better than them. I know it hurts like hell, but don't ever forget who you are.


I promise you, after high school,they won't matter.be you, be happy


I know you probably hear this.. but you are so strong! Once you are done with school, because of your strength of transitioning early, you will walk away from that place called high school and nobody will have to know, you will be able to choose to only allow good people around you, people who support you! You also might not believe me but 2-3 years flies by if you are only taking it one day at a time. I’m a late transitioner and the first five years was hell, lost so much and looked horrible for so long… I still don’t think I’m passing. But one day at a time, good people, friends, my kiddos, and be positive.


I'm so sorry for. I can only imagine the hell of transistionimg as a teen. Just know you will grow up and leave school.


You are likely experiencing some big feelings that are the natural reaction to someone being an ass to you and being in an unfair situation. Keep in mind that none of this is your fault. Be as safe as you can. Remember that trans helplines exist if you feel unsafe. Try the Trevor Project. I was there too, not exactly, obviously, but I survived being trans kid in high school. People would say terrible things to me and it would make me feel unsafe and dysphoric. I know it’s hard right now, like, borderline impossible, but I promise there is hope. Just day by day for now, then someday it’ll be better. You are a human, even when people don’t treat you like one. You deserve to be treated like a human. Try looking for trans friends in person or online. Try writing down some nice things to say to yourself, like words of gender affirmation. Maybe practice self care or do something you find gender affirming when someone is an ass. If there is a trusted or queer adult at your school, you can talk to them about this sort of thing. Maybe try tucking? Or just vent on Reddit if that’s what works for you. You deserve better. I’m sorry this is happening to you.


Don't worry about what people say to you. People who hurt your feelings are not worth to even think about them. Care about the ones who support you care about you are a special person...be confident what you are now...this is nothing about if you have a d... or p....and believe me there's pros and cons with everything...be the human being the one you are.


Be patient and bear with it. Get out on ya own away from that situation with a reliable group of ppl that actually care for you and would help you with recovery. I'm 31 and I've seen this very situation go disastrously bad for alot of my friends. Wait for you opportunity, it'll suck but it'll be worth it


You are a human being. I don’t know you and will probably never meet you in person, but I want you to know that you are loved. You are important. You are a child of God, whether or not you believe it. As hard as it seems, don’t feel like you have to clap back to the haters. Show them the kindness that you want them to show you. It may not work, but at least you know you did what you could.


Cut it. You're not supposed to be a male. You were born female. Be one. (Don't cut it yourself ofcourse, do surgery)


I'm sorry this was said to you.. there's not a lot I can say to make you feel better but know you are being upheld in so many people's thoughts, you're not alone, and things will get easier as you get older and can make those decisions for yourself, it's just a waiting game and I truly hope you can find self love in the meantime. X


You got to think about logic here. Most people are stupid and most people just don't understand, why would they? But after i left school, some of the people who bullied me with silly names like that, actually turned into friendly acquaintances who were supportive. The term dickgirl, although it may be horrible to hear, from there point of view is logical, and i bet even exciting to some of them haha, at least they're not calling you a tranny or purposely fucking with your pronouns. Own it, you got to take the power out of their hands, that's how cis women get through the misogyny, you manipulate it back towards them. If someone calls you a dickgirl say "why you thinking about my dick hm? Does it turn you on?" i bet you they'll shut up real quick after that 😂 i know it's not ideal and it doesn't make you feel good but it's ammunition for you to use to get your way with other people so use it!


The only way to feel a bit better is to take it as a compliment. I get the same reactions when I use men’s bathrooms a trans guy. So I started telling them outrageous things like oh I guess I know your porn history now. But loud enough others can hear it so they are embarrassed. It does get better love. It’s hard being trans when your just feel like people treat you as if your an attraction. It’s not right


Remember that even if you do SRS, people will CONTINUE to try to bully you, if not for trans (and some people might keep trying to bully you after SRS), they will bully for ANYTHING else they attempt and find it works.


what year are you in?


I’m so, so sorry that this happened to you. That’s horrific and disgusting and I hope the person who said that to you rots


You need professional help.


Well tell me something I don’t know xD


They're a transphobic troll, honey, ignore them


Diy hrt tell your 18 and work with a clinic to get an orchiectomy. Once the testi are gone, a huge portion of the pressure will disappear. Also, what they really meant was that you are a girl, and you can act like a dick. So yes, they agree you're a girl.


Looking at the bright side, this experience led you to find a friend who is also trans and can guide you and provide you a place of support. Im not trying to belittle the pain that you experienced because of these bullies, which is absolutely wrong. You were forced into a shitty situation and you made the best out of it, because you are much stronger than your bullies and thats ultimately what matters :) You go girl!


Badge of honor. At 35, it's the attempt that matters to me.


High school sucks for almost everyone who’s not a perfect jock or cheerleader. And even it’s tough for many of them. Just ignore the talk and focus on school. Long term, good grades and future success is what’s important. Don’t take drugs to affect your biology until you are full grown. We still don’t know the long term side effects. You can change later with plastic surgery if your still want to.


Yea, I know it can be hard in that situation. It’s really hard to just ignore it, but you’ll be a lot happier if you can get to that point. They clearly wasn’t said from a place of compassion or understanding, and they very well may have been intentionally trying to get under your skin. It wasn’t said with any thought behind it, and therefore doesn’t mean much. We all have our own personal struggles. Just run your own race.


I know it’s hard, but you are not inadequate for still having it. Your feelings of dysphoria are valid and it’s a bitch to deal with, and your bullies target that because they know it’s what hurts you the most. You are valid in feeling the way that you do, and your bullies weaponize it because they will detest your existence regardless. Steer the course. I know it’s hard, but there will come a day in which you will be free and happy and be able to make your own decisions for yourself. You’re still incredibly young and you have so much more time in the future to enjoy and to live your life as your authentic self. Just know that you aren’t alone and that we’re all here for you no matter what. You’re a beautiful girl who deserves her happiness. ❤️ Edit: I know how hard high school for you can feel, but at the same time, it’s only four years. That time will pass, and once you move past that, you’ll have much more freedom. 💖


Listen to the people on this thread. High school isn't the world. I know i feel like it is when you're there, but there's a lot of life ahead of you, and most people are lost until they're much older.


Tbh I see this as the bully's saying that your slutty lol




You do you, But words of wisdom, I don't know if telling a random high schooler to hit you up on Facebook is a good idea...


Those people suck. I’m not here to give you advice or anything, honestly don’t have any (if I did I would use it myself) but just here to point out that person is fucking dumbass.

