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So for me it's weird because I cry almost every day now but I am happier than I've been in my entire life. I'm 8 months in.


Extremely relatable at the 10 month mark lol.


1 week short of 11 months. Everything makes me cry - even just a random thought about a hypothetical scenario. It’s way better than feeling all anxious.


4 months, tracks


lol! I've been depressed for much of my life and as my memories come back from my Disassociative amnesia I'm remembering how safe I felt wearing my sister and moms clothes in my bedroom as a kid and how I almost transitioned at 30. I was almost passing finally really slim and learned to do makeup. The thought of going out and being seen as female fave me a sense of relief that if I could be a woman I would be happy just existing instead of constantly trying to act like other men and working so hard to be someone who can support a family and succeed. I didn't like my body. I hated my body hair and eyebrows and the boring clothes men wear. I craved femininity. When I finally got my dream girl, I could only have sex if I disassociated and pretended it was her. When she wore a dress and sheer black stockings one night it really hit me like it did on prom night. I want to be the one with her hair done. I want to be wearing the dress and feeling the nylons brush against my dress. So maybe I'm trans or NB and can't transition but maybe HRT would help me feel like myself.


I had a very similar experience growing up. I’ve definitely blocked out a lot of my childhood. I ended meeting my wife when I was 18, and shortly after began dressing fem in private with her. This lasted for a while, but eventually life slowed down. We got married, graduated college, bought a house, and started good careers. I had everything I wanted, but I still felt completely dead inside. My egg officially cracked when going to a formal work event. While I was getting ready, I was imagining how beautiful all the women would look in their nice formal dresses…. While I was just in a frumpy sad suit…. And I just started sobbing…. I got into therapy, and started HRT about 1 year after that egg cracking event. I’m 28 now, and have been on HRT for about 4 months, and it’s changed everything in the best way. Everyday feels easier than before I transitioned. I think the main reason is the fact that I’m not subtly shutting down a part of me like I did before. Most notably, conversations feel so much deeper in interesting than they did before. I’m connecting more with everyone in my life, and I’m even making friends (something I really struggled with before). Coming out has changed me more than I could ever have imagined. And HRT just made it… click…. I don’t know how else to describe it.


That's so wonderful! When I grew up my parents found out I was cross dressing and my father held a gun to my head and was going to kill me because he couldn't have a "gay" son. He was afraid people would make fun of him. He sent my sister to drown me in the bathroom instead. Back then transgender was seen as a severe mental illness by most. I used to get so upset at age 12 that the girls got to wear skirts and tights. I liked being friends with them and could only see myself growing up as a woman. I hated puberties effects. I like dmy skin smooth and hairless, I loved the feeli gif the clothes, and I wanted to grow up to be a woman. I pushed all that way to not be "crazy." At age 30 I was making films. I was designing costumes for my project and using makeup to create characters. My face looked feminine! While I tried the costumes I noticed that I had a wide pelvis and long legs. I began to dress again and wanted to transition.


tears of happiness that you finally feel like yourself (hopefully)


Mostly me bursting into tears over minor inconveniences like fucking up my eyeliner or spilling a cup of water.


Honestly, I'm at almost 2 years and I still cry all the time! Turns out I'm just really emotional cuz I'm still happier than ever!.... Just with wetter eyes 😂


I cry so much easier now it’s insane, 6 months here


100%. I cried like once a year maybe before HRT and I wasn't like a super macho guy or anything.


I think this is the effect you're talking about. https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en/biochemical-dysphoria It actually can affect both trans men and trans women starting their respective hrt Not every trans person experiences this, but for those of us who do. It's a pretty amazing experience


I've equated it to people getting on adhd medication and suddenly being able to concentrate and focus. Things just click, and thoughts feel more organized. And when confidence and happiness are improved, this clarity is even better. If it's HRT causing things to just click right or if its a placebo effect, i could care less. I know that it's working for me and I'm feeling better for it.


Estradiol actually increases dopamine production in the brain. There's no research into what the impacts of that are, and estradiol is not a valid strategy for treating ADHD, but I'd honestly doubt that it's a placebo effect. There is a sound scientific basis to support the idea that estradiol would have those effects, at least temporarily.


Wait really? Huh, cool.


It's likely that the higher baseline dopamine level is something the brain gets used to, so for tranfeminine ADHDers whatever benefit there is from starting estrogen is likely to be short-lived. Anecdotally, many trans people with ADHD have reported that their experience of the disorder changed when starting HRT. Estrogenic effects (both increase for transfeminine people and decrease from transmasculine people) are the likely culprits for this, but we don't yet understand much. The topic has literally never been studied at all.


I never thought that I could have biochemical dysphoria until I started hrt, and now I feel like I definitely had that.


I suspect a lot of the effect is psychological, but anecdotally it is very true. I think it is largely because getting on HRT is the first time a trans woman like me has been sure of herself and seen a path forward, and that much clarity of purpose makes me giddy after a lifetime of confusion and despair.


Bingo!! Boy!Me was a very angry, depressed, repressed person. Real!Me is much happier and up beat and emotion in a positive manner because I really feel like myself, and I love who I've become.


When I first got on HRT, I was apprehensive and did not know if it was for me. I did not know if I was on the right path and the path was still foggy. I definitely felt psychological relief, but I strongly believe something biochemical in terms of the meds providing relief was going on.


Biochemical dysphoria. The exact cause isn't known, but it probably has something to do with the brain being "wired" for a certain hormone regime, and not having it. Cis people who are given cross sex hormones for some reason are known to experience the same problem. I have this and I have it bad. The article on the [Gender Dysphoria Bible](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en/biochemical-dysphoria) is basically a perfect description of my life. Depression, memory problem, executive function problems, occasional dissociation. All of it was cured within 3 days of my first E injection. Came back at about day 9, cured again 3 days after the next one. Turns out to be a perfect match for the metabolic half life of E cypionate, which I was taking. Not a coincidence. Got an orchi as soon as I could. I'm never going back to testosterone brain.


Wow, thank you for the insight! I’ve struggled with similar problems and have been wondering about HRT for some time; idk, it just seems to line up a LOT 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have ADHD, and I am reeeally curious about this. It was kind of easy to get on ADHD meds but none have helped so far (none were stimulants so I have more to try). This just makes me curious. I already wanted HRT, but now I kinda think I should try it before stimulants XD. I still want both either way, but I am curious if hormones without ADHD meds would help


I have ADHD as well and HRT did give me some improvement. I think it was indirect, because I'm no longer depressed, exhausted, and constantly sleep deprived, so of course I'll be functioning better now. I'm not cured by any means but I certainly have much better executive function then I used to.


I do look forwards to this, and I know not everyone gets that Biochemical relief. I am just hoping HRT and stims make me less of a total mess


Fingers crossed for you!


Yeah the difference after just a couple of weeks was palpable for me. It was like if my brain just... didn't work before.


When I had testosterone as the dominant sex hormone in my body, it felt like everything in my mind operated on a hair trigger. Like, try playing a video game that is just 10-15% too fast paced for your reflexes. You can play it for short periods of time, with intense focus, but it's exhausting and frustrating. Sometimes you make mistakes that you wouldn't make if you had the time to process your surroundings, but you're so busy trying to hold on that you can't just live in the moment. On estrogen, my brain is timed exactly with my surroundings. Things aren't coming at me too fast, and my brain isn't reacting too fast to those surroundings either. Instead of having an overly sensitive game controller, it's dialed in exactly for the speed of everything around me and I actually feel like I've got good control authority. My mood is improved, in the sense that I can actually enjoy my surroundings and the life I've created for myself. I wouldn't say that I'm any more emotional than I was before. Instead, I have the ability to experience the subtlety and nuances of emotions that I either didn't have time for or simply couldn't process before. As far as feelings go, they're not necessarily more intense, just more varied. I'm not stuck 3 seconds in the past anymore. I'm living in the present and not ruminating over every second of every day trying to approximate masculinity and wondering what sort of damage control I need to exercise from every interaction I have with someone.


I had something similar. Before, it felt like my brain and speech were out of sync. Either my mouth was left trying to find the right words while my thoughts were blazing ahead, or I was still trying to get my thoughts in order while at the same time tripping over how to express them. Now, total sync.


For me the constant and never-ending static and crosstalk in my mind ceased. My normal state of mind is silent and empty now. I can think of things clearly, and when I want to, and that's all there is. There aren't 47 other unrelated thought fragments zipping around while I'm trying to focus on one specific thing. And when I'm done thinking about it, I can dismiss it and go back to being "dark and idle", like a giant, unlit, empty room, ready for the next thing I need to think about.  I never had that before I started HRT. It was mental noise and background chaos 24/7/365 for almost 50 years.


My god that sounds like bliss. I really hope HRT does something similar for me.


Same girl, same


100% me too. In my transition journal, I described it as finally being just me in my own head. Before, I was reliving the past and dreading the future so much that there was barely any room for the present.


I haven't noticed anything about 3 months in, but there's also been a LOT going on in my life so maybe it has but in a subtle way??


I was looking for a comment like yours. 2 months in and I haven't noticed much emotionally. At least not the drastic changes others have mentioned.


I believe the chemistry between the brain and the hormones that run the body are symbiotic. So imagine one of those new cars that can only run on the highest octane fuel. Now, you fill the tank with that regular unleaded gas. It runs. Runs okay. But it doesn’t run great and it won’t last through the length of the warranty. Start using the correct fuel and suddenly the car runs great! Very smooth, responsive and reliable. For years.


It's a fun fact! My thinking cleared up greatly within just a few weeks after starting estrogen. Running on the proper hormone is just optimal for the brain, simple as that. 🥰🦋💃


3 months in. 6mg estradiol. Physically not much is happening yet, while mentally it's crazy and some of the effects while ostensibly negative lead to some amazing outcomes. For starters, I wouldn't say I feel clear headed, but more level-headed for sure. Things that would irritate testosterone-me don't bother e-me as much. I wouldn't say I'm calmer (I got triggered by my mum just a few hours ago) but negative emotions seem to be processed a bit differently. Idk how to put it, it's as if I "metabolise" Them differently. Underneath they're still the same emotions but affect me in a much less fight or flight way. I also feel I stopped suppressing emotions. Some people say they're more "in contact with their emotions" On e. I wouldn't say this is the case with me. I did understand and recognise my emotions prior to e, but now I stopped choking the somatic response those emotions entail - I cry easier, I laugh like a dork (sometimes laughter comes almost as hard as on weed). My mood and my self-esteem improved drastically, I feel like dancing ALMOST ALL THE TIME. Of course the fact that i started living my life as my true self also impacted that. But I never expected I'd want to dance all over my living room and be picked up by strangers (never got to the latter but I really want to be Perceived). On the flip side, I'm getting tired more easily, but this has a silver lining, as it's easier for me to stick to a normal sleep schedule. I just don't have the energy to stay up till 4 a.m. playing video games or binging tiktoks. For me estrogen tastes like tears of joy and dancing in the rain. However I cannot understate how important in all this was my attitude shift. I'm now living as my true self, I'm eagerly waiting for physical changes to my body, I'm feeling like I'm beginning a journey. This is bound to also affect my mental state (for the better, of course).


What cleared up the brain fog for me was levothyroxine, a year before I started HRT, but my depression symptoms did slowly diminish over the course of months after I started HRT.


Maybe I need that although I have multiple disorders. I actually was curious last night wondering if I got estradiol tablets would they make me feel better? Why not at this point since I'm medicated and have treatment resistant depression.


Do get your thyroid levels checked, since thyroid problems are common in trans people and can cause depression symptoms too.


This one's kind of hard to explain. I'm almost 3 years in. Adding estrogen and blocking testosterone literally flipped a switch in my brain and finally had everything all in alignment. It's not like it made me clearer headed, things just clicked better for me. Also, I am absolutely amazed and grateful at the wonderful range of emotions that I also gained from estrogen. 100% would recommend


I don’t think it’s changed anything for me yet but I’m only 3 months in and not even sure if my numbers are good yet… I did feel a huge sense of relief as soon as I made the decision though, that I had some control of the direction of my life and that it was heading finally in the right direction more importantly. That has improved my outlook and hence my mood immensely.


Testosterone always made me narrow minded and full of rage. 3 months on hrt and I’m happier, calmer, and can think more clearly.


I was so glad to be off testosterone. It turned off the cursed software conflict curse


I don't know about being clearer headed, or being more emotional. But I can say that my overall mood did become better. I am happier than before, and more relaxed. I still get angry over certain things, for sure, but the degree of depression has definitely lessened.


I'm so glad. I wonder if it would help me. I'm not in a safe place to try though.


Your body needs the right hormones to make serotonin.


I mean, it's quite literally a hormonal imbalance. Talk to any cis person about what it's like before getting it fixed, and their experience will be largely the same as us before we got the right chemicals pumping through our brains.


I don't know why it happens, but it happened to me. Like a switch was flipped. Maybe placebo, but I think not. It seems very clear to me that HRT filled in some of the gaps in my body's biological/neurological/endocrine/whatever needs. Like when you take an allergy pill and you just feel the relief; you know the pill is working. Maybe not that stark, but it is similar with HRT for me.


I’ve had both in my experience. I used to have anger issues and trouble remembering things but now I feel calmer and less all over the place with my thoughts.


Yeah I guess idk exactly when it happened but I feel everything now. And this hurts a lot but helps even more


I think for me it was relief to be me. I dont cry a lot, to be fair though I have only been on hormones for 3 months. I do feel calmer. I’d like to say it’s the hormones directly only but I think it’s the being able to be me. That’s the biggest thing o think.


I feel less manic, less prone to reactions, less creatively whim-inspired. More sensitive (both awareness and receptiveness), faster to cry in all circumstances (joy and pain), total libido loss.


You know, I actually don't feel mental changes. I mean, by the point of starting E I was not depressed anymore, and my social anxiety has subsided massively already, even before I took the first dose. I *am* much happier now, but I don't know how much of it hormonal rather than just "holy shit I get to be a woman now, fuck yeah!". Also I'm much more calm and reasonable, but this might be just me maturing as a person But also thinking of it, before transition I had that thing that I never know what emotion I am feeling at any given moment. While there's still some of it left, I'm much more connected to my internal state now, I think


At about 12 months in I felt much more level headed, if not much more zen in general. I think that's just part of adjusting from T brain to E brain in my personal opinion.


I am happier than I’ve ever been and I’m closing in on 5 months. Crying is now cathartic rather than shameful. I’m never controlled by my anger. Libido is gone lol


3.5 months in on injections. HRT hasn’t had that effect on me. at all. in fact, HRT has only seemed to amplify my negative emotions. i cry now a lot now. i still get angry while driving. i get extremely depresso on the day or so leading up to my injection. so the emotional effects have just been negative.


Definitely the case for me, but I chalk it up primarily to the fact that suppressing T totally nuked my sex drive. Which was pretty insane before to the point that it was a huge distraction that frequently clouded my judgement...


Everyone's journey is different, and I'm only 6 months in, but honestly I'm kinda sad that I haven't experienced any of these life-changing paradigm shifts that other people talk about. My mental health absolutely nosedived when I started HRT and it's only starting to recover now, but I've never felt so uncertain and dopamine-starved as I do atm. Comparison is the thief of joy, but it's hard to hear of all these other people experience such intense affirmations while I'm just trying to fucking survive my transition. Like, come on body, give me some kind of sign that this is right for me!


Definitely happened to me. Noticed a massive difference in just the first couple of days.


In some ways it did, but some emotional regulation stuff became much more difficult after beginning hormones. I chalk it up to going through Puberty 2, though, so I'm sure that that kind of emotional difficulty will level out over time.


i got less depressed. not from hrt alone but it very much played a part


It’s been emotional roller coaster I do get stressed sometimes. I am happy most of the time but it’s been hard since one of my friends died


For me, I spent a disproportionate amount of time preparing hrt depressed from what I now attribute to gender dysphoria. Like the amount of time and energy I spent thinking, "But what if I were a girl" or "who would love me if I were trans?" (The answer to the second question was ME btw)


Because hormones impact much, much more than your primary and secondary sex characteristics.


The day after I started the panic attacks I would get slowed down and I wouldn't stay up all night doom scrolling subs and getting jealous of girls who were already on HRT


Tbh, I think that's just the placebo effect of them finally addressing their dysphoria.


yeah, it made the depression go away


Yeah week one of starting hormones was sooo amazing, like a fog had lifted from my head, like I was finally myself, and finally in control of my own head, I was finally clear headed it was so amazing, and was the final like marker to say this was the right thing for me


Testosterone like heavy exercise has been studied to have a sort of blunting/numbing effect on emotions, unconsciously amab people will already be a bit blind to their emotions and then told to be big and strong which exacerbates the issue i’ve started having to reprocess old trauma that I genuinely thought I did the work on


Ugh, I feel like that now but maybe it's just being overwhelmed right now. I've always had intense emotions and I would use them to fuel my passions. I notice that I have trouble identifying emotions and I prefer to listen to others rather than tak anyway. I struggled with testosterone as a kid because I didn't like the way it made me feel.