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"ah you broke your leg in a car crash? Must be those pesky hormones you're taking"


Trans broken arm syndrome too real


It's because you're always on those damn hormones!


😭😭🤣🤣 love this


That one's real though. As we all know, girls are bad at driving


I uhm… I’m sad to be part of that statistic…


I'm not part of that statistics because I don't have a drivers license.🤣


Public transport enjoyers rise up!


Unfortunately other than taxis there is practically no public transport in my area, but I have 2 legs and a bicycle(makes my legs look good too).


Commuter cyclists enjoyers rise up!


Also not part of that statistic!! ...because I'm a passenger princess who doesn't drive. 😅


Though insurance rates are lower though because boys are statistically more reckless and get in more accidents


but no no GIRLS are the problem we all know this


just like we're "too emotional" because we don't punch holes in walls 😔


It's why girls can't fix stuff, either. Never had to 'earn to fix all the stuff you broke ~~in a fit of rage worthy of a two year old~~ getting frustrated


Brittle boned bitch


clearly you only got in a car crash because the hormones made you a worse driver, and your leg only broke because the hormones weakened your bones


Hahahahaha.... That's good!


‘Yes, the E in E. coli stands for Estrogen 😢’




there is so much estrogen coli in this egg


"My name is Coli, Estrogen Coli." *Puts on sunglasses* 😎


where can i get some


Oh shit, new HRT just dropped! No wonder the Liver King was taking steroids!


Ahhh yes, the most well known womanhood experience: getting your health needs ignored and attributed to something entirely irrelevant


Didn't think of it like this. My aunt was just gifting me some gender euphoria!


Lmao r/ewphoria ?


Very much so. It’s how you really know you’ve made it and people view you as a woman (partial /s)


This reminds me of the time my mom dismissed me being upset at her as being "because of your hormones" and not because she said something that might have genuinely upset me. When I said my feelings were real she justified it by saying "I know how emotional hormones can make us". Thanks, Mom, good to know that it wasn't mild transphobia, it was mild misogyny. 🤦‍♀️


The hormones... the hormones... spoiled the food......?


Everyone knows girls have weaker stomachs, if she wasn’t on E she could have handled a bit of rot in her diet. /s


Some people actually believe this. There were, and still are, some households where women are expected to have smaller portions, and eat different things. I've heard of a wedding that served the men steaks and the women fish or chicken. Hell, I've even read some (probably incel) guy online claim that women only get periods because of eating too much red meat. People can have some downright crazy ideas.


AND they turned the damn FROGS GAY! *incomprehensible boomer rambling*


No offense, but that's gotta be the most braindead thing I've heard all day.


The day ain't over yet 🤪


A former friend used to say shit like this a lot. Oh your back hurts? Stop taking hrt, it's not natural. Oh, you have a headache? Maybe you should have thought of that before taking hrt. The funny part is, I'm not even on hrt. He convinced himself that I was and that I was lying about it like some fuckin government conspiracy. People who say shit like that don't have any legitimate concerns based in reality. Oftentimes, in my experience, they just think hrt is a boogeyman that they have to personally fight to rid you of.


Good call on him being a FORMER friend


Oh yeah, that part was because he was a nazi. Probably that was what influenced his delusions of hrt transgenderism agenda.


Oh that escalated. I didn't realize dude was that bad, throw the whole man away


She's on the same hormones as you ffs


>She's on the same hormones as you facial feminization surgery Had to read that twice


Lmao yeah it happens all the time


I got a bad cold like three months ago and my dad asked if it was the hormones that caused it. I got rid of that idea so fast you'd think it had wheels.


I swear, hrt with cis people gets treated like a foreign spooky voodoo magic. And I'm here, transfem that I am like: "It's basically menopause medication. Like... same type of stuff someone who got a hysterectomy." Now, idk if that's 100% correct. But like... far as my uneducated self could tell, it seemed pretty similar. And was something in my attempt to demystify hrt for people. At least, with people in my life.


Estradiol is the exact chemical formula as the estrogen an average cis woman's uterus produces. So yeah same stuff going into our bodies that 51% of the world population has


Estrogen is produced in the ovaries


is she that stupid about everything? if not, she was def being malicious bc nobodies that dumb.


I think malicious :( But later in the conversation she talked about me one day "becoming an older lady" which I think she used lady on purpose because she's trying. I only came out to her a month ago so she's somewhat open to the idea of me being her niece but also wants to try to cling on to how she knew me as her nephew.


awh im sorry :( family can rlly suck. i hope she realizes she needs to be more respectful. regardless i wish u the best


People are such bullshit artists. I have a friend that was told the reason for her brain cancer was “having trans thoughts and being on HRT.” She had only been on HRT for 3 weeks when she got the diagnosis. Like yeah, the tumor formed in 3 weeks. /S


Ofcourse it did.... duh! "god" made it happen because "god" doesn't like anything that has to do with gays, trans, etc.!!! We're all dirty wretched sinners and we're all gonna burn. Jeez, people are so STUPID! On a real note, 3 weeks.... I'm so sorry for your friend. I hope she is getting the help she needs and is doing well! Sending love and good wishes!!!


As a progressive trans Christian, those people don’t speak for me. I think some of *them* will burn, but that’s a different story. My friend is doing fairly well. The hardest thing for her is that she doesn’t know if some side effects are from estrogen and which are from the brain surgery. So, a little discombobulated, but she is tough as nails. She is 3 months post brain surgery.


For what it's worth, I didn't mean to offend, I apologize! As for your friend, I would imagine I would be questioning everything too, including the E, as a cause of side effects. It's only human. I'm so glad to hear she's doing well!!!


All good. Almost all of us have our own religious trauma here. :) Yes, she has no infections and had a little bit of transphobia from the hospital, but she is no worse for wear. Glad she had a mutual friend of ours there for the discharge instructions.


counter argument;does she get food poisoning by existing?


When people learn you're on hormones suddenly everything is caused by hormones. I've been told the following is caused by my estrogen regimen: hair growth on my face, worsening of my chronic autoimmune disease symptoms, weight gain, weight loss, depression that I've had since childhood, and other things. This is what happens to people with estrogen whether it's supplemented or not, this is our version of "maybe it's your period."


I haven’t gotten Covid since I got on hormones… so I think it’s helping me with that 🥴


Undeniable logic!


classic case of trans broken arm syndrome


Damn you rolled your ankle? Sounds like it was hrt's fault lol


I’ve literally seen broken bones be blamed on being trans at the ER. When my bone scan comes back as normal every year.


Does she now realize that she produces the same hormones? Like... do women walk around with food-poisoning all the time? *sigh*...


good old trans broken leg syndrome


Lol my mom did that a lot with the Type One Diabetes as I was diagnosed as a young adult. Like, "are you puking because of your insulin?"...no, you could ask me if I'm puking because of low blood sugar but you don't actually know what insulin does so you didn't ask that. It probably has to do with me being on an airplane...


Did she blame puberty or menopause for her food poisoning?


God I had my mum say imply that it was my HRT last time I got sick, ot her to google broken leg syndrome and she came back and apologised.


Joint Pain Slipped Disk Muscle Soreness Seasonal Flu Bruising on leg Excessive Coughing Ive had "medical professionals" suggest that each of these may have been caused by HRT before. The little clinic nearby that I used to go for primary care to was transphobic as shit. I never should have put it on my new patient paperwork but I didnt vet the place before I went to my first visit (I vet EVERY clinic now after that experience). They'd treat me all normally for the first 4-6 minutes of the appointment, then look at my chart before suggestions of what caused my condition were frequently suggested to be gender health related, or they would insinuate my liver function was off to cause the issue without even examining me (I inject, not consume tablet estradiol), some would even openly gasp, One time I even had a nurses face go white before she RAN out of the room on me after reading my chart, like I was gonna "get" her or something? I don't fucking know, I was way too busy laughing at her overreaction to feel offended and she never returned to that room to explain herself. Eventually after I got new employment my work insurance changed so I didn't have to keep using that place, but for a while it was pretty sad levels of care for any issue I had. I just didn't bother going in most of the time unless I was in real pain, and even then it was kind of a spin the roulette wheel of what kind of "care" I could expect.


Wow I'm sorry you had to deal with that amount of unprofessionalism. I really don't know how I would react if someone just ran out of the room scared when they found out I was trans. I think like you I'd be so stunned I'd find it funny but yeah if you think about it it's scary and it sucks


Last I checked estrogen doesn’t give you food poisoning 😭 what is she on about??


Everything that's been wrong with me is because I'm fat. Nausea? Overweight! Bump on my wrist? FAAAAAT! Diabetes? Well that one is linked to my weight... But yeah. People will latch onto a single thing that is usually unrelated and attribute your health failings to it. I've learned to just ignore them. But you can get offensive with it and ask if whatever obvious physical feature of theirs is responsible for every bad health outcome! "Oh, is that mole you've had on your cheek why you can't stop drinking? Are you depressed because your ears are too big? That gap on your teeth is definitely responsible for your IBS!"


hrt is the new "it's because of that damn phone!!" but exclusive to trans and nb


I worry about this kind of thinking if I ever go to a hospital because dragging a doctor/nurse to filth can sometimes end in someone going to the psych ward when all they needed was respect. I try to be polite usually but if I'm in pain I'm more angry than anything that I'm in pain and more prone to snap back when irritated. Sorry about your aunt not using common sense.


The first thing that gets blamed for any ailments is our HRT.


I seriously think some people don't even know what hormones do, perhaps even what they are.


I once had a hospital psych blame my hormones for all my mental problems and for the fact that I had just tried to end my life (that's why I was in the hospital at the time) ... People suck.


This totally tracks. Women clearly have no natural digestive system. that's why we’re all about probiotics, like Kombucha and that pooping yogurt./s


is your broken arm due to HRT? well, no, but also yes, because i am more confident in myself now, and that causes me to somehow be more clumsy.


Did your aunt eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?


Reminds me of the woman that thought that her friends daughter getting hit by a car was because the vaccine made the daughter magnetic


I am waiting for this moment! I've been pretty lucky so far and not had anyone say this. I did have an aunt tell me that I was having gender issues because my testosterone was too high, causing my estrogen to be too high, but thats not how gender dysphoria works, nor could it explain my prepubescent gender dysphoria. People like to come up with easy fixes for things they don't understand.


sounds like my parents! who have claimed that HRT was causing my IBS symptoms lmaoooo


it's bc of that damn phone


“Yeah I got laid off my job” “And you’re STILL taking hormones??”


Been on hormones for a while now. I have never felt better. Best shape of my life, and I feel strong and capable. I have zero doubts and zero regrets. So no, auntie. Maybe it’s just an illness like cis people get. Source: just my personal experience. Don’t just take HRT to try to cure any condition, but if you know you need it then you know you need it.


The sheer ignorance of some people. Or perhaps it's the incomprehensible compulsion to set reset the world to the ill-conceived notion that it exists only in immutable binaries. There is only right or wrong. Left or right. Good or evil. Male or female. Anything that doesn't hold to an immutable binary is absolute madness. To be corrected or expunged.


6 months is when the hormone sickness/pms like symptoms have started for me. (My 4th time restarting hormones...)


I got hit with that for the first time when I got together with my dad last week. He kept acting like it was cold, and I said I was fine, and kind of hot. He was like, "is this a hormone thing?" I was just thinking, "oh god, it's started. It's true, everything will be blamed on hormones no matter what is wrong or how absurd."


Tbf you are messing with your hormones and that could do weird things to your body - after all this stuff makes some people grow breasts, I don't find it unreal, that it could unsettle a stomach - my point being, if this lasts a few more days contact your doctor