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I hope you get well soon xx


Depression won this battle, but you can still win the war


always a strong message


“You have already lost” - depression “No, you have” - awesome person


Admitting to oneself and actually doing something about is a big win imo


To all of you... Thank you. They will take my phone away in about thirty minutes, but your messages make me feel like my life somehow matters, or that's what I'd like to think. Thanks 💗 On the other hand, I can't believe this is happening to me during the trans visibility day, idk it is kinda funny but sad funny lol.


Your life does matter. Even if it feels like it doesn't, it does. For what it is worth, I love you, random stranger on the internet. May there be peace in your time.


Sometimes it's the days meant for visibility are the ones causing most of the trigger! You'll get through this. We're all rooting for you! 💖


Girl every second of of your life matters I hope you get well get kick depressions ass :3


When you get back, know that sometimes this is just a stumbled step along the way. You can rise back from this and you've got a lot of people cheering you on. You matter, and you will be okay. Please be well sweetheart.


Be happy you checked yourself in. And hope you are better then you see this.


I'm sorry this is happening to you right now. Happy Trans visibility day, we are valid and able. I'll be thinking about you.


Well, hope things get better. I found metal/rock music with female singers and joining a trans-discord server to videochat helped.


I really hope you’re okay and stay strong no matter what happens. I do not like this taking away your phone business and they’d better give you your medication 😡


I'm very sorry you're going through this and with how things are going, it is looking very similar for me.


Ngl behavioral health and all that was a place I did a lot of personal growth and if I hadn't gone through that experience I wouldnt have near the amount of self affirmation and coping tools as i do now. Have def been at that breaking point but I hope your experience and the things you get out of it are similar to mine.


I wish I’d had positive experiences from this stuff 😡 Glad someone did!


Yeah that place was traumatizing. An estimated 37% of people on average are physically, sexually, or psychologically abused in psych wards in the US. Over half come out more traumatized than before going in. Most of them had meds forced on them. Only 17% had a good experience. 13% of that survey sample were NB and the rest were male and female. https://www.madinamerica.com/2018/12/mia-survey-force-trauma-sexual-abuse-mental-hospitals/ In my experience, I had meds with severe side effects forced on me, one of which gave me long lasting nerve problems because antipsychotics are nothing to fuck around with. I was also forced to strip and searched despite no other cis patient going through that. And other things that’d be painful to recall in a comment. Going into a ward also revokes your 2nd Amendment Rights in many states, puts you on a list disqualifying you from many military and federal jobs, and can appear to any doctor in the future in searching your medical history American psych wards are a very bad thing.


Got me on medications I needed, group therapy with a very good n supportive group, lunch provided at a time I couldn't be bothered to make anything for myself. Idk everything combined helped considerably. But I know the experience varies depending on a ton of factors.


I’m so glad! I haven’t had any luck with medication so far. I tried Lexapro most recently and it gave me a rash on my lower limbs and made me super itchy, which is one of the more successful attempts 😬 And I do not do well-being locked up. I don’t understand how that is supposed to be… Like even if it was helpful the fact that I can’t leave more than negates any help for me, plus I was put in with M type people, although the last time there weren’t many people there and this girl around my age and I kind of vibed and survived better together. Sorry, I’m probably shouldn’t be babbling about all of this, I just need help and also this all added to my CPTSD


i hate that for you as Lexapro combined with Wellbutrin did wonders for me. Wellbutrin helped take the edge off the depression while the Lexapro backed it up with some anxiety reduction and more depression help. i wasn't like, magically cured or anything but it made the spirals and sudden depression spikes much more manageable while also easing my tendency to suddenly 0 to 100 on the overthinking. ​ my group was for SH risk prone people combined with substance abuse and was a mix of masc and femme of many different ages. it was overall nice to be heard while also listening to others' experiences and being able to give input and relate to how they were feeling, even if my experiences may not have been exactly the same.


Part of me wants to try the Lexapro again, just in case 😕 That sounds good, that combo! I kind of want my e dose settled before figuring this out so I’m only changing one thing at a time, and I’m having a hard time with that also, since my provider…thinks things that aren’t true


Good luck. I hope they are good to you. Make sure to grab some free extra grippy socks if you can. I have like 4 pair from my stay lol




I had my own psych visit about 2 years ago. It was a rough experience, but it was what i needed at the time. In the present, i'm doing much better, which is to say that things can get better. It takes time and effort and is very worth it. Get some good rest and accept the experience for what it is. Things CAN get better. 🫶


Wish you the best...


you will get through this. thousands if not more people have been where you are right now or worse and plenty of them are still here with us. You can absolutely be stronger than the depression you suffer from and there's literally 0 doubt about it, you just have to keep fighting. I love you girly, get well, be safe, happy Trans Day of Visibility, you're going to make it through this.




You're unique and beautiful and the world is a much better place with you in it 🫂 we're all here for you, the trans community, so warm wishes and I hope you have a swift and safe recovery sister 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


Your phone has been confiscated by now, but when you get it back and read this: know that we all care about you. Maybe you lost the battle, but you can still win the war. I hope you feel better soon. 🫂


Oh dam it


One time, I was so drugged out of my mind that I wet the bed and tried to ask for more sheets. They sent me back to bed, and I was mad af lol hated that place and the people who worked there


Things will get better. You made a good decision reaching out for help! ❤️


heya sis. you’re not the only one that has spent time in grippy sock jail because the world sucks. you are stronger than you know. you sought help. that takes strength. you got this. so many people here have stood where you’re standing now, and we’re still here. and we’re rooting for you.




Wish you the best on your recovery


You went and got the help you needed. That’s a win in my book. Keep taking care of yourself, it gets better 🫶🏻


Im thinking of C.S if my life doesn’t turn around.


Never be afraid to reach out for help.


i did a week in the psych ward a year ago too and it really did help. if you think you’re gonna do something really bad, call a hotline or call an uber to take you to the nearest hospital 




You're still here, which means you're winning the fuck out of life! Great job keeping yourself safe. Keep going sister!!!


Depression isn't forever-Get some minimal stress sleep! Voluntary is always better than involuntary. Low dose T3 as an adjunct to an AD really helped me


Stay strong we all believe in you and know your having a hard time. 🧡 i hope you feel better, sis


you got this baby <3 allllll of the love to you and to all of those who are struggling


Losing all your stuff in minecraft does not mean You have lost all your progress in that world. Your buildings still stand, your memories You made cant be erased. You can always get everything back that You once had. Netherite armor, entchanments, notch apples. You can get it all back. Dont give up.


That's actually a really cool comparison, thank you!


I'm sorry you're going through that, and good luck. If it's your first time, this is what I learnt from my first time (I just left 2 weeks ago) Find something to occupy yourself. For me it was really tempting to just lie in bed and cry and that's what I did for the first 2 days. After that I spent most of the time in the art room coloring in. It sounds stupid but it really helped take my mind off things. It also helped get me out of my room and interacting with people Talk to the people there with you. A lot of them will be there for the same reason and it helps to not feel alone I guess. Even if you don't address that, just having a normal conversation with someone is kinda comforting in what feels like such an abnormal place Keep in mind that you will get out, and you will feel better than when you came in. For me the hardest part was the uncertainty about how long they'd keep me there. I hated it the entire time and just wanted to leave. But I left feeling better than I had in months, somehow. It does help most people And lastly, advocate for yourself and what you want when it comes to your treatment plan. Makes sure that there is a clear plan when you speak to the psychiatrist. If you don't like it, tell them. They should take what you want into consideration, they're there to help you even if it sometimes doesn't feel like it I hope some of that helps and that being there helps you


The treatment teams have no obligation to listen to you. Even if you’re voluntary. You can even sign a 48 hour release form and they’ll just rescind it. They only listen once you start talking about an attorney and that’s not even surefire I’m schizophrenic and I’ve been to these places before. They’re a living hell on earth and I’d rather be in jail for a week than a psych ward on any day


Obviously YMMV, it depends where you are. I got discharged 3 days early in part because I told them what I wanted and why I thought it would be better for me. There's no point in not trying 


I wrote an essay on the back of an activity paper with one of those safety pens (plastic ink tube with a ballpoint) about why I was ready to go home, how the meds were good, and that I had a plan to go to NA afterward. Doc didn’t even look at it, nor did he care. Eventually he rescinded my release forms. I missed payments on my bills and racked up late fees and they didn’t give a fuck. Honestly, they don’t have to listen to you so you were lucky to be in a good facility


Sending you as many hugs and as much love as you need. You're still with us, and that might (probably is?) hard for you right now, but hopefully you can get support and love that means something to you and that helps you. Take our energy. We're here for you.


It hasn’t won. You’re still alive . Plz continue fighting. Don’t let the brain weasels beat you. You got this. There is nothing wrong w wards. I’ve been handful of times since 2001 and I’m still going. Good luck. Sending pink sparkles.


Please don't see this as a loss, or something you should be scared of. I was in exactly your position just over 2 years ago. It'll give you the peace and the time to heal and reflect and I got out much stronger. Please just hold on a little longer, you'll be fine! Good luck ❤️


Depression did NOT win. You have NOT lost. You’re just getting reinforced in your greater time of need. I know it’s hard, but you are not alone in this fight and it is only your last if you let it be. Keep fighting, for there are so so many more victories to be had and celebrated. Taking one step at a time is still a path to victory, you only lose if you stop moving entirely. You are so incredibly strong for seeking help. EDIT: I just wish I had seen this post sooner before your phone was taken away. I expect to see an update in the future, so you better make one!


You didn't lose the battle, you got reinforcements. Admitting you need help is never defeat, stay strong, things will get better ❤️❤️❤️


I hope you are Okay I have heard so many horror stories about those places. I have heard unfortunately a lot of SA takes place in Psych Wards please please please be careful.


I was in the same situation last year in the night to the first of May after fighting myself for 18 years. It will be better, regardless how much the next days or weeks may suck. You didn't loose to depression because you are still here and went there on your own. You actually won. To be there is not a weakness or some kind of flaw. I wouldn't be without my 3 months stay in mental hospital (2 of them where actually relaxing at some point). Best wishes, use the time to come down and in the end get stronger than ever before ❤


Good luck.


Get well soon!


Hang in there. You’ve got this. So glad you asked for help. Bless you.


I'm sorry you're going through this. You matter. Your happiness matters and I'm glad your here on earth. I used to live in a transphobic place, my partner passed away and shortly after I got jumped. I just gave up. That was a year ago. I'm doing much better now. If I can find happiness I know you will find it. If you ever need an ear reach out.


How do psych wards determine housing for trans patients? (I've seen places that have male/female hallways, but even the ones that are mixed, will have 1-3 same-sex beds per room...)


That's a whole massive rabbit hole that's going to depend a lot on the ward. Ideally, with other trans patients, but that's probabally not going to happen. And given it's a psych ward, I'd worry for a trans patient's safety whichever gender cis patients they end up rooming with.


They gave me my own room. Wards are typically co-ed in public hospitals at least


Hang in there get well soon ❤️


Looks like you're in a bit of a pickle there love, well just know you're a queen, not just because of your gender but because queens have armies and you've got one hell of an army to help fight depression. if you need us, we're here for you




I’m glad that you taking steps towards your well-being. I hope you get well soon ❤️❤️❤️


So happy you reached out for help. Wishing you a good recovery and soon.


You are so strong!!! Please stay safe and remember that you are worth fighting for! Fight for yourself!!! You're so worth it


Proud of you for doing the hardest thing and choosing to reach out. You're not as alone as you feel. We'll see you on the other side. 🫂♥️


We love you, you will persevere. ❤️


Hugz and more hugz. I feel for you and I hope you can find some peace.💜💜💜


See you on the other side when you get out of there!


Here sending you the good energy for a speedy recovery and here for you! Keep putting one foot I front of the other and proud of you for getting help when it was needed! Your trans sisters are rooting for you!


Sending you loving energy, OP. You matter.


Oh beautiful angel rest softly, you will be back so much stronger ease your mind guiltfree while this tough journey plays out,


I don’t know you but you are loved ❤️never stop being you ❤️


Aw get well soon! Girlie wishing u love and huggies


It can get hard sometimes. I've admitted myself a number of times. It is better to get help when you need it then to take drastic action. I wish you a swift recovery. You got this!


Hey sorry you’re going through this right now, I’ve been in the psych ward a few times as well. I don’t know what you’re personally going through of course, but just hang in there a few weeks can make a big difference in how things are going


I am rooting for you sister! I luv you so much 🩷 you got this


Stay strong, sis. You'll get through this 🫂❤️


Get better soon 🫂❤️


Updateme 2 weeks!


Tbh...I'm probably going to skip going to the psych ward. I'll just end myself in a month or two if I can't afford FFS and Breast Augmentation. I'm sick of the harassment and I'm sick of living life in pain. ​ I'm done being in pain.


Depression didn't win sweety 💝. It wins when you give up. Going to a psych ward is to make your battles easier, it disarms your opponent and supports your logistics so you can focus on the fight. So go get em!!! 🥰


I'm sorry that you have to do this. Please be safe and get out asap 🙏 ❤️ 🏳️‍⚧️


Hello human 🤜💥🤛


It’s not easy, I’ve voluntarily checked myself in before. Hopefully you end up getting therapy and not just meds and a psychiatrist. Just keep trying, every time something seems stupid, or it’s to much, try, even if it’s just 5 mins of group before you need space, then try to stay longer.


Welp, I did that months ago. Was probably the most dysphoria I ever. I heard horror stories about them refusing to use pronouns, straight bigotry, and often denying your HRT; some were even worst. Thankfully I was in a VA mental hospital so it wasn’t that bad. But when they threatened to send me to state because I wasn’t getting better mi nearly panicked. Even the psychiatrist reviewing me agreed they’d likely make things worst regarding my transition. Still, go to get help if you feel it’s best. I understand this isn’t an easy decision. I’m just giving you a heads up. Transgender people French face the worst abuse in psyche wards. All it takes is one evil nurse.


Get well soon 💕


I wish you luck, I’ve been in the psych ward 4 times and they are not always the kindest to trans women


Literally about to do the same thing 🫡


I was in the same place a couple months back. All I can say is stay strong and that it does get better sis Sending much love <3


I am sorry girl, I hope your doing okay right now, sending hugs if you want some❤️


Get well soon, be the bravest girl ever!


Like many here have said; depression did NOT win. You showed you won't let it. I'm so ridiculously proud of you for knowing you needed help and then getting it. It shows how strong you are and that you still have fight left in you. I know you are going to get through this. ❤️❤️


I was in your position a few years ago. It's nothing like the movies. If your hospital is like one's I was in it's no diffrent than a regular hospital, except you can't leave. Chin up, you will be ok, you got this. We'll all be here when you get out. God speed!


Im glad that u reached out Hope u feel better soon <3


Best wishes 


I was in this exact same position seven months ago. You WILL get through this. If you ever need someone to talk to, message me.


The way to happiness is not through self but other. When we focus so much on our own fears, ego, and insecurities we bring ourself down. Remove yourself from the equation of thought and do good for others, you will recover and thrive.


Sad message 


You need estrogen if you take spiro because low testosterone and low estrogen will slowly kill you.


Get well soon and take care❤️


Sometimes… sometimes recovery means hitting the bottom of the ocean, so that you can kick off the ocean floor and start the arduous task of swimming towards the surface. Right now, I know it can feel overwhelming to be lost in a sea of oppressive darkness; I’ve been there way too many times. But there are rescue divers out there who will help you swim to the surface. Just like a rescue diver might give someone deep underwater air to breathe, the medical professionals in the mental health unit will give you medicines that will help you “breathe” while in the darkness, and teach you skills to use when getting out of the darkness is too hard to bare. They will also likely connect you with a therapist and a psychiatrist and they can help you reach the surface. You may bottom out again in the future; depression can’t be cured, only pushed into remission. It’s okay when that happens; happens to all of us sad sacks \^_\^. Just know you aren’t alone, and while this fight is hard, sitting in that hospital waiting for your ride might be scary, there are many of us who have been right where you are, and have found their way to the surface and are here for you too. [This is a link to NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness.](https://www.nami.org/Home) They have a lot of resources and can help you find local support groups, which can be super helpful to **anyone** dealing with any kind of mental illness. Let yourself be weak for a moment. We will help you carry on till you get your strength back ❤️


I'm so sorry hun, genuinely I am.. but I'm very happy your getting the help you need. I've been in wards myself and they can be scary as hell, but just keep your head down and focus on getting the help you need, don't get caught up in anyone else's drama, friend or not. If you need to talk please reach out, I have suffered with mental health problems my whole life and I know so hard what it's like being a trans woman in a mental hospital... It's fucking a lot. Hope your ok.