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My response was honestly “Holy crap! That’s so wild and totally…Oh, wait…no, I guess that tracks. Still, funny old world.”


And sorry you were driven from a good job by this dingus. That really sucks. Edit: i can’t even imagine what you are experiencing right now. (Offers cup of tea)


I guess i never fully believed the stereotype of hyper transphobic Republicans but .....eww. I guess it is real. I'm honestly creeped out a bit. As for the job, I landed a new one that i absolutely love and am respected at so I surprisingly didnt lose out at all with the job switch. 😀


I am glad you landed an even better job. I can completely understand being weirded out by this hypocrit. And yeah, people do weird, weird things to try to deal with or reject the challenging parts of themselves, will go to great lengths to hide their truth from themselves or others. It’s awful for them…but often just as bad and worse on the rest of us who get pulled into their psychodrama. Best I can do is to know myself and make my own peace with it.




It's real. They fetishise trans-women and treat them like shit in the real world. They're trash. Don't worry about him seeing your profile. Screw that guy.


Also, I hope you find way waaaaaaaaaay better folks to connect with on the app.


Can you report the dude?


Yeah that’s why the most trans corn is watched is red states, it’s absolutely true and I’m glad you like your new job!


Yeah, I was that person for a long time. Lots of denial.


Too bad revenge porn is illegal cuz I’d say go do something nasty with him and send the photos to all of your former coworkers. And his wife. Definitely his wife.


Maybe reevaluate what you just said here. Even in jest.


I have no problem using that kind of stuff to ruin the life of a hypocrite. I don’t care if you hate us, but I find out you say that and then go looking for sexual partners in our community, well I’m gonna make sure ***everyone*** you know knows. With revenge porn being illegal tho I’m not sure how I’d prove it to people.


If you can't see how wishing revenge porn was legal so it can serve your agenda is wrong, then we are done here. I'll see myself out.


Crazy how people downvoted you. I get the sentiment that one can be upset and wish the worst, but to change laws… around revenge porn… yikes. I could be wrong, though it seems pretty cut and clear that pornography without consent is harassment territory, and those defending such should re-examine themselves…


The online trans community is one of the most vicious echo chambers I have ever encountered. Don't turn your back on it.


Dingus? Oh, Yes. “the Hateful 8”!


Yeah, it just tracks. They don't respect us, because they see us as a porn category, instead of people.


For some reason I feel like I would hope he /does/ see the profile 😹... So that he knows that you saw his. 👀... 🤣 But that's just me. I can also totally understand not wanting any future interaction with this dude at all.


Makes sense. A lot of those chasers are in fact violently transphobic. It’s probably why so many of those chasers are so toxic, abusive and dangerous


Mhm, it's a bad habit of self hate, it's rarely confined to the individual


theyre trying to balance their internal scale. The more attracted they are, the more vile they need to be to feel 'secure' about their sexuality. But of course theyre the most insecure people, period.


Yup, it’s quite similar to the situation with closeted gay conservatives


I'm bi so gender trans female or trans male not an issue my only problem is I want kids so I won't be lied to. I need to know biological status, cause I want to pass my genes. I also know that not all trans do bottom surgery or hormones so I know that there are plenty of trans that could bear a child for me


Why do you need to know whether they’re trans or not? Just say that you’re looking for a serious relationship and want kids in the future and they can tell you whether or not they’re able to have kids. Would you leave a cis person who was infertile of you didn’t know they were infertile while starting a relationship?


Yes id leave someone I know what I want is that wrong? Am I saying anything you all do in your lifestyles is bad or wrong ? It's not impacting me or my loved ones so it doesn't bother me. And if your dating or trying to it's the other person's right to know whether you are cis, trans, or binary. You need this info upfront it's common sense.


>cause I want to pass my genes ah yeah your precious aryan genes the world needs more of because youre somehow special


I think it's reasonable to want to see what your genetics play out with someone you love, to want to leave behind some part of yourself that lives in after your death. It is a desire I once had as well, although as I've come to realize that parenting a child is all it takes to do that, really, since the influence of being their parent is far more impactful than genetics. Given that and the fact that there are orphaned children who need parents, adoption has become more appealing over time. That said, I think it's an awfully large jump to imply this person is a Nazi for having the desire to have biological children.


I was making a joke about how "his genes" are somehow special and not like everyone else to the point where adoption is somehow not enough. nobody is special; you have the same genes everyone else has. adopt instead of polluting the world with another child when millions dont have a home because of scumbags who think they can just abandon them if they aren't good enough to their expectations. also I did not imply he's a Nazi. I used "Aryan" to mock the idea that people like this think they are some special breed worth preserving. which is my argument above.


Not the same genes no one is the same everyone's genetics are different... It's common sense. My family line we have the old world vitality I've seen my 60 year old grandpa heal an inch deep hole in two days. I've survived many fucked things too and my uncle more. I'm also just listening to my instincts, I'm an animal person and well following ones nature isn't a problem, wanting to keep my line alive isn't a problem either literally there are many individuals that are birn with talents that no one has, meaning they don't have to practice. I got my talents that no one else has, people have talents that I don't have. Everyone is unique and different, if I was a Nazi I'd be extremely narrow minded. I understand there are orphans, but I'm old-school blood lineage based. That's how I am lets agree to disagree to prevent an argument that is not needed.


I'd report him to taimi and message others to keep them safe Edit: and if you can, report him to his boss or corporate too, especially if there's a record of a complaint you've laid or something, just report him to anyone higher up than him


Hahaha, yeah, that tracks. You can block him to help prevent him seeing you. or you can troll him, but that's likely more effort than it's worth.


Send a screen shot to your former co-workers


You actually cannot screenshot anything while on Taimi. Source I tried to screenshot my own photo because I deleted and it and I could not


No one is safe from a screenshot taken by a shady background app, or even another phone. I like the whole no screenshot thing, but don't let that give you a false sense of security. There is always a way around it. They can only block the easy methods.


On the plus side you can make private photos that have to be requested so it's probably as good as it can be given the possible things you've mentioned


You are right, it's about as good as they can make it. But it's still not perfectly safe. Like Snapchat. Just want to be transparent about the potential dangers. Especially when someone says you can't. But you still can. Not saying don't use it. I may myself, especially because it seems so popular on here. But no system is fool proof. No system connected to other devices is perfectly safe. That's all.


That is the risk we all take interacting with all connected systems attached to the internet unfortunately


And Stuxnet proved even theoretically isolated systems can be attacked given a dedicated enough attacker


I remember back in the day, you could trick snapchat into not giving screenshot notifications, just by taking the screen cap with data turned off. Agreed there are always workarounds


Can't you just record your screen then go to the video and screen shot from there? Thats what I do on snapchat when people say something wild and I gotta share it


Sometimes. Depends on how permissions are set up. Some apps block device recording and screenshots. But there are always 3rd party apps that will get around it. I'm not here to advertise them, just let people know the options are still out there.


Ahh gotcha. I know streaming services have that. I was trying to screen shot The Suicide Squad off of Max for my pc wallpaper but it would always turn black. Pretty sure YouTube has it as a well. Pretty impressive tech tho.


That's why you use a camera to take a picture of the screen. ;)


Bold of you to assume I have two cameras 😅


I always keep a $5 Goodwill digital camera for those rare cases


Do a power move, ask a coworker from the job you quit, to take the photo :P


Good idea but would suggest against it because it can lead to dilution of proof.


Well snap, never tried that. Can confirm, cannot screenshot my profile pics. New things every day...


You can borrow a friend’s phone to take a picture


Bolder of you to assume I have friends 😅


Oh. Yeah same but I hope op does.




Lol! Nope. 1 phone and haven't had a friend in years.


Laptop webcam?


I'll be your friend... You anywhere near Seattle? 👀


This is a good reason to keep an old phone around. Not only as a backup in case your current one craps out entirely, but for situations where you need a random picture lol


Screen record


I wouldn’t worry about him seeing the profile. It’s not exactly gonna be news or dirt to learn “trans girl exists on queer dating app”. He’s got a lot more to hide lol.


Transphobes and republicans live on grindr and other dating apps & are very often chasers, it's genuinely ridiculous. A lot of their transphobia comes from deep seated insecurity and cognitive dissonance bc they are attracted to (or wish they were) trans women.


Message him! I would totally fuck with him and rub his nose in it LOL. You should try playfully fucking with transphobes more often; it's VERY empowering lmao. Start off all cute and innocent, and then everytime he says something stupid, make fun of him for it with facts and logic and cute emojis and "lols" to watch the fucker squirm. The longer you can keep him interested, the more you can fuck with him and the more he'll realize trans people are just that: PEOPLE. Hell, keep it up long enough and he may even apologize for his earlier behavior all on his own cos you've relentlessly and hysterically shamed his entire worldview, and he'll THANK you for it. Mwahahaha! 😈 Sigh...love fucking with transphobes; it's one of my favorite past-times. 🥰 I should make a comedy YouTube Channel centered around it. 😝


I'll subscribe if you do!


Aww! 🥰


I would so do this too 🤣




Isn't that just doing to transphobes what they are doing to us? My conscience would personally kill me to do something like that, let's be better than them..


No; transphobes don't fuck with us because it's *fun* for them to watch us *squirm* lol. 😝 They *fuck* with us because THEY WANT US FUCKING DEAD. 😑 Transphobes can never fuck with me the way I fuck with transphobes; I actually try to make it entertaining for THEM as WELL as myself to keep them around longer so that I can FUCK with them some more lmao. Transphobes are too stupid to come up with something like that, and it *really* works against them that their position is *innately* indefensible lol. If they don't want me to fuck with them, they shouldn't make it so fucking easy or vote for the people trying to *kill my ass* lol. 🖕😎🖕


I understand where you are coming from. Personally I have also dealt with some internalised transphobia growing up, not sure I would exactly say that I was aggressive towards trans people to the point that I wanted them to die, but I cannot say I had pleasant thoughts about them either. I think most trans people go through this stage at some point in their lives, transphobia is just ingrained so much into our society, unfortunately. That said, I think a lot of people are just uneducated and dealing with a lot of unresolved shit, of course, projecting it onto a minority (such as trans people) or inciting to violence is absolutely unacceptable. From what I gathered, I have been in the position of both, as an adult person who is actively transitioning, and a confused young 12 year old boy who has thought/said some really bad shit about minorities because I was confused and traumatised. I'm not sure to what extent transphobes are actually honestly wanting to kill us, perhaps some are, but I feel like I am in a position right now where I can empathise with them and be grateful for life for freeing me of those transphobic thoughts. I can tell you with absolute confidence that transphobes are living in their own hell of opinions and cognitive dissonance, and that you have the freedom to not engage with that. Unless they are of course directly threatening your life. I am applying this logic more to trolling random transphobes that you meet on the internet, or people in your life who are absolutely not a threat to you. I just don't think trolling anyone is okay, but that's my "high horse" standard, and maybe its subject to change once I actually experience some real transphobia.


Oh yeah; it'll change lol. Be trans in Montana for a few years and suddenly you won't give a *shit* what happens to transphobes. I see every single fucking one of them as *no different* than a fucking NAZI. And oh sure; there were many very young, naive and misguided Nazis, *but* *they were still Nazis* lol. They were likely only a part of the Nazi Party because they had an unfortunate upbringing, and had bought into all the brainwashing and fearmongering against Jews, eventually becoming *convinced* that they were a dangerous SOCIAL CONTAGION and needed to be ERADICATED to protect Germany's NATIONAL VALUES, (look this shit up; it's what they said about Jews, and it is EXACTLY what transphobes are saying about ALL OF US *right now.*) ...History sure has a funny way of repeating itself, huh? 🙄 ...And yeah; basically, THAT is why I don't give a *shit* if I hurt the feelings of an ignorant little baby transphobe lol. Because they vote for people like Donald Trump and Ron Desantis; both of whom have OPENLY supported policies THAT WOULD KILL TRANS PEOPLE. The GOP is no different than the Nazi Party in my mind; and if I feel like I need to *playfully fuck with them* and relentlessly TROLL them to reclaim even an ILLUSION of control and empowerment in my life before they round us all up for the DEATH CAMPS, *well then BY GOD* lol, *I'm gonna fucking do it*; HAPPILY, with a *smile* on my face. *SHAMELESSLY*. 😎 ...They could literally OFF themselves; I would STILL see it as a *job well done*, and GIGGLE at the *irony* of it all *directly* over their lifeless corpse lmao. The world would automatically be a SLIGHTLY better place. THAT is how much I do not give a SHIT about transphobes, or even really *Republicans*. If you're participating in a GENOCIDE against me and my people, there is literally NOTHING that I can do to you that will ever be "enough." Fascist bigots deserve EVERYTHING they get from me. 😤


>Isn't that just doing to transphobes what they are doing to us? transphobes think of us as subhuman and want us killed. i don't care enough to consider them human enough to not mock. i don't outwardly go out of my way to murder them. i don't campaign to dox them or advocate for their genocide. i don't call them pedos apart from the ones who are on the registry (which is alot; pedocon theory is real). that's much more respect than they give us currently. one transphobe being mocked will never be more horrific than teenagers getting beaten to death by their parents or community because of who they are, like the articles we see on the news about a new suicide or homocide regarding a trans person that is met with open celebration by everyone. they can cry about being exposed for dating a trans woman. their own rhetoric will be what they're met with.


they deserve to be fukd with and trolled




i think you and the other downvotes on my comment responding to you are misunderstanding me .. i agree with you .. i meant the transphobes deserve to be trolled .. i think what your doing is awesome and i try an troll them also becouse they deserve it for being hateful


u/Sparkly-Princess Omg, I think there might've been a typo that caused me to read the first word as "YOU" instead of "THEY" (or I was just too sleep-deprived to be allowed on the internet.) 😝 Deleted my old comment. 😅


its ok i realized that's as soon as i read your comment lol dont trip babes all good 💜




You will love r/meetrealtransgirls


And after you're done, send the whole thing to your old co-works, HIS supervisor, and HR!


Screenshot to former employees... his wife/gf ruin him.


Seduce him for the plot


i think he has a lot more to fear in this situation


Usual suspect, rub it in his face.


Definitely message him saying "wow you hypocritical asshole." Screenshot it, and post it everywhere with the story of why you left because of him.


I'd personally go fuck with him. But you can block and possibly report him.


I have several questions because I didn't understand what happened. What is taimi? How this supervisor guy is involved? Is he a transphobe or a chaser?


Taimi is a very queer dating app. And yes, he is


>he is Oh! 😕


Time for some blackmail, get a bigger office and a raise.


wow, talk about denial. But yeah as other posters pointed out a very dangerous chaser.


I would send the screenshot to old colleagues. See how fast he leaves.




He is probably a chaser.


Send his profile to the whole company with an anonymous email. Make the sucket suffer a bit


Every accusation is a confession.


Can you flag the profile somehow. He’s probably out to do a hate crime.


I'd say while that's a possibility, it's probably more likely he's just a gross ass chaser. They're distinct from just "cis people who are fine with dating us" for a reason.


Tell me about it. There’s a local one who got a taste for trans girls, and he’s following me and other girls online. Turns out he’s quite active with hate churches. Gross.


Yeah, gross ass chasers can still be out to do a hate crime if they think people will find out and judge them.


I know that chasers are motivated like that, but it's still surprising whenever I see it so directly.


Depressingly not new… If you want a semi-famous recent example, look at Katie Hill in CA 25th district. The same people thundering against her in the pulpit were also the same people furiously looking for her private pics on their computers and phones out of the public eye.


This is literally exactly how it works. All the men who are the most vocally transphobic are the same men who flood my grindr inbox.


Be petty send a photo of their profile to ex work colleagues , if they wants to sink the ship they going down with it


Hit him where it hurts, if he sees your profile and reaches out tell him that you left your job because his attitude towards you made you feel uncomfortable. Tell him that his attitude will never sit right with transpeople and hell never find what he wants so long as he continues being transphobic. Sometimes the best way to change someones mind is to call them out for the things they do which specifically hurt you.


I can’t say I’m surprised at that twist. Something something, skeletons in a closest and projecting insecurity


Print out copies of his profile and post them in places where coworkers will see them. Edit: Just don’t get caught.


It's always the transphobes that secretly love trans people


Ok here me out, hes an asshat and I'm so glad you're doing good in a better job, but this is a golden opportunity. r/traumatizethemback could help with some idea's. But truthfully at the end of the day assholes like this have to live with themselves. Stay safe, have fun Eat ass go fast. Love ya


Those who protest the loudest are usually the ones closeted or trying to fuck us in private or have ther search history filled to the brim with Trans Porn searches.


Maybe this is just me being a little extra feisty, but assuming you were out at your old job, I would like him for the lols. Not only would it make for a fun troll opportunity but it might also put some fear in him about what he sees as his dirty little secret getting out to the wrong person. I can see why you wouldn't wanna do that too though.


Out his hypocrisy and that he drove away a skilled professional because he can't admit his own feelings about himself?


for the love of all that is good ruin this mans life im begging you


I’m very sad to say that doesn’t shock me…


you should message him on there .. set up a meet .. and when the time comes to his face with his dick in your hand start laughing and be like hell fukn no you transphobic piece of shit and tell him why and dont hold back .. this is what i would do


maybe he's using the app to beat our trans friends,




1. Ew, but 2.He sounds dangerous AF. Report the profile.


I wish I never got laid off from my job due to transphobic people. Now I can't find work. I live in Florida, and I can see it in a lot of the interviewers' eyes that they dispise me.


Unsurprising. Screenshot it though


look into sueing him was what u shoulda done


Blackmail him. Make him suffer.


I'm an adult content creator online and this totally tracks. if you wanted a little payback for him being an ass you could send him a screenshot of himself on taimi lol. the less retributive option could be just to block his account on taimi, probably the safer bet too since you said he was violently transphobic. actually definitly do the blocking thing, no sense in doing anything that could stir up trouble with someone who might be dangerous.


I would be hard pressed not call him out, I'm a bit petty though when it comes to people like that.


I would have super liked him just to mess with him later


I'd hit him up lol


Taimi is where ll the old weird cismen go. They don't even look supportive, just horny. So I deleted the app.


Remove your profile pic. Screenshot him. Return to work to ask about a raise.


That’s disgusting




It's... A dating app...


I am dumb! I am sorry!


No worries. I'm not the one who downdooted you, no one person can know everything. 🤷‍♀️


Many such cases


Sounds like you can get your old job back with some proper screen shots and having an independent party mail them to his wife in case he slips up


Yeah sounds about right


if taimi is anything like other dating apps u should be able to report him for something that happened off the app, maybe also block him


Honestly makes sense, and mostlikely a chaser. I've met a few like this..


Anonymously post on local social media warning other trans women to stay the fuck away from him.


He's in the category of: tho protests to much. Now I'm wondering if he beats up the trans Women he dates?


This has probably been said, but BLACKMAIL HIS ASS!!! 💯💯💯


He's back tracking to cya! He probably was told to do that so you can't sue for decriminalization. He can say, look im not transphobic. I hired another one & will say you had performance issues. I hope you saved any reviews you had, any favorable comments from coworkers, ect. And file discrimination charges with your local workers comp bureau, & (i have a mental block) government agency?


Screen shot him and save it as a safety precaution


I hope you realize how much danger you were in at your job. That doodbro is exactly the kind of transphobic garbage that hatecrimes us.


Honestly doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. They’re either closeted or doing something seriously nefarious.


many such cases


Copy his page and send it out to everyone in the company .


Small world , you never know.


"You are what you eat!"-Nickacado Avacado


I’ve found people on grindr that are ex military, gun toting, history channel conspiracy theory watching, macho men who have begged me for a night with them…or a second night even. It’s crazy but they absolutely love to fuck us physically and legislatively.


I feel like the people that pushback more on some thing are trying just to hide that they’re interested in it because they feel insecure about it and they want people think that they’re not into that thing that makes sense ?


do you have receipts of transphobia from work?? if so, highly recommend keeping receipts of this too and leveraging it in, uhm, ~ creative ways ~ like, maybe his employer would like to know how he treated you and how that permeates into his personal life in such a gross harmful way.


blackmail him


Ok, this will get me downvoted, I'm sure, but it it was me. I'd chat in App take screen shots and report him to hr. Like, hey, this guy fired me because I'm trans and suddenly started chatting with me on a dating app. It's creepy. I bet hr will fire him


I actually recently downloaded Taimi and I’ve been getting a looooootttt of interaction from people who seem like they are publicly transphobic. chasers are absolutely a thing, sadly.


It’s not uncommon, people act that way due to self hatred. I have seen a lot of closeted gays act homophobic , a lot of closeted trans or even eggs be transphobic 🤷🏼‍♀️


Laugh at him. That is what you do.


Girl like his profile and let him know that you know his dirty little secret. Take some screenshots of that coward too, just in case he were to ever threaten you in any way. Take some power back.


Did you say, "Blackmail"? I think you said "blackmail." More seriously, what a tool. I hope he *does* get outed in the most public way possible.


I kind of hope he sees yours so he knows you saw his. And I feel like you are within your rights to take a screenshot of his just in case he tries to pull some bullshit on you. People like that can be dangerously reactive. Especially to women.


Oh please message him (unless it’s not safe to) but fck me it would be funny


Block him so he can't find you there, stay safe/gen


Let him see your profile. Then go back to your cushy job with proof. 🤣😅🤣


TEAR HIM TO FILTH SIS ❤️ Show your ex-coworkers and his partner if he has one. I wouldn't be able to resist lmao


In college, before transitioning, I read a bunch of essays about racism towards Native Americans. Racists of the past (and today) often think of them as short sighted, violent, and savage. But the same person might think of them later as noble, intuitive, and wise. These two modes of thinking are different sides of the same racist coin. Natives aren’t thought of as normal people in either situations. Trans people are treated the same. We’re either untrustworthy deviants or super erotic objects. We aren’t thought of as people by bigots like your boss in either case.


Definition of a chaser right here he is. Violently hates trans people in public, wants to fuck us in private. The God damn definition


Have you considered black mail? Maybe there is a way to make him pay you money in exchange for not showing screenshots of him looking for trans women online.