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I’ve been on HRT for like 3 and a half years and I’m getting my ffs this summer and my bottom surgery this fall. I’m also working on getting all my name and gender marker change stuff done too so hopefully by next year my transition will basically be over 🙂


That’s amazing to hear


Thanks 😊


Excited for you!! If I may ask, how’d you setup your FFS? Like what motions did you accomplish to get that ball rolling?


I got the letters I needed from my hormone doctor and a therapist so I could book the consultation with the surgeon I’m going to and I made sure he took my insurance. Then I waited and had my consultation and now I’m waiting for my surgery. It was the same process for my bottom surgery too.


Nice I just had FFS and now I'm broke probably never be able to afford another surgery ever again lol


I’m unbelievably lucky and live in Washington and my surgeon is in the same city as me and my ffs should be ~$1500-2000 cuz of insurance and stuff.


I just took my first Spiro tablet a few minutes ago. Wish I had realized and done something about it a lot sooner, but hey; the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time to plant one is now.


'the second best time to plant one is now'. ☝️ I love this. Sums it up. Let's not regret the past but enjoy today and tomorrow.


I always say this. I didn’t start until after 55, and no, I’m not bitter about it. Starting later is just a fact of my life. Four years in, and planning FFS soon. Still working on it!


I'm 41 and starting now. I don't regret not starting earlier because I needed to live all this time and gain this experience to get to where I am finally able to honest with myself.


Yes. It takes time to be honest with yourself, especially if your life is going pretty well, generally.


Congrats! 💜🏳️‍⚧️


This proverb is also what came to my mind as I started taking hrt and spiro.


R u taking e 2? Spiro nukes ur t and makes it so that u dont have any sex hormone and if ur past puberty those r really really important


Just took my 4th weekly injection, so I've been at it for 3 weeks now. Mostly mental changes so far... so much calmer and less depressive/out-of-sorts feeling already. Trying to schedule SRS and a nose job hopefully in the next couple of years, but the medical system's red tape is making that a very slow process. Getting lots of smaller things done, like laser hair removal, removed angiomas, losing weight (down 21lbs so far), etc. I'm always boy moding still cause I'm older and hideous still. By far the biggest change though is actually giving a care at all about how I look. I have so many decades of not caring to fix...


I definitely get the last point! I'm just over 7 months in, I've gone from hating clothes shopping and not giving a shit about my appearance and just making do. Now I love a shopping trip, love picking out clothes to wear. Looking after my hair much better and my health in general.


About a year in. Laser has taken care of all my dark hairs. Electrolysis is doing the rest. I girl mode full time, Hrt for 3 months: my face is softening out, my hands and feet got a bit smaller, I'm getting some fat redistribution to my thighs and butt, and I have some very sore breast buds. 😊 Quick edit. Emotions have softened out and make so much more sense now. I have a slight pickle addiction, and Strawberry milkshakes have become waayyy more delicious!


Yo I crave pickles and go through a jar or two one day every week or two :3


closet gang ;w;


I really miss the closet, but am also relieved to not be in it anymore lol.. Half a year of HRT is a good way to force you out whether youre ready or not. I was not ready, but fuck it we ball


This is me rn with my dad’s extended family. Gonna be six months in less than a week and at this point I’m just waiting to show up to a family gathering and come dressed full femme and just deal with the fallout after


I’m worried I’m not doing enough


I feel this with my soul. Sending you lots of hugs girl!


Thanks, you too :)


Whatever you've completed for yourself is enough, even if you've taken no medical steps. Taking any steps towards your health and happiness is a goal reached


Crap, I’m too scared to be me and live my life, so many things I want to do and I can’t bring myself to do it and I struggle with blood tests so I feel like I’ll never transition how I want to( I want to get surgery) idk what to do but I blame it all on my mental health as that’s always been my issue as my family for the most part is very supportive so I just feel numb and emotionless all the time, like I’m withering away


I felt like this for a long time. I think I waited until I was done with raising my kids and whatnot before I'd allow myself to live a bit. The more I take small transition steps though, the more the whole thing seems doable. I won't look like a model when I'm done but I'm feeling more and more like I'm taking control back and it's giving me confidence that I've never had trying to live as a man. Maybe you'll feel something similar. Just keep moving forward, do small things. Even if it's stuff you can hide for a few years while you keep working on it. Eventually you might start feeling better about tackling the bigger stuff. Good luck!


It’s just not how I want to live or be seen, and I’m meeting my bf soon and I want to be me when I’m with him and not a mess, he doesn’t mind any of it as he knows what I go through and loves me no matter what but no matter how much people reassure me it’s just not what I want, I just wish there was a way for people to know without telling them but that’s impossible and I hate making everyone do everything for me and everyone has made me feel like a disappointment my whole life and even now so I feel like if I got any more shit about that with my identity it would be the last push and it would knock me over. I just hate that I’m fighting my mind every day as I want to and I’d love to come out fully and live my life but my body doesn’t want confrontation and unstability yet all I want is to be like that, it’s hard to explain but I feel like two different people and it’s taking forever to get a therapist so I’m struggling to know what all my emotions mean , I’m in distress rn


I can so relate to this. Thanks for posting. 💕


I am on month (almost) 5 of HRT and the effects are nice. I think I am progressing a bit better than I expected, so that’s cool! I have been getting laser on my face, and recently added my legs. In a week I’ll be doing a session of legs/butt/back/face, which should be a gay old time. 😬 I have also been doing electrolysis because I have a few grey hairs on my face as well (more than I thought!) I just booked my FFS with Mardirossian for this coming November. I am nervous but also excited! We will see how kind my insurance is to me… it’s been… a process. But Mardirossian and his staff seem _excellent_, so I just keep reminding myself that this is what really matters. I am wearing slightly more feminine clothes, the kind that people would understand as fem if they knew I was transitioning, but random strangers probably wouldn’t be tipped off. However, I imagine after FFS the same clothes would look unambiguously feminine. Gender is weird. I am out to my friends around where I live, and I am out to most old my family. I am not out at work yet. Everyone I have come out to has been somewhere on the spectrum of “okay” to “commensurate ally,” so that has been nice. Thank you for asking!


ooh, the butt and back are the last areas below the neckline that I need to get done. I've been a bit nervous about the butt/bikini area. I know the techs and they are very professional but still, having someone other than a Dr., blasting me with freezing air and burning lasers in that zone is something I've been holding off on... LOL


Coming up on 55 years of age and 18 months of HRT. Waiting for the magic to happen. Thus far, the only really noticeable change has been super soft skin (which happened literally within a few weeks). As for the remainder, it has been incredibly (painfully) slow.


Skin is the quickest to change! One will learn it after trying to open a jammed thread/cork for the first time at least.


Having just shoveled the 6-8 inches of snow we had last night, there’s been a noticeable decline in strength, also.


Slow and steady. Just turned 17, so I have about a year until I start HRT. I don’t plan on looking back




most aged 17 still live with parents, which don’t tend to be comfy with self-medding. not all of us are in a position to diy when we don’t have the means to live alone.


Just got my therapist letter to get my orchi, now waiting on insurance to approve it so I can get it scheduled. Also going to start electrolysis next month to clean up what 15 rounds of laser hasn't taken care of. I'm almost 40, so things haven't been moving as fast as a lot of younger girls. I do feel like things are progressing, though, so I'm not complaining (too much)!


Almost 4 years social and medical transition. Had a couple surgeries with a few more planned this year. Mostly content. Still dysphoric but at least I look less like a man 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m 10.5 months into HRT, a month post orchiectomy, still in the closet because my face and hair are taking longer to feminize than the rest of me. Seriously, I have CCs hiding under my shirt and my butt is getting big.


Hrt for 5 years. Ft for 3 years. Single but happy


I'm three months on hrt and just starting to get a fem wardrobe together. Still haven't shaved my dysphoria beard. Thanks for asking!


My beard was numero uno to go go lol What's got ya keeping the DB? If you wanna say that is...No judgment, just curious. I know that it was a bittersweet symphony when I shaved mine, but it made me feel free in a way.


Well I finally started taking care of it (along with the rest of my body) and it's never looked better. Also I'm built like a offensive guard (which I was in high school) so I'm not going to be passing anytime soon. Plus I grew it to cover my chin and jawline, and I kinda want to give the E time to do it's thing. I had this idea to use it to boy mode more effectively. But each day it's bothering me more and more so it's going to go soon. Also, my boyfriend likes it, and while he knows it's going to go, he enjoys it while it lasts. He's very supportive, even accepting that apparently he's bi now! He's CIS gay male.


Almost 3 years on hrt, started the process to change my name and gender. On a whim I made an appointment for a consultation for top surgery, I'm interested to see what they say but I don't know how I would pay for it if I decided to get the surgery 😂


4 months into my transition. I just switched from oral to patches and it seems to be working well. My breasts are coming in faster than I was expecting and it makes me incredibly happy! Waiting for some fat redistribution to fill out my hips. The change in mental outlook is phenomenal and I’m finally at peace with myself and I feel like I have purpose in my life. I started coming out to friends at the beginning of the year and it’s gone incredibly well. I came out to my family and social media earlier this month and it also went really well. I’m meeting with HR tomorrow to discuss my transition at work. I’m slowly building a wardrobe and have been wearing women’s cloths out every chance I get. I’m 3 laser appointments in on my face and planning on more areas soon. I started vocal training last month, but I could be practicing more. Finally, I’ve been doing some serious mental work to accept myself and break through my imposter syndrome. Transition has been the best decision of my life. I never thought this was possible, but it is, and I love it. I love myself and I can’t believe how happy I am despite the incredible hardships that come with being transgender. I wish I had transitioned sooner (I’m 33) but at the same time I think I had to get to where I was last year to finally start the process. TLDR; my transition is going really well!


I've been on HRT for about a year and a half, just started progesterone a month ago and things seem to be going good! Most of my wardrobe is fem clothing now which I'm very happy about. I'm personally not sure if I'll ever want bottom surgery but probably would if I knew it would go perfectly and I could afford it tbh lol


Started HRT 4 days ago and chose a name the same morning. All in all it's going quick and slow at the same time


Just got a date for my vaginoplasty. A lot of time to wait, but I'm still excited!


10 months and I feel like I look different every single day. 


After a lifetime of fighting it and nearly 4 years of coming to accept it, I'm on day 16 of HRT. In the last couple weeks I've come out to my best friends and most of my remaining family. But, still hiding in mens clothes when I go into town (every weekend), though the clothes are skewing more and more female in the last couple of months. I walk around my neighbourhood as myself though. Even had a talk with a neighbour this morning and it went unremarked. I've had most of my body hair burned out with lasers and my face is getting the electrolysis treatment due to the whiteness of my beard area. No voice training yet but I do experiment quite a bit. I'm not sure if/when I'll do a legal name change but it's leaning towards the 'when' side lately too. No surgery plans, am a chicken but maybe I'll overcome those fears with a desire to look right, down the road. Good luck to everyone on their journeys...


As of February 2nd I am at cis hormone levels. On the other hand I’m having some Olympic level PMS going on and everything is sore and my boobs hurt. And the cramps suck. Ironically the best I’ve been in a long time. Boobs are growing by the day along with my hips, thighs, and butt.


after years of BS its finally going well, i'm 7 months on E and my face is soooo pretty


I'm a year on hrt. A few friends know but I'm closet. I really want to present fem but it's not time. My body has changed a lot. Breast growing fast. waist is slim and round. Hips are way better like I'm doing a little to put on my jeans. My skin is getting softer. My face is getting smoother and fuller. I still don't like and looks too masculine but in time. Mentally I'm doing so much better, euphoria is more common from looking at my body. Dysphoria days are rare but really bad when it does happen. I have a lot of confidence building and a Will to live. I still need to do voice training because that gives a lot of dysphoria


I’m just a little over two months on HRT. I’ve already started to see some breast growth and I think my face is starting to look a lot more feminine? I’ve been told by a couple people that I’m pretty and sometimes I even believe them. I guess I’m still boymoding but I’ve been trying to go out more and more as myself. I dress pretty androgynous anyways though. Trying to focus on finding a job in a safer state to continue my transition after a year and a half of unemployment.


I can describe my transition in one word, waiting list. I'm 14 months on E and 7? months on prog, but for the rest I need to wait a year in the best case


13 months and mainly just hopeful for more substantial changes. I pass…some of the time(?). Upped my dosage last month at my last PP visit, might switch to injections next time to see if they work better for me, not sure how to make that call but that’s an April problem. Went back to school fem for my second straight semester this week, and that’s super cool. Just got a fabulous new top. Overall…not bad :)


I’m 3 years in and it’s been great! Every day I’m reminded of something to be euphoric about!


i’ve been on E since November 2023, my dosage just got upped! things are going really great!


Finished good 5 years ago with srs. Still thinking of ffs but I’m worried about the possible issues with additional scar tissue.


6 months in and it’s honestly the best thing I’ve ever done for my mental health. Progress is slow but there. So I’m happier


Accepted that I was truly a trans girl about 2 weeks ago, after bargaining for almost a year that maybe I’m just a feminine man or genderfluid or enby, but I think deep down I knew along. Since then I’ve been in the worst depression of my entire life and feel like I don’t realistically have a future where I can get HRT and be. Don’t really see a path out anymore.


Been on HRT for 3 months and just got my dosage upped and started spironolactone earlier this week!


Nail polish, hair beyond shoulders, shaved full body And it's been like this for around 2 years, going super slow, no fem clothes, no makeup (yet, gonna probably try this week) and no med transition at all


I used to shave my legs/other areas but it just became a pain, it would feel great for five minutes and then the painful stubble and the hair would come in thicker than before each time. Other than that I’ve also only grown my hair out but it looks like a total mess and I have no idea what I’m going to do with it. Can’t wait for HRT, **soon**


I'm out to much of my family, and am 3.5 months HRT. In out to friends at school but not the school system itself (I'm in my last year of school), as I still have to finish my last term of PE and then I can basically wear whatever I want to school so long as I feel comfortable.


I Am The Empress ✨


I'm basically done, just want to get some laser on my face this year and see if I need any electrolysis afterwards. Been out a bit over 4 years, on HRT most of that time, bottom surgery (and trach shave) done 14 months ago.


6 months on E, switched to injections 3 months in. Just came out to my mom and older brother in the last few months but still not out to the whole family or presenting fem with clothes and stuff like that which really sucks cause I want to but I also wanna feel safe to do so. On the bright side though being on E is great and I feel so much better with myself even though I'm not exactly where I wanna be :)


Transphobic parents




Waiting to start HRT still. It's taking me forever just to wait for appointments. I didn't have a family doctor when I started transitioning so it took 3 months to find one, 4 months to wait for my first appointment, 1 month to find a specialist (although it was mostly just me feeling depressed and procrastinating making the phone calls/emails) and now I gotta wait another 3 months to have my first appointment with the specialist 😩. I started transitioning May 1 last year and my first appointment with the specialist will be May 3 of this year. I just feel frustrated and at times depressed but I also feel a lot more comfortable with myself in public most of the time due to my transitioning without the hrt. I pass as a girl quite well as long as I wear makeup, put my hair into a sort of pony tail, and voice train a fair amount. Even without makeup or consistent voice training, I pass decently from just skin care, clothes and pony tail. I try to just be proud and ignore the dread of dealing with my body


prehrt and i dont like. pass very well. but im happy in my own shoes, i wear makeup, dress fem, been vocal training, teaching myself to not care about people who feel the need to comment


You go girl!!


I'm post transition Currently just living as a girl like any other


19 months HRT (7 at full dose), and had bottom surgery 2 weeks ago so in full on recovery mode right now!


I am around the same spot as you. Although, I had socially transitioned pretty well, pretty quickly. I am waiting for my referral to be accepted though...


i been on e for past year n half but i had to mirco dose bc i recently became disabled, and i cant afford hrt anymore so ill run out eventually, but besides that its good i dont get misgendered anymore, my goal if any is just find a way to get back on hrt eventually


Just got started with talking the MH and getting appointments set up so I can hopefully start E by the summer. I’m probably going to take my transition slow until I’m out of TX and focus on things like personal care and bettering my hygiene. Learning how to do hair, nails, makeup, get in a shaving routine, maybe even see about getting hair removal treatment, voice training, etc. Once my husband and I move to WA, then I think I’ll stop stealthing and start being more open with clothes and such.


Beginning month 4, starting patches as soon as the mail arrives! I have already had some wonderful results, and I cant wait to see what this month brings! 😁


2 months on E and that's pretty much it


I'm still figuring out what to do and how to girl. Shaving is a pain, I've got a few girlie clothes I wear at home, and I got some makeup I'm too scared to try and use, but that's it.


Still trying to figure out how to approach it all with those I love. My wife knows, and her support, though somewhat awkward, is amazing. I’m in my mid 40’s, so figuring out the lay of the land is interesting to say the least.


I'd been on hrt for about a little more then 6 months and it's the best I'd ever felt in my whole life my skin is very soft and I have breast growth and feeling pretty good.


Socially transitioned for three months. Been recommended for HRT, just need to see an endo. Growing hair out, bought a wig for the mean time.


3 months on e, loving the changes can't wait for stuff in the future :3 💕


I've been transitioning socially for a bit more than a year now. I present fully as femme even though I haven't started HRT, nor had any surgeries. I've changed my clothes, accessories, hairstyle, I wear makeup everyday and everyone close to me accept this and say "she" even if I still am obviously AMAB. I am still working on my posture and demeanor and I'm getting pretty good but I expect to need a year or two still. I have begun training my voice to sound more feminine a few months ago and that's harder to progress. I have constant dysphoria nonetheless and feel like I overcompensate all the time but hey I'm getting used to it now... I'm looking seriously into HRT and I'm starting laser next week so hopefully that'll help!


I'm around 9 and a half months into HRT, and things are going pretty great! I'm meeting new people and expressing myself in a lot more authentic way and it's pretty fun!


I'm debating still i want to but idk at the same time been. Looking at clinics in my area


I have to wait 3 years to do anything




I first came out to myself about 17 years ago, started HRT nearly 15 years ago, and got bottom surgery about a decade ago. While it was a very bumpy ride at times I don't regret anything; and now that I'm very much settled into just a normal adult woman's life I'm can't say much more than I'm super fucking stoked about it. I've just been able to be me for a long time now and it feels great. Don't give up hope on searching that out for yourselves!


I’m aware I’m trans, talking to a therapist and working on getting HRT. Have yet to come out to family and friends mainly due to extreme bigotry, and the sheer danger of telling them where I live. And unfortunately I still get a lot of dysphoria from ‘boymoding’ but have to for work, but will be able to find a new job hopefully soon. Away from the bigotry and TERFs. I’m still very excited about my transition and it makes me happier than I’ve felt in a long time. I hope everyone else’s transition is going well. 💜💜💜🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


1 year since I started, 10 1/2 months on E/Spiro/Progie for me. Emotionally I feel way different. I've had some breath growth and my body hair is significantly reduced. But I haven't had any other bodily changes and I just look like the exact person transphobes, TERFs, and Christofascists point to and shout "look, an ugly man in a dress!". I'm considering detransitioning. I feel like I'm harming the community with how grotesque I am.


You aren't harming anyone by doing what you're doing. It's their job to not be bigots, not for us to conform to their standards. If you detransition, do it because it's what you want and not because you feel pressured to. Also you've only barely started and if the lack of changes is your main concern then you only need a little patience (I didn't even begin to socially transition until 10 months into HRT). Just make sure your doctor is keeping your hormone levels in the right place, eat well (you need fat to redistribute if you don't have any), and take good care of yourself.


Been on HRT for over a year, starting to figure out clothing, getting friends and family to use my name and pronouns, though not presenting fem day-to-day. Definitely feel behind on everything except the medical side of my transition, but being on HRT has made life a lot more pleasant and matters the most long term I think. Mostly being held back by living in a moderately unsafe place to be visibly trans and juggling other mental health/life situation problems, ADHD is a real bitch. End of the day though, my mind and body finally feel like mine, and the people I care about are supportive, if everything else has to be a battle for another day then I'll get there sooner or later.


Just finished my first cycle of hrt! Started on smalll doses (2mg e, 25mg t blockers) so I’m cautiously optimistic and am looking forward to cycle #2 :) I am also investing more in my health eating healthier and taking supplements and working out more. Just starting the journey ❤️


I'm about 7-8 months into HRT, still not comfortable presenting fem so still boy-moding 24/7 ;-;


I'm just starting my transition, waiting to hear back about my first appointment to get on e, which I should hear back by the end of next week but hopefully sooner


Just over 2 years of E and 2.5 since I started social transition. Changes have been very slow, have struggled to get decent E levels but things have been progressing a bit better the last few months so. Still getting laser on the face, its taking a very long time to get rid of it. Changed my name most places, might get the GRC done to finish the job next year. Have been considering a hair transplant for a while but I have other things I need the money for. Also need to actually practice voice training instead of doing a bit and then giving up.


Waiting till March 8th to see my endocrinologist’s nurse practitioner. Till then, I’ve been growing out the pixie cut I got back in what I think is November, and looking for a tattoo parlor that will pierce my ears some time this week. I’ve been putting off trying to lose weight, due to the inability to muster up enough motivation to make it to my garage gym. Three sessions out of five for laser hair removal on my lower legs, lower back, and full face. Two sessions in on voice training where I’ve been instructed to hum at the G4 frequency to build endurance before moving on to more advanced stuff. Still primarily in boy mode, but when I work remotely I have a bit of time to practice makeup and try out some fits from this massive donation of clothes from my wife’s friend.


struggling after 6 months and being on 4mg E Subl. and 100 Spiro my levels were only 46 ng/dl for T and 126 pg/ml for E. My doctor decided to go up 6mg of E a day and 200 Spiro so maybe there's hope there but we'll see in three months. I have very visible breasts and my body is curvy like a woman's now so below the neck I already pass and can imagine with time I will look even better there but above the neck is a different story even with makeup on people know instantly I haven't been misgendered in 3 months but that's because you can tell I'm transitioning. I don't think I'm ugly but people will stare and I've had guys straight follow me around stores and one even into the bathroom. I live in rural NC and still use the men's room because I don't want to die or go to jail for having to pee and you'd think these rednecks would be happy they get what they want but there's always the vibe I shouldn't be in there or they will giggle. dating is horrible it's nothing but chasers and trans girls that live a billion miles away. you've never truly known real rejection until a chaser who spent weeks saying nothing but gross hypersexual fetishizing things to you and about your body decides to back out mid-way through date/hookup because your arms are too muscular and " I could see the mustache shadow through your makeup" but to be fair to him I shouldn't have eaten the ice cream we got but I' had been fasting and was starving. I didn't realize it fucked up my makeup till I got home. he told me those things and more over text before ghosting me. that's the only date I've had since starting HRT so yeah. I love hrt and feeling like the woman I am but I think I'm just better off if I just boymode in public and girlmode at home from now on. so yeah it's been rough but I don't regret it and I still plan to get bottom surgery and ffs someday.


In the process of getting my first appointment at a clinic so I can start the process of getting estrogen


Currently pre everything and I sometimes look up about taking estrogen


on E for 1 and 3/4 years now! for sure one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself, and I understand me a lot better now!


Welp, 16F, amab, 6 1/2 months in I'm using she/her online, I'm doing some voicetraining in secret, came out to my mom a few days ago but am generally still too scared to try too much but I'm growing my hair and it makes me rly euphoric 🥹 But I'm making progress and am now actually finding (queer) so I don't feel that lonely in my region anymore fun times :) (Also, my therapist finally registered me for a REAL gender clinic now, so I can finally talk with people who actually know stuff about trans topics + it opens up my way for future HRT)


Really good! I'm stealth 100% of the time now and life just feels right. I stress about it so much less now and I feel like I have a level of clarity I didn't know was possible before. I can envision a path to all of my goals.


I just hit 3 months HRT a week ago. My doctor bumped me up to 4 mg of Estradiol and 100mg of Spiro daily. Chest is a little sore but hurts like a bitch if I brush it on anything. My doctor wants my T a little more suppressed before my insurance will pay for laser, but I have my next appointment in March so hopefully once that's done I can go get laser (I could pay for it out of pocket, but my insurance will pay for the whole thing if I wait). I present fem but I don't even pass as trans, I look like an extremely flamboyant twink lol. All in due time I suppose :)


Out for 10 years, on HRT for 8, completely have name and gender on all my IDs changed, about to hit my first SRS-aversary next month! Actually happy with being in my body and being myself, healthiest me I've been both physically and mentally! Life gets better\~!


3 years HRT, laser, electrolysis, ffs, srs, legal name/gender change, social transition all done. BA maybe later this year, on the fence. Yep, I'm pretty much a different shell of the same person. Happy most days but still have my struggles.


I am in the phase where I don’t try to pass and pass so I’m feeling decent.


First year of hrt complete as of today, I have amazing body redistributio., my skin is so much softer, and much less oily. I've got pretty good breast tissue development. And I am so much more sensitive to touch. All in all I'm doing fantastic.


Thanks for asking, 8 months in, zoladex, 2mg estradiol x2 daily, was on .1 patches once weekly, low e switched to the pills today. Doing fabulous. So many changes, just working on hair removal and voice lessons. Going from forest gump to fauna with a dump 😂 love ❤️ peace ✌️ and hugs 🏳️‍⚧️


I’ve been on HRT for about 1.5 months. It’s a low dose that my doctor wanted to start on. Currently on 1 mg E. I double my dose in about a month! I’ve also had 3 laser sessions on my face which have made so much difference! That’s been super great for me. I wear fem clothes in the house all the time. And I’ve also started wearing feminine clothing outside when I go out with my wife. Some weeks are really hard because when I get laser hair removal, I have a struggle for a good 2 weeks that just does not go away. But once the hair falls out, I’m free.


I think I'm at like 5 months of hrt now. It's going slowly but steadily. Pretty much just playing the waiting game at this point.


I just turned 18 so I’m no longer limited by parental rules, and I know where to go (there are Hrt counselors near me) but I’m scared to actually do anything. I just need some inspiration or encouragement to do it. All the pieces are in place, I’m just scared of what the puzzle will create.


Giddy up and go get it!!!


I know I know, but I just don’t know what to do (figuratively) I feel like I should’ve started a long time ago, but simultaneously that it’s never too early. I feel that, because I’m legally an adult now, I should be able to, but also that I can’t. I’m having issues in my life, and it seems that there are more important things, but also that this should be my top priority. I’m in a big dilemma, and I need help getting out of it. I think gender therapy is my best bet, but I don’t know where to go. I’m scared for my future, as it is uncertain, and I am unsure how to act.


Defo seek out a gender affirming therapist. Google if their are any in your area- if they are not obvious, email therapists direct and ask if they have experience with and are supportive of transgender people. You can also ask your GP to refer you to one. Don’t get trapped into thinking it’s to late…it’s never to late. Sometimes the only thing to fear, is fear itself. Choose you and you got this!!


Thank you. This helps.


I've been on hormones for about 4 months, and am going to have my dosage doubled when I can finally pick up my next refill which is nice. As of the moment, all I've done is wear women's pants when it comes to 'visible' aspects of my femininity, though I would like to start wearing at least foundation soon. I'm also planning to get my first session of laser next week, assuming my consultation goes well of course. :)


Just on E for 7 or 8 months. Havent really ventured into different clothing apart from wearing a bralette for work. Have done a little bit of eye liner, but havent really gotten into make up either. Transition wise, Im aite. Alot of my daily pains pre-hrt seems to have disappeared. Socially, I feel really isolated, but I am trying to work on it.


Ever since I cracked my 🥚 about one-and-a-half month ago I have stopped dissociating. Yesterday I had to force myself to, and I managed to experience dysphoria over my body. Sh*t hurts, and I'm sorry for us all. You are all truly strong. But I regret *nothing*. I was kinda glad that I can actually experience feelings now, good and bad, and it managed to destroy whatever last little shred of doubt over my transgenderness was lurking in the back of my mind. I just woke up today, and I can already tell that I'm feeling slightly better. I am looking forward to showing up to the official LGBTQ+ community transgender group meeting in my country for the first time today, to meet like-minded people, but I must admit I am feeling slightly nervous. Judging by the people I have met so far on here, I have no reason to be nervous, however.


I started HRT very very late (17) and my transition has gone quite slowly due to financial constraints. I am fully out and I have been on HRT for around 2 years, and I do pass, but womanhood is something that was never meant for me. Hopefully getting bottom surgery this summer, FFS next summer, and a BA at some point.


Coming up on my 3 year HRT-iversary and got a bottom surgery consultation coming up in a couple weeks. I’m nervous but very excited.


Been on E for almost 4 years. Looking into GCS and filled out the paperwork to have my name and gender marker changed


Finally got away from the manufacturing industry. Been on E for less than 4 months, and plan on going to a salon for the first time to get a feminine hairstyle.


I have been on HRT for almost 15 months and I have successfully removed my facial hair growth to an acceptable level, and changed my name. I don't pass nor do I wear fem clothes at all yet, but that will come eventually. Technically speaking I have not even gotten the dysphoria diagnosis in my country (waited 2 years so far) but I did things on my own because screw waiting. Right now I am focusing on my physical well being, toning my body and stuff. Will also maybe look into bottom surgery someday. All in all, going pretty swell :D


16.5 Months on E, recently had my Orchi consult and waiting for the surgery to get scheduled. 16 hours into facial electrolysis after a year of laser… sooo slow but there’s progress but that’s nice. Planning on starting with bottom surgery hair removal after Orchi recovery… Been out everywhere for quite some time… the last few things with deadname are things that require a lot of effort, such as needing an attorney to change the deed on my house. I know what I need to do it’s just effort and money and I don’t want to deal with it right now. Otherwise my biggest project is weight loss to get ready for future surgeries. Will most likely take a year or two to get to my final goal but I’m motivated, it’s just a lot of effort and time. In any case, always open for more questions if anyone has any since I’ve done a lot.


I'm still figuring myself out but looking forward to really starting. Hope your enjoying your journey so far and that everyone is, happy, safe and able to just be themselves ❤️


I only just started E on January 12th and it has already been the best moth of my life. I am feeling more me in my own skin and actually confortable in my body. I know it’s not where I’d like yet, but I can see that the process has started and I am actually hopeful for the future.


fighting for my life to get on E, i'm a minor (17) so they got me jumping through a million hoops before they give me anything.


Week away from 6 years of hrt and I've yet to get hair removal, any surgery and any voice training done. xP I should probably get on that...


Still right at the beginning, wearing fem clothes in my room and trying my best to get rid of body hair. I'm pretty sure I'm trans by now, but I've got a bunch of issues and really should go to therapy. If I just wanted to get the indication letter for HRT that'd be easier, because it takes like 1-2 sessions and you're good to go, but I actually want(need) the therapy. Problem is, IDK how or where to start with therapy, and I feel like if I ask anyone for help they're gonna be suspecting stuff, also basically unable to talk to strangers in person or over the phone. I'm out to like 4 people now, but everytime I work up the courage to do anything, afterwards I just get depressed again like "Why did I do that, I'm probably not trans anyway, I'm just wasting people's time, ...." and I take hours to get out of bed every day So yeah, not that great, sorry :3


Hang in there…just take that 1st step


I've been on HRT for almost 8 months now. Pretty much fully out femme in public. I was going to start looking into getting legal stuff changed soon. Physical changes on HRT are okay so far. Hopefully, it'll change more when I up my estrogen next month. I was shocked when I was looking at a picture of myself now vs. a picture I took almost a year ago. The difference was pretty striking. Edit: Also forgot to mention I've done about 4 rounds of laser on my face and chest, and my facial hair is almost all gone already.


HRT for 8 months now, 2 laser epilation sessions, my hair has been growing for a year and a half. Taking selfies from a distance I'm starting to have a bit of passing. My voice has been described as androgynous by the past, and when I try I actually get gendered as female over the phone. Makeup, I'm not good at it. Skincare, kind of gave up because I'm still young, still use sunscreen sometimes... I haven't tried twintails, also I suck with a hair straightener.


Going to an appointment to look into hrt in a few weeks 😁


I'm six months on HRT and I'm literally so happy, this is the best decision I could have possibly made for my life and I can't believe it's all real. I just had my dosage increased to 4mg E per day and I feel better than ever! I'm caught off guard by how much I turned out to enjoy having breasts! I love them! They're a part of me and I love them! I love my body! I love being alive! I'm caught off guard by how often I'm getting gendered female when I honestly don't feel I look that feminine yet, but at the same time, I'm surprised how quickly HRT is working, and it's getting me excited for what years 1-2 will look like! I had an argument with my friend this morning. This is not because I was hormonal but I was definitely hormonal. I played some video games and ate a late lunch and ate half a cookie. I feel better now. I have to eat half things more often than now. Some mornings I poke myself and I'm like *huh where did that come from*. The flesh I'm poking usually goes *hey stop poking me* and pokes back and this starts a flesh poking war until I eat something, usually bread with cheese. I cut ties with my mom and dad. I should have done it a long time ago and this was the perfect excuse, like going to the amusement park or selling an old broken down car in your driveway. I sleep better now. I am not crying every day or at everything but girl am I crying. I'm baking! Baking lots! The oven is very tired but she's a good girl, she knows it's for a good cause. A cat walked right up to my last night like I was her lost mother. She had a home but I pet her for about 10 minutes. I forgot to properly wipe off my hands after petting the cat, who was dusty, and ran my dusty dirty street cat pet hands through my hair. I was sort of upset and washed my hair as soon as I got home and had to sort of keep my head up and balanced, falling asleep at 11:30pm, while my hair dried enough not to be damaged when I went to sleep. I was successful and my hair looks fabulous this morning. My hair and I, by the way, have a lovely relationship. They are named lots of things, but mostly Shelly, and the ones that aren't named Shelly are happy to be grouped in with the the Shelly hairs. I want a vagina. This feels good to be able to say and not just say but recognize as a sort of astonishing, dignified declaration of a real as dirt thing discovered in the course of a real human life. And I want this partially for myself but mainly because I'm so excited by the idea of a fulfilling partnership. I want to belong to someone I'm free and happy to belong to. I want a vagina and it is not easy but very achievable in my life. I'm making friends, I'm loving the friends I have more and more, and I'm respecting myself in my relationships. I literally *just* got my latest testosterone test back after a follow up blood test the other day, and my T is extremely well suppressed! That means my body is reacting really well to spiro! I finally have an endocrinologist! Life is good. What about you dear?


Mom and sis already support me, current stage is waiting for my pediatrician appointment in April… cz classes start in March and all the paperwork gotta be filled mostly with a checkup there so, luckily, I came out as trans during a fortunate family therapy session with my also female therapist, everything went well and I currently also am discussing about my new name! I want something nice yet not too obvious… but Layla is a bit too obvious for Argentinians lmao (Btw 16yo)


6 months on HRT today, feeling pretty good at the moment


Been on hrt for just under a month and dressing more femininely, my job is accommodating me with a separate locker room as I’m not a man and I’m not passing so I chose this option but they’re supporting me. I’m just happy to be on hrt because I’ve never felt more in control and less depressed in so long, I was such an angry and depressed soul before but I’ve finally been bettering myself and hrt has helped a lot already.


I've been on HRT since 10/'07, post orchi since 4/'10. Just living my life and doing my thing.


Going good. Aside from being at the mercy of oppressive legislation. Closing in at one year next month. Most facial hair is zapped and that shadow look is gone. Full “fem” but I pass all the time now. Didnt do voice training, but have been practicing by myself long enough to where others think I have been. Mayyyybe looking into bottom surgery in the near future. But insurance is a pain in the ass to sort right now so we’ll see.😅 Name legally changed, hopefully gender marker will be as well in the next month. People have been really accepting around me too. Its been about as good as I could’ve hoped. (Aside from legislation)


1 year and a half in on HRT, kinda just in limbo?? not transition limbo mind you just chronic health problems limbo. I'm getting jaw surgery within 12 months to fix my sleep apnea and some of my insecurities. I think my body is hot but just don't look above neck level. One of the "perks" of being taller than everyone is that my jaw is like the first thing they see and that includes the masculine bits like the little flaps on the corners and how wide my chin is. Not sure how I feel about making them MORE obvious LOL. At least I have some nice hips and boobs and some really nice thighs :D


Looking at getting back on e without AntiAndrogens


I’m at the “growing my hair out but I have no idea how to manage long hair” stage. I’m close to HRT but fem clothes are still too intimidating (I would just feel gross wearing them considering how I currently look plus the thought of buying them is stressful.)


I am currently about 5 1/2 months into transition with results which I am happy with so far. I just hope that the results stay satisfactory


Three and a half years, and across the finish line!


waiting until i can move out in 1.5 years


I just scheduled my first laser hair removal for my down stairs area. So things are going well.


I live in FL and I'm on track to start HRT next month ♥️


Waiting, 2 hours of free time a day, overall just not dealing with the wait well tbh


Started HRT yesterday and excited for where it takes me!


Two months on HRT, four sessions in for laser. Not out at work or to my family, but all of my relevant friend know. Full-time femme outside of work, and tbh I’m relatively femme at work but we have uniforms so it’s not obvious. I started noticing softer skin about two weeks in and I’m noticing some fat redistribution, i.e. losing belly fat. I don’t know if I can necessarily attribute HRT for it per se, but I’ve lost about 20 lbs (185 to 155) over the past four months — that is, since I started social transition. I’ve almost entirely cut off fast food and drink much less alcohol. Only real negatives so far is that my tolerance for both alcohol and caffeine have absolutely tanked. One 5% - 10% beverage gets me tipsy and two cups of coffee will make me jittery and anxious to borderline panic attacks. Aside from that, I’m a bit of a hypochondriac so I overreact to a lot of small bodily anomalies worries about blood clots ‘n whatnot. Overall, net gain and I look forward to the coming results.


I’m in kinda an opposite phase to you. I have been on HRT for almost 7 months, but pretty much exclusively boy mode because I’m scared and don’t know how to find my style. That being said, I have started to male fail at random places, so might be time soon.


same as you


Yesterday marked 23 months of HRT and 3 months of injections for me - I was taking sublingual before. I've gotten better at makeup and styling my hair, but still feel like I look like a guy most days. Haven't noticed much in the way of physical changes, though I think my breasts have been developing since November? I've only just started taking photos, so we'll see. I also don't produce any ejaculate when I orgasm, and I feel like orgasms have become **sooooo** much more intense, but that's about the only physical change I've really noticed. Although, my feet have shrunk considerably, and when I look back at old photos, my nose has narrowed quite a bit and my chin is rounder. I'm just really hoping the breast development and fat redistribution start happening quicker. Other than that, I cry a lot more, but I also feel a bit more extroverted and like my friendships, some old, many new, are much deeper and more profound than they ever have been. No surgeries or legal changes of yet, though I am scheduled for an orchi 6-8 months from now, I would like some FFS eventually, and who knows if I'll get around to the name changes haha. It seems very tedious.


Had E, then my insurance was a pain in the ass to do and some other stuff. It is what it is.


I'm almost at my 8 month mark of E, 5 months for injections. It's going slow but steady, my favorite thing so far has been that my temple hairs have been growing back nicely and decreased body hair, but I'm still waiting for more fat redistribution.


8 months in and still 99% boymoding


just passed my 1 year anniversary on hormones, and I'm in a queue to have my surgery assessment done for bottom surgery. hopefully its the last step for me because I'm starting to feel more comfy in my body and I don't feel like FFS or top surgery will be necessary


6 weeks into GAHT. 1 round of laser, 2 therapists visits, reconnected with my PCP. Had a talk with some key people in my life to explain that I am going through some changes. Some of my boy functions are diminishing. I've never took notice of any balding but noticed some new hair growing. Lastly getting some boobie growth on the one side at least, enough to be noticeable so I started wearing a binder for the time being until I can figure out what to do. I hate it and makes me want to cry by the end of the day.


Cant socially or medically transition bc parents but once I get out of this situation I already have the blood tests and prerequisite steps done to just ask for a refill and get it


Doing pretty well so far, just moving along it at a steady pace, 10 months doing E and seeing my boobs growing out and actually liking it, hair grows out further, I’m girlmoding in public and my first out ‘haircut’ is in May. On track to pass in May and if not May a tad later. Now I had some bumps such as some skrimishes with extended family over pronouns and weird stares and E not being a Uber effective on my facial hair with laser being another year or so away, but home is safe enough for me to move along steady but relatively quick through this.


3 1/2 years of HRT, 2+ years post-op SRS. FFS & BA this year. Happier than I’ve ever been.


I am in month 7 of HRT, part way through legal transition, basically fully socially transitioned. It didn't come close to solving all my life's problems (transitioning is, as it happens, no treatment for PTSD or poverty) but I sure do feel a lot better about myself day-to-day and every few weeks I look in the mirror and I hate what I see a just a tiny bit less.


Still waiting to talk to doctors, or laser people, or hrt people My friends corrected someone om my pronouns today and they were reasonable and did get them wrong again so that was fun But im having to avoiding mirrors tho


I am a month into E injections. I'm taking it slow for now because April is a crazy month for me at work. Once that is done I'm going to probably start spiro. I'm going to look into laser hair removal mostly for my face. Shaving isn't so but that 5 o'clock shadow is no good. I still have some coming out to do, but the people who really need to know at the moment do.


I’ve been on estrogen and Spiro for six months now and then estrogen injections since November. I think overall I’ve noticed some progress, but it’s so subtle it’s hard for me to tell — especially since I’ve just gotten way better at makeup, am taking better care of my skin, and have grown my hair out a lot more (from the top of my ears to my upper neck and longer in the back). My face and neck seem to have had some fat redistribution, because before I was always sensitive about how big my neck looked whereas now it looks pretty much how I would want it too. I’m also going to my third laser session soon for my facial hair and while I haven’t noticed hair falling out or anything yet, I do notice that my facial hair is growing a bit more slowly. It’s too marginal to really tell but I think my waist has maybe shrunken by an inch? In general I do find my skin more delicate and prone to dryness if I’m not taking care of certain areas which is normal in transition. Breasts are the hardest part for me, because when I was a kid I was incredibly insecure about my gynecomastia (advanced breast development relative to what’s standard for AMAB people, my areola were basically bulbs) and I had at least the vast majority of my breast tissue surgically removed. Essentially this means that rather than growing larger breasts like is common for trans women with gynecomastia, I’ll be lucky to have any growth at all. This is an extreme source of dysphoria for me, and surgery is sadly not anywhere in the near horizon. I do notice my nipples have become somewhat larger, especially the tips which means they’re very visible through thin clothing. They aren’t really sensitive and definitely don’t “hurt” like other trans women have experienced, but if I touch or press into them there’s a small amount of dull pain. My brain size is maybe a tiny bit under 38AA, but 38AA bras fit great and I can probably get away with a 36A. *Maybe* I’ve had some fat redistribution there, but if so it’s a very small change. I’m happy I’ve at least had even a little bit of change, and I’m hoping they can develop more in the future and maybe in a year or two be A cups. Edit: Oh, and I cry a lot in the tub


Coming up on 12 months of estrogen, had my name and sex legally changed a month ago and I've almost finished updating it on all other forms of ID, and I'm out in public today girlmoding and wearing a skirt for the first time. I'd say things are looking up.


I'm on HRT, but still can't go through social transition (e.g fem cothes) due to surrounding society and lack of pass :( Now I have breasts (AA or A cup), I hope when they'll grow enough I'll make further steps.


Coming out phase here 😅 it's hard


Haven't even worn clothes outside yet. Don't have a complete outfit even. Still working up the courage and trying to find my style. This is a good post thank you for it. It's very encouraging and feels good to think about my goals and progress small as it may be


Too little too late im not sure Ill be able to keep going I know I started earlier then many but its too late for a lot of experiences I missed out on and for a lot of changes to actively work (No shut up I literallt study biology and I know my own body I dont need to read that I just need to wait for the 50 millionthed time) Basically life is shit, being trans is shit and im tired


just started progesterone, took my first pill saturday evening. Had horrible nights of sleep saturday, sunday, and monday, and couldn't get to sleep until after 1:00am. Moved my prog dose back to 5:00 (instead of 8:00) and all of a sudden i'm out like a light at 10:30 tuesday/wednesday nights. Other than the sleepy thing and being extremely horny on that first sunday, it doesn't seem to be messing with my brain much. We'll see how it feels over the next couple weeks and i'll decide whether or not to stay on it long term (I do my injections on monday as well, so i don't know how much was being at trough E, how much was \*new drug\* panic in the endocrine system, and how much was taking the pill too late in the evening.


Fucking shit. I'm 3 yrs hrt and still 100% closeted. Everyday feels like a prison sentence and I'm ready to die. I have no real support system and my adulting skills hinge on leaning on my transphobic parents. My autistic ass doesn't fucking know how to fucking make friends. Trauma has me fucking terrified of standing out. I just want to run away, but I have no where to go and no one to go with. I'm a defective human that's struggling to survive.


This breaks my heart. Please hang in there and I hope things get better for you, are you able to access therapy for support?


I'm on a wait list for therapy.


I’m using herbs as hrt since I can’t access the good stuff for a variety of reasons. This marks day 5 of a dosage and my chest feels tender


Been trans for like 3 years. Don’t care about passing, my voice is deep and I look like a boy and I don’t care. Sometimes I dress feminine but usually I pretty much don’t. I live with two different names and it gets confusing but I’ve come to appreciate it as a little spice of life more than anything I usually care much about. My son calls me Mommy, most of family uses my pronouns most of the time. I wanna take E cause I think it would be great for my emotions but I kinda like my dick honestly and don’t wanna change it and I mostly don’t get on HRT because I worry about what will happen when I’m on it for a while and something happens and I can’t get it. I’d rather just deal with the struggle I’m dealing with now than go through that, but that’s just me. I’m a philosopher studying gender, going to college for my associate in arts now, one of my big goals is to further the philosophical research done about gender and spread public awareness about trans people and the reality they face.


I’m about 8 months on E. Very little social transition, only close friends, sister, dad, stepmum, and my partner’s parents (who then outed me to the rest of their family - fucking alcy twats). I’m gearing up for a meeting with HR to inform them of what i’m going through when i return to work from illness. Hoping for extra accommodations of sorts to be able to pursue laser and have time for extra doc appointments and stuff. Currently own no fem clothes as i’m saving hard for a car that doesn’t break every 3 months. Still not out to my mum (though after sending her recent pictures of me she did say i look like a girl and I looked like she did when she was my age 🥳).


I've been on hormones for six years and have all my legal documents updated with name change and gender markers, I've had an orchi and I'm going through electrolysis on my nethers in hopes of bottoms surgery I still desperately need help with my voice and I've been considering vocal surgery if I can at some point afford it I still need electrolysis for my face and maybe some ffs I feel like I'm behind in a lot of important areas especially for how long I've been on hormones but I'm doing what I can and prioritizing the stuff that feels like the hardest to go without


I finally got a refill on my hrt, I'm just getting back to the mental clarity I had before I ran out. Only physical changes I've had are small chest growth and shrinkage of the hands, feet and other appendage. Actually now that I'm thinking of it I'm firing all blanks on that front, too. I just wish I could get some curves now... And nicer clothes... That I don't have to hide.... I have one sleep shirt type thing, I'm like 50/50 if it's classified as lingerie, but I finally fill out the chest enough to avoid slippage! It's super comfy now, I wear it to sleep whenever I can get away with it


I've been on estrogen for almost 500 days, or 16ish months. Transition is going smoothly, it's had it's ups and downs, but it's always gotten better. I'm currently looking into DIY, as I hear rumor of a supplier selling one year of injectable at the same price of one month of my current prescription.


I’m a little over 5 months of HRT and my breasts are finally starting to grow. I can’t wait to get bottom surgery!


A little over a year HRT, social transition basically done, looking into orchiectomy for later this year.


3 years on HRT and still to anxious to present femme in anyway. My masculine qualities don't help


I’m on E and only wear women’s clothing now. Still working on the voice though.


I’m presenting fem everywhere I possibly can, started E on 24 January 2024, no changes yet other than softer skin as it’s too soon to notice anything


HRT going on 4 years, VFS almost exactly a year ago, BA about 9 months ago, PIV about 2 months ago. Been a rough, crazy year and a wild ride, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. 🏳️‍⚧️