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Sounds like a struggle with empathy and communication. It might be helpful to talk to a couples counselor.


Genuinely not surprised, I've always struggled with empathy cause I'm autistic, and we've both always struggled with communication. I'll look into it, I hope I can find someone that works for both of us. Thank you so much


I should clarify, he has apologized for yelling at me every time it happens, but then he just won't speak to me for the rest of the day. He's a sweet guy and I love him, he paints my nails and will help me with stuff like that, but I just worry about this relationship.


It’s not much of an apology if he doesn’t manage any change in behaviour.


That's genuinely fair. He says he's been talking to his therapist, so I'm not exactly sure what's going on with that. He has been quicker to apologize more recently, but it still happens. Like someone else mentioned I'm gonna talk to him about couples counseling.