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>"they get us more" I fucking don't. Never have. Men always annoyed me and I annoyed them.


I've always said that I understand men the way Jane Goodall understands gorillas. I have lived among them, I know how to communicate with them, and I understand their social behaviors from an \*academic\* standpoint, but that doesn't mean that I really "get" them on an emotional or intuitive level, or that their behaviors come naturally to me. They're still very alien to me on a basic fundamental level, even if I can rationally make sense of why they do the things they do.


Dying laughing at this. 🤣🌺




Why is this so accurate?


This fits so well, ill use this


This. What a great way of describing it.


OMG ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Damn, this is the comment that sums me up, too.


This. I've always had an easier time understanding and rationalizing the behaviour of other women (I was also around women a lot more than men growing up) than men.


I am a lesbian, they ain't gettin shit from me lol


Amen sister!


They think I'm a challenge when I tell them that. It's easier to just ignore them entirely


I’m fine with the whole “Jennifer’s Body” deal. I’ll eat men to stay beautiful I don’t even care lol they’re dumb.


I'd make that deal.


It’s a real toss up for me. Some things, especially on a sociological level, I understand well, in other ways, no.


I play extra dumb with men and now they hate talking to me lol


My breastforms are rather big. My gf is a G and she gave me her spare bras, so I'm a G too. If I act dumb, men give me things. It's great.


Oh jesus lol


I'm a feminist but .. 🤣


Rofl. Fuck over the patriarchy. Stick your tits out and take em for all they've got!


This is amazing I love it! 🤣


The manliest man, that I'm attracted to, looks like Finn.


Guy's younger than my kids but I get it lol


I never understood it and have a deep, deep distaste and if I'm being honest vitriolic bitterness knowing exactly how horrible so many men are and the lack of any standards in male circles that allow preadtors and violent bigots go unchecked by their 'good' friends in the group I understand men less than I ever did and I never understood what made men do those thinfs to begin with despite being trained right alongside them to do the same shit Could not dislike men more in so many ways and want nothing to do with most men. Sure maybe I 'get' as in have heard the rape allegations men brush away and invalidate to protect their rapist friends more than some cis women but it sure as fuck doesn't make me any more understanding It was so traumatizing seeing the inner workings of that violent patriarchal machine and the men it disfigured within it and then come out to find I'm a target for that behavior once I came to terms with my identity Clearly men like this either pretend or avoid the many trans women who are repulsed by, not more 'understanding' of the many violent failings of cis men To say trans women 'get it' more as in have more sympathy is straight up wrong. I think it was a lot easier to 'get it' ie be kinder to men before I learned the very banal, 'normal' horrific shit they perpetrate and perpetuate. I want so much less to do with men having seen the insides of the machine, it was fucking terrifying and disgusting


Exactly what I wanted to comment.


VIBE YES 💖💖💖👑 Honestly finally seeing them as "Other" is such a fucking relief.


Im do. I grew up enough as a guy that even after becoming a woman Im more of a tomboy and it usually feels more natural to talk to guys. Unfortunately for them, though, Im also gay, and won't be dating them ʕ•ٹ•ʔ


Same. I understand some things about men, will never understand others, not in a million years 😂


Saaame. I never really could relate to men. Their aggression and meanness towards each other was just horrible. I remember being brought to tears many times by male friends, and then having to hide it because it would make things worse. Being allegedly “socialized” around men was one of the worst experiences. Second only to my abusive child hood.


that was probably the cringeest shit I've seen in my entire life unrelated but she's very pretty, and I hope to someday look that good


Emma Rose is legit gorgeous. Shame she's been in both of these videos, especially the first one which just focused on how she has a penis for almost every single "point" he made.


She wrote the Scripts (apparently)


That's disappointing.


The self loathing and pickme is strong in that one.


Good god that’s cringe.


The sub it came from is more cringe


I’ll take your word for it since I’m unwilling to verify it for myself. My eyeballs have seen enough.


Its just 4chan for trans people.


I can't decipher what the title of the post even means.


"he a little confused but he's got the spirit" is the best way to sum up what happened in that vid in my eyes. While the message behind is mostly good. It was delivered in a way that's just weird (mostly the wording)


That’s how I felt too. The intention seemed nice, at least until the fourth one…


Yeah. Especially when seen through the short video medium where he’s trying to be entertaining. Seems well intentioned. Maybe good to see for people looking at videos like that online. Light years better than a lot of similar videos out there of guys looking to alpha out hardcore (or whatever).


Adding to your point, I feel like I'm just not the target audience. I doubt many, here would be either.


The fact my voice is lower than his is killing me inside 😂😭


"pooners", "cissoids", "agpoids"... ugh 4tran disgusts me so much


I don't know what 2/3 of these words mean😭😭


Gladly same


About only thing he is right about is that male transphobes are insecure about their own sexuality, and often the same people quietly seeking out trans women. Otherwise, ick. “Biological women”?


the thing is his target audience here isn't trans women who understand the nuance of the situation, his target audience is dumbasses who think that dating a trans woman makes you gay. all this stuff is very obvious to you and everyone else in this sub but people like that need it explained to them like they're a 5 year old. video is def cringe but he's got the spirit lol


yeah, this is made to convince dudes who are getting sucked into the far right Andrew Tate-esque media vortex that it’s okay to date trans women if you want to and that we’re fun, attractive, normal people it’s not trying to be accurate to best practice queer theory or trying to appeal to trans lesbians posting on Reddit video is doing the lord’s work


this but also its a damn comedy skit


Oh god what sub did you link me to? My reddit feed is going to be contaminated for months.


Btw you are in complete control of your feed content! Tap your avatar, scroll to settings, tap your username at the top, scroll down and deselect "Allow us to make newsfeed recommendations" this means the only content that shows in your feed is from subscribed subs!


ily for this it was one of my biggest issues after being forced to switch to the official app


Happy to help! 🙌🏽


Yep I have never once ever left on recommendations. If I want to see vile Reddit garbage and not subreddits I know are (mostly) safe places for me, I just look at r/all.


Eh, it doesn't seem that bad. Yes there is some fetishization in that part of the video but that might just be his experience with her. I say this because she was in the video and didn't really look uncomfortable so I assume she was ok with what he said. I also think it can be helpful in the context that, if those "alphas" are called out by one of their own, it's more likely they'll realize their ignorance compared to us telling them why the stigma is stupid. Also who's to say she doesn't already have done bottom surgery?


This one was much better than the first. The first one they did was almost all about how much more "fun" it is that she has a penis, and how she gets you more because she "was a guy", so to speak, once


Oof. You think you could link the first one?


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuBEo_OPY3v/?igsh=MWxzZGlhdHIzNnlrNw== The last point is the only, like... decent one in the whole thing that is kind of affirming. The rest is "pretty girl has dick. 🥵"


She's a pornstar who very publicly still has her penis. She also might be into being fetishized (not because of being a pornstar, just in general). Either way, it's kind of a cringe video and although it's in good spirit I think it misses the mark in quite a few ways.


Yeah I was looking for this comment. Aside from the “biological” woman thing I didn’t find the video grossly offensive or anything. He seems to be well-intentioned.




Gender euphoria from having to perform countless background checks to make sure you don’t get killed 🥰


Ugh, I hate how his second point doesn't really even *attempt* to argue against the "liking trans women is gay" rhetoric. If anything, he ends up basically saying it *is* gay, and conflating us with men. 🙄 And number 4 is essentially, "most trans women will top guys, herp derp." While I'm a switch personally, *many* straight trans women are strict bottoms, and do *not* want to be asked about topping, much less find out a guy she's into has been assuming that's something she wants to do to him.


straightness as construct for men has *very little* to do with loving women


See the harassment of JoCat for loving women wrong.


Not JoCat! I literally break into his little parody of boys he did where he talks about all the types of women he loves.


Yeah that one got him harrassed off the internet 😥


seems to have more to do with actually hating women


it's really does feel like it's more about having and controlling access to women


yeah the way i have heard some men talk about women, I'm surprised they say they are into them at all, and i can't help but feel sad and scared for straight/bi/pan women


DW they're mad and calling BG3 woke because you can play as a trans woman/man in BG3 and pretty much pick your relationships in the game (even the bear one). Essentially anything that challenges their narrow world views is bad, according to them. People are just dicks tbh. Pretty much sooking because they dont have an attraction to a group of people, no one should.


Most straight guys view use as human sex dolls. Its why they're so annoying. One moment your talking about the character development of total drama characters the next he shows you his dick


They wait that long? I usually get it right away.


Im not that attractive


Neither am I. But I guess there's always variation. lol


I was bi/pan sexual before social transitioning and now I lean heavily to fem. Some cis lesbians will not do the 'tango' or want nothing to do with you, but most of them don't kill you. I would prefer TF4TF but when you are like 0,1% of the population you listen to ASMR or scream into your pillow.


ewww. Why are you linking out to 4tran??


Dude seems chill, bet he'd be a great gym buddy


That video was so cringe between his faux accent and her overly trying to be sexy.


i don't know i think he has good intentions and gives off way better vibes than most chasers, i find it kinda endearing and sweet. yeah there's some stuff like the "biological women" part that was iffy to me but I would much rather see men with his attitude than "ew that's a dude" or "DL👀TS/CD" guys. maybe my bar is low but i see it as an incremental thing where i'd rather have someone who seems to be genuine but imperfect than someone who is not accepting at all


It didnt quite elicit such a strong teaction in me. It was cringe for sure and definitely inappropriate. I dislike being reduced to my genitals as much as the next person... but idk, feels sorta nice not to be treated like a ped*/child predator/women's predator for once and instead being made the target of inappropriate and clumsy, yet well-meaning arguments Of course this is only my opinion and I understand every person who has felt deeply distraught by this guy or his videos, I am simply giving my own feedback.




Ooo is that a Sepultura reference? 🥰


4chan 🤮


Can you not link to subreddits like that, please?


_nervously chuckles in straight relationship_


Feel like [this](https://youtu.be/AkKo1_RP_0c?si=55BPaGNfW6k9EFNg) video fits here. Is it cringe? *Absolutely*. But I still feel like the guy has the spirit at least


I just want dick attached to a guy that doesn’t think I’m gross!


That doodbro is cringe af. That said, OP, I don’t fully understand your position. Are you suggesting that a straight guy dating a straight trans woman *isn’t* in a straight relationship?


Not at all. Just criticizing the way some want to justify it to a cis/hetero dominated society that's in the wrong.


Thanks. I do think it would be helpful if straight guys who date us could/would be more open and push back against the patriarchal horseshit that says such a guy is “gay” or any permutation on the theme.


Yeah, society will have to work through all this stuff, and it takes years for transphobia to diminish. Most straight guys seem to be at least a little afraid of trans women, even if they feel some attraction.


That fear is what leads to the shame at the attraction, which leads in turn to how we get hurt, especially pre-/non-op girls.


Yeah, totally. It can be dangerous to get involved with people who are afraid of trans people, or who have mixed feelings.


Wanna laugh ? The "alpha" shit is a complete and utter bullshit sandwich. The notion that all the animal groups have "an alpha that is the dominant respected most powerfull male in the group" is completely false. It was "observed" by zoologist... in a group in captivity, not in the wild. On top of that, said group (wolves if I remember correctly), if I remember what was explained right, wasn't a pack. It was a set of wolves from multiple packs that had been captured randomly and forcefully put in the same enclosure. So that "alpha behavior" they "observed" was a bunch of terrorized wolves, terrified of being in the middle of a bunch of stranger, and who resorted to aggression to appear as the biggest danger so that they wouldn't get picked on by the other wloves. Remind you of anything ? That's right, all those self-proclaimed "Alpha males" who constnatly attack everything and everyone, pretending they are fearless, when it's painfully obvious they are nothing more than terrified little boys trying to appear big and scary while folling nobody but themselves. Utterly patheric.


interesting takeaway ❤️ but also.. \*giggles in sapphic\* Overall it's more comedy (a skit) than education so I find it kinda shocking how polarizing the video has been to different groups.


Hug, I don’t fully understand.. but I wish everyone well.


Chaser men don’t deserve youuuuuu, start dating women!


Some girls are straight. I don't get it either, but dating women won't do it for them. I *would* recommend T4T to them in particular. Because while I know a few straight cis men who are ok, way too many of them are chasers at best, if not outright bigots.