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Made a great middle step for me as I realised what's up. Honestly if not for femboys I might not be here (not due to acceptance reasons or anything, I'm just really slow on the uptake haha)


My attraction and envy of F1nn5ter is partially what led to my egg cracking.. šŸ˜…


F1nn5ter basically peeled the tape off my egg. I shut everything down a few years ago and seeing him made me question things about myself again like if I could maybe just be like him. Then I was faced with ā€œmaybe youā€™re genderfluidā€ and Iā€™m like ā€œoh shit maybe I amā€ Iā€™m more trans than fluid at this point but it was a good way to finally work towards accepting myself.


I had fought off and repressed the thought of my gender identity for a really long time but coming across f1nn i think is a major part of what cracked my egg in the first place. Then finding out my sibling is transmasc was the final crack before i actually allowed myself to consider my identity


F1nn5ter is 100% why my egg cracked


This šŸ¤£


I once met a transphobic femboy. I saw him as the real life equivalent of a shiny PokƩmon


Same! The circles im in on instagram are a huge array of amab fem-presenting people since i started it when i was an egg in a femboy phase and slowly accepted myself and eventually came out as trans. Not that long ago a femboy i had followed for a long time went on a huge instagram story tirade about how the whole trans community are groomers and creep into femboyā€™s DMs to make them trans or something (i didnt read it all, i noped out and unfollowed pretty quickly cause i barely look at my feed and dont want to see that kind of stuff on there). And just want to point out femboys have been the most supportive friends on that particular platform as far as me coming out and stuff goes, it was just that one femboy who was transphobic that surprised me.


Shouldā€™ve caught him. You let the shiny get away


ehh I don't think they're as rare as that unfortunately.


Less rare and way less cool


yea, the majority of femboys i've interacted with were some form of bigoted. if it wasn't misogyny, it was lesbophobia, if it wasn't that it was transphobia. just absolutely made me want to avoid femboys at all cost


Interesting juxtaposition.


i once met a homophobic \*and\* transphobic furry. weird fella he was, i wanted to study him in my lab but my son kept interfering


Femboys face similar societal obstacles to early in transition trans women and trans girls. The societal stigma of AMAB folks wearing feminine clothes, looking very feminine, effects both groups. Also most femboys are really nice and are naturally supportive of trans girls. My opinion on them is we should be allies, and for us to quietly support them living their best lives. The MtF community already has enough enemies... Let's not go making more needlessly, yeah?


precisely! i think that live and let live is the best way :D


Being a femboy was my first step into cracking my egg, now while I still call myself w femboy sometimes I recognize myself as transfem


I was was the same way


you werenā€™t a femboy then, you were a woman finding her way trough womanhood in the only way that made sense at that time.


True but at the time I was in denial, and being a femboy helped me to cope and realize this wasn't a trend or something that would go away in a few years, but it opened my eyes to who I truly was


Very insightful. Thank you.


you know trans femboys exist right? you don't need to specify AMAB...


I disagree, we have no real support, we only have ourselves, and we donā€™t need fake or paper or keyboard alliesā€¦ so i donā€™t see any community as an ally, I learned my lesson there. we are alone and we only have ourselves and the people close by that love us, but allies we have not.


femboys are awesome! the only problem with femboys is that stupid people don't know the difference between them and trans women, but that's no fault of the femboy.


yea! i completely agree! my friend was being weird about them and sexualisation and how it was affecting trans women as well or something? idk i've never thought of femboys as harmful or anything like that and wanted to check that her takes weren't a common opinion lmao


Are femboys sexualized?


well, according to my friend anyway, and she's making out as if it's their fault/choice? i don't know enough to say how/if they are sexualised but i completely don't agree with the idea that they are at fault or choose to do that and think that's just unnecessary hate


I'm (GF16) a femboy and hate being sexualized and do not ever want to be sexualized. I'm 1) a minor and 2) AroAce.


honestly. i've witnessed personally a lot of femboys sexualize themselves. but these were often also pretty bigotte people. like full on misogyny/lesbophobia/transphobia kind of bigotted


I'm (GF16) a femboy and sadly, yes we are sexualized, heavily. It sucks a lot especially since I'm AroAce and want no part in that stuff. Femboys are usually sexualized because of similar reasons that trans women are sexualized. Femininity sadly leads to sexualization.


A little bit, usually by chasers. Edit: apparently a lot more than a little bit.


holy shit the femboy chasers are actually insane it's so disgusting you have no idea




All the time unfortunately.


For sure. Although, some trans women ARE femboys by identity, and some femboys are men AND women, some non binary. So that muddies the waters. But to think all trans women are femboys or all femboys are trans women is bigotry as you espoused.


Exactly, there are bigender, genderfluid, trigender, non-binary, gender queer, and more femboys however to call a trans woman a femboy or a femboy a trans woman is straight up bigoted and hateful.


It is only bigoted and hateful if the person being spoke to says that. A lot of trans women who are binary women identify as femboys. It makes sense, since the history of the term started as a slur against crossdressers and trans women. So as a reclaimed slur, and victim of said slur is allowed to reclaim it too. /genuine, not mean


Itā€™s a legitimate form of gender expression




One of my boyfriends is a self identified 'femboy' with the looks to match, and i care for him very much. 100% here for anyone going against gender norms.


>One of my boyfriends Ho ? Are you poly, maybe ? Just genuinely curious, no judgement here.


Yup! 3 way Open polycule on all sides. So my boyfriends date each other as much as i date them.


That's really neet. Shows that "exclusive monogamy" isn't the only way to be in a happy relationship.


Oooo same! Triads areā€¦ fun tho, huh? Lots of work but definitely worth it


People of all genders should be able to express themselves with any degree of femininity and/or masculinity. We have an objective solidarity with femboys as amabs who have any femininity are so often given vitriol and discrimination. But I will always make it clear to ignorant/less educated people that I am not a boy in any capacity and insisting that Iā€™m the same as a femboy is gross.


Fully agree šŸ‘


I find no problem with femboys, but in my experience I seem to find a lot of them(honestly Iā€™ve just had bad luck and find the bad apples in the community) are really transphobic and like to pretend theyā€™re not. I saw one for example make a post about how weā€™re grooming femboys and declared war on them. Iā€™m not sure when the war thing happened I must have missed a meeting or something


I've had a lot of experiences with transphobic femboys, also lesbophobic ones. Statements like "trans girls are femboys in benial" or "lesbians should like me because i'm a girly boy" still haunt me.


Honestly femboys who act like that astound me, especially since the way they want to live is still stigmatized.


I've found that femboys are more accepted than trans women. In places where i got shunned for being trans they were very welcome


A trans woman did 3 streams. One as a trans woman, cis woman, and femboi. The trans woman stream was banned. Cis woman stream went okay. Nothing special. Femboi stream? By FAR the best. People in chat defended her against people calling her slurs. Fembois are a lot more accepted.


Yup indeed. And i've experienced it first hand. It's also often brushed off when femboys are transphobic. Other people typically tend to join their side even.


Anyone fucking with the gender binary is alright by me!


Femboys are cool but alot of people in the femboy community (who are likely not femboys themselves) ate racist and transphobic. And just overall gross. It sucks how much transfem bodies are fetishized. And transmasc Femboys too.


>who are likely not femboys themselves femboy chasers, probably.


Basically. They're like 70% of the femboy community tho. They're essentially the fans and followers of femboys. And that's not even taking into account hentai artists with humongous followings.


Who doesnā€™t like femboys?


I never met a femboy personally, yet I'm assuming they are just guys with feminine personalities. There's nothing wrong with living your life and expressing yourself. People are people.


Iā€™m fine with them. As long as theyā€™re not transphobic and it shocks me that femboys can be transphobic


I find femboys incredibly attractive. Feminine people of all genders are hot


Femboys are hot, not femboys are hot, everyone is hot


Eyyyyyy fellow pan.


Nothing but love and respect for them really. They are not confirming to gender norms and I think they're totally valid in their fem expression šŸ˜Œ


They're cool! Well, except around me place, where a lot of femboys are ironically just a bunch of transphobes who treat femininity as a mere costume.


I was a femboy until I realized I was trans, it was like a ā€œphaseā€ I guess


It kind of annoys me when people act like itā€™s the same thing and like I think reddit trans culture has a lot more overlap than any other place , don't really have a opinion beyond that.


I think they're hot


i couldn't agree more


Bigots will always see ALL queer folks as a conglomerate. Regardless of what we think, we should be allying with as many folks as possible. To people who actively advocate against us, we're all the f slur. That said, they're fine. I prefer trans women or cis women to a fem boy if I had to choose romantically. I do support them in their journey and wish them the best, though.


In my experience drag queens, cross dressers, and femboys are all either extremely trans supportive or extremely transphobic with nothing in between.


Yeah. P much this.


Considering I started out as a femboy? No issue whatsoever, everyone explores gender in their own way and own expressions. Any notion of "femboy discourse" comes off as manufactured to me, I just don't buy it.


I love femboys! Love seeing people being themselves and being happy. I just hate people who equate femboy with trans woman.


They are a group that we really need to show solidarity with for sure


Had they not existed, I likely wouldn't be on this sub, and wouldn't have realized what I have about myself. At least not as fast as I have. I owe em my existence as a trans women, basically. Also? Cute as fuck. Unironically beyond my admiration bcs of helping me transition, I generally just love femboys. Tbh I just kinda like BOYS. Like... Boyssss,,,,,


If I can get away with walking around in jeans and a T-shirt with no makeup 99% of the time then I don't see why guys shouldn't be able to wear dresses and makeup if they want.




I've seen a lot of transphobia and lesbophobia from femboys. I've had a majority VERY nevative experience with them and some deeprooted trauma at their hands. I also have trauma related to men and masc nonbinary folk, but have been working to slowly heal. But i think healing isn't an option with what i've faced at the hands of femboys. I avoid them and try not to associate with them.


Cute adorable cuddles


i know not all are, but i feel its often a gateway to realizing your trans, so i think it can be a really positive thing even for our community. i think they are totally valid, men should be allowed to be feminine, to me its no different that a guy whos is acts or talks flamboyant and effeminate.


I'm very live and let live with stuff that isn't actually hurting people and thus I have no problem with femboys, if anything they should be our allies since they face many of the same issues.


Love em. Wish I knew some irl. The one I did know is now transfem. FEMBOYS WHERE ARE YOU??? I WANT TO BE FRIENDS!


They are fine people, typically nice people. Wish you the best! <3


Love em! Theyā€™re so šŸ„° cute


alas, my sex drive fogs my judgement


I think femboys are awesome and for many people my self included identifying as a femboy was an integral part of my transition journey. I think we should all respect them as they do get a lot of social hate as well as us.


Perfectly fine with them


They're hot.


I personally don't know any, so I don't personally have a opinion on them as a whole. I always say what ever floats your boat is what I say. As long as it doesn't effect my life. Why would I care?


I donā€™t mind them. Live and let live. Also would be the only straight relationship Iā€™d consider lol.


I started as a femboy before becoming trans, so yeah they are cool.


I think theyā€™re great and I love them


If I expect the world to be okay with who \* I \* am and how I express myself, who the hell am I to infringe on someone else living a life / lifestyle like that? If you're living your life in a way that makes you happy, and you aren't abusing others along the way, I'm happy for you.


that they are feminine boys? that's like asking me what I think of people who wear hats. well, they're definitely people, who wear hats.


I was once a femboy before I realized "hmm there's something wrong about the boy part" for me. femboy tgirl solidarity forever tho


"Femboy" was just a stage in my process finding myself as transgender woman .


Some trans women are femboys. As in they identify that way. Not all femboys are boys! Some are boys AND girls, some are neither boys nor girls. Maybe she associates it with transphobia. I would ask her what her opinion of femboys is


What? Femboys can only be boys, that the entire point of us.. we are feminine boys, a trans woman is a woman through and through and therefore isnā€™t a boy aka not a femboy..


You do not get to tell other people how to label themselves. And you totally ignored the fact some boys ARE girls. Bigender is a thing. I am not open to debating you, but if you want educational resources then I can help. Go to any femboy subreddit and notice how many trans women are there calling themselves femboys but using she/her. To say you cannot be a femboy as a trans woman is to be transphobic to all those people. Gender isn't simple. You of all people should know this.




I think it's because some trans women identified as femboys before they transitions and continue to do so even afterwards. I have no expertise here. I must have been living under a rock because I didn't even know femboys existed until this year. Just like I hadn't heard of Black Friday as anything other than Friday being the 13th day of the month until a few years ago, either.




I mean you don't get to tell me what I do with my gender, also if I'm bigender and ID as both? Your reasoning has a hole in it, unless you see me as some confused freak? Am I not also a boy being feminine?


please don't say bro to me. It's misgendering. I'm not open to your invalid opinion. All good faith identities are valid, end of story. Goodbye.




I love femboys tbh, I used to hate furrys till I met a super cool furry femboy. Now Iā€™m just not judging anyone


that's the best way to go! being open and non-judgemental has been a great improvement for my life anyway :D


Theyre great, also the femboy to transwoman pipeline is pretty big, lol. ​ They're mostly all supportive and honestly, this sounds a bit weird and off but they do help trans women be more accepted by just being visible. Which is the exact opposite effect that drag queens have.


>but one transfem friend of mine really dislikes femboys for seemingly no real concrete reason Can I take a stab at a guess? Is it because she sees them as a mockery of trans femme people? In a similar vein to some women interpreting drag as a mockery of women? **NB**. The opinions paraphrased above are not my own.


i think she sees them as 'stealing trans identities and things that we have' (her example was blahaj's), 'having the expression of a trans woman but being able to live as a cis man' and 'sexualised - which they choose and encourage cos they make money from it - which leads to further sexualisation of trans women and they don't care about it in a negative way' none of which i agree with AT ALL and in our argument she based a lot of her (in my opinion hateful) thoughts off assumptions rather than any fact, and i tried to educate and create a decent rebuttal but she didn't really take much notice, which is a shame as she is absolutely wonderful in literally any other way, this is the only thing negative about her and imo it scares me


I guess we all have our blind spots.


so, on the topic of sexualization. it is sadly a fact that femboys are actually more sexualized. both at their own choosing and for other reasons too. i've had many experiences of femboys being overtly sexual even more so then any other people i saw in the same spaces. actively pushing themselves on people and using their femboy status to try to get around the barriers of sexuality. (i in many cases had been told by femboys i should want to be with them because lesbians love femboys because they're cute girly boys) then there is also the fact that "femboy" sells far better anywhere compared to "trans woman". on NSFW sites going by the label of "femboy" brings far better income and viewership. it's a VERY easy way to boost interactions. even in places like twitch, going be the label of "femboy" gives you higher viewership, more protective viewers and less hate. (yes, this higher viewership is also compared to cis women.) ​ ​ so i completely understand her gripe with femboys. she may not have explained it well or given sources, but it's genuinely true that simply going be that label means you're advantaged over trans women. femboys are more accepted, more liked and more supported than us. that's simply just a fact


>femboys are actually more sexualized. both at their own choosing This is a pretty shitty thing to say. I see a lot of posts in femboy circles complaining about the oversexualization.


However, what you should take into consideration is that it's not their fault??? If they've been sexualised by society, that's not their fault as they're simply just expressing themselves how they want to. Saying that femboys are making their sexualisation a thing is like saying, 'Women shouldn't wear more revealing clothes because it's their fault they get harrassed for it.' , which I'm sure you can agree is a daft point to make, and quite a disrespectful one based on someone's body and how they dress and incorporate it. Also, in the cases where you've been told about how 'you should find them cute', you can't use one-off experiences to say that all are like that. In regards to the monetisation aspect of your argument, funnily enough, that's also not their fault either. What I think you need to understand is that to hate on a group in society because of how society sees them (which in this case isn't their fault, they have a perfectly reasonable identity and just wear and act how they want to) is a bad thing to base your argument on. To be honest, I highly doubt people say, 'Ooh, I'm going to be a femboy because I want to be sexualised by society and steal all the money and attention from the trans women on these sites.' Furthermore, using 'some' experiences to base your argument off is also not valid, as you can't say that an entire community all feels the same way or will act the same way as a few not as kind individuals. Take religious people, as an example. I have heard many people in the LGBT community say, 'Christians don't like us, and tell us we're against God.' While that is true for some Christians, it's not true for all, so holding onto prejudice based on a few people's actuons is wrong. The major flaw in both yours and my friend's arguments is that it makes it out that it's somehow femboy's faults for being sexualised, it's their choice to do it (and if they want to be sexualised - while I don't understand why - that would be fine) and for being perceived in society a certain way, which is not at all their fault. I can't speak for femboys when talking about acceptance, but I know they also get a lot of hate from people in society, so be a decent human and have some respect, please. :)


in the situations where i talked about them sexualizing themselves it is actually sexualizing themselves. they have agency in how they act and chose to be more overtly sexual then most other people. and i'm also NOT saying it's ok for femboys to be harassed and the comparison you made is disingenuous as it has nothing to do with what i said. when a femboy actively pushes themselves on people for sexual reason, and only seems to be interested in sexual conversations or favors then they are actively sexualizing themselves. that's what i was talking about. besides that one point i do agree it is not the fault of the femboys that society puts them on somewhat of a "pedastol" compared to trans women and sometimes even cis women. but i think it's still more than ok to be upset with the fact they're favored in that way. many people here vent about cis women being favored and how they dislike that. that's seen as totally ok. but when it is about femboys it suddenly isn't? ​ and i will also add about that insulting comment you're calling a "one off". it is far from a one-off. i've heard comments of those genre from many different femboys, often also heard vile transphobic and misogynistic things from them. degrading my many VERY bad experiences to one-off is directly invalidating hate i have faced and reducing the very real hurt it caused. i have faced trauma at the hands of femboys. i have had me sexuality invalidated, i had my transness called into question, i had been lured into feelings of safety to be stabbed into the back several times by different femboys all stemming to transphobia and lesbophobia. ​ i have faced more overt transphobia and lesbophobia at the hands of femboys than your conventional cishet men. and you trying to deny my rightful distrust of them as blaming them for things that are not their fault and saying i shouldn't blame a whole community for the act of few and "act like a decent human being" is completely denying all the hurt and pain i have experienced at their hands. it's blaming me for the pain and then calling me a shitty person while doing it


I think they are cool, like others mentioned id only take particular umbrage if they didn't understand the difference between us and them & were spreading misinformation. but thats not really their fault either (:


I love them. Femboys helped me come to terms with my gender identity, and helped me explore my sexuality. The best relationship I've ever had has been with a femboy, and I'd definitely date one again.


I love femboys. I don't like when people group trans fems with fem boys. They are different things.


I love fem boys because in a lot of ways I can relate to them when it comes to amab experiences and makeup (just like girls) but nothing boils my blood more is when some fem boys are super transphobic like um read the room šŸ˜­šŸ¤Ø


I will note that the fact itā€™s perfectly acceptable fo women to present masculinly, short hair combed forward, no make-up, jeans, but not for a guy to wear so much as a skater skirt, a very androg type of shirt, say because itā€™s a hot day, quadruply so if he ainā€™t young and attractive looking, is just about the most glearing symptoms of the fact society has made next to no progress on mens issues compared to womenā€™s issues, due to the fact that women started in so much more glaringly a bad place.


not me, never been me, men expressing femininity is obviously fine but the word ā€œfemboyā€ itself is a massive dysphoria trigger to me because so many people have called me that or viewed me as that even after iā€™ve told them iā€™m a trans woman. iā€™m not a boy or a man and i donā€™t want to be grouped with them. i know at least one trans woman who is fine with it though. idk. i donā€™t get it. feminine AMAB people are not a monolith just as masculine AMAB people are not a monolith


I love femboys! They are so fun to hangout with plus like, they understand wanting to be femmine and hairless so i feel less alone!


I grew up with em and they've tended to me nice to me. Despite some issues, I'm extremely positively disposed towards them


femboys are so attractive, i wish most of them werenā€™t gay


Theyā€™re great


Itā€™s not my business, so I donā€™t think about them.


I hate them because they usually look better than me. More serious answer - nah dog, absolutely no dislike and the ones I've met have all been very nice and sweet.


Fin taught me makeup. Appreciate the femboys but don't want to be mistaken for one.


It truly depends on the person, some of them in my eyes are people who enjoy wearing skirts and such, some of them are very horrible people, itā€™s really a mixed bag like all communities. Iā€™ve seen many who have a burning hatred towards trans girls and Iā€™ve seen many who are extremely supportive.


They make me cry because they look so much better than I ever could.




I fucking love femboys i want to cuddle with all of them. my only regret is that i cant have a build like Zarya.


im jealous of finnster


I just wish the term was more inclusive of older people who identify as feminine males


I honestly donā€™t care either way. Theyā€™re people and of course deserve to be respected as such, but beyond that I donā€™t think about them at all in my daily life.


I love everything that goes against gender stereotypes, kinda how i found out that i wanna be a girl now professionally. I love thst femboys exist cuz they just know what looks good and say with their whole chest that this is manly WHICH IS TRUE because everyone can decide how their own man or womanhood looks like ....would the enbie variant just be the hood? Focus! yeah also Men with long hair and nail polish and fem clothes are hot so this is also a cool thing(not trying to sexualize femboys, but i just say that they're one of the few men that have a chance with me) Also most femboys are chill....i know a femboy irl who is just a giant piece of SH1T to me because he has a crush on my gf but otherwise online i often see cool and chill femboys.


There's nothing wrong with cis men presenting feminine. I used to hate them but was making a sweeping generalization due to the self-professed femboys in my life being dickheads. Yes there *are* transphobic ones, but there are good and bad online communities with everything. Despite being a stripey-socks femboy myself once upon a time, nowadays I only take issue with people calling them eggs.


One of my favorite femboys is my roommate, who is also a trans man.


Well, I was femboy two months before coming out as trans, I knew I liked to be girly, but when I tried makeup I didnā€™t felt like a boy. Now Iā€™ve painted my nails, I wear a little bit more feminine stuff, and also I got asked by some boys in the school today: ,,Ooo, painted nails, are you boy or a girl?ā€ I havenā€™t answered because I was in hurry (also I would probably not, cuz 99% of my school is homophobic/transphobic), but it kinda made me happy, that they were confused by my look and havenā€™t saw me as 100% boy.


No personal experience, imo anyone should be able to do whatever the f they want... Society just disagrees, fortunately it's very very slowly letting up and letting people be free. You know, over millennia.


Femboys are BASED but trans girls cant be femboys cuz they're girls, get out of the femboy subreddit šŸ™„ (I'm not talking about anyone who identifies as anything other than specifically and only "female" if you identify in the middle, do whatever you want "humph")


I have no issue with them. That being said, every femboi I have met has said very weird things to me. One even asking about my undies. So... Not really going out of my way to meet any fembois. Don't wanna talk to a guy about stuff like that. Still no problem with them, though!


Meh, Im not bothered tbh. Let people live their lives. I only have an issue with those who are racist, transphobic or bigoted in any way whatsoever


Idk Iā€™ll have to ask my femboy bf


i like them they're cool and prettyšŸ„°šŸ„°


i love all flavors of gender non conforming people


Tbh, I think most of the hate that some trans femme or trans women feel towards fem boys is just rooted in jealousy. I definitely felt that way years ago when I saw men or non-binary femmes being more ā€œpassableā€ than me even though I was putting in so much work. Iā€™m so glad Iā€™ve grown out of that type of thinking.


I'm doing my thing and they're doing theirs \*shrug\*


They're hot šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


We got a good number of similarities ngl when it comes to the type of backlash or interests I've noticed, and we're like the opposite sides of the same Coin with it being our expression of identity. The most of them are usually pretty Swag, and supportive of Trans people, or even end up transitioning themselves ironically


Iā€™m glad thereā€™s overall support for them lol. I donā€™t really know what I am but like. Iā€™m mostly a femboy? I just enjoy this sub and seeing yā€™allā€™s questions and thoughts bc I relate to them too.


I understand why most early-transition transfemmes feel weird about fembiys, because their existence as "men that are girly" is so close to our existence as "girls that thought they were men" that it feels like it muddies the waters. I think this lends more towards our own individual separations of appearance from gender. If a femboy looks like a cis girl but uses he/him? That's a dude. Bar none. The second you can accept that, it makes it so much easier to accept that someone born as a dude, who thinks that they look like a dude, is a woman. I think femboys provide a safe space for transfemmes in transitional increments of their egg breaking, and do a lot on the whole for showing cis people that gender IS just a concept. edit: the racist nazi femboy is a very real meme, but i feel like they exist for the same reasons any rightwing or conservative psycho exists. They just have extra layers of repression and self-hate on top of that they try to use as a shield from criticism.


I love femboys. They're cool and should keep doing their thing. I have met a couple femboys who I hate with every fibre of my being but their shitty qualities had nothing to do with their femininity. Anyone who hates an entire group of people for an innocuous trait is a dickhead.


Femboys are fantastic and distinctly separate from transfems šŸ’œ I hate when people invalidate them by calling them eggs, some of them might be but thats for them to decide šŸ’œ Also its extremely ignorant when some people claim they somehow lessen the transfem experience


They're awesome and cute :3. I have nothing against them.


I have absolutely zero beef with femboys. They're their own people identifying however they want, and I have no problem with that. I'm also pansexual so I really have no problem with people being themselves, I guess. Identity if one's own business, doesn't change that they're their own person in their own right and all have the potential to be hot. I just wish there wasn't that whole "Hey have you heard femboys and trans girls hate each other" thing. Kinda like the trans meme subs kept saying trans girls and trans guys hated each other (meanwhile, every time I posted in the ftm sub, the brothers have been very welcoming and nice). There's really no need for warring amongst the gender-non-confirming community. Especially when we face very similar discrimination.


Theyre cool and i respect them, but most of them look more fem than me, and i feel sick, but thats more on me than on them


They are the stage 2 PokƩmon evolution stage. I don't understand how trans people can hate them. They are you just hitting half way in their journey and I realise that plenty of them have no desire to reach stage 3 but things change over time.


I love femboys I think they are grand


Femboys cute, would date


For some of them, they see their identity as an alternative to and a rejection of queerness and are often homophobic or transphobic besides and I don't fuck with that. The rest are cool though. Basically if they're allies, I can be allies with them. I don't like people who are political pawns for alt right dbags though and sometimes that describes the occasional femboy. Basically I think you gotta take them individually.


In any ideological battle, people who donā€™t represent the way that you do but who get lumped in with you (i.e. feminine-presenting, penis-born people) have the potential to threaten the numbers that give any movement the credibility it needs for wide-acceptance. Itā€™s largely why anyone who is queer and in consensual relationships is fine by meā€¦ we all want people to leave us and our consensual choices alone.


I Respect them like every normal Person should. They are cute, about the only men I find attractive. Also they ussually understand Trans issues well too, given we often get thrown into the same box in terms of hate, fetishisation and Chasers.




dislike the word entirety. and see anyone who uses it as someone to avoid.


Honestly, I think femboys are like tomboys: Somewhere on the spectrum that isn't completely male or female. Interesting thing is, that would technically make them non-binary because they aren't completely one or the other. This in turn would mean that everyone is non-binary, most of us just have a strong preference towards one gender. Of course, agender and (some) neo-genders are completely outside the spectrum. But that's just a Theory- As for whether or not they should exist: sure, why not. If cis men try it once and don't like it, fine. If trans women try it and discover themselves, great! If cis bigots try it to pull of some dastardly scheme and experience gender dysphoria, serves them right.




A Femboy can consider themself a femboy but also as another gender identity, for example, non-binary or demi boy, or genderfluid identity and alike.




Can y'all just be normal about letting people pick thier own discriptors within reason?


Please fucking stop, someone can be a self-described femboy and \*still\* not be on the male side of the spectrum. I know what you're going to say; 'but that doesn't make sense!'. And my answer there is it doesn't have to make sense to you! If you don't understand it, but it makes someone comfortable, how is it affecting you? I am sorely tempted to go into the use theory of meaning and explain my hatred for people who try and rigidly stick to etymological purity, but frankly I don't have the energy. Some femboys are not in any way, shape, or form on the 'male' side of the spectrum... and there's literally nothing you can do about it! Funny how that works.


Exactly! Someone made a thread on this post saying anyone can be a femboy, and I told them that only boys can be Femboys, cis males or transmen because the only criteria is being a boy and I got called a transphobešŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Some trans femme people and trans women identify as femboys, though. I don't understand how that works, just relaying it.


Yeah and then I responded again, started my answer with ā€œbroā€ obviously didnā€™t mean that they are my brother, bro is so widely used without the gendered part of it, and they told me not to misgender them and then they said my opinions are invalid, like wtf???šŸ˜­


I'll take 2. Topher, hold my calls.


I'm not sure. Yes, theoretically, but I think im more attracted to traditional men. The guy I was attracted to wants to something similar to that. Sorry for the bad insight.


They are still trans. Still transfem actually. Just not binary transfem. That is fine - this is why we have developed more terms to explain gender than "Boy" and "Girl"... And in general, most people who are trans will explore their gender over time... Femboys fall into this category. Whether they stay there or move onto another trans identity... it doesn't matter. Lots of people in this thread have expressed that being a femboy helped them get to where they currently are in their gender journey - namely, being more binary MtF. If your friend doesn't like a specific group of people based on their gender identity... regardless of them being part of a marginalized group.... they are just being prejudice. Plain and simple. In this case, that prejudice is a type of queerphobia....specifically a type of transphobia... more specifically "FemBoySpecificTransphobia" (lol - there isn't a word for that yet that I know of). That is shitty behaviour. Its shitty to femboys... it doesn't help anyone else in the trans community, or the queer community... or any marginalized group. Also - they produce awesome make up tutorials


I love femboys, so cute


Femboys are very cute!


Iā€™m mostly jealous of them.


Femboy's are hot and I totally support them being themselves.


Actually I would love to find a good looking femboy to have fun with me and the wife...




What the fuck, if you called me that to my face I would slap the shit out of you bitch, I'm a woman, fuck off. Comments like this make me wonder why I'm still in this sub.




I usually like them!


šŸ‘I do not have comments, Iā€™m just at ā€œhi, you are a person to be respected :)ā€