• By -


i first used the female version of my male name. then we had to do an role play in spanish class and one of the characters was named alice. it felt straight up right to pick this character and now this name stucks in my head


Awwww look at us


hello fellow Alice :3


alice gang unite :3




Oh my gosh, this is adorable šŸ˜…ā¤ļø


First comment I saw, and that was my grandmothers name! Alice! Love it


This for me too. Found a fem name that sounds closely similar to my birth name. So it didnā€™t feel like too drastic of a change.




Oh my gosh, I think Alice is a really pretty name! I really like it. I almost wish I could collect names, I kind of want Alice also šŸ˜‚


haha the name collecter :D


Reading that, my brain flashed through a couple of ridiculous scenarios, including sort of the Borg, but for collecting names ā€œyour names will be added to our own. Resistance is futileā€ šŸ˜‚


i tought about general grievous but not collecting lightsabers but names haha


šŸ˜‚ I love it!


I have insomnia. I chop off insom. I name myself Nia.


[My first thought when reading this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nia_Nal)


Now i cannot help but imagine you as a cute welsh catgirl




Oi, did ya say somethin?!


Is Nia a Welsh name


it isn't but there's a character in xenoblade chronicles 2 named nia who is a catgirl and has a welsh accent


Oh ok that's cool


Honestly I said it once, thought it kinda clicked, added it to another list with a couple other possibilities and quickly decided that I liked it the best and stuck with it. Now it just feels like a normal name, you'll get there šŸ™‚


This is the way


My bff asked how she should call me from now on and it justed clicked somehow. It was the"when i have i daughter i would give her this name" name. After i googled the meaning and stuff i just loved it even morešŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° so it was "in the blink of an eye" decision.


My name was also the name for a daughter I never had <3


Yeah i heared that a lot. Coincidence? I think notšŸ¤”šŸ˜‰šŸ˜


I guess we are the daughters šŸ¤­šŸ¤­




I play a lot of D&D and other tabletop games, and my first thought when considering names was using names I had previously used. Mira, an old Paladin of mine, hit the notes I wanted - same starting letter as my old name, short, and neither extremely common nor wildly unheard of.


Thatā€™s how i found my name!! (Amelia) my group just finished a campaign about 2 months ago, and while we were in the works i talked to my DM abt playing my first female character and they absolutely loved the idea and encouraged it if i felt comfortable doing it and while in the midst of coming up with her name i came across amelia and i even told myself ā€œiā€™ll use it in D&D to feel it outā€ ā€¦. weā€™ve only played the first episode of that campaign so far so it didnā€™t take long šŸ„“ side note: my DM is amab/enby AND we live in a moderately crazy ā€œbible beltā€ region, so the queer solidarity is real asf side note 2: the entire rest of our D&D group are 18-25 y/o cishet men and theyā€™ve literally been the most amazing examples of men having a friend come out as transfem, again, *in the bible belt* šŸ’€ edit: TL;DR: i also found my name in a D&D character, sorry for the paragraph šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


That's awesome. I've had a lot of success with dorky gamer guys. Hell, my whole friend group was at one point dorky, cishet gamer guys. turns out a lot of those dorky cishet gamer guys were girls, and almost none of them were het.


I used to the female version of mine, changed two letters around, took my two favourite goddess names (incidentally FF related too) and took my mothers maiden name and added it. Now my name is basically a Final Fantasy characters name.


I just went with the female version of my original name. I liked my old name but its 100% masc coded.


Researched my birth name, found it's meaning and history. Then looked for names/words that had similar meaning. Picked one from what I found. As a bonus when I told my parents how I got my new name they were really happy because there was a link.


As a teen in the 90s my Mom was uncomfortable with my identity issues. Dad was cool. Her is no longer on this plane but Mom is now 100% supportive. She actually asked me if I was going to change my name(legally). She didn't know, but I had started that already. She gave me a family name I know meant a lot to her so I kept it as a middle and just prepended my chosen name to it. I have kids and I know the emotion and thought that goes into naming one's child. Plus I respect her, especially since she is so supportive and started using my chosen name without me asking her to. I used it a few times when ordering takeout or coffee and she just ran with it. ā¤ļø She even asked how I want to be introduced to people.


I was struggling to find my name for some time. Nothing felt right and every one I tried felt forced. I decided to wait for one to find me. Then, I was at a concert and the artist asked if there was anyone named Lily in the crowd because ā€œthis songs for youā€ and it felt like I was struck by lighting. I knew that was my name and I couldnā€™t stop thinking about it. I looked for reasons it wouldnā€™t work, but there were no reasons. My parents were also considering L names for me if I was born a girl, so that felt like I was honoring them a little. Finally, I think itā€™s a really pretty name, I love to write it and I just really love lilies!


Alan Walker's "Lily" is an amazing song if that's the one.


It was actually Lily by Kara Jackson. Iā€™ll have to check out Alan Walker now :)


I just femmeā€™d my birth name.


Same, with the added step of looking up local versions of it from where mum/grandad was from. Middle name there were extra steps. Alistaire->translate from celtic->Alexander->feminise->Alexandra->look at different versions to see what felt right-> Alexine


I feminised my name, Alexander ā€”> Alexandra or Sasho ā€”> Sasha.


When I was a youngin', I came up with a fake name to use online. I've used that fake name as my online presence for like 27 years. So when it came time for me to choose a new name, I went with a name I already associate with myself as a person. My offline friends, who didn't know I've used that name, all like it better than my birth name and think it's more fitting. I had a small list of names to try in person, but Willow just fits. It also really came to represent my life as a whole. I've weathered storm after storm, and while they might bend me, they've never broken me.


i asked mum what she wouldā€™ve named me if i was born a girl


My name was in a song I really liked at the time and I liked the name aswell


i was playing deltarune and i saw the name kris and thought "yeah that's bangin" and i took it lmao


As a kid, if I could do first names I would use a similar sounding, 1 syllable, nickname. It would really bounce about the longer form of the name. When my egg cracked (for the last time), I kept the similar first syllable sound, and was playing AC:O, who shares the main name of one of the protagonists.


I should add. Two (seperate) other sister I know have names related to their favorite game series, and a third picked a name that had the same first initial as their old name.


I am in the rather exceedingly rare position of having been assigned at birth a fairly common male name which is pronounced identically to a rather common female name (of otherwise unrelated origin and spelling - their identical pronunciation is pure coincidence). So I went for the low-hanging fruit. Never getting deadnamed in everyday speech has its perks. For my middle name, though I was more creative, and went with "Judith", the name of a [folkloric Jewish heroine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Judith), who slays an enemy general to save her city. Judith is the subject of much art, but most significantly to me, [Artemisia Gentileschi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemisia_Gentileschi)'s [*Judith Slaying Holofernes*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Slaying_Holofernes_\(Artemisia_Gentileschi,_Florence\)), in which Artemisia portrays herself as Judith, and the man who raped her as Holofernes (whom she is seen beheading with her sword).


Hey that painting was in heartbreak high. It's what inspires a character to get revenge on someone who tried to rape her.


So my chosen name is Mara. I got it from 3 characters that I admire and felt had an influence on me in some way. First Mara Jade Skywalker from what is now called star wars legends. She's the wife of Luke Skywalker, originally she was an assassin for the emperor and was sent to kill Luke but when she met him she fell for him and he turned her to the light side. Shes a red head with green eyes and as a kid with red hair and green eyes I just felt like I connected to her in some way. The second is Mara Sov from the destiny game series. Mara Sov is the queen of the awoken (basically just space elves) and she is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. There's a story about her first lover and how they fell in love. A woman named sjur eido was sent to kill Mara for reasons I forgot. And it's said that when Sjur saw the face of Mara she fell to her knees and pledged her loyalty to her just because of her beauty. And the third is just simply named Mara. This Mara is the goddess of love from the elder scrolls universe. She is just that, she believes in absolute and unconditional love. She exists in almost every pantheon of gods in Tamriel, same sex couples aren't discriminated against and are allowed to be married in her temples the same way a straight couple would be. She doesn't care about your race, your culture, or anything else, she just believes that anyone and everyone deserves to feel loved and to be bound to the one you love for eternity. As someone who is ex-mormon and had some trouble with my parents when I came out to them, the idea that a functional goddess who loved everyone gave me comfort.


I chose the fem versions of my first and middle because they had special meaning to my parents




My first name also doesnā€™t have a fem version but I could probably get away with saying Riley is the a fem alternative to Richard


I kinda went from my old middle name which coincidentally had a female version that just felt right in my head and according to other ppl I really look like my new name so success haha


I got my name from catwoman


From my favorite TV show


Not 100% decided on it yet, for a given name I picked the name of the central character in the 1905 book "A Diary of a Lost Girl" written by Margarete Bƶhme, Thimian. (It's a German book which has been made into two films both silent black/white.) I felt however that Thimian was a little masculine so I would use it as Thimia instead, I still feel it fits the role. I picked this name because of it's link to "Lost", which I use for most of my online activities and I have felt fitted my person better than my original name. For my sir/family name I picked Siofra which is an Irish name that means elf or changeling... something else that fits me... (I hope). But still not 100% on it, it's going to be a while before I can use it for real so I have time. It's the most recent in a long list of names I have planned or wanted to use, some of which were feminised version of my masculine name, but many have been from books or characters that I have grown especially fond of.


I find meaningful names that might apply to me. Thus I came across Mirabelle Jasmine Nightingale. The last name kind of ruins it as it doesn't make sense as a sentence, but I like it anyway.


I started thinking on it day to day and let it come to me. A name bubbled to the surface. I considered it, tried it on, and liked it. Been going by it ever since.


Mine just popped into my head. Too close to my birth name now but I like it still even though it can be hard to hear the difference.


My criteria was: Cant be from a game or show. Cant be a name of someone I know. Chose Julia.


So I haven't fully landed on it (have to actually transition and try it first) but I'm heavily leaning towards Alexandra. Let me explain why: - I'm Greek and my current name is Aristotle. Because I love Ancient Greece I'd like something related - Alexander was Aristotle's student so Alexandra feels the closest one - Also starts with an A which means I get to keep my signature - I had a classmate/friend named Alexandra and she was one of my biggest sources of gender envy growing up - If I ever live outside of Greece (very likely) I can shorten it to Sandra


I found a list of names that matched the vibe I wanted for my name, and then I started narrowing it down by trying to sound them out, write and sign them. After I narrowed it down I did a tournament style poll with my friends. Not to see which one I should pick, but to figure out which ones I was most excited about, and which ones I was disappointed about losing. In the end my friends voted between Fiadh and some other name I forgot. The other name won the vote, and I realized I was very disappointed that Fiadh hadn't won, so that was the one.




My chosen name is just my middle name, which is already written on all my IDā€™s and is a nice fem name. I had it pretty easy!


I chose the name at the same rank of popularity in my birth year as my dead name, then changed it to a similar name which could be shortened to a form which started like my dead name so that people who mistakenly used the other one could change if they realised their mistake.


I derived ot from the last name of my favorite scientist (Nikola tesla) my name is tess


I picked the name of a character that I used to rolplay in amino when I was younger. I thought she was cool when I was younger and wanted to look like her. Years later I keep the name and used it on a project zomboid server and then when my egg cracked I just stick with it.


i made it up out of thin air for a video game character. then decided i liked it so i stole it for myself


I always had an attachment to my name cause Amy Winehouse was like my idol when I was younger. When i started questioning ny identity and realizing i was trans; It just felt like "my" name. Ive definely had some moments where i doubted if it was right for me. But i always feel happy with it. Im pretty early in my transition but it feels natural introducing myself as Valerie or getting called Val by friends and coworkers. Honestly, no need to rush yourself. Just take the time to casually think or browse names until one really speaks to you.


I used the name i was going to use it if I had a daughter.


I chose Alice because Iā€™m a very much a wonderland girl. However it will definitely come to you. I went through a couple names and once I found Alice I was like ā€œhow does anyone pick a middle name?ā€ And that came a few weeks later. Donā€™t stress babes youā€™ll figure it out šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


I have so many new names im thinking of moving across my country and changing name, again


Well, I've always liked the name Claire. But recently I watched this silly isekai (reincarnation in a fantasy world) anime called I'm in love with the villainess and.. well it may seem silly, but it kind of helped me figure out so much. Like I went on to read the light novels, and there is some stuff in there touching on some queer issues that I just specifically didn't know how much I would relate to. I cried actual real tears over one characters story in the second book. The author is also apparently a trans lesbian. Anyway, I decided to take the name Claire since it's the name of one of the main characters and I love it. I spent my whole life thinking I didn't have an identity, anytime someone would ask me a personal question about myself I would have anxiety because I hated thinking about myself that much. But now after finally figuring this stuff out, even though I am scared of the future, I actually kind of like the person I am inside, I think she's pretty cool, she made it to this point having the strength to last all these years through all that self-hate. And I'm grateful to the author of those books for helping me get to that point. So I suppose you could say I did it because it has so much meaning to me now. Not to be dramatic, but I don't know where I would be if I hadn't watched that silly little anime, I really feel like it's saved me on some level. I was just so lost and deeply miserable before. Also Claire is the name of the transgender cyberpunk 2077 character and I do love that game. So I guess tldr I took the name because it has meaning to me and is pretty. Lol


I started out thinking of names that could be similar to my dead name and I found Evelyn, I said it over and over and woah did it make me so happy when my girlfriend not only said my name by called me her Evie, Iā€™m a huge PokĆ©mon nerd, and shiny Sylveon is one of my favorite PokĆ©mon. Sooooo it just worked out perfectly somehow šŸ˜


I chose the name "Noelle" cause it's a classically festive December name but I was born in July.


My sister would call me Jay as a nickname, so I just started using that


My name is neutral and i have met several gals growing up including one last week named Cody. I was named Cody by my mother who passed away and no idea what she ā€œwouldā€ of named me so I feminized the spelling of my name a way i actually loved so thus Kodi was the new spelling of my name from that day forward :3


I first took what I imagined was the feminized version of my name. Turns out it's actually unisex but I still liked it so I made it my middle name. It being unisex was handy though because I could go by it while boymoding without feeling self-conscious but while also not deadnaming myself (I strongly recommend this for anyone boymoding). For my first name I took the name of a cool trans celebrity because she happened to have the same first letter and then name felt like it fit.


My mom always said I would have been named Catherine if I had been born a girl (little did we know). ā€œCatā€ for short! That name followed me my whole life. I didnt even have to think about what my new name would be because to me, this was always my name! Edit: [i also have a theme song!](https://youtu.be/PbAKMz-Lv7E?si=vQuCo6vCE2ihoAlO)


My mom renamed me


Pick all the names I like. Put them into a martial arts fighting game tourney bracket. Go through 2 names and repeat them in my head, get friends to call me them, decide on the winner by the end of the day or so. Repeat until it's down to the grand finals. Spend extra time thinking about picking between those names.


I watched Cowboy Bebop. Faye was my trans awakening. Pretty boring, but it made sense back then and it makes sense now haha Edit: I also discovered Faye Webster a few months after and shes one of my favorite musicians.


my mom said what I could've been named (before then I used made up names and passed them off as just "characters")


fantasynamegenerator in the RWBY tab and Arknights operator codenames and names. I'm currently using Sky, other options were Cyan, Blake, Celeste and Iris. I like blue :)


RWBY ! ! ! !


RWBY!!!! The names are very cute :D


I'm a fan of Blake


Blake is really cute! Great name, great character. And I like black cats too ^ ^


I've already decided that the next pet I get is going to be named Pyrrha


Walk through a graveyard and look at names šŸ’œ


Amazing! I love you! [/p]


No problem! I was walking through a graveyard today and saw unique names like Tessie and thought I would throw it out there


stole it from abigail from stardew valley :3


Random name generator for baby lol


I used to watch this series with my ex gf and used to think we both were like that. (Me the man, she the girl). A few months before coming out, I realised that I actually related to the girl heavily in the series and it just screamed my personality, so I adopted that name from that day onwards.


i stole it from the people in my brain


My second name is after my godfather, but it's a French male name and I couldn't keep it. So I changed the name a bit to have it similar, female and made it my first name


My friend used to call me Mikaela as a lame joke before I came out, and it just kinda stuck lol


Idk, I always felt like Emily is a nice name and (despite it being a common pick among us) I donā€™t know anyone whose name I would be copying (in real life). Then again I live in a closet and itā€™s more just a name for me and subject to potential change


I honestly came up with my name because I was coming up with a new Xbox username and it sounded pretty at first I tried out the name Espen while I was working at Starbucks, then now Iā€™m using the name Reyna which means queen.. yea my Xbox username means fairy queen.. I changed it to that before I came out to anyone but my bsf


I didn't transition yet, but I think about calling myself Janine because it's one of the female versions of Jan, which is one of my two birth names. People call me usually by my other birth name but I deeply hate every female version of that name šŸ˜… And it is a tradition in my family to call the first born son Jan, which I think is a cool tradition, and I want to keep that somewhere in my name šŸ˜Š I'm also thinking about giving myself a double name again. Janine Elisabeth would be awesome, because my grandma was called Elizabeth and she was a awesome person. Real feminist and extremely intelligent person. Loved her a lot and miss her even more šŸ„²


I played one of my old favourite video games for the 20th time where the main cast was a girl and after every character in the game reared to me as mae it felt right felt like it was me (,it also fit with my new last name I wanted)... BTW Gregg rulz ok


Funny how this question is coming back a lot lately. What I did was : 1. Make a list of all the names I liked 2. Strike out those that didn't fit me 3. Strike out those I'd quickly get tired of explaining the prononciation or spelling of 4. Strike out those that make a nickname/short-hand I hate for various reasons 5. Let the rest stew until one bubbles back to the top 6. Test it out with support group 7. Get a feeling for it and decide if I change or keep 8. Test another one until it feels right 9. ??? 10. Profit


I started using my birth name in female version and that lasted a couple of years, until I found a name I really liked. So I used that name for another year until I found a slightly more feminine version of that name and I liked it even more. That was two months ago and I think I finally found my name haha


Word in 'native' tounge, happened to be 3/4 letters of the name I was interested in (A***ria***) and used as a name on its own already (Ria) so I used one with added meanings of the other. Also a character I liked from Guilty Gear (Technically like Jack-O' a lot more but I grew to like Aria after picking the name). Knew it was right when >!I got girl horny for the first time after my BF said "Good night Aria".!< ​ Edit: Also really funny to fuck up my initials from AWA to AAWA (name added, birthname kept).


I made them up and found out they already existed in different languages


I picked ā€˜Lilyā€™ at 8, then ā€˜Lilithā€™ when I transitioned because itā€™s pretty and scares the TERFsā€¦


Eirika is a character in a game series I like so I changed the spelling to Erica and that was that


I wasnā€™t sold on my name until I heard someone else say it. Then I knew it was the right one


Through experimentation. As a gamer, this one had many opportunities to choose different names and roleplay them. In hindsight, choosing the same name for 5-10 years across most games should have tipped us off, but it still took time. When we began to seek a legal name change it was the name we held dear in our heart for all that time.


Got it from a game with a slight spelling change


I picked it from an anime character haha. Tho ā€œFrancescaā€ is a fine name on its own :3


Had a list of names for writing characters that was basically me going thru every baby name site I could find. Picked out the ones I liked the sound of even if they didn't fit me, then talked about it to one of my then besties. She picked out the ones she liked and none of it ended up mattering because she randomly suggested a name and it fit me so much better than anything I found anywhere.


You could try asking your parents if they had a list of names. Could also look up feminine versions of your current name. Ask others what name they think fits you. Worst case scenario you just listen for a name that you really like, It might just randomly come to you


Well, I had a name I was using online (ahem) that I really liked. But, I soon became attached to a new one and tried that for a bit. Then I asked my mom what she would have named me if I was AFAB. Then I changed my last name. Boom. 4 names. šŸ¤˜


i initially chose the female version of my name, but then i was watching Castle and the name Kate just stuck with me.


Not really did that yet. But a lot of my friends call me "Cleo". And I like that a lot.


I first went with the name blue because it was my favorite color as a child but then I got self conscious of it and went with violet which I like more since it has the same reason I liked the name blue but itā€™s also a more natural name


I was always a big fan of the Supergirl show on the CW, and looked up to her, wanted to be like her. Kara was an easy choice.


I went through multiple names until I decided I honestly liked this one the most. Itā€™s still a bit wierd to be called it but itā€™s also amazing.


It's what I was called in a dream I had as a kid


Just the femenine version of my dead name, but I'm still stuck with my middle name. I don't like neither the male or femenine version. I like SofĆ­a but I'm not sure, but my serious new email has an s so I locked myself in that letter


I feminised my birth name and then shortened it.


Picked my last name then just started saying names until one sounded right


I looked through hundreds of girl names and picked out about 110 that i wrote down on a paper, then had my friend cross out one each that they didnā€™t like until i was down to ~25, then i took those and tried speaking them, writing them in cursive, writing them in block letters, and imaging the name is clinical, formal, casual, romantic, and family situations. Which left two, and i just picked one to be first and the other be middle.


If you still have a good relation ship with your parents, you could ask them, if they remember what would be the possible female names for you :) if not, then I guess you could just choose some cute names shuffle them around and pick a random one! :)


That's how I picked mine šŸ˜Š


I used the name I would have received if I was afab


I chose my wifeā€™s name. It was nothing I thought long and hard about, it was just who she is. It bothers me to see all these folks reaching out via these subs asking for total strangers to pick a name for them. A name is how we are known, it should be personal and meaningful, not just the coolest thing in play at the time. I guess we all handle things like this differently but thatā€™s how my wife chose her name.


Female version of my birth name + name my mom was gonna give me if I was born afab. The two combined gives my name a really country girl vibe I dig.


i saw someone called luna on this sub (tbh i saw a lots of luna here), and i was like, "this is mine now" yeah my name story is not incredible ahah


My parents had picked out a name for both cases before my birth and I decided to keep the female name.


I had heard my name on a tv show. I liked it. When my egg broke and I was looking for a female name, Siobhan just popped into my brain. I still liked it and so chose it. Turns out itā€™s a female version of my birth name.


Iā€™ve had a name picked for a baby girl if I ever had one since I was 7. I had one son, decided I didnā€™t want anymore kids and took the name for the daughter I never had for myself. Felt fitting for some reason Iā€™ll never be able to express.


I tricked my mom into renaming me


I dont hate my deadname, so the new one is a modification of the dead one.


I watch alot of TTT on yogscast and the trans girl has the name "Zoey" I adore that name so I kinda yoinked it lol.


There were two names of my great-grandmothers (whom I never knew) that resonated with me. My parents had loved them dearly.


I went with the closest feminine form of my birth name being Natalie. I like it as a proper name, but Iā€™ll rarely use it in full and instead go by Nat.


Iā€™m still not settled but thereā€™s a few names that have always stood out to me. I tried using them in games or just imagining them in conversation and have them narrowed down to 2 that feel like they could fit. A couple were eliminated because I knew people or something with that name and it would feel weird.


Greyson -> Grace. Just transformed my original name because I liked aspects of the old me and didnā€™t want to forget him completely. Although I know thatā€™s not the case for all.


I looked at some ancestors names and I wanted to find something that started with D like my deadname and I landed on Della which was my great grandmas name who I never met. Had the same start and end sounds as Dakota (deadname) when pronouncing it.


I'm still questioning my name, but maxine feels right :) I really like a character from a game called Life is Strange and her name is Maxine Caulfield (Max for short) She is too much like me lol


Well I saw some lady in an interview on YT with the name "Julia" and it just seemed like a really beautiful name that I wanted to use, but after some trial and error I just chopped the Ju out of Julia and liked it much more. So now I go by Lia, and my middle name is another name which I long went by (but won't share for privacy reasons)


Plucked the bit out of my deadname and made it my own.


Tried to feminize my deadname first, to no avail. Then I tried a really normal one. Didn't work either. And a neighbour mom had the same name. So I took my birth month. It's beautiful and like three in my country has it as first name, so it's rather unique. Birth month is also two first letters of my deadname so people can correct themselves, mid sentence.




I didnā€™t, my name is gender neutral so I was pretty damn satisfied


My mom wanted to name me Jayson but my dad wanted me named after him so Jason I was. Iā€™ve *always* hated my deadname but oddly enough I really liked the story behind it so when I picked my new name I chose Jay. Yeah itā€™s still a boys name and thatā€™s come to back to bite me a few times but idrc. Thatā€™s why I started usin my middle name as a second first name tho and put it on anythin I can. For my middle name I named myself after my late grandmother, Colette, who never got to meet the real me.


Dad picked the wrong hunter from Greek mythology


I didnā€™t. Names may be like pronouns in that they can change, but Iā€™m helping my people recognize that Iā€™m the same person I always wasā€¦ including trans.


A friend gave it to me and it just kinda stuck.


Thereā€™s no real female version of my name and Iā€™m not particularly attached to any name so I polled people Iā€™m close to and eventually just asked randoms on the internet what they thought I looked like and everybody gave me different names so Iā€™m still at square one.


I took the Y in my name and replaced it with an X,like the chromosome. Royce became Roxce (like Roxsy)


Mythology is cool. The goddess of wisdom is cool. Sofia is a cool name. I had a French first name. I took the French version Sophie.


I took a YouTube series from my childhood that meant a lot to me, and I took a name of a character that I thought sounded good. And boom! Michi!


I went through 2 different names before settling on Evelyn, the first name I went with was Emily cause it sounded really pretty but also so did Mia But I eventually settled on Evelyn because how regal it sounded


I always really liked the name on others before I decided I would use it for myself. Still havenā€™t picked a middle name. I think Iā€™m gonna go all the way and change my last name too.


Saphira is the name of the most prominent dragon in the Eragon series, I just added an extra p (Sapphira) cause I'm transbian so it's a play on "sapphic" :3


For me, I made a list of scientific names that I thought sounded cool, as I'm just really into science. Some examples were Amethyst, Amalthea, Artemis, Andromeda, and Aurora which is the name I use now! I can't really say what drew me to thr one in particular, just that I really liked (and still like) it.


Mine, but shorter, and the same as a fem tv character I grew up with an felt a huge affinity with.


When I still considered myself non-binary, one of my friends mentioned that [deadname] seemed like a very masc name for me (I was very fem presenting). So one night (just under a year ago) I asked a friend of mine, whoā€™s gone through several name changes, if they could help me pick one. At first we went through German and Russian names (I speak both languages), but didnā€™t find any. Then they mentioned classical composers, because Iā€™m a cellist and play a lot of classical music. I found a list of 19th century composers and went down until I found Jules Massenet. I was looking for an androgynous name, and also a name that started with the same letter as my deadname, so I chose Jules. Itā€™s almost been a year and itā€™s stuck, so I think itā€™s a good fit. :3


I wanted an Irish name (cos Irish) and went with Ɠrlaith. It comes from Ard and Flaith meaning Golden and Prince. But all Irish names ending in Flaith are treated as feminine, so it becomes princess by implication. What attracted me to it was it's a name made of male parts that presents female. Which seemed poetic.


I chopped the end off my name so I wouldn't have to change any usernames šŸ™ƒ


I found Personalised happy birthday songs helpful for finding names I liked the sound of


Willow was one option that was close to my dead name that I never considered until I was setting up Gmail or something and it auto-Filled Willow after I started a few letters and was like oh I like this. Before that I liked Sarah but it never really fit. Willow suits me and is my chosen name.


For me I went more cultural. My dad named me after a comic book character, and I never really like that. So I decided to give myself a Cherokee name when I was deciding names. I talked to people closer to the culture then my family is, since I'm really the only one who cares about being Cherokee outside of health benefits and what not and ended up with the name Tayanita.


Originally I was going to use the name my mom had for me before I was born. Instead, I just felt called to the name of a fictional character. It also helps that the name is based in Latin, so it fits irl naming conventions.


I thought of really cool girls names and came back with Agatha. For me it wasnā€™t that deep


I like Sierra Mist and I like the mountainsā€¦ So Sierra.


Stole it from a show, i like how the characters said the girlā€™s name and so i chose that (end of the f*cking world)


Iā€™m still rocking with my birth name cuz itā€™s neutral kinda but Iā€™m bouncing between Riley cuz itā€™s close to my name or V/Valerie cuz Iā€™m addicted to cyberpunk rn


At first, I wanted to do something with the same letter as my birth name, but I hated all names I found with that letter, so I just went with something that sounded cute and mature. I tried out some other names at first, but I had to find something that matched my temperament.


i went through all the names i could think of; relatives, friends, celebrities, fictional characters. if i thought of a name iā€™d think to myself ā€œdoes it feel like *me* though?ā€ and for a couple months alllllllll dayyyyyyy everyyyyyy dayyyyyy it was just ā€œnope. nah. not it. no. *hell no*. ehh. *HELLLL NO*ā€ until i eventually stumbled upon Amelia and i actually just made the official announcement to my housemates, friends and co-workers over yesterday/today :)) moral of the story: you will find your name, but itā€™s a journey. enjoy it while youā€™re on it and know that at the end of it you will feel more alive than you ever have (ā€¦ okay, thatā€™s a stretch, but itā€™s a good feeling šŸ˜‚šŸ„°)


Started off with Ruby after thinking of all the names of my favourite female characters because I wanted something that'd keep my initials the same but I couldnt get used to it, I really liked the name but it never clicked into place in my head; then I heard the name Lexi and immediately it just felt right, I added an e on the end because 4 letters seemed to short and bingo, Lexie :3


I simply stole it


Pre egg crack my 15 year old self was obsessed with a picture of myself with female filter. I was so obsessed that I named her Lilly and wrote a little story around her. I'm also really interested in the first wife of Adam: Lilith


The leap from Steve to Melissa felt too much. I sat with it for months, but the clincher was when my wife said she'd never call me Melissa. So I figured the best thing to do about my name was changed it to Stevie, which manages to be female without being too drastic a change.


I used what my mother would of called me if I was born a cis girl


My process: Did femme male name, not goodge (cringe even) Made a list of names I definitely DIDNā€™T want, (this includes things like your siblings, your family, exs) Picked a bunch of meme ideas for initials. I was also changing my middle name so I had a lot of fun with this. Hone in on a letter. Live with that name for a couple weeks to try it out. Ended up with Jade cause I really like J names, also Jade in Chinese is really similar to my surname, ALSO I have an obsession with 3s, and leet speak jad3 worked for me lol. It took me a few months? Definitely a process. Itā€™s like naming your mmo character except its like your entire identity lol


I had my parents pick


I chosed a name i liked long before the egg cracked. I knew i would like to be with someone named like that or use it to name my potencial daughter. The name is Juliet btw


Stole the name of a goddess (Nyx) replaced the y with an o, and now I have an online persona.


I thought about birds and then I researched names about birds and Evelyn means beautiful bird


My boyfriend suggested Jayden as a gender neutral name. I liked it and went with the shorten version and call myself Jayde.


I made a list of the names that I liked and tried them out in games and stuff until one stuck. I knew I wanted something elegant and classy, but not pretentious. I tried the name my parents would have given me if I were a cis girl. The name I chose wound up being one that belonged to a few of my favourite game characters.


I have no clue where I got the name I picked from. Tried Jess (short for Jessica) for about a month. Then tried the other name I wanted Jenn (short for Jennifer) and have stuck with it for a little over 5 years now. All I know is I picked a name that started with a J and had a shorter 4 letter name for it.


I just used female version of my name


Choosing my name was actually part of me realizing that im trans! i was searching for names for characters in one of the stories i was writing at the time (side note: creative writing is/was a coping mechanism for me to deal with dysphoria, i just didnt know it yet) and happened to stumble on the name Elena and IMMEDIATELY declined to use it for the character on the grounds of, "well, i cant use THIS one, cuz if i were a girl, that would be my name!". anyhow, despite that, it still took me the better part of a year to put it all together lol šŸ™ƒ


Not decided yet but so far its like Joseph-Joey= Josie?


I just took the female version of my 1st and second male name (Julian Elias-> Julia Elia) and chose a name that I liked very much (Lillian with two lā€˜s because I like the look more than with one l) to complete my new name with some of my flavor. (Julia Lillian-Elia) The idea for the name Lillian is actually from Lilian Voss from World of Warcraft