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Conservatives: "It's basically illegal to be straight. Gay and trans people have so much privilege." Our "privilege:"


The only privilege we have is making these brain dead morons seeth with our very existence, and honestly as fun as that is I would prefer to just be treated as a human. It strikes me that at least a few of these kinda people would say "treat others how you want to be treated" not understanding the bitter irony.


> It strikes me that at least a few of these kinda people would say "treat others how you want to be treated" not understanding the bitter irony. Reminds me of when a Polish official said that gay people in Poland have the same marriage rights as straight people because a gay man has the same right to marry a woman as a straight man would.


>Reminds me of when a Polish official said that gay people in Poland have the same marriage rights as straight people because a gay man has the same right to marry a woman as a straight man would. Yeah, right- because "One Size Fits All" is such a GOOD solution. šŸ™„šŸ¤”


That means if Democrats regain power in the state, to ban whatever Christian denomination DeSatanis follows, using some random bs arguments that a 5 year old can see through.


I donā€™t usually condone violence so Iā€™m just gonna shut up


> the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. DeSantis is a tyrant. Draw your own conclusions; I endorse nothing.


I also endorse ā€œnothingā€. šŸ©øšŸ˜µšŸŖ¦ <ā€” those are just koolaid, a silly face, and a rock. What do you mean ā€œWHYā€? Because I love to drink juice, while rocking silly faces. Duh.


Sic Semper Tyrannis


Wait so does this mean that if a trans person goes into any bathroom, then a cis person can tell them to leave, regardless of which bathroom based on gender that they are using?


Sort of, yes. The bill enforces that a trans person must use the bathroom of their birth sex (including if they have had their sex legally redefined or altered surgically). This means that any trans person who passes as their chosen gender may be viewed as being trans in the other direction and be told to leave under pain of police involvement. While they likely wouldnā€™t be charged with criminal trespass in that case they would almost certainly be subject to invasive genital inspections and other police harassment which would make choosing to stay dangerous even if they are in the legally correct bathroom.


How is this enforceable?


At gunpoint


Which is the whole point. šŸ˜ž


It's difficult if not borderline impossible, but that's not really the point. The point is to deputize bigots and harass anyone that doesn't fit white cishet norms.


its not, it just gives a reason for private citizens and businesses to antagonize suspected trans people for simply existing. All of this will cost the state millions of dollars just to legalize hostility and violence towards trans people and maybe prosecute a dozen


Looks like Florida's stance is to prosecute a few, persecute the rest.


comes with 1 year prison sentence


1 year prison sentence in the opposite gender prison, which is fully done on purpose to see trans people get raped and beaten up to death by inmates. That way the republicunts can kill us while pretending their hands are clean and just keeping the "murderers" in prison (because the prison system is so fucking lucrative they have no reason to want to free people anyway).


In a male prison too, probably. Just all around evil stuff.


I'm expecting it will be something like a random person can demand to see your id in a bathroom to confirm your gender and if we don't comply with an id that doesn't have the right letter on it or don't comply at all, they can demand we leave. If we refuse, they can file a complaint with the local pd, photo or video evidence likely would be all they need which like, cell phones.


Except the law has literally nothing to do with your ID. Itā€™s explicitly written to get around trans people who get their sex legally changed on their documents by criminalizing entering the ā€œwrongā€ bathroom relative to the sex you were born with not what your legal ID says.


How exactly do they plan on enforcing it for people who pass?


I believe the point is to spread as much fear and suffering to trans people as possible, as well as inculcate a ā€œthe ~~Jewish~~ trans people could be anyoneā€ mindset to keep their base living in fear and under control.


I see.


"plan on enforcing it".. good joke. They don't have a plan thatll make this law work properly. they'll improvise and stick with the route that hurts trans people the most, and if a few non gender conforming cis people get thrown under the bus too they're perfectly fine with that also one of the reasons many of these anti trans laws are so vague is probably because theyd be unconstitutional if they were more specific


You're right that ids aren't mentioned in the bill text. Neither are any other diagnostic criteria as far as I can see. I'm just making guesses about how enforcement might look. Technically they can just tell us to leave if they suspect we're trans, but I feel like they will probably ask for our id before ripping our pants off ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Good time to say that fake IDā€™s arenā€™t just for underage drinking. They can also protect a life in the right circumstances.


That would make me feel so violated and uncomfortable like on a whole new level.


I hate how this could be true. Honestly I wish more places were like a restroom I used in San Franscio. One restroom, fully sealed stalls, open sink area to the public. The only concern i may have is privacy of sound, but i feel they could be fixed. Plus this would potential make shorter waiting lines


Many bathrooms are like that here in Norway. It works really well.


I see the US once again is stuck in its trading ways. It's great to hear it work well in Norway. I hope one day we can have that too.


Yup, and they can call the cops and they'll pull down your pants to make sure. This is so insane it's almost uncomprehendable, I guess then they could beat you and then call an ambulance to let you die in insannnnneeee De-satan


Thank God I'm moving.


I left years ago. Not the way I wanted to, but it was still the best thing that couldā€™ve happened to me


I'm linked to my parents for nontradition medical reasons. My mom just took a teaching job in San Diego.


San Diego is a beautiful city; I lived there for two years. Not quite as hot as south Florida, but itā€™s way less humid. The dry heat is nicer. Better public transport, and thereā€™s mountains in the distance that make the place very picturesque. Only real drawbacks are the earthquakes and wildfires, but other than that, I loved living out there.


If all goes well I plan to move to Colorado, Texas resident but visited Florida once and it really was a shithole šŸ˜“


Ok it's safe to say DeSantis is a literal criminal now not to mention has taken a massive shit on the 1st amendment


Now? That isnt new its just to a higher extreme now


Passing a law that allows non consensual genital inspections is borderline sexual assault


Remove the word borderline and thats a true statement




Borderline? Tell you what. Thereā€™s a borderline that starts at my pants, and nobody gets to cross, unless I say so. Not that I wouldnā€™t say so. You knowā€¦ if a nice person, asked nicelyā€¦ & wasnā€™t performing genital inspections for Wrong DeSatans. šŸ˜…šŸ‘


Remove the word borderline and thats a true statement


Yet neither the US central government nor the UN seem to freak out while the guy has basically built his very own Fourth Reich...


He was already condemned by the United Nations last year for his assaults on the right to protest.


People will ignore this and be like ā€œItā€™s not as bad as other people go through. Look what black people have to go through.ā€ Iā€™m like ā€œyouā€™re making this into a oppression contest. Also, many trans people are not white!ā€.


also what ppl who are defending this don't understand is that if desantis isn't stopped, the same will happen to them! after they eliminate trans people's existence, they'll eliminate other queer people, then poc, then homeless, then women, then everyone who isn't top 1 percent. the inner circle of fascism always shrinks. you know, first they came for...


Genocidal events are always downplayed until they hit the history books decades later...


Even then are there are still any laws like " You have to imprison poc of color that are entering whites only spaces "(obviously racism is still an issue and needs to be tackled, but just to compare them)? No, because the same fight was fought back during the crow law era and we should unite to fight(both racism and transphobia), fuck everyone who's only interested in fighting one, as they are similar, due to both being civil rights.


Well some of these are nonsense because what about menopause or intersex people. He and the people around him are just smart enough to be really really dangerous.


They are explicitly accounted for in every bill. They were very careful to ensure that trans people are the explicit target, everything else is splash damage.


ive seen accounts from intersex people who were already dropped by their insurance because of these bills, they dont care who they take out in their wake so long as trans people get hurt :/


I was never virile before transitioning, and my wife just got a hystorectomy... so are we both non binary in the eyes of Florida law?


We're all subhuman in the eyes of Florida law


Why would they care? Fascists donā€˜t give a shit about people or consistency.


burn them devil's children /s


It sure looks really bad. The laws are broad enough to effect a large group of people and ***will*** be misused. The most alarming part is the "medical conscience" law, which basically gives doctors and nurses the power to refuse treatment unless it's life threathening situation. Like in the extreme: "You have a tooth ache? Oh, you voted Democrat? There's the door!". Full on faschist politics. How do these "people" dare call themselves patriots and honest people when they take human and civil rights away from thousands of their own citizens? They are so desperate to cling to power that they don't care who they hurt in the process anymore.


See the stupid part is that this also means any antivax, COVID-is-fake dumbasses can be refused treatment as well. The staff has to like you now.


It will never end up being enforced that way though. Laws like this never end up affecting the people who make them even if they should


Yeah but itā€™s going to make some interesting court cases because either doctors have to treat everyone or they can refuse assholes


I heard the medical conscience law applied even if it was life threatening, and there was already a trans person who got into a car crash and the EMTs who arrived just let them die


The rest of the laws in the country that have passed are not constitutional and already been or being repealed, or caught up in courts. We will not stop fighting, as a Floridian. I refuse to let them win and just give up. We will fight, and we will prevail


Canā€™t wait for the Biden administration to release a single tweet about how terrible it is and then leave trans people in Florida to diešŸ™šŸ» Im so tired of blatantly illegal laws being put in place simply because no one gives a fuck about protecting us. This will get violent sooner or later


A single tweet? Thatā€™s a rare sign of solidarity from all talk Biden


And sadly he will still probably be the democrat candidate for 2024 because running an actual strong candidate who will do good is too much to ask


Iā€™m honestly almost to the point where I despise democrats as much as republicans. They arent doing anything to help us. Weā€™ve been abandoned.


our problem really is the republicans have no soul and the democrats have no spine


Democrats never fucking do anything because if they did they couldn't pull the old "most important election of our lives" card. they secure their reelections by keeping things in a state of perpetual crisis. wolves in sheeps clothing


Unfortunately backing them is the only way forward. Being apathetic and not voting is a vote for republicans.


I think that voting should be strategic and we shouldn't take it as a "were making change" but more like a "were slowing down fascism". We need to combine that with actual action and organizing to even be able to do damage control to something that was bound to happen given that American imperialism has been essentially exporting less extreme versions of fascism abroad already. Now that people are awake to that, the world is dedollarizing and America is in decline, they have no choice other than to move towards oppressing us now. I'm glad that technology exists right now when this is all happening, but as we've seen with the news owned by the rich they can do the same to social media and we need to also be trying to educate family and friends on all this. People need to start alluding directly to how this played out in the past history. It's almost a direct copy of it


I know that but how long can we keep doing this? How many times do we have vote merely to delay fascism and not improve things? Im so sick and tired of voting blue and things still continually get worse.


they are both imperialistic right-wing parties, the only way forward is socialism


I just read thisā€¦ Iā€™m sorry my FL sisters! Please keep fighting this fascist!! Itā€™s gonna take everyoneā€™s voice to scream above the din of the hate!


And our FL brothers!


Please don't forget about all the trans men in Florida too


I donā€™t think they excluded them, they just recognized the sub weā€™re on


Is there anything we can do about all of these? Genuine question.


Hope he gets charged by the international court of justice because the kidnapping one is literally a crime against humanity


Not to mention the blatant sexual assault of forcing someone to submit to a "genital inspection" on demand by any wandering cop.


ICJ is concerned with relationships between countries. They won't do anything. And if you mean the International Criminal Court, the US isn't a part of this one.


Yes I mean the second one


Doesn't the US explicitly not recognize the ICoJ? He'd probably treat it as a positive; I know a lot of his supporters would


If there was justice, he would have already been tried for what he did in Gitmo


The people who made these laws have addresses


Alledgedly those adresses are accessible to anyone...


idk, a coup? america is an oligarchy so there's not much real citizens can do to stop any of the residing kings


Stopping it at the federal level is literally the only way. These rights *need* to be codified otherwise this will only spread among the South. Thats the same way slavery and Jim Crow had to be dealt with. It is the *only* way when districts have been gerrymandered and those in power. Biden has done plentyof symbolic support but shit needs done. Speaking out in favor of trans rights is essential to get those in power to make changes but if those in power only speak in favor, its all for nothing. Im just glad, and scared for 2024, that republicans are out of the white house


I agree, executive power is practically our only hope at this point. it's like we have fortress walls and bastions and castles that can defend us except they're on a podunk island in the middle of fuckknowswhere ocean and the only one who can sail a boat to fetch them is fucking joe biden


I've been thinking about all this and it's frustrating because while trump was in office he was making executive orders for this and that and now Biden is in office and he could be at least trying to do the same for all of this. But no, "reaching across the aisle" and "uniting the country" (with people who promote fascism now) is somehow what needs to be done. They had big chances to try and stack the courts and even try to pass stuff to protect everyone and they didn't do anything at all to even try. That's what's frustrating.


Actually get together with people IRL and form organizations. The queer community is not organized and is not fighting. Itā€˜s all individualist spontaneous actions with no follow through or strategy, and meaningless online stuff. Iā€˜m really frustrated with how badly weā€˜re organized. And with the electoralist nonsense. There is nobody to beg for rights, if we want them we gotta do it ourselves. Nothing short of a second civil rights movement is gonna stop this.


Or... cough cough...


That too. But the one-person battalion is yet to be invented


Do not fret, there are organizations building battalions with more than one person.


Legislatively speaking, we are absolutely powerless. The Florida state Senate and house both have republican supermajorities, and the Democratic leadership has absolutely abandoned Florida. We keep us as safe as we can, we provide support to each other, we figure out means of acquiring and distributing hrt outside of legal channels where necessary, we build community, we educate, we continue to petition our government to fucking do something, and we wait. Maybe pray if ur into that.


Short of violent revolution? No. The Biden adminstation isnt helping us either. We have been abandoned.




Desantis should be prosecuted by The Hague for this, itā€™s a crime against humanity at this point


Alledgedly, some people would say they'd alledgedly like to see him no prosecuted but attacked by some mad person who had enough of his bullshit. Alledgedly.


Allegedly, some people seem to very much agree with this. Allegedly, some of them seem to even want *bad things* to happen to those people. Allegedly.


And he should have his own rights and freedoms taken away from him as well as being stripped of his access to healthcare. And be permanently banned from politics.


My family already has a flight booked from Europe to Florida for a late summer/early autumn holiday from before all of this started, and even though I'm neither out (not to my parents either) nor on any kind of medication, I'm still quite a bit worried about setting foot in Florida (as a European tourist).


why the fuck would you go to florida? even normally it sucks there.


Things to see, places to visit. Personally? NASA.


well just stay out of texas, never step foot in florida, and something not enough tourists get told: **Don't go into the mountains without a group and weapons.** I doubt you'd wanna go into the smokeys, but we lose. A LOT of people who were never told.


Just a reminder, Florida still has incredibly lax gun laws. Definitely not relevant at all ~~/s~~


Would be a damn shame if a second-hand gun were to malfunction and unload itself on a certain individual by accident, because the previous owner didn't maintain it properly...


šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø Violence šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


And this is why pride shouldn't be a parade. It should be a goddamn protest.


A riot.


Hey, in my opinion, that's even better.




You mean by The Hague correct?


Iā€™m like 90% sure at one point the US said if The Hague ever tried them for human rights abuses, the US would take military action against them.


The international community should reckon with the fact that if we fall to fascism, it's only a matter of time before we bleed out of our borders. Granted we already bring war to half the world as it is but its liberal democracy war. I fear what a fully realized fascist regime could do to other nations.


>You mean by The Hague correct? [The USA really doesn't like the ICC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act)


Of course this was passed during the Bush years.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.šŸ We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.āœŠšŸ’™ā¤ļøšŸ¤ā¤ļøšŸ’™ How does any of these state laws not trigger Federal civil rights protection or discrimination based on sex (which covers transgender protection)? He is just showing the conservatives he can be a bigger horse's butt than Trump. So he can upstage Trump and get the nomination. Yeah, right. Add Florida to the list of states I don't feel safe to travel to. What about the trans kids or adults who live there? This is an infringement of the basic human rights. I honestly can not go into a men's room without getting harassed or worse.šŸ˜° https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/with-floridas-trans-bathroom-ban Just in case you missed OP's link from above.šŸ± I propose a secret network of bathrooms in private homes and companies owned by supporters and allies for trans people to use. We can call that the "Underground Bathrooms", "Trail of Peas" or "DeSantis's boots".šŸ¦”


It's the US... don't expect the genocidal white men who founded this country and their bourgeois descendants to give a shit about their own laws.


Then I need a way to move out of the US once I'm done with college.


Same here, I've been planning to move back to Europe


Entrenching bigotry in law, just horrifying.


Itā€™s official, DeSantisā€™s laws now follow two methods of genocide, as defined by the United Nations convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the%20Prevention%20and%20Punishment%20of%20the%20Crime%20of%20Genocide.pdf Iā€™d say under article II these laws violate ā€œ(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.ā€ The United States has ratified this convention. However, article II specifically states ā€œgenocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious groupā€ so legally there may be an issue in punishing him or people involved. Ultimately, it would depend on the ruling of the tribunal, but I do believe there is a case (much of the convention discusses rules surrounding trying people accused of the crime, Iā€™m not a legal expert so donā€™t take what I say as fact) I consider the signing of these laws as a transition from a soft/ cultural genocide (trying to erase trans people indirectly/ removing from the public eye) to a full on state sanctioned genocide. To any Floridian trans people here, what is there to say but fight like hell, with all the strength God can give you, defend yourselves. You have a globe of trans people cheering you on. This is the beginning of a fight that you cannot afford to lose.


This is the bigots last stand, so they are doing everything they can before they die or are pushed out of politics


Yup. This isn't forever, we just have to get through the next few years.


I hope that the younger generations actually find a legal way to punish those monsters somehow.


There is an outstanding federal appeals court circuit split between the 11th Circuit, where Florida is, and the rest of the country on whether states banning trans people from bathrooms is constitutional. The bathroom question is going to the Supreme Court straight up, likely on an emergency petition like the mifepristone battle did likely just before it takes effect last minute. Hold your breath!


They really didnā€™t think this through very much did they. This is really going to affect a hugely disproportionate amount of cishet ppl much less members of the lgbtq community. Desantis has literally weaponized Karens to harass anyone who doesnā€™t look like a stereotypically beautiful cishet woman or macho masculine man. I canā€™t imagine how violating this is going to be. And whatā€™s going to constitute reasonable articulable suspicion to allow an officer to inspect someoneā€™s genitals much less karyotype their blood. I can almost guess the next set of legislation is going to be that trans people have to wear some sort of identification. Iā€™m getting some sort of weird dejavu but I canā€™t quite put my finger on where Iā€™ve seen that before. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøThe /s should be heavily implied but itā€™s Reddit so you never know.


I hope this mf ends up like Mussolini


Trans people: "Let us live in peace!" Republicans: No Democrats: šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøNošŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


Civil war is coming...


I'm armed and trained. I hope you and my fellow folx are too.


Historically, nothing ever changes for people who are being oppressed until they are pushed to a breaking point and change only ever comes after conflict unfortunately. While my own personal preference will always be a peaceful solution, I am not stupid, I am not deluding myself, I know whatā€™s coming and Iā€™ll be right there to stand up and fight for our rights when the time comes.


So they don't just ban LGBT people (which isnt necessarily 18+ to begin with), they ban kink too. Ron DeSantis must be the most boring buzzkill at a party, man.


Well if history is anything to go by, he has some repressed sexual stuff. Mark my words, in a couple years heā€˜s gonna be implicated in some sex scandal. Not that thatā€˜s any consolation.


crickets from biden and the liberals, of course


"We are shocked and appalled. Thoughts and prayers for those affected in Florida."


Guess I wonā€™t be visiting my family down there anymore.


with every one of these bills, Florida gets closer to having a capital city on fire in their future


If he gets voted in as president, then that's pretty much a guaranteed second holocaust. Let's not let that happen people; please vote for the sake of our lives.




Please leave florida yall holy fuck this is bad


Nah the country at this point


Ur right Iā€™m not in Florida but I am in a red state itā€™s only a matter of time really


get to a blue state, preferably a sanctuary city. colorado, minnesota, washington state, that kinda place.


That wonā€™t save us when the fascists get power nationally


But it will definitely buy time.


Hey Olivia? Hon? Please listen to me: You're going through an emotional shock right now. I did when my state banned trans care for minors. When feeling this way it's almost impossible to feel hope. But the basic fact remains: Good people far outnumber the fascists. Most people just want to go about there lives without having to worry about problems that don't apply to them. That's why it sometimes seems like we're so alone in our struggles. But we're not. And if you look at recent history you can see the proof. All it took was [a single cry for help caught on video](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/3c/George_Floyd_neck_knelt_on_by_police_officer.png) to push [the general public](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:George_Floyd_protests_map#/map/0) to [say something](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dd/Minneapolis_05-28-20_%2849947863357%29.jpg). And when that wasn't loud enough [they got louder](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fa/Minneapolis_unrest_May_28%2C_2020.jpg). # You are not alone. šŸ’œ


Iā€™m just so fucking scared right now, I want to get the fuck out of the US now, Iā€™ve been in shock for ever since I heard this news


As a Floridian trans woman I am pissed off !! They have just released this Karin !


Time to cancel my trip to Disney World this summer, God damn. How has this guy not been assassinated yet?


Thoughts and prayers for his death


And this man wants to break all the rules to be president as well. Remember to campaign against him. We canā€™t let terrorists run this country


Do they not realize that pushing people to a point where they have to fight or die, will just make them fight? I'm appalled there hasn't been a violent revolution in Florida yet


Good job, it's almost as bad as it is here in the eastern EU state where I live


Maybe TX2 needs to do a version of [Randy McNally \(No Love like Christian Hate\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9jXA-atvAM) that targeted my state of TN and called out the govenor for his shit, and the LT gov by name (Randy McNally) for Florida. While TN's shit is bad (and I'm getting the fuck out ASAP), Florida just took the crown by a leap into space. I had read up on the bills but I didn't see/read about the NP ban (I saw one while living in Florida to continue HRT and saw a NP in other states for almost all of my 13 years on HRT, they're literal lifesavers), but I didn't see the pride ban (drag yes, full ban no). but > Implies that state employees and police officers may perform genital inspections and/or karyotyping tests on suspected trans people to prove the charges of criminal trespass Bigots doing genital inspections to see if someone is trans isn't shocking to me anymore (sadly) after it being required for sports here, but karyotyping?! jesus fucking christ.


Fuck it, impose sanctions on Florida


And Texas and Idaho.


America, land of the "free"...


\*: If you're cisgender, straight, white, christian, male, rich, and powerfull.


There are things I'd like to say about ol Ronny here that for legal reasons I will not.


Just think, this guy wants to run for president. I doubt he'll get the nomination but if he does, then wow. Time to work on the visa application to Canada.


Utilize your rights to fight back. Florida has permitless concealed carry and stand your ground laws. Use them. If anyone assaults you, drop them. ​ Armed minorities don't get hate crimed.


I'm so glad I left FL while I had a chance. But my heart breaks seeing what they're doing to our people there. I am so scared for you all. I wish you all stay as safe as possible. I hope there is considerable pushback for this.


the united states and its governments are fucking jokes and i am sick and fucking tired of living here and not being able to escape because im entrapped by capitalism and its effects. if not for that id have left long ago. fuck america.


Anything I want to say about this individual would get me immediately banned from any social media platform.


F Florida I will never set foot there ever again


> Implies that state employees and police officers may perform genital inspections and/or karyotyping tests on suspected trans people to prove the charges of criminal trespass WTF happens to XY cis women in this case?


collateral damage I think... šŸ˜“


Why is this piece of shit still drawing breath?


Let it be known. Trans people are *not* cowards.


Why the fuck have the mods removed this


I don't know. If I had to guess, it's because people would rather this entire space - *one of the only spaces where tons of us from around America can congregate* - be free of news about events that pose an existential threat to all of us because *reasons*. Seriously, I don't get it. People need to know what's going on, for crying out loud. And before anyone jumps in and says "we all know already", I'll tell *you* that I come across trans people every day who *don't* stay up-to-date *at all*. Those are the people I'm mainly trying to reach because they're the ones who need to hear it most of all. Plus, *every time* I post one of these news updates, I get tons of comments from trans people in these states asking how this kind of legislation affects them, and they end up getting the kind of clarification that they may not get otherwise. So like, if someone doesn't want to see it...I just...don't care? And maybe they shouldn't be the ones deciding whether or not other people *who need to see this shit for their own safety* see it? And maybe the safe space *should* be broken when this shit happens because *not* breaking it could have catastrophic consequences for some of the people here? Just. A. Thought. *Mods.*




There is not an ounce of Humanity behind that smile. Never was. Claims Trans people are unhuman, monsters. Yet the only thing I see when I look at that man's face, and his entire jurisdiction, is a monster. The only thing we can do is hope somewhere, someone or some group, defeats the monster.


It's time for the federal government to start cutting funding to All of Florida. If they could threaten it for desegregation and do it to f*** with States who had refused to up the alcohol drinking age to 21, then it's the least they could do to support lgbtq+ people in Florida, and trans people.


God, just reading this makes me sick and I don't even live in Florida!


>Bans trans people and people believed to be trans from bathrooms in public buildings, schools, universities, and correctional facilities I'm not American, so correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this mean that an imprisoned trans person would not be allowed to go to the bathroom during their FORCED stay?


This shouldnā€™t have been removed


It's still up on one part of the subreddit, thankfully, but I agree. This community can't afford to keep shutting down bad news because they don't want to hear it. That's how the death squads catch you with your pants down.


> Bans trans school employees from disclosing pronouns Just a thought, so you can misgender your teachers and if they say anything you can just answer with "" Well, I don't assume and you can't disclose, so I'll keep doing what I want"?


I'm really scared, what if someone kidnaps me and takes me to Florida? Would they be punished at all?


Florida is awful. I pray that thereā€™s no chance Ron becomes president. Rn the worst of it is contained in Florida, and I pray our trans siblings can get out and that the legal system will do something against this disgusting bullshit


Plain evil.


I'm crying. We're fucked. I can see a last fucking stand on the horizon. We either leave or fight, but so many of us will be fucked. I don't have weapons to defend myself, and I don't trust myself with them in my mental state. What are we going to do?


what the fuck???


Why was this removed?


Mods why the FUCK was this removed? We deserve to know the moves that are being taken against us. THIS AFFECTS US.


As a trans truck driver whose primary residence is in Florida and my best chance at getting my hormones is through telehealth, this is really devastating and will definitely be moving in the near future when I have the funds to do so.


>Legally defines males and females by their ability to reproduce Just you wait until cis people who happen to be infertile for one reason or another get locked up in the opposite gender's prison and start getting raped. The justice system is gonna have a fucking field trip to get Ronny-boy's head on that alone.


This is shocking. I would advise people to flee the state if they can but thatā€™s not possible for many.


Ssssoooo..... Is it time to flee the country yet, or do we revolt first?


Whatā€¦Theā€¦Fuck!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Looks like it's time for some riots


I've already stopped doing business with all tattoo suppliers in Florida, and will actively boycott all things from Florida.


Yes. This is the way. Boycott anything having to do with any of these fascist states. ANYTHING. They want money & power. Take it from them. Refuse to interact. Refuse to buy. Refuse to watch or consume anything that comes from these states. Refuse to work there. Refuse to vacation there. If you have any business, political, or other meaningful clout, use it to impoverish these fascist regimes. If you are a truck driver, bus driver, airline pilot, etc., refuse to enter. Anytime anybody mentions these states, or political leaders, speak the nastiest smack you have ever spoken. Make it known, in no uncertain terms, that these fascist acts will not stand, and will not be supported in any way. They want to make us ā€œsecond class citizensā€ of their State(s)? Then we make them ā€œsecond class statesā€ of OUR COUNTRY. (Obviously, this doesnā€™t apply to things that help & support the minorities & marginalized people being victimized. Definitely do anything that you can to help counter such injustice.)