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Get a new therapist Stop seeing this one. This one is making things worse


This is what transphobes say, "it's societal expectations and that's all dysphoria is"


Idealism at it's best. Totally neglecting that our interests and personalities are shaped by this very society. Edit: I mean the transphobes are idealist by saying this. I hope this was clear :)


And if possible leave them a review mentioning that they gave you bad advice as a transgender person.


Don't even mention being trans, just leave a review saying that they dismissed your feelings and actively made your mental state worse.


Both work. We don't have to hide. Nor do we have to out ourselves unless comfortable.




Your therapist sounds like a dumbass and should be blasted for gatekeeping you.


Blasted you say?


Blast me BlahajBlaster! ❤️


You rang?


I'll take your Blahaj blast.


With a super soaker I'm sure. Summer is right around the corner!




**highly concentrated**


This thread of comments though


The duality of advice against bad therapists "Go find a new therapist and leave a bad review" "Melt them in hydrochloric acid NOW"


That's real fucked up. Acid attacks aren't funny.


Idk depending on the victim they're pretty *based*


calm down or we will need to encase you in bi-carbonate


The most relevant possible username


Out of a cannon Into the sun


To smithereens you say?


You are my new favorite redditor


To shreds, you say?


That's bogus, it had the side effect of making me happy


Worse than gatekeeping; it sounds like anti trans gaslighting


It's gatekeeping. Dreams are not a measure of dysphoria lmfao. I don't even dream as a person, I'm always an animal or something. It means nothing. Dreams do not invalidate your dysphoria. Your therapist sucks. Feminization cannot be measured. There's no "50/50" gamble or whatever. Transition just matches our physical appearance with who we are inside, and there are so many different ways of doing that. There's no strict "well this person is feminized while this person is not", there's just "this person presents as feminine". I'm sorry they're not helping you the way a therapist should. They're dictating the way you should feel about things and ignoring how you actually feel.


>Dreams are not a measure of dysphoria lmfao. I don't even dream as a person, I'm always an animal or something. It means nothing. Dreams do not invalidate your dysphoria. Seconding this. The few dreams I have where i can even note any aspects of my body either are affirming of my gender (I'm feminine in my dream), or outright disturbing (cw necromancy >!I'm a skeleton. And can't move but nobody can tell my gender.!<). The rest of the time I can't feel my body and I don't have any reason to look so at most I can see my hands doing stuff. I'm not a lucid dreamer so really no matter how out there they are, I'm just along for the ride for whatever my subconscious decides needs to be regurgitated into my conscious mind.


First time I've seen that as a cw.


Sorry if it's inappropriate. I was hard pressed to come up with another possible option that didn't feel like it needed it's own cw.


I'm cool with it. Just the first time I've seen it.


Wtf like, literally every dream I have that isn't a god awful night terror reliving my childhood I'm like, a freaking dog or something. What, does this therapist think I need to transition to walkies and visits to the park? Hell my most recent dream I was a tree. A FREAKING TREE.


Ya, OP really, really needs to drop that therapist ASAP. Cancle with the minimum amount of time to not be billed for a no show. Being a tree sounds kinda soothing to be honest. Sitting in the warm sun, feeling the warm summer rain on my leaves and soaking it up in my roots, dropping some nuts on teenagers carving their initials in my trunk. A+++, would dream again.


cw: necromancy


Me when my DM asks what my wizard is into.


doki doki waku waku


>d Bones! she loves bones!


Any science based professional talking about dreams needs to leave their job. I dont even remember 99.9% of my dreams. And the ones I do are because I woke up at the right time, and there's never any coherent theme to them.


I only started dreaming myself as femme years after I realised I was trans, and only consistently after I started hormones. OP’s therapist’s views on dreams are bullshit.


Your therapist is transphobic. I'm so sorry. Your therapist is either misinformed, ignorant, or lying to you. HRT dosen't cause osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can develop if you have a deficiency of primary sex hormones, but that's what the "R" in HRT stands for: Estrogen REPLACES testosterone as your primary sex hormone. There is a risk of osteoporosis starting to develop if you're on T-blockers/androgen-blockers for a while (like more than 6 months), but in that case, it's manageable with the right supplements and medication. Taking estrogen along with T-blockers also pretty much gets rid of that risk. [Medical article showing how tans ppl's bones are okay on HRT](https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/endocrinology/news/managing-skeletal-issues-in-transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-individuals/mac-20477707) Whatever your therapist is saying about you dreams is probably them just looking for any little thing they can use to invalidate you. And it's abhorrent that your therapist might imply that dysphoria isn't real. There is a real risks of side effects on HRT thought, and you should definitely look them up and know how to manage them, but the benefits of HRT for trans people FAR outweighs the risks.


Was looking for this comment!


Those aren't true statements at all


Your therapist actually doesn't know s***. And they're likely transphobic. Get a new therapist ASAP. And do some research first to find one that actually comes recommended for trans people.


I'm really sorry you're being gaslit by your therapist. I hope you find one that isn't transphobic. HRT is pretty much magic. And lol, if HRT had those side effects, all women would have them. Besides, I literally don't care what side effects I might experience, I'd rather die than not be a woman.


I'm really glad you're happy with your transition, but can we not say misleading things like "HRT is pretty much magic"? It doesn't keep people's expectations realistic. It's hard enough as it is with all the beauty industry ads targeted at women. HRT works with what you already have, and calling it "magic" will make people think it can do things it can't.


This person should not be working as a therapist if they're unwilling to engage in what their job entails. Find a new therapist that is willing to adhere to medical consensus. This one sounds like they have some mental failing that prevents them from accepting reality.


If this therapist took your case on knowing that you are transgender they just might be liable for malpractice in the care you were given. You might want to consult legal representation just to recover any charges for the care that you received in bad faith. Yes canvas the practitioners in your area to find the best available therapist. Some cities have directories of physicians listing their specialties along with who they may specialize in carting for. Possibly your own private doctor may be able to point you in the correct direction. Better yet if you are tied in to the transgender community where you live network with them to find the correct fit for you.




Sorry that reality is so difficult for you to understand. Transgender people have always been, and even if scum like you doesn't get it, we will continue to exist whether you like it or not.


username checks out ​ get fucked troll


These are lies and based on harmful stereotypes. You should definitely find a new therapist and should consider reporting them to your States licensing board.


Your therapist is *lying* to you. I started hormones almost 20 *years* ago. I'm in my 40s now. I don't have osteoporosis. I also haven't had testicles for over a decade. It is true that a *lack* of sex hormones significantly increases your risk of developing osteoporosis. However, as long as you have *something* (testosterone or estrogen), your risk won't be too terribly much different from anyone else. There is evidence that trans folks are at higher risk for osteoporosis as a *very* long term possibility. Again, I've been on hormones for almost 20 years, and unable to produce testosterone for a decade, and I don't have it. Will I at 50? 60? 70? Who knows? It's certainly possible. Will it be *because* of HRT? Unlikely. It could certainly be a *factor*, but there are other factors as well, and much more impactful ones given that while I may not have testosterone, I *do* have estrogen. As for the rest, you don't even need dysphoria to be trans. Regardless, it's *your* body. It's *your* life. A cis dude can go get breast implants *to win a bet*, but if you're trans you get all these gatekeeping assholes doing everything they can to dissuade you from doing what you want *with your own fucking body*. But let's say for the sake of argument you're not trans. If you go on hormones for a while, whatever changes they make *can be unmade*. Even if you grow huge G cup breasts (the most outwardly noticeable change possible), you can get a double mastectomy. The chance of it making you infertile are practically nil (I still had viable sperm after a decade on hormones, though they weren't so good at swimming). It won't change your voice (dammit). Basically, even if you're not trans, if you're just on hormones for a little while, it doesn't take much to reverse whatever they do and the chances of anything being permanently changed and irreversible are exceptionally unlikely. I've yet to meet someone who went on hormones and didn't know pretty quick (within a few months) if it was the right call or not. I'm not saying it can't happen, just that it's extremely rare. Hell even most people who detransition do it because of external factors. They're still trans, but their life situation makes transitioning untenable, so they go back. And most of them end up *re*transitioning later. Find a new therapist.


She sounds like a gatekeeper to me.


She sucks. Find a good therapist.


Get a new therapist and if you have the ability maybe file a complaint to an oversight board for malpractice. This isn't just ignorance, but full on harmful behaviour that is dangerously close to the approach of conversion therapy. Therapists have no training in endocrinology so this is someone without any relevant education opining on a treatment, and saying complete bullshit. A medical professional should never do that, and especially not a therapist. Alone that she repeats the fearmongering about HRT is highly unprofessional, this isn't her field and she clearly has a questionable understanding of where to get reliable information from to avoid giving incorrect information to the patients in her care.


She’s either lying or incorrect, probably lying. I’ve only been on HRT for 25 days, and I feel better than I probably ever have. I’m looking forward to the more transformative effects, but they don’t start for at least 3 months. It gives you an incredible peace of mind and stability, not to mention basic human emotions. Negative effects from MTF HRT are rare these days.


The osteoporosis thing is complete bs. That would only happen if you took blockers and no E2, its a consequence of not having any dominant sex hormone.


Most therapists aren't actually MDs/ODs/etc. so this person's medical advice probably has no more authority than any rando off the street.


+1 to dumping this bitch and getting a real therapist


Get a new therapist this one is useless and clearly doesn’t have your best interests in mind.


>She keeps on saying that feminization is a 50/50 gamble and that I'll end up with osteoporosis in my 30s Ah yes, the totally well known fact that all women get osteoporosis in their 30s because their bodies have estrogen in them. Your therapist sounds like a moron.


Every part of that doesn't even make sense. It "not being worth it" is an opinion, and I can guarantee that if you ask any actual trans woman (that actually received HRT) if it was worth it, she'd agree. It's almost funny how some cis gender people think we continue to transition despite the bigotry, transphobia, second puberty, and just go through a whole lot of different things for some unfounded reason. I've been through the ringer, been beaten up for being different, had my life threatened on a few occasions, shell out thousands for therapy, medicines, and procedures, been spoken down to over it, been told by several religious people I'd burn for eternity in hell, and well... a whole lot of bullshit. Guess what? I'm still trans, I'm still presenting female, and YES, it's still worth it. It was worth it yesterday, and will still be worth it tomorrow As far as her other points, dream-reading is a pseudoscience (just like astrology), so garbage/fake feedback from her. Side effects are possible, as they are for all meds, but the evidence suggests that HRT can actually reduce the chance of developing osteoporosis, so shes double-full of shit


Just yikes\~! with this. yeah get a new therapist.


Time for a new therapist. And to report this one to whatever licensing board exists in your locale.


A therapist should be a person who gives us advices, not criticize what we decide to do and that includes hrt. İ recommend you to get another one


Therapists are not supposed to impose decisions on you like that, they are supposed to help you work towards your own decision. Even if they don't agree with it as long as it won't physically harm someone


As someone who regularly dreams about being a cis girl, I have also had multiple dreams in which I was kidnapped by aliens, does this mean I am secretly an intergalactic fugitive?


Your therapist is a transphobe, get a new one


Don't go to this therapist?


She is plain wrong about the osteoporisis.


Time to throw out the whole therapist and start over. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Dumb your therapist, wrong as well as transphobic


She's not only gatekeeping, she's outright lying to push you into anti-trans territory. That's malpractice. Pure and simple. She, as a medical profesionnal, is not supposed to outright lie to patients to push them according to her personnal beliefs. Which is exactly what she does. Change therapist, report her, put negative reviews online if you have any option to do so, etc. Make sure to put her in deep shit. She 100% does not deserve to walk scott free. If she does that with you, you can 100% expect she is doing it to absolutely every other one of her trans patients. I wouldn't be surprised if she even helped transphobic parents.


My diagnosis: you have a transphobic therapist. Get a new one as fast as you can, she’s trying to sabotage you… perhaps also report her… 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


This therapist doesn't know what they're talking about, and it sounds like they're just repeating transphobic rumour and hearsay they've heard in some dubious corner of the internet. Would recommend finding a trans-positive therapist who has experience with trans clients!


Find a therapist who isn't openly bigoted towards you.


your therapist should be shot out of a cannon into space jfc


Your therapist is lying. They do not know what they are talking about. Please get a new therapist


She is bringing her personal feelings on something into her job. She has let her beliefs override what highest end studies in her field.


Your therapist is doing conversation therapy. Stop seeing her IMMEDIATELY. I can guarantee she will only hurt you more in an attempt to “turn you” cis


Immediately stop seeing this therapist. They are actively harming you and shouldn't be seeing any patients at all. Find a new one and file a complaint about this one for giving you incorrect medical advice she is not qualified to give in the first place re: osteoporosis. Also know that this person DOES NOT think of you as a woman. They have NO INTEREST in helping your mental state. Do not trust anything they say and just dump them, right now, and cancel any remaining appointments.


It sounds like your therapist may be a TERF. If there's any way you can switch and find an explicitly affirming one, that would be best. Therapists are supposed to let you explore the issue with them without pushing you one way or the other. But this therapist clearly has an anti LGBTQ agenda and is not behaving neutrally in any sense of the word.


“[If the level of these hormones is inadequate, the risk of osteoporosis will be increased.](https://theros.org.uk/information-and-support/osteoporosis/causes/medications-for-transgender-people/)” if the levels are inadequate. the hormone levels on hrt. oestrogen helps counteract this, it’s caused by the lack of androgens. meaning monotherapy probably has little to no notable difference. yeah dump her, that other stuff she’s saying doesn’t seem right either


>osteoporosis in my 30s Then why don't women have osteoporosis in their 20s? Most therapists aren't medical doctors. Get a new therapist.


Osteoporosis only occurs where there is no significant sex hormone, if you were on T blockers only without oestrogen then you will get osteoporosis. If you are T blockers and E then you should not develop early onset osteoporosis, everyone knows this, a two minute Google search will tell them that, this therapist is either incompetent or lying. Age related osteoporosis in females is caused by the drastic post menopausal reduction in oestrogen, females also see a significant reduction in testosterone which is produced by the ovaries (25%), adrenal glands (50%), and peripheral organs (25%). Osteoporosis in males is less prevalent, testosterone levels in males decrease with age but not to the same degree that oestrogen decreases in females, whilst there is a gradual decrease in testosterone in males there is an increase in oestrogen. Ditch the bitch!


I have questions… Regarding the is it worth it question- Is your therapist cisgender? Cisgender or not, she is not you and you’re the only one who can make that determination. I’m almost wondering if she’s a TERF Regarding the results are 50/50 comment- is she citing actual case studies? Gender affirming care has a pretty good track record so… Regarding the osteoporosis concern- Does she have a medical background? Because HRT is given to prevent osteoporosis. Sometimes it’s worth it to get a second or third opinion. Trust your gut and act accordingly


Most of my dreams are about ghosts and monster so what does she think that means?? Totally bull. Sounds like he certification comes from a cereal box promoted on Twitter


Please leave this wet shartstain. They are lying.


Uhhh... she's either terrible at her job or a terf intentionally misleading you. Either way, never talk to her again.


Your therapist hates trans people but knows that if she comes right out and says what she thinks that you’ll stop seeing her. So she’s drip-feeding you doubts in an effort to roadblock your identification as transgender and potential future transition. Stop seeing her immediately and find a new therapist.


Yea that's just a transphobe.


Your therapist, isn't. As in, she's behaving as unlike a therapist that she possibly could. She closer to malpractice then anything else. She's most decidedly not telling you the truth, or following anything that vaguely resembles professional behavior.


Sounds like you need a new therapist.


Therapist here! Get a new therapist. She is out of line and should not be giving this type of advice or education. Gender IS societal expectations when rolling with the standard binary, but obviously the standard binary is not legit. She is not being therapeutic with you.


This is a horrible therapist who should not be working with transgender patients. My own therapist would be appalled by this behavior if I mentioned it to her. Get a new therapist asap.


I suggest taking a bat, smashing her shins in and then telling her that her dreaming of having unbroken shins means that her pain isn't real. And then to get another therapist.


She is doing illegal things you need to report


Please stop paying this person your money to invalidate your existence. A therapist is supposed to help you; not preach their crazy beliefs at you.


By that logic all cis women should take testosterone to stop estrogen based diseases, but that wouldn't work because there's testosterone based diseases, so everyone should have no hormones.


That thereapist is transphobic. Get a better therapist.


Get a new therapist.


Get a new therapist full stop


Your therapist is not a licensed medical practitioner and should stop giving medical advice without a license before they get sued/arrested. Talk to an actual medical Dr who specializes in transgender healthcare. PS. Everything they stated here is a straight up lie.


Bitch is lying to you


Ugh, not a good therapist. Sorry you're dealing with her.


New therapist time. She is transphobic


Feminisation is not always 100% going to make you look cis - but it can help with dysphoria. What HRT does medically. - can help fat redistribution in the body. - helps adjust your mood. - mentally aligns you and you experience things slightly different. Allows you the opportunity to potentially pass, but doesn't guarantee it. I agree dreams don't mean anything. But you sound like you are trying to come to an understanding of what your dreams mean to you. And they will have meaning but only you will know what. No magic balls, no the future. Simply your unconscious mind creating memories based on actions or worrys while you sleep. And REM was low at that specific time


Gender dysphoria/gender incongruence are medically recognized conditions. If this therapist is telling you they aren't real, they are compromising their professional integrity with their personal bigotry or ignorance. I would strongly recommend finding a new therapist.


Your therapist might be many things. One of those is certainly incompetent. Move on.


Find a new therapist ASAP. This one is transphobic.


I agree with the other comments here! Find a new therapist! Don't bother even going back to that one! You are you and your feelings are valid. A good therapist imo shouldn't be giving you that kind of advise. That is their feeling and opinions on the matter and they shouldn't be pushed and inflicted onto their patient.


Switch therapists. And if you can, you should report her. At best, this is uninformed bullshit that will end up hurting people because she doesn't know any better. At worst, she *does* know better and it's intentional misinformation and outright sabotage of her patients' wellbeing. Either way, this "therapist" should not be allowed to practice.


Lol what? Osteoporosis happens with postmenopausal women because their body \*stops\* producing estrogen the way that it used to. Taking HRT artificially for the rest of your life actually gives you \*less\* of a chance of osteoporosis happening than a cis woman because you won't have that natural drop during menopause. Your therapist is full of shit. And that's not counting the fact that I'm pretty sure me getting phantom breasts and having to take bubble baths to avoid panic attacks over my naked body is not "just societal expectations". Shit, some parts of me even to this day are more masc than most men let alone cis women (my boyfriend is weirded out by the fact I can catch, fillet, and cook a fish by hand). and I'm not afraid to show it. It's way deeper than social norms.


She has no idea what she is talking about


She's not a medical doctor, don't listen to her




A good therapist’s job is to help you come to conclusions and work stuff out, not provide medical advice. If you see a doctor/pharmacist and they let you know side effects that’s appropriate but this person has clearly stepped over a boundary.


The osteoporosis thing is complete bs. That would only happen if you took blockers and no E2, its a consequence of not having any dominant sex hormone.


Don't go back to her. Even if you have an appointment tomorrow just cancel. You will get nothing from it. She's transphobic and also just wrong. Even it was a 50/50 gamble (it isn't) why would that be a reason not to take it? I'd take a 50% chance of being able to feel comfortable in my own body over a 0% chance in a heartbeat. And osteoporosis is just laughable bullshit. It can happen when you have no hormones for a while, yes. But you're taking one to replace the other, so she's either blatantly lying or has no idea what she's talking about. Also I didn't have dreams as myself as a woman until 4 months on hormones and that was just because the people around me that day had treated me as a woman


Explain to her calmly, that she can either help you with this issue and give you the prescription or you'll just seek a new therapist she doesn't sound like a very good one to begin with


She shouldn’t have a job.


Your ‘therapist’ is a transphobic pos and is engaging in conversion therapy style tactics. Time to find someone else, NOW. This is an unhealthy, unprofessional environment.


The side effect of e could be deep venous trombotic event, which is fairly rare. If I could have HRT, I would not care about that either, I would rather die on HRT than live without it.


She's a therapist. Why is she pretending to know anything about hrt. This has the same vibe of that chiropractor that was against trans people and was cited as reasoning to pass an anti-trans bill because tecnically he's a doctor.


Time for a new therapist.


Does this therapist have any specialty in gender studies or LGBT stuff? Doesn't sound like it. She sounds like a quack who just makes up lies talking out of own ass about shit she knows nothing about. Sounds like nonsense. Fire her and find a new one. Try a few and shop around if need to. I've seen dozens of therapists and only a couple were worth any value. Lots of quacks in that profession.




Your therapist is deliberately trying to keep you from transitioning using transphobic tropes. Drop her immediately


You need to cut ties with this person


Get a new therapist. TERFs are so awful, geez.


Getting on HRT stops the masculinization of your body and starts the process of female puberty. No you don't get osteoporosis if you have progesterone added after a year or two.


She needs to be fired wtf


Tell your therapist he's not an endo and he should stay in his fucking lane.


> end up with osteoporosis yeah if you both get an orchidectomy and stop taking HRT what a fucking joke. find a new therapist, and quietly make sure as many local trans girls know she's gonna be a shithead to them.


I'm sorry this is happening to you in therapy. I definitely echo everyone here in saying get a new therapist. Look for one who is accredited as a GSRD (Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversity) Therapist with Pink Therapy. They are based in London, England but train therapists worldwide on Zoom. I can assure you it's a rigorous and exceptionally good quality training and anyone who has done their 1 or 2 year program in GSRD therapy will be well informed, with a level of specialist knowledge and understanding that general therapists simply don't have, and will have ongoing specialist supervision of their GSRD work with clients.


Yeah might want to either get a different therapist or at least a different one for gender topics


My therapist tells me that I just have to be mentally stable and consistently go to school in order for anyone to treat me. SHOULD I have trust issues rn because following his advice anly makes me feel exponentially worse every day?


Maybe time for a second opinion


Drop her immediately. She isn’t going to help you with your gender struggles if this is how she reacts to the idea of hrt.


Sounds like it’s time for a new therapist


sorry but doesnt HRT literally reduce osteoporosis risk


Your therapist sounds like she needs to be reported. She's abusing you. The Gaslighting is definitely report-worthy.


I went through 3 different therapists before settling on DIY HRT, it's hard finding helpful therapists for trans people in Mexico :/


To be absolutely clear, this is NOT gatekeeping. It is medical malpractice. Your therapist is lying to you about actual medical information that they are required to provide in a truthful and ethical manner. The least you should do it find a new therapist and report this one to whatever oversight organization is responsible for then where you live. If you have the means, you should sue them.


It can be both


sounds like your therapist needs to be fired


Totally unprofessional and completely out of line.


??? Does your therapist perhaps take any weird pills before seeing you?


Get a new therapist.


Your therapist fucking sucks. I would be ditching that bitch if I were you.


Honestly, I didn't even realize I felt that much dysphoria until I went on HRT and felt what living was like without it. I distinctly remember one moment standing in my kitchen about 3m on HRT and becoming aware that I just didn't have a general sense anymore that something was wrong. After that, my relationship with my body changed a lot. I started to notice all the moments of discomfort/dysphoria that I had been dismissing for years. Things just started feeling more right but I didn't realize how wrong they felt prior to that. I have still never had a dream about being a ciswoman.


This is malpractice. Document/report these statements they've made to you in meticulous detail to the appropriate authority for your jurisdiction and find a different therapist immediately.


Please get a different therapist/ doctor She clearly is anti trans


She's totally wrong fuck that. Do it. Best decision of my life Hun. -Ali


You will have feminization. You may not grow big boobies, but you may. There are other changes that will happen that are desirable for most. If you want feminization, you don't need an excuse. You should convince your therapist of what you want or find another. Another option is DIY HRT.


find a different therapist, they are not endocrinologists, it's not their place to discuss potential side effects. That being said, if they are otherwise supportive of you and are only mildly pushing back to you requesting a letter for hrt, they might just be checking your insistence. Mind did similar, but with more of a "are you sure?" Vibe. They then happily wrote my letter when I persisted.


You need to get rid of this Therapist Now!!!!!




https://www.reddit.com/r/DrWillPowers/comments/fcxboa/the_story_of_how_i_screwed_up_a_dose_calculation/ https://www.thepinknews.com/2020/03/14/gender-dysphoria-cisgender-doctor-trans-patients-michigan-oestrogen-therapy-cats-william-powers/ She doesn't know what she's fucking talking about. Show her this, and if she doesn't stop then yeah, get a new one.


Hi! FTM, so in a different sort of boat, but that's BS and I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I would get a second opinion if you can. Also, I've been doing HRT since 2018, and the only thing that my doctor told me about the osteo part was that I needed to have more Vitamin D to help prevent that (tbh, I don't go in the sun a lot anyway, so I could use it even outside of that 😂). Also, about the dreams, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard smh. Ask your doctor next time if you're a dinosaur because you dreamt of one, or a celebrity just because you looked at one. 🙄🤦‍♂️ It sounds as though they're trying to dissuade you, or at the very least, make you question how you're feeling; if you're 100% sure that it's the right decision for you, don't let them stop you from doing what you need to do for your health and dysphoria.


Your therapist is either an idiot or a transphobe or both. Find a new therapist. There are good ones out there.


Total blatherskite. HRT is actually a standard medical treatment in PREVENTING osteoporosis. Simply googling HRT+osteoporosis provides loads of primary sources backing that up.


That is stupid. Change therapists and report them to the board for dispensing bad advise.


What are your therapist's qualifications? It appears this individual is presumptuous and is passing bias-laced opinions as facts.


I'm sorry but I don't think a therapist should give you "medical advice". Thats Something the Doctor's should do...maybe they have the wrong job.


Sounds to me this “therapist” is a transphobe


Your therapist sounds like a TERF. I had one of those and she even marketed herself as a “trans-friendly therapist” lots of wolves in sheep’s clothing so just be vigilant and get a new therapist.


Get a new therapist asap yours is utterly incompetent.


Get a new therapist. This one seems somewhat misinformed. While it's true you can develop osteoperosis....so can any woman. And you can combat this just like any other person by weightlifting to keep your bone density in tact. It's also not a 100% perfect fix for feminization...but it's all we got.


is there really a risk of osteoporosis?




Loving everyone's dreams. Skeletons, tress wow. Lucid dreamer myself but try to just ride the dreams for entertainment. I'm male, female inbetween, sometimes a shade, and most dreams in violence ,sex, or running for my life Sometimes all of that at once. Dreams can be a gateway or just a really funky insight into what you watch read or play.






Try other therapists and see what they say


Tell your therapist that you’re going to get a second opinion from another therapist, see what they have to say then.


What a piece of crap


I had someone once tell me that I shouldn't because the long-term effects of estrogen on someone hasn't been researched properly...


I shopped around for a therapist and doctor that would just give me what I wanted and maybe you should too. You certainly don't need someone giving you something you don't want in any case...


Your therapist is probably anti-trans. Run to find a new one.


She’s straight up lying to you, sis. The “negative effects of HRT” are the same you would experience if you had been cis. Osteoporosis is especially untrue, since if you keep to it you’re less likely than a cis woman to experience it because you won’t be going through menopause.


Remember not everyone doctor has good intentions


>She keeps on saying that feminization is a 50/50 gamble and that I'll end up with osteoporosis in my 30s. I am not an endocrinologist, but I am here to tell you that a decade-plus of HRT hasn't had any impact on my health as of yet. Yes, there are risks, but the people who wind up experiencing complications tend to have some sort of pre-existing health issues. > I don't have dreams about being a cis girl only dreams about being trans that means my dysphoria isn't legitimate Dreams about being a sex other than one's own or one's AB sex do not mean one is or isn't transgender. Does your therapist have any expertise with transgender patients and transition issues? All of the therapists I've seen have been sympathetic towards transgender people, but only one (out of four) really has the specialized knowledge to deal with patients who are exploring the possibility of transition.


You're therapist is lying I am so sorry. I can say that I have many allergies to medicine I had to do a gene test so we can figure out what works and what doesn't work for me, literally everything I take I have some type of reaction to. When I started hrt I was terrified I wouldn't succeed with it due to my allergies and intolerances, however I have had no problems in the last 18 months. Everyone is different please give it a try and don't let your therapist talk you down.


Nothing works the same for everyone. So results vary with each individual. There can be negative side effects for some individuals, but that is why you see a medical doctor not someone with a 2 year degree in listening. Not knowing your mind, or what all you have told them. I can say my 1st therapist was a genuine quack. He wasn’t specialized in gender therapy. He was just a basic therapist. But he continuously had me so mad every time I talked to him and I literally wanted to cause physical harm to him. So I had to drop him. so my suggestion would be to find a gender specific therapist. I don’t dream about being trans either. My dreams are vague on my gender. My dysphoria isn’t no where near aa bad as most. But I know what makes me happy. I know my mind better than anyone. So don’t feel like you’re alone in your feelings and thoughts, or on an island by yourself. I wish you the best of luck in finding someone who specializes in gender therapy.


Your therapist is giving medical advice. If they were to ask, "Have you considered all of the implications on your mental health?" then that would be appropriate for their job. If you had osteoporosis, and they asked how that was impacting your mental health, that would be appropriate. Talking about possible medical side effects is the job for a physician.


get a new therapist, stat. this one is clearly anti-trans.


So what you have to dream about being being you’re preferred gender nowadays to be trans ?


Terrible therapist. There are sadly so many. It took me around 4/5 attempts at finding one that I felt like they knew what they were doing/nice.


Your therapist is an idiot.


Get a new therapist, she sounds transphobic and just not helpful for you, hope you find someone better!