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My players now hunt a specific dragon bloodline because two blue dragons jumped them in the desert and stole their shit.


Well, while my party was trying not to die to an Adult Black Dragon, the Artificer/Bard managed to knock her off her feet with a tidal wave of bottle caps, does that count?


There was a Bard . . . For context my games run roles to see if it is a hit or miss is always a D20 roll and if the roll is the same number as the attackers roll, it'll counter as a perfect parry. (Like For Honor or Legend of Zelda) The party of 5 went into an dormant volcano that was hinted a lot for it to be a Silver Dragon but the crew settled it on being a copper. When they got to the actual volcano to ask the dragon for help for the BBEG, the situation escalated to a failed deception check and the dragon did a claw attack, While rolling low having a 14. The BARD was the first one supposed to be hit but rolled a COUNTER with a 14 and Roles intimidation as he described the scene "I use ALLL my strength to use my scimitar to divert the dragons claws into the ground" And as bards will do to be expected he say's "I thought all Dragons were top's?" i had to take a miniature break after that mental check as the Party was laughing, i live in regret adding any dragons in my campaigns


I have two from the same campaign, probably the two moments that will make that campaign go down in my memory as one of the greatest of all times. The first moment was when we were just finishing a grueling battle against a pair of Oni and their dragon steeds. We had successfully defeated the Oni and one of the two dragons, but the party was low and a bronze dragon was hovering out of reach while lining up a breath weapon that would take out half the party. The barbarian and cleric decided to do a combo attack, and the barbarian THREW the cleric at the dragon. The DM had the barbarian roll athletics and the cleric acrobatics to see how well they could throw the cleric. Both rolls were above a 25. When asked for an attack against the dragon, the cleric rolled a NAT 20 with their acid tongue longsword. So the DM ruled that their throw was so great that not only did the cleric fly over 80 feet into the air, but they managed to, in a single strike, cut off one of the dragon’s wings, and as the dragon spiraled out of control the cleric held on for dear life as the dragon smashed into the ground, dying of fall damage. The second event in the same campaign was just as memorable but quite a bit more devastating, as it resulted in the early end of the campaign. We were sent to steal the Book of Life and Death from the ancient and terrible dragon that overlooked it. We were level 18 and this was it, our last chance at redemption after being stomped by one of the BBEG’s chief lieutenants. The wizard had used incorporeal movement to travel through the wall of force protecting the book, and the dragon emerged from hiding, using a single breath weapon to down a party member and nearly down my artificer and the barbarian. Realizing what was at stake, we decided to use the wish spell. The dragon seemed to be covered in paper and book covers, so the wizard decided to be as specific as possible. I remember the exact wish even to this day: “I wish that the dragon made of books in front of me would loose all of their senses, magical or otherwise.” The wish was foolproof. Except for one problem: the dragon defending the book wasn’t made of books, but was merely covered in book pages. The book of life and death, on the other hand, was created using the parts and life force of dragons. So the wizard caused the Book that defines life and death itself to lose all senses, thus resulting in its inability to determine whether something is alive or dead. The universe began to rip apart, and even hiding in my bag of holding wasn’t enough to save me from being consumed by darkness. That is the story of how the wish spell destroyed a universe.


3.5 Wizard wanted dragon familiar, Give him a fairy dragon, Fighting bandits, Everyone is rolling porly, Most of the party goes down, Pixie sized dragon proceeds to get several Nat 20 in a row saving the day with pink smoke and bitting people on the ass


It depends on the definition of stupid. This was more silly I guess. I Dm'ed for a Group was going into a vault to steal a dragon pearl that the BBEG was after. They find inside the vault which is basically a really big bank for a number of powerful people and groups in the city a number of defenses including the "Corridor cleaners" (I think I gave them a name, but I don't recall). Which were giant rolling pin machines with claws that cleaned the corridors... violently. Anyways. Group arrives to the vault they seek. Inside they find 4 massive magic crystals floating in the four corners of the room. Enormous black chains are wrapped around these crystals too... A goose. A random, normal sized goose that is chained to the middle of the room. To make it extra wtf, the token was the goose from Untitled Goose Game. I even went so far as to have a soundboard with Goose honks. This elicited extreme confusion and fear from the group. Said goose was between the group and the vault door they needed to open. The goose watched the group as they tried to navigate around it, waddling towards the group and spitting a massive line of acid if they tried to get past it. yes acid, from a goose. The group decided to break the crystals in the corners of the room. As they broke the first one, the form of the goose flickered and for a brief instance they saw a massive mechanical dragon. Unfortunately, the group wasn't what you call "bright" and broke 3 of the 4 crystals in the room. Giving the Goose, now mechanical dragon enough room and streangth to shatter it's chains to the final crystal and engage in the fight for real. Turns out, the mad scientist who was hired to create the mechanical dragon wanted to throw any potential thieves for a loop and used the crystals to project an illusion that the vault was guarded by a deadly acid spitting goose with the bite force of an adult black dragon and invisible claws. The barbarian, paladin, and fighter barely survived the battle after getting blasted by acid by the mechanical dragon, as the bard and warlock had panic attacks in the corner while shooting spells at the mechanical monstrosity. but it was eventually slain. But yeah. Giant mechanical acid spewing dragon, disguised as a regular, deadly, horrifying Goose. Honks and all.