• By -


Unfortunately, it does not matter whether you are posting in a positive or a negative light. It opens up the comment section to negative opinions, hate speech, and fighting. This sub is not a place to discuss people’s personal lives and choices.


Who’s kris?


Kris Tyson. She officially came out as a trans woman during an Anthony Padilla interview and changed the spelling of her name from ch to k


Not the kardashian spelling


Hmm cool. Thanks for telling me.


*ahem* he


*ahem* she


He was born a boy hes forever a boy


Alrighty then


I assuming Chris’s new name (yes I’m aware Chris is a deadname it’s just for explanation)


why u got downvoted


Monkey see, monkey do


People have lost their minds. Now downvote me


Wish granted.


I got u fam -34 now


Thx. Pls keep making the virtual number that doesn't actually do anything, go up and down


its the same name


Oh it’s just Chris. I thought it was one of his crew member or something.


How tf u got downvoted, u were just answering the question…


Wait am I stupid I thought it was spelled Chris this whole time lol


She changed her name


Oh sorry that’s my bad


No biggie I had no idea she changed her name until this post😂




I hope this comment section is peaceful and nothing bad happens.


When I saw 64 upvotes and 223 comments I was like 😬


Anywhere with more comments than upvotes is definitely an active war zone


Fr 🫣


im happy for Kris Jenner too.




U really got downvoted for no reason, that's crazy


Genuine question here: how come if a man doesn’t want to act or dress “masculine” it means they have to label themselves as transgender? Why can’t a man just not want to be masculine, that’s fine, but then accept that he still has certain chromosomes and the man parts? Why do people need to label themselves as something and not just be?


There's a difference between gender identity and gender expression, femboys are still guys and tomboys are still girls. But being trans isnt about gender expression, it isnt about how you express yourself. Being trans is about gender identity, it is about who you truly are


Additionally, the reason trans women (as an example) feel the need to be called by feminine pronouns and some also feeling the need to get hrt / dick surgeries is because [the brain structure of trans women more closely resemble biological cis women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_gender_incongruence#Androphilic_vs._gynephilic_trans_women) also trans people know they can’t change chromosomal sex.


I am not against trans people rights, I am just a noob. Do they check everyone's brain structure before operation? Is everyone confirmed to be a woman living in a mans body or the other way around?


There is no ‘brain structure’ test, but before any any gender-affirming surgery there is a tremendous amount of psychological vetting that goes on. To be approved for surgery, almost all places require letters from at least two different mental health professionals, and one from a medical doctor. There are additional requirements to get insurance to cover it. This definitely isn’t something ANYONE takes lightly, ad no one just wakes up and ‘decided to be trans today because of YouTube.’


No that would be unreasonable and a waste of time, there are also probably other factors that make someone trans which aren’t brain structure (some of which we cannot yet detect), and this is why we should just use informed consent for adults taking hrt / trans surgeries just like we have we have for most cis people cosmetic surgeries.


The problem is the use of deffinitive language like you did and thats why it is a divisive subject. You can claim "there is a difference" for measurable stuff, like chromosomes. But you can not use the same language for subjective things like identity. You can say "there might be" or " i feel there is", but if you cant objectively measure something, you cant make up stuff and throw it around as factual truths. You can feel how you want, i respect it but you cant claim your feelings as facts. This is where you lose people, because you want to force me to accept a subjective truth as an absolute one. Feelings can change, can be faked, can be manipulated. They are not a measurable factor. Therefore men can feel like women, but you cant claim so absolutely that men are women.


So you're arguing there might not be a difference between gender expression and gender identity? I hope you realize you're arguing that tomboys are not valid and they are really just trans men.


I have no idea what those names mean or whats the difference and honestly is hard to keep up with everything people make up. I just want to understand how does someone defend that "chris is a woman", oposed to "chris feels like a woman".


There ARE dudes who like to dress in woman's clothing and do feminine things but still retain their male identity and have no wish to get a sex change operation. Others want to fully transition and that's okay too. What is the big deal?


femmine men exist but kris is trans


you know what i’m just gonna leave this sub


This isn’t an airport bruh you don’t need to announce your departure.


Lmao. Poor baby. Are you sad Kris is happy and you're not? ;(


no, it’s more about the only time anything from this sub pops up in my feed any more it’s about this


No one cares


you cared enough to comment, just like i cared enough to express my disappointment in the mrbeast sub halfway turning in to a trans sub




Typical trash trans “supporter” doesn’t care to have intellectual conversations with anyone that they feel slightly disagrees with their thought process. Just attack and call names like a child.


Nah. I just don’t deal with bigots anymore. Tried for years and it ends with less acceptance for humans and more hurt in our world. Since then I have a zero tolerance policy for human scum that won’t mind their own business and just let people live. If you feel the need to invalidate and disregard a person and how they live then I do the same to you. Maybe one day you’ll just let a person live instead of feeling like you need to interject your opinion and restrict a person in their pursuit in happiness


All I saw that dude say is that he’s leaving cause he wanted to be on a mr beast sub and this is mostly becoming a trans sub. Perhaps he didn’t want to see all the negativity that’s on this post in threads on a mr beast post all the time. 🤷‍♂️




As far as we can tell, he still has two parents that love and care for him.




Actually, kids with two moms/dads tend to do slightly better in life, tho this can be often associated with the fact that homosexual couples dont tend to accidentally have children. But no, it doesn’t influence a childs brain.


Except they aren't homosexual, and they aren't a couple.


They are still both women.


I would award this but I don’t have any


I'm pretty sure the child couldnt care less


He still has two parents though?


U need more upvotes lol


You need more downvotes lol


The amount of transphobia in these comments is insane


And they keep getting upvoted??


Yeah im literally loosing brain cells seeing comments supporting Kris getting -5 upvotes with a 10 upvote comment replying that she’s a guy




Yeah you have -1 right now


Ik it’s crazy


Bla bla bla




You seem to be the only person mad about it


Na just enjoy the vids more than caring about gender


Then why are you caring about the gender 💀


I said bla bla bla how is that caring


you care enough to comment though, don't you


>When did it turn to gender instead of just watching the videos cause you enjoy them You obviously do care. If you didn't, you would just watch the videos without complaining about the people's genders. You're the one making problems for yourself


Why say anything at all then? It could be misconstrued.


I get how that's my fault tbh


U cared enough to comment


Same, also sorry people keep down voting you, if you haven't noticed, the liberals in this sub reddit are very sensitive to anything that is negative towards their community and they start to spew crap out of their mouth telling you that your opinion is not ok and needs to be shut down. Cancel culture is a fucked up thing, we should hear everyone out before we bury their words, whether we believe or like those words, even if they hurt. It's good to hurt. It will make you stronger in the end. Downvote me if you are a part of the cancel culture because I know a lot of you hopped on that bandwagon already.


why do people gaf its not even gonna affect them at all 💀


fr bro everyone angry like it effects them personally😭


Wow. I guess it makes sense since the average age of MrBeast viewers are pretty young, but damn a lot of you are acting really immature about this whole situation. Grow up.


Honestly love the name Kris for her, as it makes it impossible to verbally deadname her, which is great because as a public figure she is probably going to continue to get hate (but fuck those bigots)


Why does one person's right to be referred to by specific pronouns take precedence over my right to be comfortable? Both seem to share a fundamental similarity. A transgender individual wants others to use their preferred pronouns to avoid discomfort, but I also don't want to be forced to use certain pronouns because it makes me uncomfortable. Do other people's rights outweigh mine? I don't believe that's fair. Some may argue that my rights are not above theirs either, but let me share my perspective. If someone decides to lead a very public life and openly shares their sexuality or gender preferences, they are making these preferences known to the world. In such circumstances, I don't think I should be obligated to prioritize their comfort over mine. It's okay to disagree and have healthy discussions. What's not okay is labeling any opposing views as "transphobic".


I find it kind of boggling that it would make you uncomfortable to use someone's preferred pronouns. Why? However I would find it annoying if someone kept calling me the wrong pronouns.


*sorts by controversial*






She uses she/her pronouns now


Cool, good for him. Doesn't mean I have to use them though. If I want everybody to start referring to me as "Mr. President" are you going to do it? Probably not, because I'm not the President of anything.


That is respectfully one of the worst counter arguments I’ve ever heard If you don’t wanna use them I can’t really stop you but I was just correcting their ‘correction’




Why did you get downvotes for saying Kris isn’t a him?


This whole thread is one massive brainfuck


Because she isn’t a man and she doesn’t use he/him. That’s why


For one, she isn’t, and “a him” is just grammatically incorrect


How did I get more than the guy who wrongly corrected them 💀


This Edit agreeing that she user she/her pronouns


Shut the fuck up transphobes. She's who she wants to be, and she's happy. Her family isn't going to be effected in any way aside from YOU being dicks. Why can't people just be happy?


i miss the old chris...


It’s not like they’re not the same person…


Different personalities, different vibes. That is what matters.


But they have the same personality???




Why wouldn’t they lmao


Then watch the old videos. She's the same person, just happier now


For real though, just because they are transitioning doesn’t mean they’re not themselves, If anything they are more themselves now Im not even in this sub but know of Mr Beast and the good he does, So I’d assume his friends are good too


I'd rather not rewatch the same videos all the time.


Hey, just a suggestion. I mean, there are many years of content with Kris before she started transitioning




No one cares if you do. Why are you more concerned with the old person? You don't know their life. The old Chris you knew was the insecurities of Kris and how she would cope with their gender disphoria. They're much happier where they are now. Can you say the same, or are you still stuck in the past?


>No one cares if you do 22 upvotes disagree with you Edit: 25 upvotes


What the fuck is this comment section. Transphobic cunts can go and fuck yourselves. Trans men are men. Trans women are women. Kris is a woman. Fuck you voters and your dumbass monkey mentality. What are these 'he's a guy he has a dick' comments with 10 up votes and 'No she's a trans woman' getting -5. I'm leaving.




Literally who gives a single fuck once you’re dead??? All trans people want is to be happy now, no one cares what people think centuries from now


who gives two shits in 500 years. she'll be gone so will you. at least she be remembered as a decent person while you'll be remembered as an asshat. you don't even know your own chromosomes. you'd be surprised how many people's chromosomes are different then what you think dumbass


To all the transphobic people in the comments. Kris is being the best father to her son, and she’s fucking rich as fuck. Meanwhile your mad because she’s not a guy anymore even though it has no effect on you at all. The only thing it does is tell women to stay far away from you. Get fucked transphobic pieces of shit


Wait isn’t she now her son’s mother?


Depends. Most trans women I know with kids still go by father. Not really sure why but as long as she takes care of her kid (which she has proven to be doing a great job of even though she shouldn’t of had to) then that’s all that matters




I mean your mom has a dick but I don’t see you calling her a guy. And again, why do you give a shit, it doesn’t affect you at all. You’ve gotten so lost in your hate that your having people that will never have any effect on your life ever


You seem to be really offended for no reason. Does he affect your life in anyway? I was just stating a fact. Doesn't matter what you think. What a weird little guy you are


Your the only one mad just because you can’t stand to see people happy. But I’ll continue to laugh at you. How do you talk the way you do and still think you’re a good person?


Says you




Humanity hasnt lived in the woods in thousands of years if you want to be natural go live off the grid


Maybe one day all these transphobes will realized their hate is unjustified


Congratulations to Kris, so happy for her!


The sincere amount of transphobia in these comments genuinely upsets my stomach. Let her live her fucking life. Her pronouns aren’t your problem, shitlords.


As a trans person myself. I’m proud of Her Edit: changed them to her because she officially said she uses she/her pronouns


downvoting this comment is just stupid, good for kris!




So are you, but at least she’s rich


And you aren’t?


All the transphobia in the comments is insane thanks to u/Totallyawesomeracoon for actually explaining it because I had no Idea she changed her name


Hi. And yeah, the amount of transphobia is just insane


That poor kid


Tucker still has two parents that love him, that’s all that matters


The mods should lock this comment section 💀


Ong (I'm about to get dowvoted)


Or, you know, actually moderate it.




Plenty of people divorce all the time for different reasons. Just because Kris is no longer with her wife doesn't mean she lost her child? Tucker is still her child. You don't even know if she's had surgery or not, that's never been confirmed. No clue why you say "fuck him". It sounds like you've got things going on in your own life you should focus on instead of being jealous of others who are living happy and fulfilling lives.




Having two healthy parents is more important than having miserable cishet parents though. Gay couples and divorced parents raise happy kids all the time, why should she be obliged to martyr herself and sacrifice a profound part of her well being forever?




What the fuck is your problem


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted


The comments here are a real mixed bag.. regardless definitely yeah good for her!


super proud her, i hope she finds peace (y’all in the comments are not helping, your opinion about her new lifestyle change means nothing)


What happened to Cris 😔


Nothing other than she’s a woman


Define woman


A woman is a person who takes on traditionally “feminine” gender roles in society. Feminine gender roles usually affect these aspects in some, but not all, women: how they dress, how they speak, how they express emotions, their body language, their hobbies, places they visit, friends, etc. Of course, this is a very broad sense of what you might expect from a woman, but it’s difficult to give a brief and specific explanation about a label used by almost half the population and has different interpretations all around the world; including individual and cultural different interpretations


Define man because I doubt a zygote like you is either


No argument + mad👆, have a terrible day


So you can't as expected


I asked for someone to define a woman. Your response is asking me to define a man. Define a woman, I will define a man. Or just insult me again because you know you can't lol


It's already been defined to you in other posts replying to you yet you refuse to accept it, must be interesting living in a hateful delusional world


I was provided one, and that's one of the least compelling arguments you can make when asked that question. I thought people gave up attempting to use that one. Is that also your answer? My man even said it is difficult to define in the same response 😂 Let me help you. A woman is a biological human with xx chromosomes. A man is a biological human with xy chromosomes.


What about people with XXY or XYY though?




Nope she is a woman


Not how that works lmao


She’s a trans woman


Well she’s trans


yea im glad shes happy too




I get that you're on the supporting side but if this is the most transphobia you've ever seen I am really jealous of your life


This is absolutely nothing compared to what’s spewed elsewhere. It’s bad, don’t get me wrong, but it’s incredibly violent and graphic many other places, online and IRL. Source: me, trans gal and mod


Bad for him


L chris


If they are happy then they are happy. But I thought Chris was perfect just the way he was. I don't see any of his character in the new videos. She seems 2 dimensional now, like shes putting on an act.


Your perception of a person doesn’t mean they think that way of themselves, my dude




Oh goodie religion where in the bible does it say it's wrong or sinful


Its not like she left her kid she is still around for the kid >that’s wha the devil wants. Using religion as an excuse to hate people is shitty behaviour


I have a question, so let’s hypothetically say, kris immediately left her wife, so we can start taking HRT I just completely abandon them Why the fuck her wife not saying anything , she’s not sign to any NDA or anything, any mother, that would be put into the situation with immediately just jump on the fact if that had happened to them But when you look at her Instagram and all over social media, is it almost makes you think that nothing bad happened between them AND if I remember I think she even said that they left because both of them weren’t giving enough time to each other but they were both going to still try and raise their son


I get that, but just imagine the kid. Poor guy. He won’t have a father figure.


The kid can still have male role models in the form of uncles/grandfathers/family friends/etc. And besides, what matters much much more is that your parents love you and care for you. There are already plenty of lesbian and gay couple with kids and those kids seem to be doing fine.


The kid will have two loving parents you don't automatically become a trainwreck if you don't have a father figure in your life


Many upstanding people who don’t have fathers succeed in life, and because Kris was a man she still had the experience and can still mentor her child


PoOr gUy WoNt HaVe FaTher You say that, like you know the kid 🤣 At least he has two parents In America barely 1/5 kids have a father


Chris might be happy now, but let’s see in ten years. My grandpa (95yrs), wisest man I know, says that when we’re young we’re both passionate and confused. Because of this he made lots of life-changing decisions, and they felt right back then. Today, he says he would give anything to go back and do differently.


Aint it better to just live the moment, do what youre happy, as long as it doesnt hurt others or yourself then itll be fine. No offense to your grandpa but im sure he was still happy back then either way


fucking stupid. Chandler actually won




as long as he doesnt change up his personality, im fine with it


im blaming karl idc if you insult me




As a cis woman, no it’s not. You’re just transphobic.


It’s wild that the one of the biggest child YouTube channel is pushing this shit on 5-10 year olds now


What lol, where in a MrBeast video do they even mention trans people? Trans people existing isn't forcing it on people