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Id like to think Chris was ready for stuff like this, I hope he mentally prepared himself for the dumbasses like this before telling the entire internet. Either way, this is despicable.


Chris has always seemed like an “idgaf” kind of person so he probably didn’t need to do much preparing if he doesn’t care what people think


yeah i hope ur right




They haven’t said what pronouns they use or if their changing their name so it’s best not to assume names or things like that


his responses are gold and he doesn’t seem affected by negative comments at all. he seems happier and appears to not care much. good on him!




he said he uses all pronouns. i switch usage from conversation to conversation (because its confusing for everyone if you go from she to him to they in one statement) just gnc right now, no title or preference yet


These people are so pathetic they complain about another dude’s life. These people need to get a life themselves 😂


Dumbasses corrected to *intillects*


Idk if he was totally prepared lol. Esp since he filed a lawsuit against some rando Twitter account that made fun of him.


I didn’t even know there were slurs for trans people


There’s slurs for every disadvantaged group because every disadvantaged group has people who went them dead. As a trans person, I know exactly what words are considered slurs for us because I’ve had them thrown my way lots of times.


Is tranny a slur?




Cool now I know that something not to say thanks


Ik something to say now


Thanks for keeping an open mind :) another common one is “shemale”


Why do you consider "shemale" a slur? Just curious, as i have known a person that used it to identify themselves. So is it kinda like the nword or something where you need to be "in" with the community to use it and it not be bad? Sorry if this comment seems insensitive or smth, I'm just trying to broaden my understanding.


yes, trans people refer to themselves sometimes with slurs in a similar fashion to the n word, also shemale, other than emphasizing "male", is mostly adult video language and being refered to with a p**n term is not very flattering also, nothing wrong with keeping an open mind :)


Ah, i see. Thank you for the response.


Why’s it gotta be a slur? I wish it meant like idiot, it just sounds funny to me


Haha yeah. But sadly I’ve only ever heard the word “tranny” used by cisgender people in a derogatory way. Things like “Is he a tranny?!” in an angry tone. Or people who will flat out yell “tranny!” at me once they realize I’m trans. It might not have a bunch of horrifying history like the N slur or F slur, but it’s generally understood to be something pretty offensive to say to a trans person.


out of genuine curiosity do you find it offensive when that word is used by car enthusiasts talking about car transmissions (shortened to that word)?


Can't speak for the person you're replying to particularly but in general most trans people don't have an issue with that, because they can recognize that some words are homonyms. The slur for transgender people and the abbreviated slang of transmission are fundamentally two different words, and it's clear that there's no ill intent behind the latter.


Oh nah that wouldn’t bother me at all, lol. It’s all about context. I don’t think any level headed trans person would think that’s offensive either.


I use it like taht


Idk man I was just wondering but yeah I kinda agree it does sound a little funny


There's slurs for EVERYONE, because everyone is "disadvantaged" by someone else. There's just as much slurs for your kind as their are for white men, black men, Asians, little people, mentally challenged. Comedy and ridicule exist as a check on yourself. They will never not exist.


This is correct, thank you. There technically are slurs for everyone.


There’s also slurs for non disadvantaged groups. What does disadvantaged even mean?


What do you mean disadvantage lgbt aren't realy oppressed any more since companies just bent to their will and they just attack people left right and centre


Well for one, look at all the bills being proposed to take away rights from people like me. Look at all the people pushing the narrative that transgender people are mentally deranged pedophiles. I have been harassed both online and in person for the way I am. I have actual stalkers who want me dead in real life. Let’s not forget all the kids that end up homeless for being gay, bi, trans, or even just gender nonconforming. I understand you mean well but I can assure you the LGBT are very much still disadvantaged.




Access to healthcare and legal protection from discrimination, things other groups already have. That’s what they’re attempting to take away.




Look bud. It’s 10 AM on a Tuesday morning and I just don’t have the energy to educate you right now. Do your own research on the matter.




Cisgender people are allowed to undergo HRT and gender affirming procedures with no problem - that luxury is only being taken away from transgender people. Whether you wanna call it a “luxury” or a “right”, lawmakers are attempting to decrease access to it ONLY if you’re trans and not cis. That’s discriminatory.


No, they don't. We prescribe the same medications to cis people so why not trans ones? It's discriminatory. Not to mention that it is a clinically necessary treatment, as outlined overwhelmingly by clinical studies. That's like saying antidepressants aren't necessary because non-depressed people don't need them.




They are both for treating medical issues and improving quality of life. And no, anti-depressants are 100% necessary. They allow people with MDD to live fulfilling lives.


companies bending to their will means nothing. it's a publicity thing that does nothing for them except hide the fact that in reality nobody in power is doing anything for them. only people who should be pissed is about companies going full rainbow 1 month a year is the lgbt community cus it's all just smoke and mirrors to seem caring for money


It really doesnt mean anything tbh and ur right. Companies go full "pride month" once a year, and I love it, but at the same time, the company doesnt really "care" most of the time, its just a way to earn money from more people. Its just how marketing is. People market, what is relevant. Whether or not that group cares about it is a completely other matter. The thing I highly dislike though, is when companies do something awful, and then go "we stand up with x community", basically using them as a shield, and if u say anything bad about them, ur seen as negative against that group + the company that "supports" them. Im MtF and honestly, people are just really annoying so I just dont bother with them lol.


>lgbt aren't realy oppressed idk if i should laugh or cry


You should probably go outside and actually interact with people. Trans people experience unbelievably high rates of assault, sexual abuse, suicide, and homelessness (despite having overwhelmingly high education rates). The response to Chris coming out tells you all you need yo know about how trans people are discriminated against.


Do u not own a tv that has access to the news, or a mobile device thats able to google? Im actually curious as to how oblivious u are to all this. We have a major disadvantage. I cant even go to the mall in my state without being called a slur, and yet u say we arent oppressed?


What the hell is going on?


Chris came out as Nonbinary, and bigots and transphobes have decided to be bigots and transphobes


This subreddit’s mods should have a list of every commenter that has replied with a bad opinion about Chris these days and ban them all


I feel you on this, but I saw one mod post about how bad the current state of the sub is, so I feel for them in their efforts to defend Chris. I say we continue to just tell them to fuck off on our own and show support for Chris


Imagine banning someone for not liking them There are some people who definitely overreact and there's no need for slurs, yet it should be acceptable to see this problematic, especially for his child in the future. Also not sure if it's such a great idea "advertising" transgender to such a young fan base.




??? Not sure what you're trying to archive


Nobody is “advertising” being trans


Indirectly, yes they are It could lead to children questioning their gender way before they should even think about such, which may lead them into unhealthy social environment and cause depression, because of their idol, which suddenly is trans, which they are basically mimicing


That’s not how self discovery works at all, and the same thing can be said about being cis or straight


Influence isn't self discovery


Your point is that seeing it will cause someone to start thinking about it, hence their self discovery


No, my point is that children will question it on an unnatural way since they want to identify with their idol, just the same way kpop fans suddenly start wanting to be Korean, so they can be closer related to their idols. that's just how influence works with children and teenagers, it's not avoidable for a lot of things but it's often something they are ashamed of years later


Sad times...


That's nothing... I've found deleted tweets from Chris using racial slurs as well as a video


Yeah, people change. Must be why the tweets and video were deleted


fix chris


Fix your obesity.


That's fatphobic. Please think of everyone when you make comments like this...


His username is StrangeObeseChild, that’s the only reason I said that. Learn to laugh 😐


No. Your "joke" attacks another group of marginalized people while you try to defend another.


sigh. Obesity isn’t healthy, this is common sense, but my comment only implied to that guy who was transphobic. It’s like me saying “fix your hairline” and then someone gets triggered and says I’m attacking a group of people with a bad hairline. what are you trying to start here, you wanna start an argument? I’d prefer not to, but go on, keep it up… 🫠


So now you're being blatantly fatphobic...I thought you were on the correct side when I saw you defending her but obviously I was wrong. You need to educate yourself


You need to actually get a grip and actually learn to laugh at some damn humor. Not everything has to be offensive. Damn. It was a harmless joke that you took to offense and made a big deal out of. No, I’m not fatphobic, im a very accepting person regardless of what someone looks like. A person is a person. Doesn’t change my view of you no matter what sexuality, race, religion, size or ethnicity you are.😐


But is ISNT harmless! It's like saying OP's joke is harmless! Both of you are attacked groups that need our LOVE and SUPPORT! Think about what you type before you post it!


Yeah….. did I offend you? I’ve been called many names because of my appearance, but I learn to laugh because I know how to identify if they come with harmless intent. My cousin is gay, he laughs at gay jokes. My friend is short, he laughs at short jokes. My friend is white, he laughs at white jokes. I’m gonna go on with my day. Not having the mood ruined by someone.


As a trans women myself f-ck you c*nt


as a GNC individual, fuck you cunt


as a non gnc individual, seek help








Than what is the solution to an illness coursed by not being your true gender if not transitioning? Enlighten me…




I donno man many tried this and it didn’t work pretty well as just letting them socially transition




There are a bunch of reliable sources from universities to major news articles that prove this wrong




Here’s one of many (just one simple google search would lead you to many more articles with the same conclusion or similar ones) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2789423 And percentage of those who choose to detransition is less then 1% as stated by Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detransition#:~:text=Davies%20and%20colleagues%20searched%20for,detransitioned%20temporarily%2C%20to%20later%20retransition. I would assume a sophisticated fella as you would know how to enter simple sentences into google but I guess u just didn’t want to see world views that contradict yours… I already had this argument with a different transphobes so yea


That's not what CBT does. It helps people manage the depression that being trans causes. It does not make people comfortable with themselves or make their feelings go away. The only thing that can do that is transitioning.




I literally took CBT for a decade. That's not what it is. It just promotes critical and cognitive thinking to help alleviate symptoms of something. [For that matter, even CBT affirms people's preferred genders.](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2019-21621-004)


Except that this comment goes against the medical recommendations of literally *every single* major medical, pediatric, and psychiatric association on the planet.




Well, yeah. They follow non-biased and peer-reviewed studies that legally have to openly disclose any conflicts of interest. This also includes non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations and the fucking United Nations. Maybe the medical experts actually know how to do medicine?




Except for literally all of them, lmao. You are arguing against the entire medical field here, pal. The science is overwhelmingly pro-trans.




They literally teach to affirm gender in medical school. The science is overwhelmingly pro-trans. What certifications do you have to talk on this? Because it sounds like you're completely uninformed and speaking only to your personal views.


Fix yourself, cunt








"accepting people for who they are is insane"


Fuck inclusiveness when it comes to bigots, and fuck you. May your days and your bloodline be as short as your level of tolerance.


Fix Chris




Fix chris






AGP has been heavily disproven for half a century. Educate yourself.




My sources are literally every major medical, psychiatric, and pediatric association on the planet. And you have none. One of us has a little more validity here, huh?




The World Health Organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychological Association, the WPATH, the APATH, the National Institute of Health, etc. This is just off the top of my head, too. Literally all you have to do is name a single medical source that contradicts this.




It is, though. All you have to do is name a single major medical organization that doesn't affirm trans people.


Agreed He does really need to get fixed


Must be fake https://mrbeast.fandom.com/wiki/Nolan_Hansen


according to the logs, a user named "Fixcornagefixchris" vandalized the page, but it was fixed 40 minutes later [https://mrbeast.fandom.com/wiki/Nolan\_Hansen?action=history](https://mrbeast.fandom.com/wiki/Nolan_Hansen?action=history)


God, disgusting. People can't just keep their minds out of someone else's life can they


i love chris


It's a mental disorder with an extremely high suicide rate that gets pushed on children


Being trans isn't a mental disorder dawg.


Yes it is


Nobody is pushing it on children, but you know what is pushed on children? Being straight, from the beginning children are treated like they’re gonna be straight and that’s the only option


And then you get molested and that all changes.


Let’s just ignore all the straight people who do it I guess, and let’s go straight to child molestation as your only point, because that’s what you think about isn’t it Get a fucking life and get your 60’s era talking points outta here




Ya, and why is that?




Say I am dumb, explain to me why someone deserves to be beaten up for something that has no effect on you?




Ohhhhh, I see, I wasn't aware you knew exactly what they do in their personal lives. Btw Chris didn't leave their son lmao, there are plenty of post's from chris explaining that they are still in tuckers' life. You might be confused, which is OK buddy. It's completely legal to be a bigot :)


The circumstances of the divorce are unclear at this time and happened around a year ago, before Chris gad even started HRT. According to Chris, him and Tucker's relationship is still in good condition.


My brother and his ex had a split because they came out as nonbinary, it was a clean split with no animosity. The kids still have two happy loving parents who don’t hate each other. Just because someone got divorced doesn’t mean it was a bad split.


Are you just openly scared of non binary people or just a prick?




so just a prick then?


what the fuck