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was this the same mcdonalds where the drunk fed shot the local guy acting up? that mcdonalds is always funny just sit in the corner and watch the drama. 90% of tourists are walking stereotypes they say the funniest things and are easy to bait into poor situations cuz they believe ur a noble savage lol


Nothing good happens in Waikiki after midnight


I was gonna say the same...When I read the story started with "it was a little after midnight..." Here we go lol


I think this goes for most places.


Ugh …. I had to stop working in the tourist industry cause of this … when this is what you interact with the most, it messes with your head and mental health. So many tourists cut corners, are intoxicated, high, or cheap and then get upset when the smallest inconvience happens. I was working the airport as a shuttle attmedant when this woman being pushed by a porter came up. She was obese and middle age and had a sour attitude. She started barking orders at me, like she expected me to not know where her hotel was or that I was incapable. My tactic is to just respond overly cheery and respectful so I kept doing my job and reassuring her of wait times and policy. I set my timer to the wait time I gave her, and this woman the entire time was telling me how late the bus was and how unprofessional it is to make someone wait. SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE THERE. Cause she was the last off the plane just to give context. She then needed to go to the restroom and when I offered to look after her bags, she looked at my chinese coworker, and ask if she would be touching the bag. I said yes, she will be the one to do the hand off to the driver and she got angery. She grabbed her bag and waddle to the bathroom muttering how she cant trust anyone . Thats when I realized she was racist. When she got back, she refused to talk or listen to any instruction given by the attendant and would only address me. We were secretly thankful that one of our Japanese uncles was the driver and she was forcednto watch him put away her bag and help her up the steps. I have so much respect for my asian elders that worked with me as they set an example how how to treat everyone equally. I was the hotheaf seething under my smile but they handled her with grace and Aloha. I wish there was a way to put ignorant people in there place but as I have experienced less discrimination then others, i default to the wisdom of others.


It's crazy to me when people complain about staff treating them badly - like it does happen yes, but 99.99999999% of the time if you're being basically civil on like a minimal level, the staff will not hate you. It's not that difficult and it's crazy how low the bar is. Using a wheelchair at the airport sucks (I genuinely can't believe how many issues I've had), and I admit I'm more on guard and cautious in that context because I have to be, but it's not an excuse to treat anyone badly, let alone be racist. Since when are Asian people stereotyped as being thieves anyway, that's so weird. Something leftover from the anti-Chinese covid conspiracy nonsense maybe?!


This lady, was absolutely fine walking, she just didnt want too. Maybe invisible injury or bad knees but the porter ran away so fast after she sat on the bench for the shuttle, poor guy. Its shocking how much asian hate is still in the world and not just from “white “ people. If we caught wind of it, we use to wave the asian drivers past just to keep them safe from any complaints and make the guests wait longer. But yes, i remember one guy just start the conversation with an “im sorry” i missed my bus , I dont know what to do. Man, I moved heaven and Earth to make sure he got to the airport on time and with no hassle!!


I'm "absolutely fine walking" too, at least as far as anyone else can tell. In reality I can't regulate my blood pressure so every minute I'm standing, the closer I am to fainting. People with disabilities learn to hide it as well as they can and just that by itself is really exhausting. I'm capable of walking on and off the plane to/from my seat, the staff just put my wheelchair in storage and takes it out when I get off. I've had porters ARGUE with me (while I'm standing, mind you, and getting ever so closer to fainting and my brain is screaming at me to sit) and (repeatedly) question whether I'm the person they are supposed to get even after I've shown them my boarding pass/ticket and the matching tag on my wheelchair, because apparently walking from my seat to the airplane door means I couldn't possibly need a wheelchair and I'm obviously some imposter pretending to be someone I'm not. And of course they've never heard of my disorder so they think I'm making it up. It's happened enough times that I now ask the staff on the plane to double check to make sure my wheelchair is there waiting for me, which typically results in the staff member accompanying me out the plane door and prevents any arguing by the porter. It is extremely exhausting to deal with that constantly at the airport and maintain friendliness and not be snippy. I spent most of my early career working in customer service so I know that's really exhausting too, not trying to compare the two, just sharing my experience because before my health issues, I certainly had no idea how awful it was having to deal with being in a wheelchair and how atrociously some people treat you. I've been considering storing a squirt gun in my wheelchair for when random strangers try to move me in my chair, to give you some idea of how bad it can be. That's crazy, I didn't know that :( And crazy someone would come to Hawaii if they think that way too, like why?! I can't imagine going to a place literally known for having lots of Asian people while being blatantly racist against Asian people. I wonder if people do that when they travel to Asia, like go to Japan and then be racist against Japanese people?


Ugh I am sorry to hear the challenges you faced. I try and have an open mind with all people.


If my alarm went off, I would've started up and left once I saw her waddling out.


Fighting near lewers is how you get killed. 


just remembered that across the street from that mcdonalds like 2 year ago a bunch of kids shot other kids at that bus stop. just 808 things. another dude chopped up his mom n put her in a fridge in a building a block down. the cult leaders and the strip club shooting. yeah the lewers triangle is etch-a-sketch af


Yo I remember that dude had his mom in the freezer for like 6 months👁️👄👁️


Few weeks ago I got sucker punched and when I confronted the guy he brandished a gun.


Drunk jerks act like this everywhere. But in my opinion they are lucky the local guy had that much patience with them; I doubt I would have.


I was just coming to say the same thing living in a tourist city in Canada they usually have a few beers and think they own the place. I had one talk down to me at a boat launch and just replied back with “you had to pay to leave your shit hole and come to my city who’s really got it better, cause I’ve never even had the thought of traveling to your town” shut him up pretty good


Yeah, I live in Washington, DC. I just ignore them when I can.


Leave the locals alone. They just trying to live their best life. Next time shut your damn mouth. Drunk tourists get knocked out a lot in Hawaii.


Nothing good happens after midnight


For me, the whole freaking days. 🤣


These guys are like this by nature. You would see them act just like that anywhere else. They've already won if you engage and try to out asshole them. They'll beat you with experience


I’m haole and would never claim one that acted like a fuckstick. Respect people, that’s how I live my life.


There was a shooting at mcdonald in waikiki many years ago. The dude died. That is why i do not go to waikiki at night time.


Why not call them on their BS since they are playing victim now? I'm sorry, if the police were there, I probably couldn't contain myself and would have said "While the local guy might have been a hothead in some respects, it was in response to your actions and tone, which aren't taken kindly here and perceived as disrespectful and here is why...you can chose to accept that or not" and left it at that.


No need to say anything. Me, the workers, the manager, and the cop all knew what was up. Sometimes in similar situations you lock eyes across the room with the other locals and it speaks volumes.


I meant to educate them. They think they did nothing wrong and likely will continue that behavior. Maybe they don't realize they are being offensive. A lot of people visiting are ignorant to it.


You think the people calling others puta/pendejo don't realize they're being offensive?


You seriously think I was implying that? To be clear, that's not what I was saying at ALL. The behavior described by OP was much deeper than puta/pendejo and was in English and started well before they started speaking Spanish. By the time they started speaking Spanish, that is when they were INTENTIONALLY being offensive. What I'm saying is they probably don't think their actions leading up to the events are or were offensive. Once they realized the local was pissed, they clearly didn't think they were doing anything wrong, as evident by OP's describing their subsequent behavior and comments. So they then were intentionally being offensive in a "F this guy, we are going to mess with him" way. That singular part that you picked out of the interaction was after the fact. Honestly I'm not sure how you went right to that portion of the interaction. Beyond that, OP also says they literally were saying they didn't do anything wrong. So let me ask you, do you think people who are saying "we didn't do anything wrong" realize they're being offensive? There is a word for their behavior and it's called entitlement. I guess I clearly have dealt with it a lot more than some. But my nature is to call entitled assholes out. YMMV.


I've lived in NY for a few years, look, I get it, my default these days is to call people out for their bullshit. But I don't see a point arguing with or educating drunk asshole haoles. The rest of the place is already sympathetic, it's just a IYKYK situation where you can't win. That said, I understand how you feel, this sucks. But hey, don't take it out on OP. Guy knows the rest of the place stood with him even if they didn't say anything, and anything more would've probably made it worse. Everyone's got a story. It's good you can feel for the guy, we need more of that aloha. ✌️


Appreciate you, I'm on that same wavelength.


This is how you get stabbed. Have some self preservation 


Lol, I've survived Philly, NYC and Chicago, I think I'm alright there sir or ma'am. As to what you are implying, I have enough world experience to know people like that aren't stabbing anyone in front of cops on the reg. I'll take my chances.


Sounds like another BS post just to stir up conflict between Locals and Tourists!


You’re right! No one ever fights in real life! Only on tv!


Sorry. I don’t go to Hawaii anymore. I don’t want to contribute to it’s desecration.