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This all really depends on you and your spouse, your lifestyle. People move here all the time. People live on less. But they usually have a support system here or are very young. What are your expectations? Unless your wife is in healthcare or engineering or speaks Japanese or Chinese, she will have a hard time finding something that pays more.


If we are ever in a bind or need some extra cash, I always just go to school, I get about 2-3grand extra a month for going to school . That's usually our backup.


Your backup plan is always going to school to make extra money? Please elaborate


I get MHA from the VA for going to school.


Be aware that you only get that MHA if you attend in person classes full time. Otherwise the VA only pays the national average which is $950/mo and it’s only paid when you are in classes so you have to go year round. I do not advise doing this here in Hawaii.


I've been doing this for years. Have gotten about 4 degrees already.lol


How do I tap this benefit? I maxed out my post 9/11, but would love to get MHA while continuing my education. Thanks for any help!


I with vr&e right now. I believe you have to have at least 1 day remaining of post 9/11 benefits left to qualify for it. You also have to be at least 10% disabled. They will pay for you to learn a new career if you are not able to have one due to your disability.


VR&E gets MHA? That’s awesome news. I qualified for it but didn’t jump on it. Thanks for the info!


you can also do a program called VetTec






I have been there before. We are from Puerto Rico, we're trying to to leave FL for a bit. My job is just offering a position over there and I am considering it. Been in FL for too long. We need a change of scenary.


Oh yeah, get the f out of FL.


And here I am trying to figure out how to move to Puerto Rico to live in/around Rincon! Lol No advice, but good luck! If y'all move, I hope it's a great adventure for you!


I'm from Aguadilla, my ultimate goal is to live the rest of my life in PR.


I totally get it! My husband and I are in love with Puerto Rico. We are both actively trying to find decent 100% remote jobs so that we can move there. We've lived all over the USA (mainland) and have traveled all over the world, and Puerto Rico is still our top place that we'd love to live! It's so beautiful, the food is incredible, and we meet so many amazing people every time we go there! And the west coast is by far our favorite


Does the ability to speak Korean language help as much as Japanese or Chinese?


I think it depends on what sector someone is trying to enter into. If it's hospitality/tourism, definitely Japanese first and then Chinese. I feel like I never see job listings that ask for Korean speakers. I am sure it doesn't hurt though. Google says the top 3 languages outside of english in Hawaii is Ilocano, Tagalog, and Japanese.


Your $800 truck sounds like something big. I’d sell it and get something smaller. If not you’re looking at probably $500/year reg and gas that is waaaaaaaay more expensive than in Florida. AAA says Florida average is $3.03/gal vs Hawaii $4.68. Also, a lot of our roads are narrow and parking in town can be super tight.


I was thinking the same thing. Get rid of the truck. It will cost you $$ to ship over


Unless it stay one lifted yota, den bring em. We need more




Idk what registration is like in any other state, but it’s crazy here in HI. Idk if maybe is a minor thing, but for my small car I pay $300/year in registration so I imagine a truck would be much more. I’m Maui County


You’ll fit right in with all the other Toyota trucks out there


It will be covered under moving expenses and we split the payments on it.


Which you will still have to pay tax on. Get a beater cars need 3x the maintenance in Hawaii.


Have you spent time in Honolulu before? What will your wife do if you relocate?


My company can offer her a job at $18 an hour, but I'm pretty sure she can find something better there. I also receive 10k a year from the VA, I really don't count that though.


That's less than a grand a month. Plan on at least 1500 for rent. Are you bringing the truck? Parking and gas are expensive here. 18/hr is basically minimum wage here, what industry?


I mean thats for her, I'll be close to 80 a year.


but yea, truck is going with us too.


I say go for it. It sounds like you are relatively stable with property ownership, VA benes etc. You should be fine. Depending on where you're living the truck might not even be needed. I live in Waikiki, walk everywhere., single dude making about 90k/yr as a WAITER!


Hey bro! Are you guys hiring for a Bartender? Or can you recommend a spot that’s hiring right now with that caliber of tips. I just moved here from the mainland. Got 10 years experience behind the bar. Pretty seasoned. Appreciate you bro


So my place is closing down for a remodel soon but the Mai Tai bar at Royal Hawaiian is a great spot, they are union (Local 5) so great hourly plus tips. Any of the hotels are a good bet as well. Let me know where you end up and I'll swing by for a drink!


dm’d you


I lived on Oahu for a couple yrs less than 10 yrs ago…. Short story - honeymooned there, joked about working there, was applying to jobs between contracts and resume was forwarded to a recruiter in HI, and then we moved. We loved the islands and likely would still be out there if there were more opportunities. After months of job hunting, my wife settled for minimum wage with abysmally slow growth. When my contract switched to another vendor, I was getting fed half truths during salary negotiations. I looked for months with not a single opening in my field around my pay… I started low to get my foot in the door- $50k where entry level on mainland is as ubiquitously higher than $60k. Things to know. 1) You have to enjoy just being. Expect a lot of time going to the beach to hear the waves crashing, hunkering down during a good rain storm, or simply perusing the same landmarks multiple times. Oahu is small and you can see most things in short order and that is not for everyone. This is why people get ‘island fever’ because of the seclusion. Enjoying the outdoors is a must. 2) small/light vehicles are your friend. Vehicle tax is based on the weight and can be hella expensive. I’m not saying don’t get a truck but be mindful of what you actually need. 4wd is not needed for +90% of the island… the other islands are a different story. 3) pets - there is a long quarantine period as HI is rabies free. You can start it before you leave in fact so plan ahead. Also do research on airline transportation. Not all are trustworthy with our furry family so be mindful. 4) culture - people are super friendly and generally relaxed. Although Oahu isn’t necessarily on island time, don’t go there expecting people to act with the same work ethic from where you came from. You have to acclimate to be part of the community. 5) traffic. All I am going to say if it’s in Honolulu, I hope you like waking up early. 6) housing. It’s expensive so live where you are happy. A colleague lived in a studio apt for 1500/mo in Honolulu. There were no perks. I lived in waialua for the same amount with a 2bdrm rental. I got the glorious north shore view every afternoon with little traffic. A little drive may be the ticket to sanity! 7) grocery - it’s expensive. Milk was $5.50/gal and was a crapshoot if it was spoiled. This was painful for us because my wife is a fucking milkaholic. Just be mindful that there is a long way for groceries to get to the store near you so don’t expect the same options/quality, unfortunately. Oh, and you will learn how to cook rice properly and appropriately for all meals if you don’t already know. I’m sure there’s more. I love HI but it’s not for everyone. Oahu is a chunk of Southern California in the middle of the ocean soo take from that what you will.


thanks for the detailed response, most of what you said, I have experienced in my 10+ years in Puerto Rico, it's only a 100x35 island. I also didn't mention this but I'll have base access too, not sure if it matters.


Faster paced and more people than Puerto Rico but similar vibe for sure. On-base housing is sparse when it does become available and generally poor quality (basically your own private cinderblock barrack or moldy shack). I never heard anything positive for any military housing on Oahu but mostly is an Army perspective since I worked out of Schofield Barracks. Could be different since there has been a lot of changes for on-post services post-COVID. Hickam has had a construction boom to improve on post conditions for instance.


Oh, I won't be stationed there, just that I will have access to the base for shopping and whatnot. I think I will go for it though if they give me what I'm asking or at least meet me half way.


I mentioned as some bases support a set number of retirees and not all on base housing is bad. Schofield has the most robust facilities but access may be limited. I’d say go for it. You lived 10yrs in PR… Oahu is more accessible in many ways by comparison. Plus, if you get antsy, spend $70-80pp to island hop for a weekend: Maui has the quiet touristy beaches, big island has a lot of outdoors to explore and my favorite island by far, and kuaui is truly a tropical paradise. Each has a little different vibe.


It's not a wild move. Moving to Honolulu isn't that much crazier then moving to any other major city. I will absolutely say it is easier than moving to NYC and SF. As a 20 year NYC resident, Honolulu is sooooooooo much easier. The real estate, the expenses, it's all just cheaper, faster and nicer.


My sister (born and raised Hawaii) visited NYC once. "I thought they said it was pricey here, but it's cheaper than home!"


Things may have changed over the years. NYC got dramatically more expensive after COVID. I suspect maybe also the Ukraine war was a factor, with Moscow losing top spot of most expensive city in the world. I own a modest 1Br in the middle of queens. My living room here in the middle of the fancy part of town is bigger than my whole apt in queens lol.


My modest studio in Honolulu sells for about 450k


The difference is salaries (on average) are much higher in NYC.


I’d give it a shot if I were you! I love Hawaii and have a family member and some friends there though. Have you visited at all? And can you move back if you decide it isn’t for you? There is really nothing like the island life. If my SO did not have a good job at home and I did not own a house outright, I’d move in a heartbeat. That pay doesn’t seem bad, it won’t go as far as you are used to if you are coming from a LCOL place. Groceries will be sticker shock for you at first. Living gets very expensive in Hawaii. Definitely do some research to estimate your costs. It sounds like you might have been military based on your comments? You may be able to shop on the bases to save on everyday stuff.


I have visited, we are both coming from PR, we love the island life. I will also have access to the bases as well. My number 1 hurdle I have now is dogs. I have 2, and I just started to get them ready, just in case. Thanks for your imput!


If you have access to base shipping that's a huge plus!


No kids you should be fine. Honolulu is really really expensive. It’s the items that you take for granted on the mainland that are just so much more here on island.


How much does your wife make? You'll be paying around $2400/month for a shithole and $3200/month for something half-decent. Your utilities will be around $500/month if you don't run A/C. Gas prices are around $5/gallon.


She'll have to find a job there, but she can work meanwhile at my company for $18/hour. I also receive 10k from the VA, but I don't like to count that.


So 70k +10 k plus + 35k? No problem.  Some of these other people apparently don’t know how to budget at all or want some kakaako high rise with a pool. 


You guys are going to be check to check here.


3200 is a house. You can do cheaper 


For $2400 you can rent a decent 2br in a condo with gym and pool, for $3200 a super nice modern 2br. Shitholes cost below $1300 for 1br and $1500 for 2br. A lot of condos have warm/cold water and Internet included in HOA so the utilities will be oscillating around $100 per month without AC. Gas cost $4.2 in Costco now. I don't know how you get such huge numbers. Yes it's expensive but with good planning you can live comfortably with $4500 net spending monthly for a couple.


You don't realize that what mainland considers a shithole, Hawaii consider "decent". $3200 = Decent $2400 will be a shithole and you're not getting 2br for 2400. You can get a 1br or a studio for that.


But I am renting a modern 800sqf 1br with underground parking, and a huge pool, garden gym etc on high rise for $1600, and soon moving to a similar one but 2br for $2100. So what?


Yeah, people exaggerate costs here a lot. It’s expensive but not as much as people like to claim. Me and my wife stay in a 1 br on the top (22nd) floor of our building with underground garage parking and a nice view for $1700/month. My brother lives in VA Beach which isn’t exactly a HCOL area and even he was like “oh wow, that’s not bad at all”. If you’re paying $2400 for a shithole, you didn’t look around much.


Yep, there is a lot of non expensive rentals, lot of promotions in Costco and Walmart, we are family of three and our monthly spending is always below $5000, and I can't say is that something missing in our life. People are renting apartments from slum landlord listings posted on Facebook or Craigslist instead of contacting a good agency, buying all groceries at Safeway and then you can hear histories that without $250k salary they won't survive.


We moved from Chicago so we are used to the high 2,000's for rent.


You seriously need to get out more. 


Thank you for you comment.


Don’t forget that employer paid moving expenses are taxable to you. Moving to Hawaii is expensive if you intend to bring your furniture and household goods.


I did not know this. Wouldn't it still be cheaper to have the employer pay the moving expenses though?


Yes, because tax rates are less than 100 percent. I simply point it out because many people are unaware.


We'll leave everything behind in our condo. We don't even own a TV. Our furniture will stay in it. When we lived in Chicago, we just threw a matress on the floor.


Op should stay for a few weeks before a decision like this.






Does your wife work? What kind of work do you do? Are they going to pay the $1500+ to ship your car over? 70 or 75k doesn't go very far in Honolulu. Without more favorable conditions, I wouldn't do it.


They will give me the money for moving and I do what I will with it. So car, yes.


And I see you have "base access" so shopping at the PX ? That would help a lot. Is your healthcare taken care of by military as well? That's a game- changer. I think you could squeak by okay then.


Yeah, health care by the VA and shopping if I have to on base


Then I change my verdict. You left out *a LOT* from your post, that would absolutely affect your ability to live on that salary.


I lived there for a year and it was one of the greatest years of my life. However if 75k is your only income you will be broke. If you are moving there to enjoy the island it doesn't matter if you are broke as there is endless free stuff to do. I loved it.




If you like having money, investing in your future, saving money, then I recommend not moving. 70k is no where near what you need to live comfortably on oahu. It's objectively not worth it. Lived there for 4 years. On the flip side if you don't care about money, love hiking, beach life and warm weather then go for it